+applewomyn Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 To celebrate the arrival of my new Pursuit of Caching Pie coins (yes, they are finally here), I thought I'd sponsor a cointest and give two (2) lucky winners a free Pursuit of Caching Pie coin! Since the coins are a tribute to the famous Trivial Pursuit game, I'd like to know a little bit of trivia about you folks. All you have to do is post a response explaining the origin of your geocaching handle/name! You have until 9pm EST Sunday to make your post (just one explanation per nickname please) and I'll use a random number selector to select two posts to win coins. Winners get to chose which color coin they want (there are six regular edition coins to choose from: blue, brown, green, pink, yellow and orange). I'll start: Applewomyn is a handle I've used online since the mid/late 90s. I was an early adopter of internet gaming and at the time it seems like there were two general truths... 1. Most of the folks doing internet gaming were men 2. Almost everyone out there was using a Windows PC I was a big Macintosh/Apple user so to make a point, I created a handle that would let folks know I was neither a male nor a PC user! The name stuck and I've used it ever since. When I started geocaching I used the name and have often used apples on my personal geocoins, etc. even though the name was actually in reference to Apple Computers. If you haven't ordered one of the new Pie coins and aren't feeling lucky in the cointest, I have some left and you can order through my website. Just scroll down to the Pie coins and there is an order link that will take you to PayPal. Good luck with the cointest!!! Quote Link to comment
+puzzlefam Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) Never joined a cointest, and this sounds like a GREAT one to start with! I am VERY proud of our name, and therefore proud to tell the story: When my husband and I started dating I already had 2 kids ages 3 & 5 (now 11 & 13). They loved him immediately. They already have a great father, but still had room their hearts for James. He has always been there for them, loving them like they were his own, but knowing "his place" as their step father. One day we were at home spending time as a family when he looked around and smiled. I asked what the grin was about. He said "we all fit". I looked at him puzzled. He said "We are all different, but we make sense together, like a puzzle. We just fit as a family." He's right we do. We added another piece to that puzzle last year and ALL of us couldn't be happier! Hence the name, PUZZLEFAM! Thanks for the cointest! Edited September 6, 2008 by puzzlefam Quote Link to comment
+sweetlife Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Hello, We like to say how we got our name, but like to not take part in the cointest, as we like someone else to have the oppertunity to win a geocoin. We have never won a cointest but rather see someone else be happy to win. We came up with our name sweetlife as when Val and I started dating/geocaching and we both put part of each others email names together and came up with sweetlife, as it all sums up our life, we even use it as a saying now, "Life Is Sweet". We have had alot of people say they like our geocaching name. It does fit perfect for us. I could never imagine being without two things in my life and that is my wife, and geocaching. It is something that means the world to me, and I am glad we can share this sport together. Thanks for the cointest, and Congrads to whoever wins. Barry and Valarie of sweetlife Quote Link to comment
Maine Family Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 We are the Maine Family now. It started out as menace66 because that was my husbands nickname from his nephew and it was just him and I geocaching. His nephew just thought of him as Dennis the Menace. We found we could change our username so we changed it to Maine Family because we are now 3 generations of cachers plus other family members. When our daughter moved back from Tennessee 4 years ago she started caching with us. Then her son was born 7 weeks early and was such a high risk baby that the doctors wouldn't allow him near people but he could go outside so we took him geocaching. My husband's brother started caching with us and now there never is a dull moment. My daughter met her boyfriend and he had a daughter and they started geocaching with us. My sister and her husband has been geocaching with us and when we cache it is a family affair. We never go geocaching without the family even though we now live 50 miles apart, we find a time when we can all go and then we go. We all live in Maine and other than our daughter have always lived in Maine so we became Maine Family. It just seemed to fit us now. Quote Link to comment
+BrierPatch Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 BrierPatch.... Because my wife say's I'm prickly all over.... Brierpatch is the place of peter rabbits safety. I started with my real name and realised when I hit the forums that brierPatch best described my experience in the woods the path less traveled is more difficult but not as difficult as the path you make which is most rewarding through the brierpatch and beyond. Quote Link to comment
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 well, we got our name from the wife..........she loves frogs , any kind, any size.....we have them in the garden, on the fridge, all over the house.......if ya went through her favs, ya could problly come up with 6 or 8 sites that have to do with frogs.......now for the rest of the name, she says I'm old & funky hence the name.... Quote Link to comment
+the jesters Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Well, we are The Jesters. My son gave us this fine geocaching name. He was in first grade and played the game Gauntlet all the time. His favorite character in the game was the green Jester. When we registered I told my son he could pick our geocaching name. So my son named us The Jesters. I like the name, and if you saw us caching then you would know the name fits. Quote Link to comment
+fingers crossed Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 We started with one name, and once we realised we were hooked we changed it. We tried to think of something suitable, "needle in a haystack" came up, but now we're glad we didn't, Fingers Crossed is tough enough to sign in the cold as it is So we chose Fingers Crossed since it was always like that as to if we'd find the cache, and it stuck. Quote Link to comment
+rsfish1 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I have a feeling mine is going to be one of the more boring explainatins. RS, my initials. Fish-Well I love anything to do with fish and water. I have been fishing since I could hold a pole. I have fished in 30 plus states, all the oceans and gulfs of the US. Bahamas an Canada. I have 3-75 gallon fish tanks in my house plus a 45 gallon. I have a 350 gallon pond in my front yard, a 110 gallon pond off my back deck and a 3800 gallon koi pond in the back of my yard. No I a not obsessed with fish at all! LOL Oh and as for the 1. Well believe it or not, someone on AOL had already taken the moniker of RFish, so I had the original thought of adding a 1 to it. Thanks for the cointest! Quote Link to comment
xboxcrazy33 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) Back in the summer of 2005, I played Xbox all the time with my friends, and was anxiously awaiting the release of the new Xbox 360. There was a contest happening with Mountain Dew, where you would take the code off the inside of the cap, and enter it online for a chance to win an Xbox 360. In the process of registering for the contest, I had to create a new email address. I sat there trying to think of something, and xboxcrazy33 just popped into my head immediately, since I was (and kinda still am) crazy for Xbox. 3 is one of my favorite numbers, so I decided to double up and use 33. Anyways, I ended up winning an Xbox 360, and that good luck convinced to use xboxcrazy33 for things from then on. Almost forgot, thanks for the cointest! Edited September 6, 2008 by xboxcrazy33 Quote Link to comment
+puzzlefam Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 This thread is REALLY new, but I have already been back to it a number of times. THIS IS FUN! I love reading how everyone has come up with their names! Even if I don't win anything, this was SO worth it, just read everyone else's posts! Quote Link to comment
southpawaz Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) I have been southpaw in some form or another for 15 years now going back to AOL in 1993. I am left-handed, and when I was sitting there trying to think of a nick, I glanced up at a bookcase and focused in on one of my favorite novels, The Southpaw by Mark Harris. AZ was tacked on when I moved to Arizona in 1996. All lower case came in with a UNIX shell account I had after moving on from AOL. Thanks for the cointest! Edited September 6, 2008 by southpawaz Quote Link to comment
+Butterfly_lady Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Over the past decade I have been raising Monarch Butterflies in our garden. Up to 800 one year. Some know me locally as "The Butterfly Lady". Plus my sign name is "Butterfly". So many of us have a life journey similar to that of a butterfly - where we start out small and hungry for knowledge. At some stage we need a break from the same routine, the same hunger, the same diet and so we retreat - like a caterpillar into a cocoon. I did that at a time when I realised that I needed to be "me" instead of a person known as x's wife, y's mother, z's boss etc.... The butterfly that emerged is ME! When I started caching I wanted the handle "Butterfly" but it was already taken years ago by someone who had zero finds. (I see it has since gone, and someone else managed to grab it this year - lucky them!) Quote Link to comment
+MountainRacer Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 'MountainRacer' is an easy one: I'm a cross country runner! Our race courses are often engineered for brutal terrain, so I do most of my training in the Ramapo Mountains across the street from campus. It also makes for an easy-to-draw glyph to add a bit of variety to cache log notebooks. Quote Link to comment
paganfrog Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 mine is a simple explanation really. i am pagan and i am a frog fanatic, so the two fit together to make a perfect name. thats all there is to it really, not a very interesting explanation but its been my user name for several years now. all that i can add was it was my husband who came up with the name, i was racking my brain trying to fine a good user name for the very first website i had joined that needed a handle, and everything i tried had already been used. then my husband said what about paganfrog, and i liked it AND it cleared the website. so its stuck now Quote Link to comment
+ECplus3 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I started off my caching life as chuckt9881 -- just my first name, last initial and the last 4 of my work phone number. Very boring. By the time Groundspeak changed their policy on name changes, the whole family had gotten involved in geocaching. Okay, my wife had gone with me a few times for the hikes, but would stay on the trail with the stroller and kids while I bushwacked the last little bit. She was also pregnant and has never been keen on getting her hands dirty, so searching for caches wasn't her thing. But, geocaching was now something we could do as a family to get out in the Big Wild. My 3yr old son is always asking to go 'treasure hunting'. The 'E' is for my wife Esther, the 'C' is for me, Chuck, and the plus3 is for our 3 kids, Jonathan, Anika, and Patrick. Quote Link to comment
+burgessfour Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Ours is pretty boring: Our last name is Burgess and there are four of us in the family. Quote Link to comment
+Silfron Mandotheneset Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) Well, since out name is really two names I'll give two descriptions (in one post, of course). Silfron: This is me. when I was in middle school my friends and I were into Anime, namely, Sailor Moon (Yeah, I know, save the taunting, please. I was like 12.) So we all made up our own "Sailor" names. Mine was Silfron (Sailor Silfron, of course), because I was also under the naive influence of a English teacher who wanted me to be a writer and writing my own SciFi Novel (remember, I'm 12 here), and in the novel the name of the Sun (not the planet on which it takes place, don't remember why though) was Silfron. I later chopped off the Sailor part from two many questions (I'd used sailorsilfron as a name on other website for different things) about whether I sailed or similar questions. So... Silfron it is. I was going to go with "Celebelian," another handle I use on other sites, but when Mandotheneset and I decided to have a joint account rather than two separate ones I figured "Celebelian Mandotheneset" was just two darned long Mandotheneset: This is my caching partner and boyfriend. Randomly generated by the Neverwinter Nights computer game (I think) for his character on there. He liked the name and has used it on many different things (online and off) throughout the years. I don't think it means anything, just sounds cool. It's pronounced "Man-doh-THIN-ess-ett" by the way. Not "man-doo-then-esit" as most people seem to think lol, his fault for picking the name EDIT: By the way... there's no chance of a reminting of the pill coins is there? I love those! Edited September 6, 2008 by Silfron Mandotheneset Quote Link to comment
+webscouter. Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I was on staff for several boy scout web sites way back in the day. Hence WebScouter. For my alter ego Icon SP I set up the Sock Puppet account to show all the icons you could have on your profile, hence Icon S(ock) P(uppet) Quote Link to comment
+sharom12 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Love reading how all of the names came to be! As for me, we purchased our first computer back in 1995 and immediately created an AOL account. I tried to come up with something that represented the many names I am called by the most important people in my life so I combined Sharon - Mom - Wife (at the time had been married 12 years) and came up with Sharom12. Funny that all these years later I still use it when creating user names online. Thanks for this fun cointest! Quote Link to comment
+Frank n Beck Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Ours is not real original but it works for us, Frank n Beck is just me and my wifes first names, LOL! We like it, and its easy to remember, LOL! Wanted to let ya know that we have bought two, so this is not an entry, just a participation. Have a great evening Quote Link to comment
+fyerman6 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 My name is fyerman6.The way it is spelled came to me on a ride back from a call when i was young and i asked the chief what a unique name would be for a name tag on the back of my coat.He then told it to me and spelled it and it has stuck with me ever since.Yes i am a firefighter you guessed it.And 6 is my favorite number and thats how i recieved my name. Quote Link to comment
+Moozer Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) My name comes from my car - the PT Moozr (http://donaldlaird.com/ptmoozr.jpg). Since folks in car clubs know me as Moozer, it seemed only natural Edited September 6, 2008 by Moozer Quote Link to comment
+holazola Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Back in the early 80's the popular greeting here in southern California was "Hey bud" or just "Buuuud!" Well, after the '84 Olympics, my brother started answering with "Zola!" every time I call him "Bud!" (Zola Budd - get it? ) After a while he decided he'd instead just yell "Zola!" as a greeting - and of course I'd reply "HOLA!". He stuck it all together and has called me "Holazola!" ever since.... Quote Link to comment
SoDakCachers Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 My caching name isn't as dramatic as some of the other postings in here but I'll give it a go anyway. jnbball is the handle/username I've used ever since I started "computing" over 20 years ago. I became frustrated every time I'd go to a web site I was a "member" of but hadn't visited in quite a while. Being as absent-minded as I am, I decided to use a name that I could remember no matter what. Hence, jnbball was born (in several different variations (jnbball, jn-bball, jn_bball, ect.)). It stands for my initials followed by my favorite sport, basketball(even played a little in college). Quote Link to comment
lorca.nl Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Nine and a hald years ago my mother said to me that i could have a dog and i say that i wanted a Dalmation. we had found someone who had 9 puppy `s but then we came there to we see only 8 small dalmatiers to came there run and we asked where number 9 was. the Mr said that number 9 ended up still in the box and almost never come out, as curios i was i asked I if I could go to the box to examine nevertheless number 9. the man recommended me not to take that puppy because he thought that the puppy was not entirely well. when I came very carefully at the box number 9 came out the box, I considered no moment and said against my mother " this little girl i want have because she takes the effort come out the box ". the owner of the puppy`s got of it nothing that puppy came now from the box but he found it well that we took along the puppy, under the condition that if the hondje were not well we bring the puppy back to select another. in the car I had consider therefore a name for the little girl and I was thinking at the poem "mother bring me to the fields" of Frederico Garcia Lorca. this way I considered that Lorca is a beautiful name for my little Dalmation girl. when lorca was 1 1/2 years old Ed and me where going to live toghter and ofcorse my little girl moved with me. when we started with GeoCaching we decided to take the name of our little girl but there was already a Lorca so we could`t take only Lorca and i sad that we could put .NL after the name because we come from the Netherlands and when we try that name it was aloud. so this is the story how we got our team name Lorca.nl. Quote Link to comment
+Team D.A.M.A. Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 We were trying to come up with a name that showed we were a family, but there were already a couple with famil yin it and we wanted something unique. Decided to go with Team D.A.M.A Daddy . Alyssa (My daughter - 18 months) . Mommy . Aiden (My son - 2 months) (Is my son the youngest geocacher on this site?) Quote Link to comment
+CacheMiner72 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I guess it has been ten years that I have been using kayn_os for handles on different sites on the net that I join, maybe more. When I was a lot younger I used to be a graffiti writer and the name I went by was Cain. It was a fitting name for me, but that is not a story for a kid friendly forum. So when I started to frequent sites, forums and chat rooms I decided to use kayn instead as it had been one of the spellings I used to use. The OS comes from the crew of guys that I used to paint with. It had several meanings, the original one was Operation Subsonic, Over Suckas and a few others but for me the one that stuck was Old School as I was the oldest member of the group and had a more "Old Shool" approach and look to my pieces. The name has stuck ever since then so I went with what I always used when I joined. I had thoughts of changing it now that my kids are caching with me but it would most likely be changed to kayn+2. Thanks for the cointest, good luck to all who enter there great stories. kayn_os Quote Link to comment
+grodan & fiabus Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Our family goes caching under the name grodan & fiabus and we are grodan(me), fiabus(my husband) and our two kids, (3 in january) grodan comes from when I was pregnanat with our first kid. Then we used to call the baby inside grodan, grodan is swedish for "the frog" so that is also why I love frogs fiabus is my husbands name and comes from our(his) cat Fia, she is busig, swedish for playful, so that together became fiabus. And our team is grodan & fiabus. It is me grodan that is the coinmaniac, sorry, coininterested but fiabus also likes nice coins like space and aerorelated coins. He works with satellitecomponents so that is a bit GPS related aslo. grodan Karin Quote Link to comment
+GATOULIS Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Well....my code name was explained in other threads, but I will post it here too! Gatoulis, means, male kitten in a sweet way that is not often use, in Greek language! Most of the times, you will hear it as "gataki" that is used for both male & female kittens, as it is neutral word! Itis a kind of complicated, just like ...my language!!! My girlgfriend is calling me like that! Well...she loves cats!!!! I love cats too, but I also love dogs, birds, and almost all the animals!! Why she is calling me like that? Except that she loves cats, ( once she named one of her cats with my real name, Nikos, but when the cat was lost she was desperate! So she never did this again! well...when she was calling Nikos, we had a small trouble because we didn't know who was calling!! Me or the cat??? ), and according to what she says, I am cute, playfull and sometimes I am complaining for not giving me a lot of care and attention! Oh boy!!! I think I am a Cat!!!! Miao!!! Thank God I do not have fleas!!! Here, when I started posting, a good friend from the forum, started calling me Mr Cat! I love that!!! Later, when my sister & my brother in law liked the geocaching idea, they entered under my code name! So we became a team! Of course, I am the one who is posting only, with an exception of 2 or 3 times maybe, that my sister posted here! Congrats my friend for your coin! Trivial Pursuit coin! I like this game, but it seems that nobody is playing with me! They keep saying that I do not let them play, and I am winning all the time!!! My brother in law bought the genius one, and then the family one so they can play too, and we mixted the cards!!! I was playing with the genius and they with the family cards, but..... still nobody is playing with me!!! Quote Link to comment
KC_Jan Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Kernow is Cornish for Cornwall (where we live) ...... hence, KernowCachers. Not very inventive but it works for us. Quote Link to comment
+Sparticus06 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Very cool cointest. Here it goes for me: Sparticus06 - I work in a factory. About 3 1/2 years ago one of the guys, a friend of mine, started calling me Sparticus. At first I thought it just stupid and did not care too much for it. Everyday, all day, he would call me it. I asked him why and he said that he didn't know that it just came to him. After sometime, it started to grow on me. At the time I was getting heavy into ATVs and the forums for it. When I first joined my screen name was Chester or Chesterdajester, depending on what was available at the time. After awhile, I decided I did not like Chester and changed it to Sparticus. Now I had all the guys that I rode with calling me Sparticus. Then riding season was pretty much done because of hunting season. That is when I discovered geocaching. I needed a nickname and Sparticus was already taken. So, since it was 2006 and I was just starting, figured Sparticus06 would work pretty good. And it has. There ya have it, the history of me...or at least my nickname Quote Link to comment
+Cheesy pigs Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I love the way Lorca.nl and PuzzleFam got their geocaching nicks! Great stories I usually tell people that my husband chose ours because of our surname (Cheeseman = Cheesy) and that fact that my husband is a policeman (Pig) ......but it is not entirely true. My husband is known as Cheesy at work and to his friends, but when my son (Piglet) was 5, he really loved a cartoon called Peppa Pig. He would call me "Mummy Pig" (insert 'feminine' pig snort here), Chris "Daddy Pig" (insert loud 'male' pig snort here), and he'd be Daniel Pig (insert cute little baby pig snort here), as he was far too masculine to identify with the main character of the show. So we became the Cheesy Pigs, and our first ever Travel Bug was Peppa Pig. She has travelled over 16,000km so far, and has come home for a brief respite before journeying off on her bike again. Thanks for the cointest - I adore Trivial Pursuit! Quote Link to comment
+BrierPatch Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Very cool cointest. Here it goes for me: Sparticus06 - I work in a factory. About 3 1/2 years ago one of the guys, a friend of mine, started calling me Sparticus. At first I thought it just stupid and did not care too much for it. Everyday, all day, he would call me it. I asked him why and he said that he didn't know that it just came to him. After sometime, it started to grow on me. At the time I was getting heavy into ATVs and the forums for it. When I first joined my screen name was Chester or Chesterdajester, depending on what was available at the time. After awhile, I decided I did not like Chester and changed it to Sparticus. Now I had all the guys that I rode with calling me Sparticus. Then riding season was pretty much done because of hunting season. That is when I discovered geocaching. I needed a nickname and Sparticus was already taken. So, since it was 2006 and I was just starting, figured Sparticus06 would work pretty good. And it has. There ya have it, the history of me...or at least my nickname Every one in a weld shop has a nick name they are given freely and without much though especially by welders. Quote Link to comment
+PengoFamily Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 We got our caching name from our love of penguins. We have a collection of penguin stuff around our house. Christmas in our house displays the most penguins. But we have them all year round. My pet name for my hubby is 'honey Pengo'. So when we signed up on gc it just made sense to have the caching handle PengoFamily. Quote Link to comment
+Droo Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Wow... what a fun thread. My geonick seems obvious as my name is Andrew but it really came from a nickname I had years ago: Droodles. For the first 3 years or so I used that geonick until I met 3 cachers in the field. This was the first time I'd run into other cachers geocaching so it pretty exciting stuff as there weren't that many of us around then and I riding regularly 30 miles away or more to find caches. They were an unusual family group as the son was middleaged and he'd turned his mom and her husband on to geocaching (Shirconn and Garagedude are icons in our area now). Anyway Shirconn is a little hard of hearing and she couldn't make out the DLES part of my name and I kept repeating and repeating it until I finally got fed up and changed it to DROO for Shirconn's sake. Quote Link to comment
+Geo.Error Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 When we started caching we hoped we could pick our dog name Error but that one was given away, so we thought we put geo before error and that name was not chosen yet. So we are the geo's with our dog error. Geo.Error The name Geo.error fits by us because we make often some stupid mistakes while geocaching. You almost good say in geocaching world::: that is a geo.error mistake Quote Link to comment
+zazth Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 Our whole family used to go exploring in the area parks on the weekends. My son loves running around on the trails and in the woods. One afternoon we saw a group of people searching around a bridge in the park. They were looking under the bridge and in the bushes around it. My husband asked if they needed help, thinking they had lost something. One of the ladies explained about geocaching and that they were searching for the geocache hidden there. They left empty handed but had caught my husband's interest. He looked up geocaching online and started an account. He started an account as zazth, his old D&D character name. I have yet to see a reason to change it even as we geocache as a family now. Quote Link to comment
+Koolbrez Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 This is a great thread! Well My nick came from back in 1994 when I need to create my e-mail name. I had just got back from basic training and had been driving my 87 GT mustang convertible around and fell in love with it. I had bought it with the money I saved while in training. My bestfriend had asked why I loved the car so much and I would tell him that "I love to drop the top and feel the cool breeze". So he began calling me cool breeze. So my first e-mail name became coolbrez69. the 69 was a random number but I like it. Later on I swiched e-mail and had to make another account and had to change it to a K instead of a C. Kinda of grew on me and have never turned back. So naturally I bcame Koolbrez when I joined Geocaching. Thanks for the cointest. Quote Link to comment
+Little'n Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 This is a great idea to have everyone tell where their goecaching nickname came from. I'm enjoying reading all of the posts. One of my uncles called me Little'n when I was a kid. I have two sisters who are eight and ten years older than I am and all of our cousins have kids about my age. So when we all got together, I was by far the littlest of the cousins--hence the nickname Little'n. Having that nickname always made me feel special because my uncle was a very special person. He also got me interested in computers and I'm sure he would have loved geocaching too. Quote Link to comment
Tooeygeotrashed Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I bought three Ducks and named two of them, but could not think of a name for the third one, I was reluctant to just call it The Other One, TOO didn't work either, but adding the ey made it Tooey and I had found a name for my third Duck. When I came to register on gc.com I couldn't think of anything original until I realised I already had thought up a name that I could use - hence Tooey. Thanks for the cointest and the link to your website, I had often wondered about peoples geonicks, it has been really interesting reading all about them. Good luck everyone. Quote Link to comment
+thebuddhaman Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 my story is simple.in 1998 my wife rescued a 9 month old male pug from a abusive home,the woman did not want him to go to a shelter but she did not want him to stay there,so she talked my wife into taking him home with her,his name was thebuddhaman Quote Link to comment
+ElliPirelli Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 What a cool idea. This is my first cointest to enter... My nick ElliPirelli was given to me just after I had my driving licence... 19years ago. My boyfriend called me that, cause I love going to fast. Pirelli is a tyre manufacturer and Elli rhymes with it. As a carnut I got used to the nick and starting using the internet there was no question what my nick is. I've driven a wide variety of different cars, modern Opel, Citroen, Volkswagen as well as vintage Land Rover Series I, II and III, and a 10,5t Mercedes Fire Engine. That one was especially cool, she had wooden benches in the back and the fuel tank was under one of the benches. The guys at the gas station looked really strange, when I took the hose inside! But parking was a bit of a pain, as I needed two parking lots to fit her length... Nowadays our cache mobil is a VW Transporter, very versatile for camping out or taking 8 Cachers with me... I was lucky, that ElliPirelli was not already used at GC, my children had much more trouble to get a nick which they liked. In our area cacher refer to me not with my christian name, but Elli or Ms Elli, which I think is kind of cute... Thanks for a great idea for a cointest, I enjoyed reading the post so far. Regards, ElliPirelli Quote Link to comment
dimkasmir Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 My name's explanation is pretty simple. The first part of it, Dimka is somewhat of a popular pet name for my real name in Russian, Dmitriy, while the second part, Smir, are the first 4 letters of my last name. Quote Link to comment
+Fiery Searcher Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 My geocaching name is for two dogs: Kona belong to me and my husband, and Penny belongs to my sister. When we first started geocaching, my sister and I went all the time. Neither of us had any idea of how much we would come to enjoy going out and "finding stuff." Recently, my sister wanted her own name, and my husband is working on his, and that leaves me (just me) with "Penny and Kona". They are good dogs, so I don't mind having two names! Thanks much for the cointest! Quote Link to comment
JohnMac56 Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 I think I will end up having one of the most boring stories as to how my geocaching name came about, you can be the judge of that. A looong time ago we got our first computer with a modem (14.4k!!!), and promptly signed up for AOL. I wanted to just combine my first name (John) and a portion of my last name. Turns out that AOL already had someone signed on as JohnMac and apparently they had 55 other JohnMac's already in their database. So, AOL assigned me the name of JohnMac56. I have kept using the same screenname ever since. Kinda boring but that's all there is too it. Quote Link to comment
+ScoutingWV Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 ScoutingWV - it was simple for me. The Scouting program has always been a part of my family and that of many of my friends and associates. Between my father, me, and my son, we have 100+ years in the program. My father truly embodies the concept of "service to others". The avatar is tied tightly to my geonick and reflects things that mean a lot to me - my home state, Scouting, a game I enjoy in geocaching, my Brotherhood membership in the Order of the Arrow, and a compass to find my way. Quote Link to comment
+0newithwild Posted September 6, 2008 Share Posted September 6, 2008 (edited) We are 0newithwild,cachen &doing it in the woods,found its better in the woods-love everything to do with outdoors ,thats where we meet. We spend much of our time in the wild ,GEOCACHING , HIKING,CAMPING,MOUNTAINBIKING,KYAKING.Life would not be as fun or the same without exploring the wild in all of us. cachen since 2007 Edited September 6, 2008 by 0newithwild Quote Link to comment
+swfirefly Posted September 7, 2008 Share Posted September 7, 2008 swfirefly has been my nickname since way back when I first got AOL. sw for my initials and I just always liked fireflies. Quote Link to comment
+PaRacers Posted September 7, 2008 Share Posted September 7, 2008 (edited) Our other hobby is racing 1/10 scale electric Radio Controlled cars. And since we live in Pennsylvania, PaRacers is our nick on R/C forums, etc. We decided to use the same name for geocaching as sort of a tribute to friends of ours who introduced us to geocaching, PAWINGERS. Edited September 7, 2008 by PaRacers Quote Link to comment
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