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Indiana Geocoin

Team Tecmage

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Posted (edited)

The Indiana Geocoin is now ready for ordering. The coin is being produced by Aaron Charles Productions (coinsandpins). I am waiting on the die art, but will post the images we created for the coin.


The coins are $4 each, plus shipping:


#Coins Shipping

1 $1

2- 4 1.50

5- 8 3

9-14 4.50

15-20 6

21-50 8


You can pay via Paypal- teamtecmage@hotmail.com (use for Paypal only)


or money order or check:


Richard and Tracy Freeman

656 Dove Drive

Valparaiso, IN



However you decide to pay for your coins, please include your Caching name.


Right now, there have been preorders for approximately 480 coins. The initial thought was to order 500 coins, but the initial order is going to be larger than that.


If you are mailing payment, please drop me an email when you send payment.


The deadline for ordering is June 25, 2005.

Edited by Team Tecmage
Posted (edited)

Here's the list of orders so far, please check it and let me know if there are any corrections:



Name #Coins

Team Tecmage 20

BluegillFisherman 12 ($50 worth)

Rupert2 10

Strohem 3

Barnabasbenn 4

NurseDave's Group 60

Team Flashncache 5

Buddaman 4

Shopper99 1

Team Shydog 10

Marcus Arelius 4

Berryzang 3

Mysteries, Inc 5

Kealia 2

Geocrickets 5

Shasties 4

Tin-ear 5

Top-pin 5 ($20 worth)

M&M Hunter 3

Hammerjane 10

Willcall 5

Doughball 3

Mary and Gary Adventures 5


Dliming 5

Vds 3

CENT5 10

Thefabfive 5

Lostseeker 2

Night2train4 5

IndyDiver 20

The Badge& The Butterfly 2

CavScout 5

RustyBeercan 3

Jake- Team A.I. 4

Car 54 5

NightHawk 5

Robinego 5

The Troxells 3

Go Jaybee 10

Dnrdmr 12 ($50 worth)

Ghostwriter13 5

Team Bubbymac 10

Team Neos 5

Maps 'n Motocycles 5

Guinessfc 5

Cexshun 5

Spensersb 5

Tom n Chris 3

Patudles 3

Ogeo 3

501 Gang 5

Terrible Ts 3

Outdoorlady79 3

Geozuk 10

Grizzflyer 5

SirGerald 5

UtahBill 4

Jbirdwheels 2

Dhobby1 5

Redwing Dave 3

Speedy38 5

Defender1 3

The GBA 42

Smokey and the Teacher 2

XRN95 3

LadeBear68 3

Countyroad 400W 10

Eweiccirou 2

Orange Hippo 5

Mystery Ink 5


Cachers that expressed interest:



Team Noltex



Team Tigger International

Team ATMS 88

Edited by Team Tecmage

I will post the die art as soon as I get it. But for now, here's the images created and sent to the mint:





The obverse will be Nickel and Gold. This should create a very nice coin face. The coin will have an epoxy coating. The year will be on the Reverse, not as pictured here.






The coin will be numbered, but not trackable. The image on the reverse will be changed every year.

Here's the list of orders so far, please check it and let me know if there are any corrections:



Name #Coins


Shopper99 2

That would be Shop99er, and please up it to 2.


Count Team ATMS88 in for 5 please! These will make a great FTF prize...right? :laughing:) Thanks! I'll send via paypal on Friday!


Paypal for one (1) plus shipping just sent.


Note - I'd like to drop my quantity to one from my previous 3 please.


Here's the list of orders so far, please check it and let me know if there are any corrections:



Name                              #Coins


Shopper99                        2

That would be Shop99er, and please up it to 2.

I'll get a check for 2 on the way in the morning.


The coin is beautifully designed! Just got back from a road trip... Pa to Wa, so have been out of touch with the forums. Sending a check for the 5 coins and the shipping tomorrow 6-13-05. Thanks for all your work.

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