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I'm ModelCitizen and sign cache logs with "Model Citizen - Zero Discipline". I'm a pretty average looking guy and fairly reserved and laid-back so people are often very surprised to learn that my hobbies are skydiving and riding and racing powerful sportbike motocycles (crotch rockets) and my little roadster sportscar on road courses and occasionally on drag strips. One of my favorite rock bands is Van Halen. They have a song "Panama" that has the lyrics "model citizen, zero discipline" and I thought that described me pretty well so I chose it as my geocaching nick.


Thanks for this cointest, Applewomyn!

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Great stories!


Ours began in the late 90's. I was working as a radio engineer at an AM/FM combo in Greenwood, SC. Our station manager, knowing that my divorce was taxing on the body and the mind, offered me some tickets to see minor-league ice hockey in nearby Greenville, home of the ECHL Greenville Grrrowl. I decided, "What the heck?" and went. Knowing nearly nothing about the sport, I was amazed at the speed and strength of the players, and of the game itself. I quickly became friends with a group of best friends known as the Dog Pound, and soon became entrenched in helping maintain a web presence known as Grrrowlfan.net, as well as working with the booster club for the team. I needed a moniker for the forums, so since I was from the country, "HockeyHick" seemed suitable. As fate would have it, I wasn't the only one with the same pubescent sport knowledge. One of my new friends was a cute, also separated pretty female known to the Grrrowlfan.net world as "Hockey Virgin."


My world would never, ever be the same.


The rest of that story can be found here:

If you're scared...SAY you're scared!


Sadly, our hockey team folded a couple of years after our marriage, but at about the same time, we discovered Geocaching. We told many of our friends about the hobby, and soon began planning for the same type internet group for the Upstate South Carolina area. After meeting a few of our local cachers, the Upstate South Carolina Geocachers Association (USCGA) was born.


Kerry decided that she wanted a new moniker, and she thought about her Dad's job as a grocery-story manager during her youth, and her name, Kerry, and just put it together as such: "Cache-n-Kerry."


Now with a great group of friends both local and world-wide, we are truly living in a "Life-is-Good" world!

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I thought up my name when I signed up for aim. My first name starts with a B so I tried LadyB. It was taken but I didn't think it looked very good anyway. I then tried LadyBee and that was taken also so I had to think of something else. The ending. Well I was not 40 at the time I picked the name so that isn't it. I decided that since the first part of my name was for me that the ending would be for my boyfriend Tom--hence 4T. Putting it all together I came up with LadyBee4T and here I am

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Wow - thanks to everyone for participating. I've been enjoying watching the posts all weekend and I'm pleased to announce that post numbers 13 and 26 are the two winners! CONGRATS to Butterfly_lady and lorca.nl for the win! Please send me an email with your mailing address and your choice of color (blue, brown, pink, yellow, orange or green) and I'll get the coins out to you.


Even though the contest is over, I would love to hear the background behind other names if anyone would like to post here! Thanks for playing.

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This is one of the MANY things I have come to LOVE about geocaching; the generosity of the players! Not only was Applewomyn generous enough to create this cointest and provide the prizes, but all of you were willing to be generous with a small part of who you are. I love the hunt...I love the community and I love COINS! lol

Congrats to the winners and THANKS! Applewomyn for creating this cointest.

Edited by sharom12
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Wow - thanks to everyone for participating. I've been enjoying watching the posts all weekend and I'm pleased to announce that post numbers 13 and 26 are the two winners! CONGRATS to Butterfly_lady and lorca.nl for the win! Please send me an email with your mailing address and your choice of color (blue, brown, pink, yellow, orange or green) and I'll get the coins out to you.


Even though the contest is over, I would love to hear the background behind other names if anyone would like to post here! Thanks for playing.


OOOOOH, missed out by one post!!!


Congrats to the winners and thanks for the cointest. It was fun to read about how people come up with names. Especially since I'm new to the forums. This is a blast!!

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Wow - thanks to everyone for participating. I've been enjoying watching the posts all weekend and I'm pleased to announce that post numbers 13 and 26 are the two winners! CONGRATS to Butterfly_lady and lorca.nl for the win! Please send me an email with your mailing address and your choice of color (blue, brown, pink, yellow, orange or green) and I'll get the coins out to you.


Even though the contest is over, I would love to hear the background behind other names if anyone would like to post here! Thanks for playing.


Great idea. Here is the background for me.


In 2004, my now ex husband and I started geocaching. We used the name that he came up with. When we separated in 06, I decided to continue caching but needed my own name. I collect (and some would say am obsessed with) all things bear. Well, during the separation and subsequent divorce, of course, my sanity came into question many times. Plus, some of the things I have done in my past involving live bears make my family and friends question my sanity. So, I was discussing geonicks with some other cachers and my mom and said I needed a new one so I could keep caching. Everybody was throwing around ideas but none of them spoke to me. Then the comment was made that it needed to include bears since that was my other hobby. I looked at my mom and said well you have accused me of being barely sane sometimes when it comes to outdoor activities and bears, so why not bearly_sane. It seemed very fitting to me since it was an apt description of my mental status, most of the time.

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When we began raising, showing and breeding pure bred dogs (Boxers and for a while Shiba Inus), we knew we needed a kennel name. So to create one, we did a sort of anagram game with the letters from our names......Holmes.........Lois-Ann...........Ralph. So hol-lo-ra won out. When it came time to choose a caching name - why change it? So hollora it is ~ and we pronouce it ~ whole or ah.........but I have heard a lot of variations and that is fine.


Missed the cointest ~ congrats to the winners ~ but for those who would like to know / the above is how it came to be.

Edited by hollora
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