+Tickbait Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 USAF 1969-72. I didn't much care for military life but I got to spend two years in Japan. Someday I'll go back for a visit; some of the prettiest country and finest people on Earth. Sure would love to do some caching there. Quote
+Zeke's Uncle Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 USAF 1977 - 1981. Tail gunner B-52. Protected our northern border out of Michigan from those Commie Russians and flew secret spy missions out of Guam over Iran and the Middle East during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Sure is a different world now! Quote
+jlday70 Posted December 11, 2005 Posted December 11, 2005 Evil Homer: Served in Afghanistan (Kabul) in 2004 as a Explosives and Ordinance Disposal technician. Wow another EOD Tech!!! That's something you don't run into to often. Hello, from a fromer US Army EOD Tech " May your C-4 always be dry and your beer always cold" It is good to see this post is still alive, and so many people have served or support those who have served. Thanks to all those who have served and who are still serving. since it is the season MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!, and if you don't celebrate Christmas may whatever holiday you observe be filled with joy.. Quote
+sbell111 Posted December 11, 2005 Posted December 11, 2005 ... Sure is a different world now! Its strange to think about it considering how it was 'back in the day', but in many ways it was safer then. Quote
+Breaktrack Posted December 16, 2005 Author Posted December 16, 2005 SBell111, you said a mouthful there....lol. The world is amazingly different and the enemies not as well defined, eh? Oh well, the only thing about life that does not change, is the fact that change is inevitable. Mac Quote
Middle Earth Fan Posted December 24, 2005 Posted December 24, 2005 U.S Army. M-60 series armor crewman 1981-1984. M1 Abrams armor crewman 1988-1990. Quote
+CamoCacher Posted December 24, 2005 Posted December 24, 2005 Well, _I_ serve by being the one to keep the homefires burning, the care packages coming, and the memory of him strong in his children. He serves in the U.S. Army, 1995 to present. He is the one to sleep in the dirt, brush sand out of his teeth, and hope the dogs don't forget who he is and attack him on his way into the house after a long mission. I don't see him often, and I miss him greatly, but I couldn't be more proud. In fact, right now I have the floopy butterflies in my stomach, because he will be home (for a short amount of time) SOON....someday I won't know what to do when its time for him to be home for GOOD!(I don't think he will either!) Thank you for your service without it us service members can not do our job. Your service is as important and as needed as ours. Know that those left at home are never forgotten for their service. Quote
+buelligan Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 Active duty Air Force from 94-98 stationed at Charleston SC as a crewchief on C-141b models. Currently in the Ohio Air National Gaurd as a crewchief on KC135R acft, I joined the gaurd in the fall of 98 so I'm coming up on my 12th year in. Will Quote
+GeoJunkie Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 (edited) I thought this would be an appropriate place to post this. Merr Christmas to all who are serving today, at home and abroad. BooBear, 2Lt, USAF (15 years prior enlisted, 1.5 years commissioned), currently stationed at Offutt AFB, NE ‘Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone, In a one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney, with presents to give and to see just who in this dwelling did live. As I looked all around, a strange sight to see, no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree. No stocking on the mantle, just boots filled with sand. On the wall hung pictures of far distant lands. Medals and badges, awards of every kind, a sobering thought came alive in my mind. This house was different, it was dark, it was dreary. I had found the home of a soldier, I could see that most clearly. The soldier lay sleeping silent, alone. Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home. His face was so gentle, room in such disorder, Not at all how I pictured a U.S. soldier. Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read? Curled up on a poncho, a floor for a bed? Then I realized the other families that I saw this night Out there lies the soldiers who are willing to fight. In the morning around the world, children would play Grown-ups would celebrate a bright Christmas day But they all enjoyed freedom, each month through the year, because of soldiers like the one lying here. I couldn’t help but wonder how many lay alone, on a cold Christmas Eve, in lands far from home. The very thought brought a tear to my eye. and I dropped to my knees and I started to cry. The soldier awakened, I heard his rough voice, “Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choice I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more. My life is my God, my country, my Corps.” The soldier rolled over, and drifted to sleep, I couldn’t control it, and I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, so silent and still. as both of us shivered from the cold night’s chill. I didn’t want to leave him on that cold, dark night. This guardian of honor, so willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over with a voice soft and pure. He whispered, “Carry on Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all secure.” One look at my watch and I knew he was right, Merry Christmas my friend, May God bless you this night. Edited December 25, 2005 by BooBear Quote
+Zzyzx Road Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 Me personally, never served. My father was Army, stationed in France in '61-'63 ( I think, all I ever heard of was his opinion of the people there and the fact that he ate some bad scallops and was sick for a week.) His father was in the Marines' Air division in '31. Had some wonderful stories for us grandkids about flying formation pranks. His commander could always "vouch for his men as they were flying practice runs..." Mom's father was Navy in Japan during cleanup after WWII (I am not sure of the dates) Great pictures of my grandpa in Navy dress... Mom's Aunt was a nurse in the Navy during WWII. Not sure where she was stationed, I was really quite small when she was able to talk about it. Hubby's best buddy as an impressionable teen was a guy who took him fishing all the time. He served (where I don't know for sure) and the best thing Hubby told me was that he was one of those Bad*ss guys who ran up on a tank to drop a grenade inside. Hubby was a pallbearer at that man's funeral. Left a large impression on him to this day. My dad's best friend from High School went to Vietnam. Never talks about the things that went on there. Theory is Agent Orange messed him up - he was never able to have kids. One time he was pumping out a flooded basement when I had to have hime come over to check a valve adjustment I had done on my car. I apologized because it was Memorial day weekend. He said it would be better than sitting in a dark damp hole that smelled like a swamp. He's also the one who, after his home had been broken into, found the stash of stuff under a tree in the grove nearby, and sat there with a shotgun and the sheriff and waited for the guys to come back. They did, to their misfortune. SO, I have had much influence in my life by those who have served! I DID try to register for the draft - they turned me down because I was a girl. Thank you to all who have served, whether you agree with the military position or not, because of you we have the country we do, the freedoms to have opinions that may differ from the norm, and the ability to speak our minds without fear of retaliation. Merry Christmas Quote
+ventura_kids Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 I was in the Navy. Served on the USS California in 1976, a Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser. I was a Nuclear Qualified Electrician. Thanks to all who serve. Quote
+Team Maccabee Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 Yet another tanker here... California Army National Guard, 1986-1991 C 1/149th Armor, Santa Cruz, CA Washington Army National Guard, 1991-1994 Troop E, 303rd Cav, Puyallup, WA Tank crewman, mostly gunner, on M48A5, M60A3, and finally M1's. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah (as appropriate) and may everyone here have a wonderful and happy 2006. To those in Iraq and Afghanistan, may you stay safe, get the job done, and come home soon! Team Maccabee Quote
+TEAM ANUCI Posted December 25, 2005 Posted December 25, 2005 From Team Anuci - Tony "the tattooed naturalist" served 1993 - 1996, I (Jill) served 1992-1996. Both of us were stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. I was a medic, he was field artillery. Tony actually was on a team that field tested some of the first gps systems over in Hawaii. Team Anuci White Cloud, MI Quote
Fenderstrat72 Posted December 27, 2005 Posted December 27, 2005 Entered USAF Active duty 17 Feb 82 and still serving today after nearly 24yrs. Currently stationed at Shaw AFB, SC. Quote
+romert Posted December 27, 2005 Posted December 27, 2005 I served in the U.S Army initially with the 4/22 infantry, Schofield Bks Hawaii. Three years in the infantry taught me some great land navigation skills. Little did I know it, but in the year 2003 it would turn into such a fun hobby. After being in the infantry for three years I re-enlisted and for a different job (or MOS) i was now a Bomb Squad Technician (EOD Exlposive Ordnance Disposal) and again land navigation skills were of the utmost importance. I was assigned to the 74th EOD unit in Fort Riley Kansas/ Rhiad Saudi Arabia During the first Gulf War my unit was dispatched to various area througout Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to disarm bombs and clear minefields. With the land being so much desert its very difficult to navigate but maps alone. During that time we used a lorance system, we called it a slugger (i don't know why) A future geocacher was born. Tony Romero Quote
+Clothahump Posted December 27, 2005 Posted December 27, 2005 No military experience, but I spent 9 years in law enforcement for various agencies. To all you military folks, both ex and current: Thank You!! Quote
+Klemmer Posted December 27, 2005 Posted December 27, 2005 Klemmer was a pilot in the USAF 1971 thru 1982. After training, flew mostly C-9A Nightingale (Aeromedical Evacuation). High point was having the privilege of flying many of our brave ex-POW's (Vietnam) to their hometowns from arrival ports in the US. Also spent 5+ years engineering and buying specialized video equipment for USAF aircraft (replacing old film cameras). TeddyBearMama was a USAF Nurse for several years, which is how we met! Our prayers are with our dedicated military personnel everywhere, especially at this time of year. Quote
+ATC06 Posted December 28, 2005 Posted December 28, 2005 Joined in 93, still active duty Army. 6 years in 2/75, one great junp and one bad landing later....been aviation for the last 6.5. Currently working as a recruiter, another 7 months on that tour. I'll be glad to get back to the big Army where is is 10x safer and 100X better than RECRUITING!!! Quote
+TEAM RETRIEVER Posted December 28, 2005 Posted December 28, 2005 Proud to have been in the United States Air Force from January of '90 to January of '94. Served in the first Gulf War. Thanks to all of our veterans out there!!!!! Quote
TURK69 Posted December 29, 2005 Posted December 29, 2005 USMC 1993-1999 Spent a couple of years overseas. Mainland Japan and also visted Australia and Indonesia. Some of the best times of my life. Semper Fi HOORAH Quote
+mailman72432 Posted January 2, 2006 Posted January 2, 2006 USAF 1991-1995 drove a fuel truck. liked it, just didn't love it, so now i drive a mail truck. thanks to all who have and still serve. Quote
+PFF Posted January 2, 2006 Posted January 2, 2006 US Coast Guard, 1964-1968. Includes one year on coastal patrols in Vietnam. It was my first lesson in contract reading. When signing on, I neglected to ask whose coast we were gonna guard. [grin] Happy New Year to all...... -Paul- Radioman First Class, visual signalman, and published the ship's newspaper. Quote
+Elde Posted January 2, 2006 Posted January 2, 2006 USN Submarine Service 1981-1991, stationed onboard the USS Henry L Stimson (Blue) from 1983-1987. Fire Control Tech (Ballistic Missile). "Trident-I, when you care enough to send the very best." Quote
+Innkeepers Posted January 2, 2006 Posted January 2, 2006 United States Army 1977-2007. Started my career as an Airborne Infantryman at Fort Bragg, NC. I retired as a Chief Warrant Officer Chinook Pilot at Fort Lewis, WA . Quote
Spinny Posted January 2, 2006 Posted January 2, 2006 USAF 1979-2002. Enlisted as a linguist, transitioned into airborne electronic warfare, flew as part of the RDF for a few years. Finished my undergrad degree as part of a commissioning program (after many years of night school), earned my commission after 14 years active. Earned a graduate degree from AFIT; retired after 23 years while at an AF research lab, where I now work as a contractor. Quote
+ADS1 Posted January 3, 2006 Posted January 3, 2006 U. S. Army 1969 - 1971 3rd Brigade 1st Cav Airmobile. Vietnam Vet. Worked with Operations and Intelligence. Quote
stratmanx Posted January 3, 2006 Posted January 3, 2006 United State Navy 1977-1986 Submarine Service, USS Groton SSN694. Sonarman Second Class, Submarine Qualified Surface Navy USS Meyerkord FF1052, Sonarman Second Class, Submarine Qualified. Quote
+The Canning Clan Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 Yet another EOD man here.....Canadian Air Force last 21 years and still going. This is a great thread and I have enjoyed reading it for the past 30 minutes. I have served all over the world including germany for 4 great years. "God created EOD and the Devil stood to attention" Quote
SPKr Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 USN 1983-1990 Guantanamo Bay Cuba and Mayport Fl. (Aviation Electronics Tech) Thanks to all who are still serving!!!!! Scott Quote
+Raine Posted January 4, 2006 Posted January 4, 2006 (edited) USN CVN69 Eisenhower & [C][M]H53E Training Command (Operations Specialist) -Raine Edited January 4, 2006 by raine Quote
+IndyTechNerd Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 My grandfather was in the first unit to enter Dachau concentration camp in WWII, something I never knew until this year. My father spent 18mos. in the northern part of what is now South Vietnam, where in that area he has never said. In February 1992, 20 months after I graduated highschool, I signed up for the Air Force. During my MEPS processing, it was discovered that I had an irregular heartbeat and from there they determined I had a defective heart valve. I was permanantly disqualified from military service, regardless of the fact that I was still a competitive distance runner, but I got a dadgum good physical on the government's dime. I have some bitterness that I made it to nearly 20 years old before someone told me that I had a heart problem, and to this day believe that I'd still be in the Air Force. To those of you who have served and those of you who are still serving, I have 2 words... THANK YOU Quote
+PilotMan Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 I was in the Navy. Served on the USS California in 1976, a Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser. I was a Nuclear Qualified Electrician. Thanks to all who serve. Rock on to Nuke EMs! I'm a nuclear trained electrician on the USS George Washington currently. Quote
+Breaktrack Posted January 12, 2006 Author Posted January 12, 2006 I was in the Navy. Served on the USS California in 1976, a Nuclear Powered Guided Missile Cruiser. I was a Nuclear Qualified Electrician. Thanks to all who serve. Rock on to Nuke EMs! I'm a nuclear trained electrician on the USS George Washington currently. Wow, you have a great job!! Believe it or not, I was attending my Officer Basic Course at Fort Lee, Virginia when the U. S. S. George Washington was christened at Newport News. President Bush (the first one) was going to be there and the first lady (Barbara Bush) was going to do the actual christening. I talked about 20 of the other 2nd Lieutenants (Ensigns to you swabbies) into going to the ceremony. I'm sure all of the naval personnel in attendance had a hard time figuring out why there were a whole crew of Army officers in dress greens on the dock, but hey, we like to confuse folks....lol. Now remember, I served for four years active duty in the U. S. Navy in the late 70's, so I can talk about the canoe club all I want....LOL. I've always kept up with the Washington ever since, felt a small connection with her after that. Mac Quote
+goobers5 Posted January 14, 2006 Posted January 14, 2006 I tried everything the Army had to offer, hey wasn't there a slogan back in the day? Be all that you can be, in the army. That was my motto. I started out as an MP in the Army Reserves, then a truck driver in the Nat'l Guard, then an MP in Active Army. Then, I figured I would try this Inactive Ready Reserve stuff. That was fun, but no pay check got old. So, back to the Army Reserve as an MP. There I found out how deployment in the reserves is. There were good days and there were a lot more bad days (thank goodness there was beer, though). And after 16 years, I have done all the military had to offer. Duty stations include: Heidelberg, Germany; Ft.Drum, NY; Egypt; Cuba; Panama; Ft. Campbell, KY and a couple boring places in MO. Glad I did it, but sure am glad I am done with it! Quote
+Global Retrievers Posted January 14, 2006 Posted January 14, 2006 USMC 1989-2001. Got out as a GySgt. First five years I was a 6313 Com/Nav Tech for the A-6 Intruder. After that I worked on EA-6Bs when the Coprs did away with the A-6s for F/A-18s. I served in Desert Storm with VMA-(AW)-533. Lat. moved as a Sgt in 1994 to the 0200 field as an Imagery Analyst. Now I work for one of the three-letter acronym agencies here in the D.C. area. I thank the Corps every day for what it has given me in my life. OOH-RAH Devil Dogs. Stay Hard and God bless! Quote
+drur Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 USAR 1987 - Present Currently an Instructor (92F Petroleum Supply) Service to me is not about the money, but about giving back to the greatest country in the world. I learned land nav the hard way; compass, protractor, miltary topo map, etc. Quote
+Breaktrack Posted January 19, 2006 Author Posted January 19, 2006 Man, is this a great thread or what??? LOL. Mac Quote
+skinny 1 Posted January 19, 2006 Posted January 19, 2006 MN army National Guard 21.5 years with Co C 2-135, KFOR rotation 5B. Some of the guys are training again for another deployment. Retired March 2005. To all those serving THANK YOU Craig Quote
+Breaktrack Posted January 25, 2006 Author Posted January 25, 2006 Yup, it is good to get that 20 year letter, ain't it? LOL. Mac Quote
BomberJohn Posted January 26, 2006 Posted January 26, 2006 USAF 1977 - 1981. Tail gunner B-52. Protected our northern border out of Michigan from those Commie Russians and flew secret spy missions out of Guam over Iran and the Middle East during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Sure is a different world now! Tail gunner in a B-52? There's a job that got phased out. I did two years maintaining the BUFFs up there on the northern border in Michigan from 1983 to 1985. Brrrrr! Quote
+The_Proffens Posted January 26, 2006 Posted January 26, 2006 USN 2000-Present Air Traffic Controller currently stationed at NAS Pax River, Maryland but I have orders in hand to report to the USS Nassau in May. Quote
+Breaktrack Posted August 22, 2006 Author Posted August 22, 2006 For all those who have served, and are currently serving, kudos to you. Anyone that is interested please consider joining the Patriot Guard Riders. We attend the funerals of fallen soldiers and veterans to honor their service and sacrifice. You do not have to be a motorcycle rider to join or participate, everyone is welcome. Go to http://patriotguard.org/ and see what you think. Once again, thank you. Mac McKinney Captain, USAR (ret). Quote
+CheshireFrog Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 (edited) Sorry, missed this back in January. 21 Years USAF, 12 of those in a combat unit. Veteran of the first Gulf War, Bosnia and evacuation of US civilians during the first Liberian civil war. Retired from Cheyenne Mountain January of '99. Edited August 22, 2006 by CheshireFrog Quote
namiboy Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 i'm an 8 year navy vet. i was an AT which stands for aviation electronics technician. first 4 years in san diego, then 4 years in japan. 10 total months of sea time. made stops in hong kong, korea, africa, phillippines. i fixed electronic components on F14, FA18, A6, EA6B, E2C, S3. highly recommend a stint in the military for everyone. Quote
+oldsoldier Posted August 22, 2006 Posted August 22, 2006 Apparently I missed this thread too. Active duty Army infantry from 88-91, then national guard till 96. Took a hiatus until 2000, back national guard infantry till 2004. Currently out now. Until my friends go off to get shot at again. then, the sucker I am, will probably re-up. Quote
+erikwillke Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 (edited) 8 years Navy. 1992-1996 USS San Jacinto (CG-56) Deck Seamen and Boatswain's Mate 1996-2000 HS-4 Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron, Aviation Electrician's Mate. eddited fro speling Edited August 23, 2006 by erikwillke Quote
+H2OBob Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 Wow! I just noticed this thread, and I've been reading it for the past 4 hours. I didn't realise there were so many vets into geocaching.Here's my story: USAF E-4 '66-'70. AEW&C Radar Tech Tech school at Keesler AFB, MS, 3 years duty at McCoy AFB, FL with the 966th AEW&C SQN The semi-official EC-121/AEW&C site: www.dean-boys.com And to all service personel overseas, THANK YOU for your sacrifices. If we can give others a taste of the freedom we have cherished, maybe we can get the whole world on the wagon with us. Quote
+Big Max Posted August 23, 2006 Posted August 23, 2006 Served in the Navy for 6 years, 79-85. Spent 4 years of that on the fast attack submarine USS Tunny, SSN682 as an Electricians Mate. In Memorium The sacrifice that you have made So we are free and unafraid To speak our minds upon the street. For us this is the greatest treat. You fought for us and died that day To God above for you I pray. With great respect and head bowed low A special place to you bestow. Big Max Quote
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