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Mystery gift!


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WoOt!! Today I came home from work & found a silver envelope on my desk. I had a good idea what I would find inside since I have read thru this thread and I was correct! A lovely silver Happy Kwanzaa coin!! I honestly never thought I would hold one of these in my hand because I have pretty much disappeared from these forums. ^_^ So Thank you very much, Mystery Coin Gifter!! It makes me feel extra good to know that I have not been forgotten! Love you all. :wub:



WoOt!! Today I came home from work & found a silver envelope on my desk. I had a good idea what I would find inside since I have read thru this thread and I was correct! A lovely silver Happy Kwanzaa coin!! I honestly never thought I would hold one of these in my hand because I have pretty much disappeared from these forums. ^_^ So Thank you very much, Mystery Coin Gifter!! It makes me feel extra good to know that I have not been forgotten! Love you all. :wub:



i was surprised for the same reason but i have to say i am enjoying being back and hope that other forum regulars — like you — stop back in. it is great to know one is not forgotten!




I got one in yesterday's mail as well. When I first saw the envelope, I thought it was a late Christmas card from a friend or relative. But then I felt something inside of the envelope and thought, hmm, don't remember buying anything. Opened it up and there was the Kwanzaa coin. Thanks Mystery Geocoin Gifter! Mele Kalikimaka and Hau`oli Makahiki Hou!


Thank you mystery giver.

It's been a challenging time and your gift lifted my spirits. That sentence sounds small but it's big.

All the best to you and yours in this New Year.


What an awesome end to my week! Found this envelope among the cards and mail of the holidays! It's beautiful, thank you so much Mystery Gifter :D



(btw... I received a few emails asking if it was me because the HH looked like an FH to some, but I'd like to confirm that I am NOT the mystery coin gifter and was as excited as all of you to find such a beautiful and generous gift!!!) :smile:

Posted (edited)

I received this Kwanzaa Geocoin last week and I am sorry for my late reply, but you know how busy the holiday season can get. . .too many parties, too much company, but oh, so much fun! To the mystery giver: Thank you so much for sending this mystery coin to me. It was very kind and thoughtful for you to do this, especially since I am not in the forums as often as I would like to be. I am always amazed that anyone can do things like this in these troubled economic times. May you be rewarded a thousand-fold for your generosity in this new year. THANK YOU!!! BTW-I don't know what kind of tape was used inside the little coin envelope, but it is definitely the strongest tape I have ever seen. Also, I loved your silver envelope.:) :) :)

Edited by Degai

WoOt!! Today I came home from work & found a silver envelope on my desk. I had a good idea what I would find inside since I have read thru this thread and I was correct! A lovely silver Happy Kwanzaa coin!! I honestly never thought I would hold one of these in my hand because I have pretty much disappeared from these forums. ^_^ So Thank you very much, Mystery Coin Gifter!! It makes me feel extra good to know that I have not been forgotten! Love you all. :wub:



i was surprised for the same reason but i have to say i am enjoying being back and hope that other forum regulars — like you — stop back in. it is great to know one is not forgotten!




I know what you mean. It is always nice to see some familiar names in the forums. :)


It is amazing how the Mystery Coiners know exactly when someone needs a boost, I received one of these today, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! It brightened my day, and took my mind off (for a time) of the medical procedure my wife will be having in a few days. Again Thank You it is greatly appreciated, more than you know!


We came home from a short walk with the geodog and geokid to find a mysterious silver envelope with a hand-canceled stamp awaiting in our mailbox. Started to get excited as we've never received or found a mystery coin before. Geokid helped me to open it and just image the surprised delight in all of our eyes! Thanks to the Mystery Coin giver for not only the cool Kwanzaa coin, but also for including the fun No L coin! Your kindness is much appreciated and really touched us. And geodog says, "Woof!"


Thank You Thank You to the mystery coiner who sent this coin out. I received one a few days ago, but never got to post. I love the coin and I love the mystery around coins like this. I don't know how they do it, but they always seem to be able to get the post office to leave off the postmark, or make it totally unreadable :)


Happy Holidays Mystery coiner and Happy Holidays everyone!!


well i know this more than likely will not work


but today i got a second one of these beautiful coins in the mail. (lucky lucky me....)

if the mystery coin giver would like to get in touch with me i will be more than happy to send it back.

thanks again


Today i found a white bubble mailer with a silver envelope - and this nice coin inside.


Thank you very much for this gift! I´m so happy to be part of such a nice community.






Found a lovely silver envelope in my mailbox today - not one, but TWO beautiful mystery coins! Thank you so much Mystery Coin giver! I feel so lucky to be part of a great community of geocoiners.

You made my week! :lol: :lol:


Today I was fortunate enough to receive the Kwanzaa coin! Thank you, mystery coiner! I must admit that I wasn't familiar with this tradition. Never heard of it being celebrated here in Norway - though I'm sure some do. Thanks for broadening my knowledge on the topic of holidays.


I have to admit that although I was loving people reactions to receiving these coins I was a bit upset that I had not got one, I kept checking my mail daily and was feeling a little neglected. I went away for a few days with my mum and when I returned last night I found a bubble envelope waiting for me. As I opened the mailer I saw a flash of silver - I had not been forgotten after all!! YAY!! This is my first mystery coin and I have to say it is lovely. A huge THANKS to the mystery giver - I will treasure it!


I received this lovely kwanzaa coin yesterday. Many thanks, mystery giver for such a wonderful gift.


I also needed to look up Kwanzaa to find out more...


"Kwanzaa has seven core principles (Nguzo Saba): Unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith."


Sounds good to me, something we can hope for as basic rights and principles for everyone. :D


NEAT! :yikes:


I got a package too! :anicute: Pretty Silver envelope and pretty much knew it was my lucky day. Took it home to show the Wifey what a mystery coin is all about (although she already knows :anibad: ) Loved getting a Mystery coin once again, so whoever sent it...THANK YOU :)


I took it out caching so we stopped at a few places for a photo op


here we are at Rolling Vines view



and again at central Sign



So thanks so much for thinking of me and persuing the spirit of Kwanza...I think it held out a day or 2 later for me and truly represents a feast of gifts for us all :)


NEAT! :yikes:


I got a package too! :anicute: Pretty Silver envelope and pretty much knew it was my lucky day. Took it home to show the Wifey what a mystery coin is all about (although she already knows :anibad: ) Loved getting a Mystery coin once again, so whoever sent it...THANK YOU :)


I took it out caching so we stopped at a few places for a photo op


here we are at Rolling Vines view



and again at central Sign



So thanks so much for thinking of me and persuing the spirit of Kwanza...I think it held out a day or 2 later for me and truly represents a feast of gifts for us all :)


You get my vote for most original pictures and adventures.....congrats.


I too received this great festive mystery coin up here in frozen Estonia. I was told a couple of days ago that a mailer had arrived at my in-laws (my first address when I moved here) but didn't want to make any assumptions until I knew for certain :) Thanks to the mystery coiner for thinking of me again this year. 2013 really has got off to a great start and I look forward to it continuing.


I also got a Happy Kwanzaa coin in the mail earlier this week. This one did some traveling to find me. I just moved from Utah to Indiana right before Christmas. The pony express did a good job forwarding my mail. What a pleasant surprise and a nice house warming gift. Thank you for your kindness!




I had one sent to my place of work, where I wasn't at over Christmas break, so no idea when it was sent, but thanks a lot.


and I recognize the HH, and I remembered thinking that I was surprised that he sent a Kwanzaa coin, didn't quite fit with the name, but I will say it was very appreciated. I pretty much fell off the face of the earth with coins, mainly because my supply of traders has gone to junk and well, I've not the extra funds to buy new ones that are pretty. I keep forgetting to send coins to avoior on a trade I did back in December (this week, I promise!) and yeah, the mystery coin was a very nice gift. Thanks.


I received a bubble mailer in the mail from Seattle. I thought it was a paycheck from Groundspeak, but when I opened it, there was actually something in the envelope! ;)

Thank you Mystery Gifter.

(I don't want to mislead anyone, it came to me by way of Groundspeak. I am not on a mailing list)


WOW!!! I am one of the lucky receivers too!!!


this amazing geocoin came to me too!!!!!WOW!! it is a very pretty coin!!!

Mystery sender thank you soooo much! this is the first geocoin I got in 2013! Happy new year my mystery friend! :)


Wow! I'm a bit like some of the others - haven't been here for an extremely long time, and haven't received a coin for ages, so I was absolutely rapt to find this gorgeous silver envelope containing a mystery coin in the mail!


Thanks so, so much mystery giver, and I love the spirit of kwanzaa! :D


Time to get back into coining properly methinks!


Congrate to all who have get or found one of this great Mystery Coin.

Many thanks to the mystery coiner who send out this great coins.

I hope sometime i could also add one to my collection.


Best Regards René


Yes, great coins !!


Classy and sharp ... far better in the perspective of 'coins' rather than the intricate designs offered so much elsewhere. No magnifyer needed to interpret the intent and purpose of these great coins !!


Hey!!! I got a surprise in the mail today! Wow, I can't believe I am the proud recipient of one of these really cool mystery coinsbig_smile.gif I mean, I hardly ever come on here in the forums anymore and I didn't even know these existed until I got one in the mail, lol! I am still purchasing the odd coin (old habits die hard) but mostly 2012 was a HUGE geocaching year for me. I mean, last year I found exactly 20 less geocaches than the total amount of caches I found in ALL of my previous years combined. If I'd have know it was only 20 before the end of the year I would have found those 20 as wellrolleyes.gif Anyway, I've had an amazing year meeting many new geocaching friends, completing many different challenge caches and attending events. I feel like a social butterfly.

I am very flattered, mystery sender, that you still think of me now and again and I am ever so grateful for the beautiful coin you sent me.


All the best in 2013!! Keep on collecting and caching!


After posting in the what you got in the mail today section, starting reading more posts and found where this would fit perfectly:


After being sick with the flu/cold for three days, received a envelope in the mail it was shiny silver and all that it said who it was from was in big letters what looked like to me a Capital HH, having no clue what this could be opened up the envelope and there there was a Silver Geocoin that says Seasons Greetings! HH on the back side it says KWANZAA in red lettering and underneath it looks like to be some kind of symbol, now looking at it looks like candles. I hope I am not totally off on this. Whoever you are that sent us this Mystery Geocoin I wanted to Thank You for lifting up my spirits and making me smile. It is so very kind of you to think of us. Happy Holidays To You and through out the year.

~Keep On Caching! ~Valarie and Barry of sweetlife


Today this great coin was in my mail too!!!! I love it! Before this mystery coin came up I've never heard somthing about Kwanzaa. I read more about it in the internet and I really think this is a great celebration! Interesting to read that it was invented the year when I was born :)


Thank you so much for this great gift will get a special place in my collection!


So I'm a little confused, a coin just shows up in your regular mail? How would the mystery sender even get your address? :ph34r:


there is a google document where you can ask to have your name and address listed for instances just like this, where a mystery coin giver can find your information if they so desire. not all on the list receive mystery coins. that is up to the sender.


you have to request to be added to the list by writing mainefamily2008@gmail.com




So I'm a little confused, a coin just shows up in your regular mail? How would the mystery sender even get your address? :ph34r:


there is a google document where you can ask to have your name and address listed for instances just like this, where a mystery coin giver can find your information if they so desire. not all on the list receive mystery coins. that is up to the sender.


you have to request to be added to the list by writing mainefamily2008@gmail.com



Well this makes much more sense to me. Rather then magically figuring out someone's address.


Yes, but I've never asked to be put on a list...and I've received 2 mysterious coins by mail... :huh:


The more you trade coins the more people that have your address.......... :P


Well, would you believe it?

Today I've got a bubble mailer.

I thought it might be the monthly coin club letter, but no, there was a silver envelope inside.

Now I hadn't studied the forums as closely as usual and I had missed this thread.

So my surprise was huge, to find a well taped manila inside the silver one and in there, well protected from any harm those sorting machines might put it through, there was a lovely Kwanzaa Coin.


Thank you very much, Mystery Coiner, for this lovely surprise. :anicute:

As today is the first day with sunshine, I took this seasonal coin out in the snow to take a picture of it...


As much fun it is to find coins in the mailbox, it is so much more pleasure, if it is a surprise like this one.

It's a pleasure to feel as a part of the coiner community. Thank you!



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