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Shadow's Spring Fever Cointest


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The snow is almost gone, the ice is out of most of the lakes in the area, the tulips are starting to pop out of the ground and of course Shadow is again coming down with a case of spring fever. A cointest maybe just the sunshine he needs before he is able to go lay out in the back yard on a nice sunny day.


In his old age, he has either become pickier or smarter. When we would offer him treats in the past he would take it, hop away and eat it. Over this last winter he now will smell what we offer, and if it is not to his liking, he will mark it with his chin and wait for something else.


Shadow has decided to do an interactive cointest, he is one smart bunny. Below is a list of treats that are available to offer Shadow. Pick any three and post in the order you would offer them to him. Shadow’s Friend or I will offer the treats to Shadow. They will be offered from most selected to least selected. All posts that had the first one that he takes and hops away with as their first choice will be put into a hat and one will be drawn as the winner. I believe this is how Shadow wants it to work, he does talk fast and quite, so I might not have it correct, and I may need to adjust it, if it is not what he wanted.


Alfalfa pellet

Banana chip



Apricot (Dried)



Cranberry (Dried)






Winner can choose one Coin from the list below (Links will take you to topic with picture of the coin)



CacheHawk AC

CacheOwl AC

CacheOwl AB

Hop along Shadow AC

Hop along Shadow AB

Shape Shadow AB (non trackable)

Shape Shadow AC (non trackable)




One entry per 24 hour

Edited post will be disqualified

Shadow decisions are final



In his old age, he has either become pickier or smarter. When we would offer him treats in the past he would take it, hop away and eat it. Over this last winter he now will smell what we offer, and if it is not to his liking, he will mark it with his chin and wait for something else.



I do the exact same thing !





Banana chip


I am hungry so I think I will go grab a few raisins. Tell Shadow that I have a few of his favorite treats here but he has to eat raisins first before he gets them ;)


Thanks for the cointest Shadow!


oh boy.... I new chance to win the bunny shaped coin! :lol:


Ok... think as a bunny... think as a bunny... Emm.. but I do not know what bunnies love to eat!


well..let's guess







In his old age, he has either become pickier or smarter. When we would offer him treats in the past he would take it, hop away and eat it. Over this last winter he now will smell what we offer, and if it is not to his liking, he will mark it with his chin and wait for something else.



I do the exact same thing !




I thought I saw you hopping!


Shadow is very excited that so many people are offering him treats. Images of carrot, oatmeal, and Pineapple are dancing in his head. I don’t think that he can wait too long for this test.


All post before 7 pm central time tonight (4-15-11) will be tabulated to figure the order the treats are offered to him. After that we will offer him the treats to see which one he likes, and then who the winner is. We will post the winner sometime for 10 pm central time.


All items on the list he does get on a regular basis. Some items he likes more than other. His favorites do change from minute to minute. All items have an equal chance of being taken or rejected.




Thanks for the cointest!

Hmmmm, lets see.............We don't have a bunny, but our gerbil Pepper says to go with:


Dried Cranberry




Gerbil and Rabbits aren't that different, are they? :laughing:


Well, I'm not all that familiar with Shadow's (or any rabbit's) favorite treats, but I will guess



Apricot (Dried)



Thanks for treats (I mean cointest!)


Spring? What spring...it's snowing here today :( If it doesn't stop I'm packing my bags and moving to Death Valley.


Here's my pics...

Alfalfa pellet



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