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Same as said before. Alter the filter to: g_Regex('^8|^9',OwnerName)
Why always denigrate those who want to make our discoveries evolve?
There are a lot... 20! and in 12 countries. It's a global for a few possibilities to mark.
Vielen Dank für die Antwort, aber wie kann ich den TB grabben? Ich bekomms nicht hin . Ich weiß ja nicht, wer ihn als letztes hatte.
Hi all, I received a watchlist notification email for a Reviewer Attention Requested log and noticed that the subject still reads "[LOG] Watchlist: user requested Cachename (Type) to be archived" and that the Log Type is still listed as "Needs Archived". I assume then that this is also the case for Owner Attention Requested and "Needs Maintenance". Is updating the notification emails to the new names of these logs in the pipeline?
I have the same question. In this case, I need a cache hidden by an owner that starts with the number eight and with the number nine. I’ve tried the look at logs of previous Finder trick, but this particular cash seems to be found predominantly by people coming in from other states, and it doesn’t help me if their answer was three states away. Any suggestions?
Sometimes even visiting COs get confused. There's a 2006 cache hidden deep inside a large cave but at some point someone who couldn't find it dropped a throwdown. The CO went to check but couldn't find either the original or the throwdown so left a new replacement. When I attempted the cache in 2022, the logbook in the container I found had entries going right back to 2006 so was almost certainly the original, so I guess there are now at least three containers hiding in that cave.
@Yazz Can you please try again? It should work now.
Proxy maintenance and logging a find: is this acceptable?
CAVinoGal replied to Yashinoki's topic in General geocaching topics
It's definitely BETTER if you have CO permission, but I know of at least 2 cases near me where the CO (different CO's) gave permission for a replacement (CO did NOT visit GZ, just relied on the eyes of the cachers making the replacement) and there ends up being 2 caches at GZ. Also, I don't know how many times hubby and I have been searching and we both call out "I got it!" and there are 2 containers, 2 one, or both, are obvious throwdowns. We sign one, combine logsheets if we can, and leave one cache for others to find. -
As the previous posters have pointed out throwdowns are bad. Unless you have permission from the CO... then it's fine IMO. And of course they deserve a find if they're putting the effort into replacing a cache they don't even own. Local cacher has a couple of cool caches but is now mostly inactive. I DNF'd one, and he ended up contacting me that the cache was missing. I volunteered to replace it and I logged it as found. No problems with that.
Fantastic!! Thanks so much to the techs at HQ for getting this issue sorted. 👍😀👍 Cheers, Calypso62
- Yesterday
I am seeing your account still as Premium. Please write again to so the support team can look into this.
Yes, but I’ve already got an email stating I’m now a basic member.
If you are trying to update payment details for Geocaching Premium membership on between Jan 30 - Feb 6 our payment system will be down temporarily. (The Geocaching app® and API partners are not impacted).After the maintenance window you can resume updating your payment details. So you should be able to update your credit card information tomorrow.
You have every right to be concerned! I just thought you might appreciate this info that was posted on the blog with the new pricing information: "If your Premium membership lapses, there is a grace period of 30 days, during which you still will be eligible for legacy pricing."
Trying to update my legacy Premium membership, but they didn’t accept my prepaid credit card this year. Was told they don’t accept prepaid cards. Ha been using on site for years. When I go to update credit card information it gives me an error 500. They told me week ago it would be available in 7 days. Just wondering if anyone else is having issues. My membership expires tomorrow.
This is not, in fact, the preferred technique. It's rather the opposite. Yes, you can discuss things with your reviewer ahead of time, but when you submit the cache for review, you're agreeing that it is in place.
[Bug] Image properties lost every time cache description is edited
SnowstormMK replied to funkymunkyzone's topic in Website
I somehow forgot to post this here: I have reported this, and it is in the backlog. -
Just wondering if there is any chance this bug could be acknowledged by Groundspeak, and maybe added to the backlog? I've been encountering it a bit lately with some cache descriptions. Super annoying is that the cache description text/content does not even need to be edited for the style options on the image to be lost - the mere fact the cache page has been opened for edit for other reasons like updating hint or some other property causes the image styles to be lost.
There's a cache circa 2006 on an island near home that I DNFed in 2015. A bit later someone dropped a throwdown, then that went missing so someone else dropped a replacement throwdown. Good grief! If it ever goes missing long enough to get archived, I might consider placing a cache there myself, but otherwise I don't have any inclination to return there and log a "find" on a throwdowned-throwdown.
This issue has been fixed.
You look to be in the UK, and I am glad the next quote and later an answer clarified... 20 miles apart in the UK is vastly different from 20 miles apart where I live in New England. Right, as I said above. I have to totally disagree here. Most events I attend are a good hour away. I am far MORE likely to attend BOTH than to attend just one. In fact, if there are two or three events near each other but separated by a bit of time, then even better. I'd rather they be a half hour or hour apart at most. Four hours is too much time to hang around (especially if I have been cache active there, leaving me - winter especially - with not much to do in between, or nothing... we've been very cache active where we mostly attend events). Lately we have been skipping events we'd enjoy because there isn't another good reason to drive that far for a single short gathering. We have noticed that other attendees are very similar - they'll drive a ways for more than one event close in time to each other, but rarely for a single event. (Exception: if it's not winter and someone has set out a series of new caches, which becomes a second attraction of course.) I thought they did... unless this has changed since I got a smiley for attending my own event in 2024.
Proxy maintenance and logging a find: is this acceptable?
CAVinoGal replied to Yashinoki's topic in General geocaching topics
Exactly! We have a very in theme, well-cammoed hide. One local finder commented that she expected more of an in-theme container after the write up and knowing our "style". We couldn't imagine anything MORE in theme than what we had hidden, so we contacted her, and what she found was NOT our container, but a basic pill bottle. We visited GZ, our original was still in place, and the "throwdown" had several signatures - the last finders who found the throwdown first and never looked further. We could tell from the logsheet on the throwdown exactly WHO the culprit was. Here's the note on the cache page and a message sent to all the cachers on the throwdown log - we didn't delete any of the finds, and left it up to the cachers to go back and re-visit to have the experience we intended! "My sincere thanks to xxxxxxxx for logging her disappointment that the Arachnophobia cache did not involve any arachnids. This alerted me to go check it out, since the cache most certainly does in fact closely involve an arachnid. I contacted xxxxxxxxx to discover what she found. It was a throw-down! I went to the cache site and found a simple container stuck in a fence post about 10 feet from the actual cache. There were several signatures on the log. I removed the unauthorized container. I don't know if people think that by throwing down a spare container they are somehow doing the CO a favor, or if some people are just so blindly desperate to log a find. Let me be clear; you are not doing anyone a favor if you throw-down a spare container. You logged a find, but as a consequence, several geo-cachers missed the fun of finding the actual cleverly disguised theme inspired container. I know people play the game differently, and some folks are all about the numbers. But many of us take time to develop fun, clever, and themed containers and unique ways to hide them. Please don't cheapen our efforts by throwing down another simple pill bottle wrapped in camo tape. If you can't find the cache, log a DNF to inform the CO that there may be a problem. At a minimum, add to your log that you threw-down a replacement, so the CO can investigate. I have no intention of deleting any logs, but I will be sending a copy of this log via message to the last few signers who logged a find on the throw-down container so perhaps, if you're once again in the area, you can stop by and enjoy the experience of finding the actual cache." Side note: Several that signed the throwdown did re-visit the REAL cache!!