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Releasing Geocoins This Year

Dr. Whoever

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Posted (edited)

I have seen a few posts lately from people selling off their activated collections. My collection is also so huge I cannot take it anywhere without major injury to my back. So, instead of selling them so someone else can fill a binder and leave it in a closet I am going to release 400+ this year into the wild. I have already sent over 100 into caches all over the world. 300 to go......or more.


Now, if there's anyone who would like to help drop some of these in let's say (Iceland, Greenland, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France, UK, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, and any other place in the USA not really close to me that I can't immediately get to please post here not my email please and I'll try to get some for you to drop). I'd really like to see more coins travel instead of just disappearing into binders or into some unknown abyss.


Who wants to join in?


EDIT: Added USA too. I need more traveling here far from California

Edited by Castle Man

Well I don't live in Iceland, Greenland, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France, UK, Finland, Australia, New Zealand. But I do live in Victoria, BC, Canada. This is where mile zero for the trans Canada is. I'd be more than happy to release some for you here. :lol:


Well I don't live in Iceland, Greenland, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France, UK, Finland, Australia, New Zealand. But I do live in Victoria, BC, Canada. This is where mile zero for the trans Canada is. I'd be more than happy to release some for you here. :lol:


email sent


I usually do my caching around Ohio and Michigan. I wont' be able to get back out until the spring but I can send some out for you.


I could also send you some to release out in your neck of the woods.


I'd be willing to drop some in NC for you. I can place near the capitol (Raleigh) immediately, or if you can wait a couple weeks I make frequent visits to Carolina Beach. Send me an e-mail thru my profile if you're interested. :lol:


I could drop some in Michigan for you. Also may possibly get one to Ontario. Of course if someone would send me an airline ticket I'd be happy to drop some in any of the countries you mentioned! :lol:


If you are looking for any to journey around SC, I can help. Going to DC in 3 weeks too but not sure about dropping any coins...there's a lot of virtuals but no physicals around where I'll be.


How about the Wheeling WV area and Ohio is only 2 miles and or PA is 15 miles from my home coards. and not really close to you either.I would be happy to drop some in my state or all 3 states as I am usaly caching in all them every few days. :lol:


I can drop coins all over the US and Canada. Just depends on where and how quickly you want them dropped.


Last year I covered 33 states, 2 provinces and 1 state in Mexico.


So far this year I have hit 9 states.


I would LOVE to help you release some coins into the HUGE state of TEXAS!!!!! I could even check to see if there are any caches in Cancun, Mexico, which is where we are headed on vacation in July, if you would like some to be released there.


If you have any dive-related geocoins, we are going to check out a Scuba cache located in Lake Whitney, (http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GCK2RY) once the water warms up, and would place that special coin for another diver to have the pleasure of retrieving it!


Looking forward to seeing some of your other releases make their way through Texas during their travels, and promise to help them along!


We do have a couple of good TB hotels here, and one is owned by a frequent flyer that loves to take TB's and coins and move them around the country while he's traveling. You could contact him, if you would like to. His Geo name is GaryM53, and I'm sure he would love to help you out, also!!!




WOW! What a response. This will get over 100 out today. I'll check back tomorrow for mre responses. So far I have responded back to most unless it was a duplicate state. In these cases I went with the first post however if I still have more to send out I hope it's OK to contact you who posted at a later date.

Thanks for helping get some travel coins out in the world.

Anyone else wanna send some out?????


Well, I will be another echo from the good State of Maine! We can start some from the East.


Have a Geocoin & TB Emporium which will become real accessible in the Spring (a tad under the weather with snow right now). Usually I have asked for a 1 for 1 trade of trackables but - I sure could change that with the stroke of keyboard if you wanted to send me a few to release. Would be willing to do traditional caches as well - we have a library cache in our town too!


Thanks for sharing your coins in the wild! Will await, hopefully, your email.


Well, I will be another echo from the good State of Maine! We can start some from the East.


Have a Geocoin & TB Emporium which will become real accessible in the Spring (a tad under the weather with snow right now). Usually I have asked for a 1 for 1 trade of trackables but - I sure could change that with the stroke of keyboard if you wanted to send me a few to release. Would be willing to do traditional caches as well - we have a library cache in our town too!


Thanks for sharing your coins in the wild! Will await, hopefully, your email. Also, we have the Pirate Quest event coming up (thank you!!!! for the coin donation) but we could release a couple there too!


Great, I think it is wonderful that you are sending your coins out. I think I have added several hundred to people collecting. I put out coins all the time and most come up missing. Didn't realize people collect them. I kind of figured that out, after a while. Thanks for letting loose. Wish I would have known sooner. I was just in Malta and Italy. I dropped off some of my coins. They seem to be moving so far. mx1




As of my last post I already packaged up and will send tomorrow 124 coins to be dropped. That makes the grand total so far this year 240. I'll sort through the other coins I plan on releasing when I am on my trip in june to British Columbia and then in September in Ontario and reply to anyone else that didn't yet get a reply (of course when I get through all of these). I will drop 50 in BC in June myself, 50 more in Ontario and 20 or so in March in San Antonio, Texas. More to come.....maybe I'll send out 500 this year.

Posted (edited)

CastleMan, I would be happy to drop some in Australia and also in Japan. I will be Australia in April.



Edited by tlbeers

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