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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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Looks like the GSA made a stop in Utah. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the log. Luckily we live very close and I was able to race over late yesterday and get the coin. :(




Do what :rolleyes: !!! How did I miss that log ;) ? That is right around the corner from my work :( !

Posted (edited)

Congrats to all the recent recipients!


The party last night was alot of fun, mostly for those secret agents though. When asked what they'd like to drink at the party they vehemently exclaimed, "We want joe, we want joe!" Who the heck is Joe I ask. I was informed that joe is another word for coffee. Right.................so I made them a pot of coffee.

It soon became apparent to me that this was not my type of party. The GSA's just sat around and reminisced about the good old days. Most of the agents seemed a little anxious, all except #95. He kept proudly explaining to his buds that he was officially retired. He had completed his mission (this is the coin I found in a cache a little while ago).

I hung out for a bit. They talked about how #137 got to go to Hawaii for his mission. #99 was rather jealous as he's always dreamed of visiting someplace where he could lay on the beach in the nude. Don't ask me, I'm just repeating what I heard. They talked about their comrades who went to such places as Illinois, Iowa, Georgia, Kansas, Virginia & even Oregon. After about the 5th pot of "joe" I decided to take off. Don't get me wrong, these are great fellas, but they kept whispering among themselves, and I felt a bit out of place

Before I left #5 said to me "Ms Karma, could you please put Mission Impossible in your DVD player." Of course I said. I took off for a couple of hours. This is what I found when I returned:




At first I thought it was cute, they were all passed out on my pillow. But then I realized every single one of them was naked. I have no idea what happened after I left the party. How could I be mad though, they are so adorable :sad:


I asked them about it this morning. They said they sleep in the nude, what's the big deal? #5 also told me that he'd rather be naked than all covered up, that way everyone can enjoy his splendor. Lol, they are all nice looking, that's for sure. One thing I did notice is #54 seems to be getting a little antsy. I wonder what's up. One things for sure, no more GSA parties at my house, lol.

A party eh? And you got em all naked didnt you? What did you put in their coffee?! What did you get them to tell you?! You Took advantage of those poor agents!....I know whats goin on...I watched Goldfinger last night!*********DONT WORRY AGENTS...Help is on the way! In what form you ask?----------- Its D......Big-D


Congrats to Damenace- we might need your Agents help to free our friends in Dorkfishes not so EVIL GRASP!

Edited by 007BigD

Why do people have more than one geocoin secret agent coin?


Maybe they are greedy and where fortunate to be at the right place at the right time :sad: ?? I am just kidding :sad: .

Posted (edited)

I went out for awhile today and when I returned I only counted 3 GSA coins sitting around drinking their coffee. When asked what was going on #5 handed me a note that said this:

"The Spymaster has given me a mission and I must leave. You have been a good handler. Thanks for the joe. - Agent 54"

~poof~ the message exploded.

I'm puzzled. Wonder what his mission is.

Edited by dorkfish
Posted (edited)

Why do people have more than one geocoin secret agent coin?


Maybe they are greedy and where fortunate to be at the right place at the right time :sad: ?? I am just kidding :) .

Oh-no... these guys are smarter than that! They cant be had that easily, They are Agents...Remember?( :sad: )

As you can now see...They are on a mission!


As a wise Agent once told me...Lets just sit tight!!! :sad:

Edited by 007BigD

:ph34r: #54 on E-bay :blink:

At first I was 'oh no, how sad', but then i went and searched for it. It's all good. It's Dorkfish on a secret mission!


I have been asked by the GSA to participate in a secret mission. Please be aware that the monies raised through the sale of this coin will not be kept by me or the GSA. All of the funds will be used for a very special mission that I am unable to discuss with you at this time. I can tell you this though, all will reveal itself in due time


I can't wait to see what happens!!!!!


I was sitting at home and saw the GSA had dropped a coin right across the street from where I live. So I zoomed out the door and got there within minutes. And there it was, the GSA Geocoin #42. Will post photos later. Mahalo GSA!


Another Cali drop! The GSA was right...There is a lot of work for him in these parts. Congrats Mauison, for your Mad Dash across the Street to the Treasure of the day!


Which brings me to...

***Why did the cacher cross the road?.......Anyone? :D

Posted (edited)

Another Cali drop! The GSA was right...There is a lot of work for him in these parts. Congrats Mauison, for your Mad Dash across the Street to the Treasure of the day!


Which brings me to...

***Why did the cacher cross the road?.......Anyone? :D


Because the FTF was still up for grabs?

Edited by wyohunter

Weather is improving here in Michigan. Snow is almost gone, so the GSA won't have to worry about erasing tracks. Nice time to visit :D:angry::angry: .




P.S. Please, please, pretty please :blink::huh::sad:


WOW, am I ever glad that informed the GSA of my move :blink: , decided to get out in the nice weather and grab a cache or two on the way to the Pet store :D . As I picked up the container to open it I about fell over!!! What is that orange showing through the container, can it be :D ??


YES, YES,YES :D !! Indeed the GSA paid a visit to my new stomping grounds, what a nice reward considering every thing that has occured in the last month :blink: .


I took the GSA #193 coin with me and left an Unactivated Top 40 Geocoin for the next person as a gift.


Thank you GSA





WOW, am I ever glad that informed the GSA of my move :blink: , decided to get out in the nice weather and grab a cache or two on the way to the Pet store :D . As I picked up the container to open it I about fell over!!! What is that orange showing through the container, can it be :D ??


YES, YES,YES :D !! Indeed the GSA paid a visit to my new stomping grounds, what a nice reward considering every thing that has occured in the last month :blink: .


I took the GSA #193 coin with me and left an Unactivated Top 40 Geocoin for the next person as a gift.


Thank you GSA





Congrats you lucky dog :D


IT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!!!!!! I was into the 2nd hour of the 10th day of my Secret Agent Steakout...when I arrived I assured my self he had not been by, as for I had to leave the steakout for the last few hours to check my mail for more coins...and to get more ribs!

As I was sitting there I was pondering...Will he even be by?...Did I do all this hiding for nothing? What will I say to him? Will he be mad if I do see him?


THATS WHEN IT HAPPENED!!! Out from the shadows of the nearby street light lurks a tall dark figure...I figured its not him-Wheres his car? As he got closer to me in my hiding spot I saw what can only be described as a silouette of a Secret Agent!-All I could see was the outline that looked like THIS...It was the Hat that gave him away, But I could not see his face, all that was to see was the Yellow glow of two eyes that seemed as if they never were taken off me!...It was quite earie, but I was still curious...Should I approach him? I thought NOWAY! Then as I tried to get a better look at him "SNAP" of the branch I had just unsecret Agently stepped on, I took a few steps back into better hiding, But as the yellow glow of the staring eyes quickly turned to a crimson campfire RED I knew I was in for it! He made a mad dash straight to the cache and the now RED glowing eyes never left me once!

I dare not move because I couldnt...All muscle functions have completly left me stranded-I was paralyzed with fear that he would not leave me the coin! At that point I was helpless and quite worried, the lump in my stomach turned to knots and all I could do was watch from behind the bushes where I sat helplessly and then- The Agent Mind Trick sets in and all was confusing...I was slowly fading.

Then my eyes opened again and at this point everything came too...I sat straight up and my heart was pounding, NO WAY was this a dream, but where am I? where did he go?...I was at home sitting confused in my bed wondering what had just happened!


I ran to the computer to turn it on anxiously waiting for it to start up and when I opened my mail...BAM!!! The Geocoin Secret Agent has visited my cache!...My jaw dropped and I was out the door.


Low and behold- At the arrival of (GC11RY) 007Secret Agent Coin'N'Bug drop and Super Swag Shop... there it was-Secret Agent Geocoin #175...and it was mine!....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!


SEE...dreams do come true!.......Thanks GSA...YOU ROCK!


At the Secret Agent Coin'N'Bug Drop



At the Super Swag Shop



I cant explain what happened...It was so real and then it was REALLY all so real!


Sorry GSA for making you use your Secret Agent mind trick on me...even though it was just all a dream afterall-RIGHT?


It was really beautiful here today so I think it is time that the GSA visited my area of Michigan!! :)


Me too! Me too! Me too! Well actually, just a bit further north would be great, (say the thumb area of Michigan). :blink::(:):)




That sneaky GSA hit yesterday on a watchlist cache, and I practically teleported there when the email popped up. I had a good feeling I'd beat the crowd there, since it was fairly close to home and I'd had that cache scouted out from a previous drive around the area. I knew exactly where to park to get within 150 feet, and it helped me keep my pants relatively mud-free. Popped open the box and saw that shiny black coin rattling around near the logbook and grabbed my camera for a pic. Gee, this camera is light today, and wonder why it won't turn on? Uhm...duh, no battery, dufus. So, I resorted in a cameraphone pic to capture the essence of my glee. Thanks GSA for the mad dash and this treasured geocoin!






That sneaky GSA hit yesterday on a watchlist cache, and I practically teleported there when the email popped up. I had a good feeling I'd beat the crowd there, since it was fairly close to home and I'd had that cache scouted out from a previous drive around the area. I knew exactly where to park to get within 150 feet, and it helped me keep my pants relatively mud-free. Popped open the box and saw that shiny black coin rattling around near the logbook and grabbed my camera for a pic. Gee, this camera is light today, and wonder why it won't turn on? Uhm...duh, no battery, dufus. So, I resorted in a cameraphone pic to capture the essence of my glee. Thanks GSA for the mad dash and this treasured geocoin!





WTG Yime! Sounds like quite a few folks went after this one...3 D's & a Pokey showed up after you (they arrived while LC was signing the log)...their aspiring secret agent (the youngest D) saw our coin and is now yearning for a mission. Bet your boys are loving your new coin! Congrats!


That sneaky GSA hit yesterday on a watchlist cache, and I practically teleported there when the email popped up. I had a good feeling I'd beat the crowd there, since it was fairly close to home and I'd had that cache scouted out from a previous drive around the area. I knew exactly where to park to get within 150 feet, and it helped me keep my pants relatively mud-free. Popped open the box and saw that shiny black coin rattling around near the logbook and grabbed my camera for a pic. Gee, this camera is light today, and wonder why it won't turn on? Uhm...duh, no battery, dufus. So, I resorted in a cameraphone pic to capture the essence of my glee. Thanks GSA for the mad dash and this treasured geocoin!






See Yime! I told you to go caching. ;) And now you know why! <_<:unsure::P




Looks like you had nice weather too. After 4 nice days of drying out we're cold, windy & heading back to snow. :(

Posted (edited)

You have got to be kidding me. YIPPPPPY. I'm not even sure what to say. I'm kinda lost for words. I went to town for my daughters first gymnastics class today, I get home and do my routine and check caches, and there it is, the log that I've only seen on other caches, The GSA was here. My 4 1/2 year old daughter and I ran out the door, jumped in the car and off we went. I was a little nervous driving up to the cache, not because I thought I would see the GSA, but because there were about a half a dozen people fishing near by. I still can not help but wonder if I was being watched. It felt kinda creepy. Kinda like walking in the woods by yourself creepy. The only tracks I saw were snowmobile and maybe some old animal tracks. It was hard to tell with all the snow melt the last week or so. Anyways, YESSSSSSSSS I found one.





Edited by dardevle

That sneaky GSA hit yesterday on a watchlist cache, and I practically teleported there when the email popped up. I had a good feeling I'd beat the crowd there, since it was fairly close to home and I'd had that cache scouted out from a previous drive around the area. I knew exactly where to park to get within 150 feet, and it helped me keep my pants relatively mud-free. Popped open the box and saw that shiny black coin rattling around near the logbook and grabbed my camera for a pic. Gee, this camera is light today, and wonder why it won't turn on? Uhm...duh, no battery, dufus. So, I resorted in a cameraphone pic to capture the essence of my glee. Thanks GSA for the mad dash and this treasured geocoin!





WTG Yime! Sounds like quite a few folks went after this one...3 D's & a Pokey showed up after you (they arrived while LC was signing the log)...their aspiring secret agent (the youngest D) saw our coin and is now yearning for a mission. Bet your boys are loving your new coin! Congrats!

I thought LindsyChris already had one of these coins. Why would they rush out to grab another one? That doesn't seem very cacher friendly.

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