+Haughton's Hunters Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Congrats to everyone. Still waiting...it's nice and warm here. Though maybe too warm for a trench coat. Still in the 90s and it's almost Halloween! Go figure! Quote
+The Amigos Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Trench Coats! That great spy would be hiding out in a ghost costume right now if he didn't want to be seen! lol Quote
+Haughton's Hunters Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Trench Coats! That great spy would be hiding out in a ghost costume right now if he didn't want to be seen! lol Maybe he's going as a spy..no one would ever guess!! Quote
+dardevle Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Congatulation to all the recent recipients of this coin. I had a chance to get together with two other cachers this weekend who have GSA coins also so I could have complete my coins "given" mission by me of getting its picture taken with other GSA coins but my "MUGGLE" wife had other plans for me. Kind-of a honey-do list. All that fall yard work ya know. It is nice to see the GSA agent is still lurking around. -Dardevle- Quote
+Nochipra Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 (edited) Congratulations!! It is such a neat coin!! Edit: Wrong post to respond to. Edited October 30, 2007 by Nochipra Quote
+Nochipra Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 OMG!!! WE GOT ONE!!! WE CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! We went to place some swag in a cache we like in the area as we sometimes do but we usually don't log or note a swag drop and when we did low and behold there it was THE Secret Agent Coin! We dropped the swag and once we get our new coin being made we are going to drop one in to replace the coin! I can't believe we got a mystery coin!!! Thank you so much SECRET AGENT MAN!!! Here is another pic of our baby Tippi trying to sniff out who the Secret Agent is. Quote
+3doxies Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 I was sitting here at the computer minding my own business when I noticed that The Geocoin Secret Agent had dropped a coin nearby - only 2 or 3 miles from our house! I yelled up to he-doxie who was about ready for bed. He threw on some clothes and we both hopped into the cachemobile. Flashlights - where are the stupid flashlights??!! Wait...I need something to leave in trade. Wait again...we've already found that cache so the coordinates won't be in the GPSr. I wrote them down and punched in the numbers as he took off toward the soccer field. It was a circus getting out of the house! Then after we were both out of the car with flashlights playing around through the area, here comes campus security. Flashlights OFF! They slowed down, then went on by. Flashlights ON! There it is - that elusive container! We opened it up - was the coin still there?? Yes, it's mine, all mine! Thank you Geocoin Secret Agent, whoever you are! I left an unactivated 3doxies coin in trade as a consolation prize for the cacher who gets there next. THANK YOU GEOCOIN SECRET AGENT!! Quote
+Nochipra Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 HAPPY HALLOWEEN SECRET AGENT MAN! Congrats 3 doxies, I'm glad you got one too and all the others:) Quote
+Steinwälzer Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Great stories, thanks! And congratulations to the finders! Quote
+creacher Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 Congrats to the recent finders. Nice to see the GSA is back in action after a long hiatus. Quote
+Mr.Explorer3 Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 I better put the spy traps out to see if I can't catch one. Congrats all. Quote
TokyoBlossom Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) Happy Halloween to all!!! Today has definitely a Treat for me! This morning, The Geocoin Secret Agent made a stop in Tiger Town, aka Clemson, SC, and I was the lucky finder. I'm thanking every last lucky star in the sky! I'm still in shock and if I ever meet The Geocoin Secret Agent I'm giving him/her a big hug! Congratulations to all the Previous Lucky Finders and Good Luck to all the future ones! * I found #094 Edited November 1, 2007 by TokyoBlossom Quote
+Haughton's Hunters Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 Happy Halloween to all!!! Today has definitely a Treat for me! This morning, The Geocoin Secret Agent made a stop in Tiger Town, aka Clemson, SC, and I was the lucky finder. I'm thanking every last lucky star in the sky! I'm still in shock and if I ever meet The Geocoin Secret Agent I'm giving him/her a big hug! Congratulations to all the Previous Lucky Finders and Good Luck to all the future ones! Congratulations TokyoBlossom..and all other recent spotters of the secret agent. Quote
wwflover13 Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 (edited) Congrats TokyoBlossom! I have also been lucky enough to recieve one of these AWESOME coins! It seems The Geocoin Secret Agent is making his way up the East Coast, first SC and now NC. I got #063 today: Thank you soo much The Geocoin Secret Agent, whoever you may be! *edit for info. Edited November 1, 2007 by wwflover13 Quote
+Bolingbrook Joe Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Congrats to recent (and past) finders. I'm still on the lookout for the GSA. The last time he was here, I didn't have the location for his visit (darn puzzle caches) and someone else was the lucky finder. Quote
+Nochipra Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Congrats TokyoBlossom! I have also been lucky enough to recieve one of these AWESOME coins! It seems The Geocoin Secret Agent is making his way up the East Coast, first SC and now NC. I got #063 today: Thank you soo much The Geocoin Secret Agent, whoever you may be! *edit for info. We got one here in Va too, it does look like he is traveling the east coast? Congrats to all fellow recipients:) Quote
TokyoBlossom Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Thank you Haughton's Hunters and wwflover and Nochipra And Congratulations to wwflover13 and Nochipra!!! Quote
+Hockeyhick Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Congrat's to you, Tokyo!!!! And the same for all! Quote
+deafnut Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 HEY I GOT 065 !!!!! YEah But i need to add my picture don't hav cambra will be add soon ! Quote
+The Amigos Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Awesome finds!!! We've been keeping our eyes open to see if he/she comes to Texas for a visit!! Keep the stories coming!!!! Quote
+Cav Scout Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 I just found a secret agent geocoin at a newly list cache today in Kentucky! Quote
+chancerider Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Wow, sure looks like the Geocoin Secret Agent has been busy lately.... It's so much fun reading everyone's posts about finding the coins. Congrats to deafhunt and CavScout on your finds! Quote
+the4defaus Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 All of a sudden the cache in our front yard, GAGA 4 GEOCOINS, had a surprise occupant. I went to investigate and found Geocaching Secret Agent #53 staring up at me! Thanks GSA! This is a great coin! Quote
+Nochipra Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 Congrats to all the newest members of the GSA club:) Nochipra Quote
+The Amigos Posted November 2, 2007 Posted November 2, 2007 All of a sudden the cache in our front yard, GAGA 4 GEOCOINS, had a surprise occupant. I went to investigate and found Geocaching Secret Agent #53 staring up at me! Yea, Steve!!!! Awesome find!! Cool cache, too! Thanks GSA! This is a great coin! Quote
+Haughton's Hunters Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 Oh yeah! The made it to Arizona after all! I am now the proud owner of a GSA coin! Pictures will come later! Thanks GSA for your generosity, I hope you never get caught! Here's my log... Well, I had been to part one, but not to the ammo can. Actually, I had walked around last time kind of looking for it but didn't spot it. This time I grabbed the coordinates and headed for the ammo can. Heh..I walked around it last time, I looked there, but not real well. To make matters worse, as I'm driving to the cache in the first place, there is a line of cars in front of me...and they keep turning the same way! They are all headed to get MY coin! I need to turn right at the next light..and they turn right..ok, left at the next light..3 of them turn left..BAH! Ok, cool, two just turned off into the Army Reserve base, that leaves one. Need to turn left just after the base...NO! So does he! Ok, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. Yes! He keeps going! So I make the short walk to the first container. Anyway, I figured, man, the GSA has been here, but how long ago? Anyone been by since? Open the container. Hmm..no GSA log...well duh! I guess a secret agent can't really spend too much time in one spot. Advertising his whereabouts in the forums is one thing, but to actually write it in paper where his hand writing can be analyzed? No, guess not. So I grab the coords for the can and head over. I hear rustling in the bushes...what is it? Someone before me? The GSA still around? Nope, quail! Baha, ok. Grab the can, open and all pretty inside is the gsa with coins from many different countries. Very cool! I love foreign coins, but I resisted and only took the gsa and the hobo dude traveling coin to move along. In return I dropped a Geocoins Through The Ages Antique Copper unactivated in the cache. Thanks GSA and of course Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking for placing this great cache! Quote
+The Amigos Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 Oh yeah! The made it to Arizona after all! I am now the proud owner of a GSA coin! Pictures will come later! Thanks GSA for your generosity, I hope you never get caught! Here's my log... Well, I had been to part one, but not to the ammo can. Actually, I had walked around last time kind of looking for it but didn't spot it. This time I grabbed the coordinates and headed for the ammo can. Heh..I walked around it last time, I looked there, but not real well. To make matters worse, as I'm driving to the cache in the first place, there is a line of cars in front of me...and they keep turning the same way! They are all headed to get MY coin! I need to turn right at the next light..and they turn right..ok, left at the next light..3 of them turn left..BAH! Ok, cool, two just turned off into the Army Reserve base, that leaves one. Need to turn left just after the base...NO! So does he! Ok, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. Yes! He keeps going! So I make the short walk to the first container. Anyway, I figured, man, the GSA has been here, but how long ago? Anyone been by since? Open the container. Hmm..no GSA log...well duh! I guess a secret agent can't really spend too much time in one spot. Advertising his whereabouts in the forums is one thing, but to actually write it in paper where his hand writing can be analyzed? No, guess not. Awesome!!! So I grab the coords for the can and head over. I hear rustling in the bushes...what is it? Someone before me? The GSA still around? Nope, quail! Baha, ok. Grab the can, open and all pretty inside is the gsa with coins from many different countries. Very cool! I love foreign coins, but I resisted and only took the gsa and the hobo dude traveling coin to move along. In return I dropped a Geocoins Through The Ages Antique Copper unactivated in the cache. Thanks GSA and of course Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking for placing this great cache! Quote
TokyoBlossom Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 Congratulations Haughton's Hunters!!!!! Quote
+intolerable Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 Wow! We found #026 in a cache within walking distance of our place! I was out walking with my son (mightyzinn) on a nearby trail a couple days ago and we were passing a cache that had recently gone in. The first time we visited this cache was the night it was published. We rushed over only to find a couple nice cachers already on the scene. It was just past mightyzinn's bedtime and we were out on a trail with flashlights talking to other cachers. Needless to say, he was all excited, running around and didn't actually take a good look at the cache. He's 4, so such things are expected :-) Ever since he's wanted me to take him back over for another visit. So, as we were there, figured would let him take a look. Opened the container up and there it was! The Geocoin Secret Agent had hanging out in our neighborhood! Thanks GSA! Never thought I'd even *see* one of these in person! Here's mightyzinn with the coin. He's taunting me... he believes the coin is his :-) Quote
+earthrooster Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Hmmm.... I gotta keep my eyes open for this one! Quote
+Haughton's Hunters Posted November 5, 2007 Posted November 5, 2007 Congrats intolerable, and best of luck to you earthrooster...seems the GSA likes to keep a low profile...must keep quite to attract him... Quote
+earthrooster Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congrats intolerable, and best of luck to you earthrooster...seems the GSA likes to keep a low profile...must keep quite to attract him... <whispering> ok... Quote
+intolerable Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congrats intolerable, and best of luck to you earthrooster...seems the GSA likes to keep a low profile...must keep quite to attract him... I don't know. mightyzinn is pretty darn loud and there's no getting that coin from him... Thanks for the congrats and if GSA hasn't hit your neighborhood really do hope he does. I'm always blown away by the generosity, especially when it puts a big old smile across my son's face. Quote
+ThirstyMick Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 I can't wipe the grin off my face...The GSA visited New Jersey, and stopped at one of my caches I can't believe I got there before anyone else! The cache is right down a park pathway that starts across the street from my job and about a 10 minute walk; I got the notification of the log on my cache this morning.. but I had meetings and couldn't sneak out before lunch. I thought for sure someone else had run out and picked it up before me, but when I opened the container #83 was sitting on top looking back at me log THANK YOU GSA!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier right now Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! Quote
+Nochipra Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congrats all and welcome to the GSA club:) Quote
+Steinwälzer Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) After a very long day at the university I had to go to my cache to check it, as some mysterious person had logged it this afternoon... Can you believe it? Two mystery coins for ME in ONE WEEK???? Thank you, GSA! (Sorry, I had a really long day at university and I am soo tired now, I tell you the whole story later...!) Edited November 6, 2007 by Steinwälzer Quote
+Ble68 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 After a very long day at the university I had to go to my cache to check it, as some mysterious person had logged it this afternoon... Can you believe it? Two mystery coins for ME in ONE WEEK???? (Sorry, I had a really long day at university and I am soo tired now, I tell you the whole story later...!) That is awesome! Quote
+Dolfy Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congrats Sabrina!! I'm really glad that the cachers in other countries are getting these too! Quote
+mousekakat Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 OMGosh, Sabrina, that is just TOO COOL! Send him my way, the GCF, too! I'm really happy for you! Naomi Quote
wwflover13 Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congrats Steinwälzer and ThirstyMick! I really love mine that I got on Oct 31st - thanks GSA for the joy you have brought everyone! Quote
+Team 'zZZz' Posted November 6, 2007 Posted November 6, 2007 Congratulations, Sabrina Maybe you can send the GSA a bit more to the south? Hunting him down on the other side of Germany is "a bit problematic" for me Thumbs up! Dirk Quote
+wyohunter Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 Congrats to all the latest finders! Glad to see he is still out there spreading missions! Quote
+Dorsetgal & GeoDog Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 (edited) I have just spent ten days on a conference trip to Germany, naturally GeoDog came too, and we got home late Sunday evening. Yesterday, I had earmarked a good part of the day for Caesar aka GeoDog to have a good free run on the nature reserve at the back of our home ... he really deserved to let his hair down after working so hard on our trip. When we passed by one of my caches, I decided to check it was still in position and ok, imagine my surprise when I spotted the last visitor had been The G.S.A. !! I was so excited I quickly took a couple of snaps and carried on, hoping to maybe catch up with The G.S.A. but I think s/he was long gone, and even though I looked hard, I could find no tracks. My Log. I'm really so surprised and chuffed that The G.S.A. would choose one of my caches to leave a coin, thank you so much, it really made my day yesterday. Perfect timing too, if I'd been away one more day, I would have missed the coin for sure! Thank you so much G.S.A. your kindness is truly appreciated I looked everywhere, but the G.S.A. had already moved on, either that or s/he is such a master of stealth I passed them by without even noticing. Edited November 7, 2007 by Dorsetgal & GeoDog Quote
+zazth Posted November 7, 2007 Posted November 7, 2007 (edited) Found a GSA Coin on 11/4/2007 I am camera to computer stupid, so no picture till I figure it out. However, when I saw the GSA had stoped by another cache in my area I had to check it out. I knew where it was. I drove within 3 feet of it got out of the truck took 2 steps and grabbed my cache from it's hiding place. Never thought you could get a coin this size in this cache before now. good job GSA, a lot of cachers stop by a few times to claim a find for this one. Thank you for stopping by the area again, Thank you for the fun of the chase, And a big THANK YOU for the coin. Mike Zazth Edited November 7, 2007 by zazth Quote
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