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New Year's Coinest! :)


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Posted (edited)

Happy New Year Everyone! I think it's time for another cointest. I don't know the coin yet ...gotta fish through and see what I have. So it will be a surprise.


Simple Rules:


-Post only AFTER it has hit January 1st, 2008 where ever you are in the world. (Posting prior to Jan.1 will disqualify you :o )


-Only one post per cacher/family name


-Your post must include the words "Happy New Year"


-And your post must have a New Year's Resolution in it. :o:anibad:


Thanks! Happy New Year!! :o:o


I will have a random draw from all the eligible posts on January 1st, 2008 @ 9:00pm EST.


Edited to add: It doesn't have to be right after midnight...anytime after as long as it's on Jan 1st.

Edited by PengoFamily
Posted (edited)

Hi New Zealand.


Happy New year to all - and may you get the caches you look for in 2008.


I resolve to meet more fellow cachers this year.


All the best from South Africa

Edited by Carbon Hunter

We wish you a Happy New Year from the Netherlands.

The time is now: 1-1-2008 00:04

Our resolution is “to have more fun”.

But we think that you must do everything you can all year long.

Try to be good, listen to people, help someone out, be nice, take care for animals,

Take care for nature, have respect for everybody etc.

If you do this all year long, you don’t forget it, to do this, it will be your nature.

Happy New Year and watch out for the fireworks.



Now we have here in Germany 12:45 am, 01.01.2008


We wish all of you a happy new year. :blink:B)B)


best wishes from Smily2617

Margit and Hans


the resolution for the Year 2008 is:


first of all "smile if you found a cache" B)

then smile to every people you met and respect the nature, because without the nature we can not go out to hide and search caches.




Ring, klocka, ring!


Happy New Year, everyone, Sweden calling!


Naomi :blink:


PS... I made a New Year's Resolution about 15 years ago that I haven't yet broken... and that was to never again make a New Year's Resolution!!




Hi New Zealand, Africa & The Netherlands!


:blink: Tis just after midnight in ENGLAND now, BIG BEN has rung the new year in at Westminster, London. B)


HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all!


I resolve to persuade more of my fellow cachers to consider setting more 1/1 caches for those using wheelchairs or who have other disabilities!






1. Lose weight, of course

2. Hit cache #1,000

3. Spend more time with family

4. Come back from Iraq safely


Thanks for the cointest and hope all your resolutions are achieved.


"Happy New Year" It is 2008 in Maine.


-New Year's Resolutions: Enjoy the roller coaster ride of life, make a difference in someones life, enjoy another year of caching with our little group and spend lots time with my grandson.

Happy New Year and hope 2008 is a little better than 2007 for everyone.




Our Resolutions:


1. Hit cache #2,000

2. Spend more time with family

3. Place at least a 4/4 cache this year. Maybe a 5/5. :D


Thanx for the cointest. good luck everyone. :P


Happy new year from quebec Canada

my New Year's Resolutions is to hide more cache in my french région (saguenay)

I wish you a very nice 2008, and come to see us at the mega event for the 400e of quebec city.



Happy New Year from Indianapolis, Indiana!!!


My New Year's resolution is a simple one. Never, ever to take my family and friends for granted. My family has learnt that the hard way this last year and the forums have learnt the same thing when the news broke about Tank. It's too easy to assume that we will always have those that we love around forever.



May everyone have a safe and healthy New Year!!!

Posted (edited)

Happy New Years to everyone in the world from the middle of the Gulf Of Mexico fron onboard a Drilling Rig ! My New Years Resolution is to place more caches , find more caches , and enjoy time spent with my Family whether indoors or outdoors ! To help with any Event that I can ,and just to be a better person ! To help any new cacher that is just getting started in our fine enjoyable pastime !! Cannot wait to get home to Florence Mississippi and cache with my fellow Friends and Cachers and new Beagle Puppy " Cache " !! <_< Posted at dead on Midnight 12:00

Edited by woodduck870

icon_party.gifHappy New Year icon_party.giffrom the Central Time Zone!! I hope everyone has a safe night and makes it home from the festivities.


This year, I have a resolution to finally break my 1k finds.




Happy new year altogether!


I started the new year on the sofa making sure our dog doesn't go to mad with al that bangs outside. So my resolution for this year is to look out for the environment more, even if that means to pass on some fun.


Happy New Year everyone! It's 12:29 am on January 1, and it's a whopping 8.2 degrees F outside.


Two resolutions this year: Lose 30 pounds and pay off the credit card


Happy New Year to everyone!


Our New Year's Resolution is to buy and produce less coins and have mor fun while going out in to the wild :-)

Oh and meet some cachers in canada 'cause we will be in BC and Allberta in September 2008.



(1/2 Mambomania)


Happy New Year from the western prairies of Canada - 12:30 AM <_< - and with that I resolve to make no promises and cache more - (look I broke the first one already!!) :P Oh well - back to the drawing board :D HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :P:D:D:D


HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you lovely people. Happy 2008!

Just got done watching the elevator go up the Space Needle on TV <_<

Man, It is Noisy outside!My resolution this year is to complete more of DeLorme Challenge :P

Posted (edited)


Our resolution is to set free most of our coins and see where they go.


oooops, HAPPY NEW YEAR! (us frogs are not good at spelling) LOL

Edited by DaFunkyFrogs

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