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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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The three geocoin Agent's the GSA sent to me were a huge success. The money was used to help two very special cachers. One of the cachers received their gift today and was truely speechless. The other cacher still is unaware that they are part of this mission, as a few more things need to be done before presenting it to them. However, within one weeks time they should receive their gift and we hope it brings them alot of happiness :)


Since the last three missions were such a huge success, the Geocoin Secret Agent has sent me yet another package for me to put to good use. Check out these coins:




These coins will be used to raise money to help an amazing young lady receive a lung transplant. Castle Man has produced an incredible coin that will be announced shortly with all of the information about Kaitlyn and the rest of her family.


Keep an eye out for these coins and if you'd like to help out by bidding or donating coins, that would be wonderful too :) Throughout the rest of this month I will be listing these coins, so please keep an eye out :)


The three geocoin Agent's the GSA sent to me were a huge success. The money was used to help two very special cachers. One of the cachers received their gift today and was truely speechless. The other cacher still is unaware that they are part of this mission, as a few more things need to be done before presenting it to them. However, within one weeks time they should receive their gift and we hope it brings them alot of happiness :)


Since the last three missions were such a huge success, the Geocoin Secret Agent has sent me yet another package for me to put to good use. Check out these coins:




These coins will be used to raise money to help an amazing young lady receive a lung transplant. Castle Man has produced an incredible coin that will be announced shortly with all of the information about Kaitlyn and the rest of her family.


Keep an eye out for these coins and if you'd like to help out by bidding or donating coins, that would be wonderful too :) Throughout the rest of this month I will be listing these coins, so please keep an eye out :)


[Pants] Must... have... low... numbers... B)


What did you do with the other four coins? I could probably find it somewhere, but could someone email/PM me?


B) GT B)


ahem....cough cough...ahem...I um...I (ahem) um had a visitor at my door today. A cute little brunette named Dorkfish who came to visit me again today B) and she came to my house bearing GIFTS....yet AGAIN!!!! :) Not only did she bring me some coins from the Dressel Dragons and the Steel City Babes for my son who just had brain surgery....but gosh she was on a roll passing out gifts and so she handed ME an envelope and said "here this is for you" (in between the conversation she was having with the person on the phone.)


We go to the dining room table and sit down and I am looking at the card trembling because its kind of *thick* and I'm kind of nervous and yet anxious at the same time and lost in my thoughts about what is in there and she is still on the phone...and then suddenly the phone is in my hand and I am talking to someone that I don't know but they know me and I tell them I just got this card from Karma and I ask her if I should open it now or wait until I get off the phone and both of them say "OPEN IT" at the same time and so I did............


And guess what I saw??????




I saw a really sweet card about friends and then I read a really nice letter from the Geocoin Secret Agent and Dorkfish who told me that I was a special mission of theirs to bring some happiness to me and my family for all the hard times we just went thru and they just wanted to do something kind to help us B)


Guess what was in the card????????

It was a Gift Certificate to CABELLA'S!!!!! B)B) for TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!

.....And all I could really do for awhile was B)B)B)


And then do you know what Karma told me?? She said I was talking to the GSA on the phone!!! :P and I cried some more B)B)B)B)


I guess I recovered from my speechlessness earlier....but I am still overwhelmed at their generosity and hard work and my whole family will enjoy this gift certificate. Thank you both so very much from all of us. It was very very nice and we are very humble and appreciate it. God bless you both for your kindness :)B) and may you both have lots of good Karma come your way!!! :)


ps - Now If I could just go to a BIG event somewhere maybe I could match the voice to figure out who you are GSA.....but until then....YOU ROCK AND SO DOES DORKFISH!!!!!




ahem....cough cough...ahem...I um...I (ahem) um had a visitor at my door today. A cute little brunette named Dorkfish who came to visit me again today :D and she came to my house bearing GIFTS....yet AGAIN!!!! :blink: Not only did she bring me some coins from the Dressel Dragons and the Steel City Babes for my son who just had brain surgery....but gosh she was on a roll passing out gifts and so she handed ME an envelope and said "here this is for you" (in between the conversation she was having with the person on the phone.)


We go to the dining room table and sit down and I am looking at the card trembling because its kind of *thick* and I'm kind of nervous and yet anxious at the same time and lost in my thoughts about what is in there and she is still on the phone...and then suddenly the phone is in my hand and I am talking to someone that I don't know but they know me and I tell them I just got this card from Karma and I ask her if I should open it now or wait until I get off the phone and both of them say "OPEN IT" at the same time and so I did............


And guess what I saw??????




I saw a really sweet card about friends and then I read a really nice letter from the Geocoin Secret Agent and Dorkfish who told me that I was a special mission of theirs to bring some happiness to me and my family for all the hard times we just went thru and they just wanted to do something kind to help us :o


Guess what was in the card????????

It was a Gift Certificate to CABELLA'S!!!!! :o;) for TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!

.....And all I could really do for awhile was :o;):D


And then do you know what Karma told me?? She said I was talking to the GSA on the phone!!! :o and I cried some more :D:cry::cry::cry:


I guess I recovered from my speechlessness earlier....but I am still overwhelmed at their generosity and hard work and my whole family will enjoy this gift certificate. Thank you both so very much from all of us. It was very very nice and we are very humble and appreciate it. God bless you both for your kindness :D:wub: and may you both have lots of good Karma come your way!!! :D


ps - Now If I could just go to a BIG event somewhere maybe I could match the voice to figure out who you are GSA.....but until then....YOU ROCK AND SO DOES DORKFISH!!!!!




I'll tell you folks something..

sitting here reading this story and others is something else,, the generousity of you forum members has brought tears to my eyes..


There are some very generous people on this forum and it is great to see!


Thanks to the GSA ( who ever you are ?) and all the GSA special agents helping out!




That was such a nice story to read about Karma visitng LoriDarlin and reveiling one of the secret missions. Very touching. :blink: Congrats to all the finders and to LoriDarlin. And most of all to the GSA for beinng so generous with making these coins in the first place and then for doing these 'secret' missions. :o:o;)


The Secret Agent came through Delaware!! I have been visiting the GSA's homepage for daily updates and saw that there was a drop at Wrangle Hill Seek. I tried to find any trace, but all that was left was the geocoin.


Thanks for the coin!


Great to hear how this community continues to help each other on such personal levels. Really is an insperation to keep the faith in humanity. So often the news from the world is so negative. Then something like this happens and reminds me the goodness thats out there.




There might have been an actual GSA sighting in Fairbanks, AK. I was at the airport sending someone off when I noticed someone who looked a little out of place. Attempting to offer some help, he mentioned the need to get to the Bering Sea before the ice went out on the rivers. Strange, I thought to myself, as Fairbanks is a long ways from the Bering Sea but then I noticed he approached one of the smaller, commuter airlines and the flight board mentioned Barrow, AK.


Of course, no camera, so now I am going to have to watch all the caches around the airport to see if perhaps, maybe, possibly, cross fingers, something happens.


The Geocoin Easter Bunny also visited yesterday ... very strange that two mystery folks might have been here at the same time.


More details to follow ....


Great story LoriDarlin, I giggled at your sobs!- YOU TALKED TO THE GSA!!!!! I hope Jacob is doing well and Im sure 200.00 at Cabellas will make anyone feel better. I skinned my Shin tonight dropping a hood on it and it scrapped all the way down :laughing: ... I think a phone call from the GSA would make me feel better, I also hit my thumb while stamping pennies the other night! <_<


DORKFISH!!!!!- THATS GSA # 1-4 YA KNOW!!! This is goona be good! What a great Mission for these Agents!-


Nice Grab Instant Coffee- and PedalPushin better not keep us waitin too long...we want details!


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! ;) (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :sad:


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! ;) (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :sad:


HEY, this is the same cache the ECB visited. I am catching the next flight out to NY and waiting at this cache until the next "secret" coin arrives! Can someone bring be food and water???


ahem....cough cough...ahem...I um...I (ahem) um had a visitor at my door today. A cute little brunette named Dorkfish who came to visit me again today :D and she came to my house bearing GIFTS....yet AGAIN!!!! :sad: Not only did she bring me some coins from the Dressel Dragons and the Steel City Babes for my son who just had brain surgery....but gosh she was on a roll passing out gifts and so she handed ME an envelope and said "here this is for you" (in between the conversation she was having with the person on the phone.)


We go to the dining room table and sit down and I am looking at the card trembling because its kind of *thick* and I'm kind of nervous and yet anxious at the same time and lost in my thoughts about what is in there and she is still on the phone...and then suddenly the phone is in my hand and I am talking to someone that I don't know but they know me and I tell them I just got this card from Karma and I ask her if I should open it now or wait until I get off the phone and both of them say "OPEN IT" at the same time and so I did............


And guess what I saw??????




I saw a really sweet card about friends and then I read a really nice letter from the Geocoin Secret Agent and Dorkfish who told me that I was a special mission of theirs to bring some happiness to me and my family for all the hard times we just went thru and they just wanted to do something kind to help us ;)


Guess what was in the card????????

It was a Gift Certificate to CABELLA'S!!!!! :huh:;) for TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!

.....And all I could really do for awhile was :P:PB)


And then do you know what Karma told me?? She said I was talking to the GSA on the phone!!! :o and I cried some more B)B)B)B)


I guess I recovered from my speechlessness earlier....but I am still overwhelmed at their generosity and hard work and my whole family will enjoy this gift certificate. Thank you both so very much from all of us. It was very very nice and we are very humble and appreciate it. God bless you both for your kindness :P;) and may you both have lots of good Karma come your way!!! :P


ps - Now If I could just go to a BIG event somewhere maybe I could match the voice to figure out who you are GSA.....but until then....YOU ROCK AND SO DOES DORKFISH!!!!!




Well I was hoping to respond to this post sooner , but I had to buy a new keyboard after all the drool short circuited all the keys.


It is stories like this that really make me proud of this community!!! Not only is LoriDarlin and her family deserving of all gifts they have received, but they are even more blessed to be in the caring arms of Karma!


I am glad things have worked out and Jacob is on the mend. I will patiently sit back and await the arrival of Karma to my front door in hopes of a Cabela's gift card and a GSA phone call.

Posted (edited)

Haven't read this post in a few days but was thrilled to open it up and see LoriDarlin's wonderful story. I'm at a loss for words (rare) and even knowing this was going to happen I'm still humbled at the generous giving of this great community. Many people made this possible but the point peole really worked hard on it and brought it to fruition. Great going Karma and GSA! You make me proud to be a geocacher! ;)


Sending continuous well wishes to Jacob and peace for your family Lori. Have fun shopping! :sad:;):huh:


edited to add - cool post #500. Hmm - I will have to do something........

Edited by GPX Navigators

ahem....cough cough...ahem...I um...I (ahem) um had a visitor at my door today. A cute little brunette named Dorkfish who came to visit me again today :D and she came to my house bearing GIFTS....yet AGAIN!!!! :laughing: Not only did she bring me some coins from the Dressel Dragons and the Steel City Babes for my son who just had brain surgery....but gosh she was on a roll passing out gifts and so she handed ME an envelope and said "here this is for you" (in between the conversation she was having with the person on the phone.)


We go to the dining room table and sit down and I am looking at the card trembling because its kind of *thick* and I'm kind of nervous and yet anxious at the same time and lost in my thoughts about what is in there and she is still on the phone...and then suddenly the phone is in my hand and I am talking to someone that I don't know but they know me and I tell them I just got this card from Karma and I ask her if I should open it now or wait until I get off the phone and both of them say "OPEN IT" at the same time and so I did............


And guess what I saw??????




I saw a really sweet card about friends and then I read a really nice letter from the Geocoin Secret Agent and Dorkfish who told me that I was a special mission of theirs to bring some happiness to me and my family for all the hard times we just went thru and they just wanted to do something kind to help us :huh:


Guess what was in the card????????

It was a Gift Certificate to CABELLA'S!!!!! :(:( for TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!!

.....And all I could really do for awhile was :huh::o:o


And then do you know what Karma told me?? She said I was talking to the GSA on the phone!!! :o and I cried some more ;):):cry::cry:


I guess I recovered from my speechlessness earlier....but I am still overwhelmed at their generosity and hard work and my whole family will enjoy this gift certificate. Thank you both so very much from all of us. It was very very nice and we are very humble and appreciate it. God bless you both for your kindness :D:wub: and may you both have lots of good Karma come your way!!! :lol:


ps - Now If I could just go to a BIG event somewhere maybe I could match the voice to figure out who you are GSA.....but until then....YOU ROCK AND SO DOES DORKFISH!!!!!





That is SO wonderful Lori!!!!!! I had tears and shivers just thinking about you opening that envelope. Karma and the GSA are two wonderful people but of course we knew that before....and the genreosity of the community for these auctions......


Thank goodness Jacob is doing well!


But I have one question--was the voice on the phone male or female? ;):anitongue:


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! :laughing: (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :lol:


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! :lol: (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :anitongue:











Thanks GSA!


YIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!! :(:laughing: We have been waiting and watching patiently hoping that the GSA would drop a coin somewhere near us. Well it happened yesterday evening. :lol: (waypoint: GCPYQ7) The cache is located right on the other side of the Ontario border. We hopped into our PengoCar and drove approx 45 minutes to the cache. We were very excited and hoping we'd be the first ones there after the GSA. We got to the area and PengoDaddy was off and running to the cache. PengoMommy and PengoDaughter were close behind. We found the cache and were thrilled to find the GSA coin. In all the excitement we forgot about the GSA's log and how he/she left a footprint behind. There was lots of water and mud all around the cache. We looked around but PengoDaddy must have stepped in it so we don't know where the GSA was off to next. :lol: We looked around and saw no one in sight. There were a couple of trucks parked at the truck stop but that was it.




Here are some pics at the cache (PengoDaughter was soooo excited):










YIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!! :lol::lol: We have been waiting and watching patiently hoping that the GSA would drop a coin somewhere near us. Well it happened yesterday evening. :( (waypoint: GCPYQ7) The cache is located right on the other side of the Ontario border. We hopped into our PengoCar and drove approx 45 minutes to the cache. We were very excited and hoping we'd be the first ones there after the GSA. We got to the area and PengoDaddy was off and running to the cache. PengoMommy and PengoDaughter were close behind. We found the cache and were thrilled to find the GSA coin. In all the excitement we forgot about the GSA's log and how he/she left a footprint behind. There was lots of water and mud all around the cache. We looked around but PengoDaddy must have stepped in it so we don't know where the GSA was off to next. :laughing: We looked around and saw no one in sight. There were a couple of trucks parked at the truck stop but that was it.





NOW I'm Jealous!


Congrats on your find Pengo! ;)


Wonderful story Loridarlin!


Congrat's to everyone who has found a GSA :) It's really great to see so many smiles.


Thanks to all those secret coin people out there, you are just great!




From the GSA's page, still no drops in Arizona....is that trench coat too hot for our desert? If so, there are several people here that would be willing to be sworn to secrecy to help you place some...


Patiently (oh who am I kidding, I want one now! :) ) waiting


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! B) (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :D


Yippie! The GSA stopped by The Big Apple for a mission. I was hot on his trail but then got held up doing cache maintenance! B) (photos tk)


My log


This post will seft destruct in 6 seconds! :)





Thanks GSA!


I knew that street looked familiar! Is that where the cache is? Next time we will find it. Congrats avroair on the GSA find! :)


Congrats indeed!!! BOY Avroair- That sounds Like quite the secret mission by your log!!! Great covert workings to snag the Agent out of captivity! It took great slueth and the skills of only a Secret Agent to pull this one off!- Nice MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! :D


Another great grab by the Pengo family- Those are great pics!!! The lilttle agent looks very happy with her find! And as far as the footstep...There was none!- You can count on it!...Thats Secret Agent Stylee! :D


Keep hopin' Nero, Thats all you can do till you get your very own GSA!!! Keep yer eyes peeled and hope he stays outa the ghetto! (I lived in the rough part of Phoenix through trade school and would hope the GSA would steer clear)...its really not that bad, just the muggles have extra muggle sensory there!! :D - Good Luck!


I've been watching this post since the GSA began his/her mission and it's really been wonderful to see it evolve. It's still about finding a coin but what that coin has triggered is amazing. I'm very proud to be a geocacher and part of such a wonderful, caring group.

Loridarlin, I hope your son is doing well.


Posted (edited)

:lol: Someone is doing something I do not believe would be met with approval from the GSA. Hmmmmm, not cool. :)


<link removed by moderator>

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
Posted (edited)

:lol: Someone is doing something I do not believe would be met with approval from the GSA. Hmmmmm, not cool. :lol:


<link removed by moderator>

Yeah it sucks when that happens with the mystery/gift coins. But, once it's put into a cache or into the hands of another cacher, there isn't too much that can be done about it :)

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

Yes, now would be a good time to visit Arizona - do a little caching - drop a few coins - you know, before it gets too hot and toasty?!?! :lol:


I wholeheartedly concur! But I think the GSA should come a little further south, to Tucson. :)

Posted (edited)

:) Someone is doing something I do not believe would be met with approval from the GSA. Hmmmmm, not cool. :lol:


<link removed by moderator>

I saw this too! I even put a low bid in on it... I debated trying to get it, with the intentions of making someones day who actually deserves it! We'll see! But I was kinda shocked to see it too! That things PRICELESS! They are gonna kick themselves when it doesnt reach Charity Status!

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
Posted (edited)

:lol: Someone is doing something I do not believe would be met with approval from the GSA. Hmmmmm, not cool. :(


<link removed by moderator>


BOOOO ! ! ! HISSSS ! ! ! :)

That Sucks big time! ! ! :lol:

If I was lucky enough to find one of the GSA's coins there is no way I would ever consider selling it! Some people eh?! :)

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

I also consider myself lucky enough to find one and it will NEVER be for sale or traded. This is what I did with my GSA coin. ( T B 1 F 7 G 8 ) Now I can bring it to events and let people discover it and log it. And no. it will never be placed in a cache either. Any body who has a GSA coin is welcome to post a note and a picture of there coin here. If you do not post a picture, post the # of the coin along with your note.


Dardevle :lol:

Posted (edited)

Friendly reminder to all:


Links to Ebay sales of trackable geocoins are permitted...


Please do not post links to non-trackable coins.


Thank you,

- Sketti


Refering to Ebay sales of non-trackables? Even though they are still apart of Geocaching. Is that because Groundspeak

has no say on how these coins are made and what is on them as far as design goes?

Edited by dardevle

Congratz to ALL the newest benefactors of the GSA's generosity. It sure is wonderful reading the logs of the latest finds.


And shame on the individual who would abuse that same generosity for their own personal gain.




Friendly reminder to all:


Links to Ebay sales of trackable geocoins are permitted...


Please do not post links to non-trackable coins.


Thank you,

- Sketti


For all the good that the GSA has brought to this community I think an exception could be made in this instance IMHO.


I also consider myself lucky enough to find one and it will NEVER be for sale or traded. This is what I did with my GSA coin. ( T B 1 F 7 G 8 ) Now I can bring it to events and let people discover it and log it. And no. it will never be placed in a cache either. Any body who has a GSA coin is welcome to post a note and a picture of there coin here. If you do not post a picture, post the # of the coin along with your note.


Dardevle :blink:


Great idea Dardevle,

I hope it's okay if others use the same idea with their GSA coins and maybe someday they will meet up at a geocaching event or an old retired agents convention. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

I also consider myself lucky enough to find one and it will NEVER be for sale or traded. This is what I did with my GSA coin. ( T B 1 F 7 G 8 ) Now I can bring it to events and let people discover it and log it. And no. it will never be placed in a cache either. Any body who has a GSA coin is welcome to post a note and a picture of there coin here. If you do not post a picture, post the # of the coin along with your note.


Dardevle :(


Great idea Dardevle,

I hope it's okay if others use the same idea with their GSA coins and maybe someday they will meet up at a geocaching event or an old retired agents convention. B)

It gave me something to do. Plus I wanted to be able to share it with others and then they could log it if they wanted to. From here on out I am going to try and take its picture with all the trackables I move. I really hope that some day I can get its picture taken with another GSA coin though. That would be its ultimate goal. Any one who has a coin can post on my coins log. Pictures would be nice. It would be cool if more people made theirs into trackable so other people can discover them. So by all means go ahead.


O-ya. CONGRATULATIONS to all the recent finders of the G S A coin.

Edited by dardevle
Posted (edited)

WOO-HOO!!!!!!! I found a GSA coin!! The GSA hits Missouri...yes!!!


Here is my log:


April 21 by Arthur & Trillian (232 found)

WOW!!!! What can I say? THANK YOU GSA!!!!!!

I was sitting at home tonight chatting in the geocoin chat room and I get a mail notification. I check the mail and about fainted right there...the GSA had visited one of my caches!!!!!


Trillian and I got our shoes on really quick, grabbed the camera, a couple trade items and we were off...we got to the parking lot for the cache and no one was there...a good thing! We hurried off on the trail to the cache...I only tripped once, LOL...we finally reached the cache and what did we see? A GSA COIN...#149!!!!


We quickly left a Garmin Geocaching Police pin and a 7th Anniversary Original Stash pin as trade and scurried home...what a wonderful end to the day.


Thank you, GSA!!!!!!



Edited by Arthur & Trillian

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