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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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1 Chrome Gear ............very cool...thanks Seventhson


1 set of GBA.....thanks rivercity


1 ROT13....thanks GCC


1 WOW.......thanks WeBeDnD


1 Nederlandse....thanks Team Simpson


1 Very Special Coin from a Very Special Person...I am humbled....thank you very much.


Good day, today. :) I got:


German Gold


German Silver


German Bronze


Frozen Bone Zone Run Silver


TC Winter Convergence


Mrs. Moops coin


Moops mini coin


and a dozen Ontario bronze



Posted (edited)

yesterday a bronze lowracer from trade...cool

today 2 aerohounds...very nice coin

silvermarc wooden nickels

oh and i forgot an old token from Kitty's Kat House, home for tigers..$3 all night. want to make a cache for the site if i can and use this token for a first to find.


p.s. now i just have to fgiure out where kitty kats house was... :)

Edited by qattales

2 Brass Celtic Cross

Silver Celtic Cross

Brass Connecticut w/bobuck siggy item :)

GBA Earthquake

GBA Coin Club

New Jersey

3 USA 2006

3 Brass Frozen Bone Cache Zone

3 Silver Frozen Bone Cache Zone


Today I got:


250 Silver KS coins

900 Kansas Coins

3 Antique Gold KS coins (unexpected, but a nice gift)

5 January Rot13 Coin Club coins (this is an awesome coin)

Shasties antique gold

Shasties antique silver

Ontario gold

Ontario silver

Ontario another metal (not sure which metal)

Sunshine Gang gold plate

Sunshine Gang silver plate


Now off to check the PO Box........

2x Ontario (Silver)

1x Ontario (Gold)


1x OIFGA (Gold)

1x GeoJeepGirl/Jeeptoysrus



Good to see that someone deserving as you got a gold OIFGA geocoin.

We appreciate that! Korey is really going to like this coin, but she won't be able to see it for at least another week. She is stuck in Guam until her aircraft is fixed. Of all places to get "stuck"... must be nice!



This is the last few days as I haven't posted lately.

Ontario - 1 gold, 2 silver , 5 bronze (great moose)

Frozen Bone Cache Zone - 2 silver, 2 gold

Traveling Viking


Crop Circle


Wanna Go ( and some great extras)


SunshineGang V2

ROT 13 x2

TC Winter Convergence

Kache Kids LE



Lots of excellent coins!


World Of Geocaching - 1st. Ed.


NW Pennsylvania - Satin Gold

NW Pennsylvania - Satin Nickel (the more attractive coin, IMO)


My first three different coins day! All quite handsome.




Well, I finally received a bunch of coins today. My mail seems to be pretty slow lately.


Today I received

Ontario (gold, silver and bronze)


The Nano Twins


and GBA fault line


Yesterday I received my long awaited Dutch coins and the very cool Shop99er


Other coins this week included:

NWPA 2006

Crop Circle

Lady Cacher

Atlanta Girl


World of Geocaching


today was a heavy mail box day for me!!


1 TeamCoyChev (and three of the four MIGO PATCHES)


1 GCC winter wonder land


1 Fire Elemntal (bronze)


1 ROT13


Ontario coins:

1 gold


2 silver


6 bronze (forgot I order that many) (gonna leave a couple in caches this weekend)

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