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How did you serve?

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Read most of the 300 and some replies and just wanted to say from one who is in the Air Force thanks for all of you who have served before me and made this great nation one that I would give my life for today. Shriever AFB Co. Springs 96-99. RAF Lakenheath, UK 99-03. FE Warren AFB 03- present. I love my job and would not trade it for anything else out there and that says alot being that anthing else would offer more money.


Tyler B. Dunn, SSgt, USAF

90th Missile Security Forces Squadron

Francis E. Warren Air Force Base

Cheyenne Wy.


US Navy, 3/71 - 3/75, US Naval Communications Station, Agana, Guam (3/72-3/75). I was a morse code operator who communicated with merchant vessels, mostly delivering food and supplies to troops in Vietnam. Was also a ham operator working out of the base's club station, KG6AAY. That's about it.


U.S.Navy 20 years...Retired... Hull tech and Damage Control Chief

USS John F Kenedy CV67.. Norfolk VA

USS JASON AR8 ... Pearl Harbor HI

USS Constelation CV 64... San Diego CA

NRD Albany NY - NRS Manchester CT

USS L.Y Spear AS-36 ... Norfolk VA

USS Stump DD- 978.... Norfolk VA

SIMA Mayport FL

Now call me shallow if you wish but knowing someone served, in whatever capacity, in our nation's forces gives them a little more credibiity with me when it comes to what they say. It sort of says they've walked the walk, not just talked the talk.


I do not assign more or less credibility in non-military matters to vets.


Having said that, I worked with the Army's Pershing II missile system from 1984-1988. INF and all that; "we handle more thermonukes by breakfast than most people handle all day". ;-)


I enlisted into the USAR while I was still in high school (presured by my step-dad)

and attended drills for about two years, but then I moved away from my unit and was placed in IRR for the remainder if my time. I was too young at the time to really have known what I was signing up for, I sometimes wonder how much more I would learn about myself if I went through basic again these days.


US Army '96-Present


Ft. Benning, GA - 1/50th IN, 1/507th PIR (IET/ABN)

Ft. Campbell, KY - 3/502nd IN (AASLT)

Ft. Sherman, Panama - JOTC (TDY)

Presidio of Monterey, CA - 229th MI (CM)

Goodfellow AFB, TX - 344th MI (Crypto)

Fort Lewis, WA - 1st SFG (Afghan)


Well, that is a summed up version of my 201 file ;) After 4+ years as an Infantryman, I went MI. I am amazed that there are so many cryptologic linguists (past and present) running around here. (Its not exactly a large military community).


For those that express their support for Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel, thank you for speaking up. It doesn't fall on deaf ears, and that alone makes the whole thing worthwhile.

Posted (edited)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lysa:<BR>Obviously, being Canadian... I didn't serve  icon_biggrin.gif<!--graemlin::D--><BR><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>Hmmm...I sincerely hope that comment was due to the fact you thought this was an American thread. Else mine Royal-Canadian-serving boot rise up and smite thee in thy arse.<BR><BR>I served in The Naval Reserve (HMCS York) which is where my father began, and his father before him. Dad later shipped out before serving - and being topedoed x 3- as a CPO telegraphist during WWII in the Battle of the Atlantic (HMCS Saguenay, Skeena and Lauzon) I joined up so my Dad could see someone else in the family in the naval uniform. Joined the Gun Run team as he did too. Broke my kneecap and damned near my neck. When I came home after joining up, his reponse was "What in the hell did you go and do that for?" Sheesh. Fathers. <BR><BR>God-speed hearts of oak.<BR><BR>MMmmmmm pie!


12 years in the Canadian Air Reserve

Captain, Logistics Corps


2 Tactical Helicopter Wing Headquarters

400 Tactical Helicopter Squadron

Canadian Forces School of Administration and Logistics

2 summers at the Blackdown Army Cadet Training Centre


Per Audra Ad Astra ;)

Edited by planemaker
Posted (edited)

US Army 89-01....8 years Field Artillery at Fort Polk, LA, Camp Casey Korea, And Fort Stewart, GA


4 years Explosive Ordnance Disposal at Fort Knox, KY And yes I still have all my fingers and toes. ;)


I think what most of the military folks have in common and what link this has to Geocaching is most of us had our first experiences with gpsrs was in the military.


John L. Day

Edited by jlday70
i feel that somehow this thread attempts to make the opinions of veterans more valued than other people's opinions. <BR><BR>no matter whether you intent is to politicize a thread, it's been done from inception.<BR><BR>maybe that's why jeremy didn't mention it here. this is a recreational site, and service in the military is not a prerequisite. this isn't even about US citizens; this is a world wide sport.<BR><BR>i'd appreciate it if we kept our topics more to our common points, rather than what divides us.<BR><BR>i'm playing games here. i'm singing and dancing and laughing and playing pranks, and by golly, that's important work.<BR><BR>it doesn't matter if you get to camp at one or at six. dinner is still at six.

US Army 1987-1997

Quartermaster Corps

Rigger and Jumpmaster


524th Military Intelligence Battalion – Seoul, South Korea

1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) –occasionally at Fort Lewis Washington

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) –rarely seen at their HQ at Fort Carson Colorado


Having said all of that, my service in no way reflects or indicates my politics. If we sat and talked I think you would be surprised by worldviews. I see this thread as way to share with each other our backgrounds and where we come to this sport from. Just as you would want to be associated with the overall global group of geocachers, the subset of us who also served have a bond that we share. If this type of thread bothers you can avoid it as it is clearly labeled. I however respect that the fact that you made your feelings about it known in a respectful way.


I was in the Civil Air patrol as a young man and went into the US Navy out of highschool... I served in the last leg of the Gulf War and went on to support the Bosnia reflief flights from the Deck of the USS John F. Kennedy as a communications and intelligence specialist.


I still have dreams that I am back on board that fine Naval Vessle...


U.S Army 1973 - 1983. Signal Corps 124th Sig. Bn. 31M40, EMT 3rd & 87th Inf. 10th Mountain Traing Breg.. Medical Spec. 129th Station Hosp., Spc. 6 when I left.


U.S. Navy Active duty from 1987 to 1997, 9 years total.

Seperated as an AW1/E-6 (Air Warfare Systems Operator).

Naval Aircrewman aboard the mighty P-3C Orion patrol plane.


Was an acoustic sonar operator (beartrap), hunting soviet subs during the cold war. Remember that guy 'Jonesy' in the movie 'Hunt for Red October'? That's what I did, except he was on a sub, I flew around looking for subs. Cold war ended, soviet subs went home, our budget was cut. Nothing for us to do! P-3C Orion community lost half of their strength. Time for me to get out.

After my initial training in Orlando, Pensacola, then Memphis, was stationed in Jacksonville, Florida until I got out.

Served with sqaudrons:

VP-56 Dragons, 88-91, now disestablished

VP-49 Woodpeckers, 91-94, now disestablished

VP-30 Pro's nest, 94-97(training squadron)

Deployed overseas 4 times. On detachments too many times to count. All over Europe, South America, and North America. Travel was the best part!


Great times!

Dan the hiking viking


1985-1993 U.S. Army Field Artillary, Forward Observer 13-FOXTROT


Now you know why I love geo-caching , i didnt get a GPS till after my 15 Cache, I love Map hunting, but those urban minis you really need a GPS.


I did tours in Ft. Lewis, Ft. Dix. Ft. Sill, OK, Germany( I was on the last check point charlie detail) and Desert storm with the 24th IF, I'm 38 and thinking about going national guard they will take me i asked, I just need to lose 70 LBS and get up my run to 19 minutes, I'm now at 30 minutes, I might not make it .


I do salute all those guys over there in "BUSH's War" , come home soon. :anibad:


Retired USAF Lt Col with 23 years. Ten active, 13 Reserve.


Forward Air Control pilot with 300 combat mission over Cambodia, 1971 (the book is in work).


Instructor pilot - jet. 2,000 hours flight time.


Media Relations Officer USAF Space Program.


Will still be a soldier when they nail the lid down.

Posted (edited)

I was a Police officer here in Reno for three great years. I was not able to get in the service due to me being diabetic.


I don't care what anyones opinion on any war is....I support all of you guys that have or are serving. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You have been through hell (even if only in basic training) and you will always have my family's support.



Edited by Bahamadiver

I'm not from the U.S.A. but support the men & women who serve; my service was 1 year Canadian Army; presently 26 years with the Canadian Coast Guard....God Bless the Military.


US Navy 1970-74 as a Radioman. E1 to E5 in 2 yrs. with no push buttons.

All 4 years at Skaggs Island, CA

Volunteered for Viet Nam but was never sent.

Offered $10G to remain in the Navy but I wanted to go to OCS. Too old - got out.

I really liked the time I spent in the service. God bless those still serving.

Posted (edited)
I served in the US Navy from 1984 - 1990.  I was a corpsman/medic on the aircraft carrier INDEPENDENCE for most of that time.  I learned to fly planes in the navy which introduced me to GPS's, which in turn got me hooked on geocaching.



Well, how about that. I actually went out to the Independence while she was steaming off the coast of Puerto Rico one time when they needed a weather electronics tech to work on their weather gear. I was stationed at Roosevelt Roads at that time and was an ET, assigned to Air Operations there so I wound up working on all the weather related electronics gear.


My supervisor and I flew out on a helicopter and spent the day working on the gear, then made a cat shot in the mail plane to come back, it was one cool experience...LOL. It was weird in a way because the seats in the mail plane are facing backwards so we were looking out the little windows watching the ship get smaller once we got over having our spines compressed by the catapult...LOL.




P. S. that was sometime in 1979 I believe.

Edited by Breaktrack

2004-present MI National Guard (currently just beginning OCS) attached to 156th Signal


1987-1989 US Army Ft Jackson, Ft Ben Harrison, IN and Fulda, Germany (Black Horse 11th ACR - well attached to personnel unit since I am a female - but love the 11th ACR)

Posted (edited)

I was in the Civil Air Patrol as a teen for all of 6 weeks before I twisted my knee and became useless for the military :/ But it was a good 6 weeks, and I wish more teens new the CAP was an option.


(Honestly, I think anyone who has done any sort of volunteer civil work, from the military, to volunteer firemen, to doing trash patrol on the beach, has served the country well. It's not about what you do, it's about how much heart you put into it.)

Edited by EleriandBlade

US Navy 1982-2002 MMC/SS (Chief Machinist Mate/Qualified Submarines) Retired


USS Coontz (DDG-40)

USS Pogy (SSN-647)

USS Topeka (SSN-754)

USS Alaska (G) (SSBN-732)


Thank you all who serve or have served!!

2004-present MI National Guard (currently just beginning OCS) attached to 156th Signal


1987-1989 US Army Ft Jackson, Ft Ben Harrison, IN and Fulda, Germany (Black Horse 11th ACR - well attached to personnel unit since I am a female - but love the 11th ACR)

You hang in there ohgrl, it's well worth it, the OCS that is.


I wound up in the Texas Army National Guard Academy attending OCS in 1987/88, got my commission as a 2Lt on June 16, 1988. Had to be one of the best days of my life.


Best of luck and remember this line from your officers handbook: "Only those who are willing to serve, are fit to lead."


"Mission first, then your men, then yourself." ( I know, it should probably be changed to "then your soldiers", but that's the way it was taught to me....lol.).



1,300 Care packages in 3 months to the troops in Iraq

Well, you're a hero of mine, if that counts for anything. Without such support life would be more difficult for the troops, so you keep up the good work and accept the thanks of an old soldier.




Proud wife of a retired US Army SFC, MOS 19K. Our last duty station before he retired in 2001 was Bad Kreuznach Germany. We were there when they closed down the post and watched the 1st Armored Division's final march through the city. Other stations included Ft. Hood, Schweinfurt Germany, Kitzingen, Germany, Ft. Leavenworth, KS. The most unusual thing he did while in the Army was to go to Waco on 'Jesus Watch'. His unit provided the M1 tanks used during the David Koresh stand-off then each platoon rotated on a weekly basis to Waco in case the ATF folks needed help.


I worked as a civilian for the 410th BSB, in Bad Kreuznach; the 66th MI Group in Darmstadt, Germany; and the US Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, DC before I went to work for Northrop Grumman.


My daughter served in the Army reserve, my son-in-law served in the Army, they are now both contractors working in Germany.


My younger daughter tried to join the Army and Air Force but due to a missing finger on her left hand they wouldn't take her, their loss as she would have made a great general!


Currently my twin sons are still in high school, but one aspires to go to West Point and the other wants to go to the Naval Academy.


National Disaster Volunteer, DSHR, American Red Cross, served in NYC on 9/11, currently a team captain for a Response Team in my home Chapter and the Chairman of Disaster Response Coordination, also teach Disaster Services classes for Red Cross. Married to another National Disaster Vounteer, Disaster Response team member.




U.S.N. '73 - '77 aboard the U.S.S. Pledge MSO-492 (Ocean going minesweeper) sister ship to posted pic.

"Wooden ships and Iron Men"

Kept the coast of Southern California free of mines.

2 years as an Engineman

2 years as an Operation Specialist

4 years, 19 days and Disability Discharge


Anyone care to guess what branch the Marine half of the Marine Biologist team served?


78-98 Cryptologic Linguist and Intel analyst. USMC OOOH RAH


three tours in Gtmo, GW1, Panama, Grenada. Lots of other interesting places. May have been in Monterey at the same time Jeremy was there. What a small world.


Just want to send a big thanks to all who served before, with and after me....and even more importantly to the Military Spouses. I feel they had the hardest job of all. At least we received training for what we had to do.


Semper Fi


My most deep and heartfelt thanks go out to all veterans. Were it not for you we would not be able to have the luxuries we sometimes take for granted. To our soldiers, our guardians and protectors, Thank You!

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