+ChadsClan Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 If I was lucky enough to find one of the GSA's coins there is no way I would ever consider selling it! Did you find it yet? Looks like it's here as of today! GSA's Mission: K1W1 (Canterbury) by Team chelmo (GC10EAM) South Island Quote
+Team chelmo Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 No Way, GSA! I dangled a big carrot and it was obviously too much to resist GSA's Mission: K1W1 I had been planning on placing a cache for a couple of weeks where you have to use your investigative skills to locate local historic places from photos. Seeing the the EGB had visited Kiwi Land for easter I thought I would try and tempt the GSA down this way too, and it worked I had a plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a donkey I changed the cache slightly and decided to make it a tribute to the GSA, I also included a jar of vegemite! (Because I heard he/she had a thing for vegemite). Anyway I didn't think my chances were too good as the GSA seems to be slowing down on the missions but this would be a fun cache for the locals anyway. But what do you know... I get up in the morning and check my e-mails the very day after the cache is published and the GSA has been So I got dressed and rushed out to see if he had left what I had hoped, YES! A GSA coin #144! And here's the proof The Cache. Thomas with his new favorite coin. There is a photo of the cache contents too but it ended up huge when I tried to post it here. Thankyou so much GSA, hopefully next time you are down under you can take some time away from your mission and enjoy the country. Keep up the great work, Mark (Agent Elmo) Quote
+geocachingdragon Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Congrats Team chelmo who would have thought of that use for vegimite. Quote
+Hockeyhick Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 So I'm already running late trying to get the kids to school when Cache-n-Kerry calls me and says, "You need to run by the Garden!" I said, "Why?" She said, "Nevermind why...just do what I said!" So I did what any man would do when put in that defensive position...I went to the Garden. The kids were late, I was late, but in the end, The Pirates had not plundered it yet! (Although there did seem to be a rather shadowy figure rustling in the leaves as we were approaching.) What a way cool coin! We left a Diabetes TB in exchange. Thank you GSA! A PIRATE'S GARDEN TREASURE The lovely Meggie-Mae at the entrance to Hatcher Gardens A couple of shots from the Gardens Ave-man and Meggie-Mae with the booty! Quote
+6 Feet More Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Congrats Team chelmo and Hockeyhick! Great pics, too! Quote
+dardevle Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Congratulations Hockeyhick on your find of a GSA coin. There are NO gardens like that here in Minnesota. Very nice pictures. Quote
+007BigD Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 YAHOO!!!... 2 more Secret Agent finds!!! Great one Team Chelmo- Those tribute caches do it every time! Looks like Thomas is quite the happy Agent!...I like it! Cant say you arnt deserving!!!!- Congrats Buddy! And congrats to Hockeyhick too! How could the GSA resist tose beautifull Gardens?...He/she couldnt! Never too late for a GSA grab - EH? Quote
+Hockeyhick Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Thanks! Hatcher Gardens is one of the most magical places to find a cache, and also one of the most humbling stories. GSA did good....REAL good! Quote
+ArtieD Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 YAHOO!!!... 2 more Secret Agent finds!!! Great one Team Chelmo- Those tribute caches do it every time! Looks like Thomas is quite the happy Agent!...I like it! Cant say you arnt deserving!!!!- Congrats Buddy! And congrats to Hockeyhick too! How could the GSA resist tose beautifull Gardens?...He/she couldnt! Never too late for a GSA grab - EH? Two more?? I found one on Saturday...people forgetting about me...*sniffle* Quote
+Hockeyhick Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Two more?? I found one on Saturday...people forgetting about me...*sniffle* Congrats to you! We don't want anyone left out! Quote
+summerandnana Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 YAHOO!!!... 2 more Secret Agent finds!!! Great one Team Chelmo- Those tribute caches do it every time! Looks like Thomas is quite the happy Agent!...I like it! Cant say you arnt deserving!!!!- Congrats Buddy! And congrats to Hockeyhick too! How could the GSA resist tose beautifull Gardens?...He/she couldnt! Never too late for a GSA grab - EH? OK, thats it, I'm gonna have to place one of those tribute caches Congrats to all the recent finders:) Quote
+6 Feet More Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 YAHOO!!!... 2 more Secret Agent finds!!! Great one Team Chelmo- Those tribute caches do it every time! Looks like Thomas is quite the happy Agent!...I like it! Cant say you arnt deserving!!!!- Congrats Buddy! And congrats to Hockeyhick too! How could the GSA resist tose beautifull Gardens?...He/she couldnt! Never too late for a GSA grab - EH? Two more?? I found one on Saturday...people forgetting about me...*sniffle* Didn't mean to leave anyone out. We're glad for you, too! Quote
+ArtieD Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Thanks! It's all good, though...I was just playin. Quote
+007BigD Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 WOO-HOO!!!!!!! I found a GSA coin!! The GSA hits Missouri...yes!!! Here is my log: April 21 by Arthur & Trillian (232 found) WOW!!!! What can I say? THANK YOU GSA!!!!!! I was sitting at home tonight chatting in the geocoin chat room and I get a mail notification. I check the mail and about fainted right there...the GSA had visited one of my caches!!!!! Trillian and I got our shoes on really quick, grabbed the camera, a couple trade items and we were off...we got to the parking lot for the cache and no one was there...a good thing! We hurried off on the trail to the cache...I only tripped once, LOL...we finally reached the cache and what did we see? A GSA COIN...#149!!!! We quickly left a Garmin Geocaching Police pin and a 7th Anniversary Original Stash pin as trade and scurried home...what a wonderful end to the day. Thank you, GSA!!!!!! Scurryin at its best pays off again!!! You can now relax knowing that the GSA does in fact love Missourians...Congrats on your killer find! We didnt forget bout ya!-You got lost at the end of page 11! I saw ya made the score and was happy for ya knowin youve been eagerly awaiting one of these beauties...Just had to run and got lost in the moment of the new finds when I returned (Me and Team Chelmo are Homies!) Also Congrats to Aidens Cachers!!! - Nice feeling-Eh? Quote
QuigleyJones Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 I just found one And it was quite the pleasant surprise http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...c9-bc676529b720 Quote
+Tank Hounds Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 (edited) It Happened!!! The GSA visited Colorado! WOO HOO!!! I had to go to Denver today (and anyone that lives in this area knows what a pain that is after the storm yesterday!). I traveled with a coworker that wanted to know what "this geocaching thing" was all about. I had found the cache last week and knew it would be a good one to show to a newbie. We didnt' stop on the way to Denver as the road was still snowed in, but we stopped on the way back. I gave my coworker the GPS to follow and I stood back and let her find it. She was looking through the loot and turned around and held something up and asked "what's this?". I ABOUT DIED! It was a GSA coin!!! I had no idea! What luck. I think my coworker was a bit surprised when I screeched and leaped towards her hand and snatched that coin! I didn't have any of my personal coins with me, but I will be going back up to Denver in 2 weeks and I will defintely put one in there.. So...I came home and since we don't have any 2 leggers I told the story of the GSA to my 4 leggers. I explained how the GSA was a super secret spy type figure and I explained how sometimes secret agents had to eat their missives so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands...well I think that Elmo must have heard me wrong (he IS 12, and that's old for a bloodhound)...see what I mean by the pic below...he must have heard that the COIN must be swallowed...not the missive! Thanks GSA! Edited April 26, 2007 by Tank Hounds Quote
+007BigD Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Its a Secret Buddy biscuit! Nice find...I just love that you werent expecting it! Thats amazing! Quote
+Instant Coffee Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 I thought it was a little funny that I just finished reading this book when I heard the GSA was out and about. Quote
+Aiden's Cachers Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 Finaly found the wire to conect my digital camera to the computer. That sneaky Aiden hid it on me!! So here are a couple Secret Agent pictures!! This one is Our Agent and the Georgia 2007 we traded for it along with our Sig item. And this is Aiden with the coin(that you can hardly see!) Quote
+kimba off track Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 I dont think Wyoming will ever see the secret agent...I keep hoping Quote
+merkman Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 (edited) Ahh yesterday.... what a fun day. I had taken a half-day off work to finish my college term paper, and there I was, 2 hours before class, stressing over a term paper that had at least 3 hrs of work left on it. My sister-in-law, niece, and nephew all show up to add to the fun. Kids are running around tying to play with their uncle, My wife is asking me questions, the phone is ringing, Dardevle is e-mailing me to let me know he got his new wooden nickels and to ask why I didn't drop his Travel Bugs last weekend, and I am trying to focus on getting through the day to get my paper handed in on time. I know I can't get wrapped up into the geocaching or my paper is a goner. If it weren't for geocaching I would have completed this paper days ago and wouldn't be stressed out at the last minute trying to get it done. OK, Focus.... no geocaching ... paper... paper... paper... The phone rings... I look at the caller ID and it is Dardevle. I say to my self "I am sorry Dardevle but I can't pick up the phone right now" OK, Focus.... no geocaching ... paper... paper... paper... I glance at my E-mail there are 2 new messages in the geocaching folder. I click on one and see GSA. I look again 'cause I don't believe it!! 2 rapid-fire e-mails come in from Dardevle. GET TO YOUR CACHE QUICK THE GSA WAS THERE!!! That is all I see the rest was a blur. My wife says "what the heck is wrong with you" as I go screaming, like a little school girl, across the kitchen, dangling my Niece and Nephew off me as they hold on for dear life. I look at my niece and nephew and I say "Get your shoes, we are going treasure hunting"!!! "Woo hooo,” they say. I hurry them along and get them rushed out to the truck thinking I will never get there in time. We race off to the cache. Both the niece and the nephew look at each other and probably think, "What is wrong with Uncle Bear?" I think "well at least I will get to see Dardevle tonight 'cause I was sure he was on his way to the cache. We get to the cache and there is no one there. No tracks left behind, that is a good thing. The kids pile out of the truck and we make a mad dash for the cache. We pull off the lid and there it is!!! Wow. I think to myself they say lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but it almost did. 1 GSA coin in Braham and now 1 in Isanti. Wow. That is amazing!! Suddenly, I remember, I need to get back home so I can get to school in time. I race back home and off to class. I managed to finish off my paper in class and give my presentation with out problems. It was a huge relief to get that paper done. Top that off with a GSA coin find and I don't know if the day could have been better. I kind of chuckled to myself since I was out caching 2 weeks ago and I made my first unactivated coin drop in a cache near Fargo ND. Earl J. Hickey would be proud, Karma has paid me back. I will place 3 more unactivated geocoins in caches throughout MN in the coming weeks in honor of the GSA. Ohh did I mention... Thank You GSA!!! I owe you a full rack of Famous Daves BBQ Ribs!!! I will post pics later this week. GSA #091 reporting for duty!! Edited May 2, 2007 by merkman Quote
+jAY miLLS Posted May 2, 2007 Posted May 2, 2007 Still more stories of GSA adventures to enjoy. Just gotta love it. Congratz to all the latest finders of the GSA coin. #182 sends his regards. Quote
+Big JohnP Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 (edited) Oh Boy! Did I get a surprise yesterday . I was out shopping and when I got back to the pick-up, I turn the GPS on to see if there were any caches in the area. There was one about half a klic away. GC12E82 LA SENTINELLE. in Laval, Quebec. I always carry my geocaching stuff with me, so I decided to give this one a shot. When I got there, it was about 100 meters from a frost fence. Too high to jump. So I had to go around to the other side. The walk from where I could get in was approx. 325 meters. After some searching, I found the cache well hidden in some shrubs. On the bottom, inside the cache was something starring at me from the shadows. I could'nt believe it at first. It was a GSA geocoin. I had just about given up on finding one. After doing the usual trades, I left an unactivated GCC May 06 geocoin for the next to find. Thank you so much, Geocoin Secret Agent, for this wonderful surprise. It will be cherished. Edited May 4, 2007 by Big JohnP Quote
+joranda Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Got rained out at work today so when I got home and checked my email I had seen the The Geocoin Secret Agent had made a coin drop on cast away island. I ran out and loaded the kayak and headed to the river in hopes I would be the first to the cache. Made my way to the cache and opened it up. To my surpise , it was still there. What a cool looking coin. I dropped off two coins in its place. Thank you GSA for dropping a coin in my area. Quote
general_tupperware Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Missed the GSA in Vancouver around a week ago. Quote
+Dr. Whoever Posted May 5, 2007 Posted May 5, 2007 I see another one was found in one of my caches about 75 miles from home> Grape Fountain Congrats Mickey! Quote
+Team Webguy Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 BOOYAH!! A dream come true? I sent the wife to one of our caches after she picked up the kids from school and we are now the proud owners of #180. Is this the only one in Australia??? Didn't actually think I would ever get to see one of these, let alone own one. So who ever you are, many thanks!! Quote
+Team chelmo Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 (edited) BOOYAH!! A dream come true? I sent the wife to one of our caches after she picked up the kids from school and we are now the proud owners of #180. Is this the only one in Australia??? Didn't actually think I would ever get to see one of these, let alone own one. So who ever you are, many thanks!! Congrats Team Webguy And joranda and Big JohnP Edited May 7, 2007 by Team chelmo Quote
+007BigD Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 MORE FINDS!!!!!Yeah! That GSA just dont stop I tell ya! And why would he...with all this fun! Did we ever figure out how many GSA coins will be out there when all is said and done? Theres a bunch, but any info on coins Minted? Id say 200...but thats just a guess because only up to 196 has been listed. Thanks again GSA! Quote
+rivercity Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 As if a hike along a river trail with wildflowers on both sides and a cache near a pond full of wildlife wasn't enough, we were also the lucky finders of a Secret Agent geocoin. I had to smile when I read the GSA's log for the cache and was so glad the Secret Agent was persistent. We had old coords which took us to the bank of the river. After a thorough search we checked the pda and found updated coords in one of the previous logs. We turned around and headed back to the pond. This time the cache was found and inside was a shiny orange and black Geocoin Secret Agent coin! What a thrill to discover the Secret Agent coin and what a perfect ending to our caching day. We added our signatures to the log and a geocoin in trade and re-hid the cache. We sat in a light drizzle and watched the rain on the pond and listened to the ducks and geese. What beautiful sights and sounds, and what a beautiful coin! Thank you, GSA, for your generosity. We're proud to add this special coin to our collection. Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 Nice going, joefrog. I had frog legs once. As I remember, They were Good ! Quote
+joefrog Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 Nice going, joefrog. I had frog legs once. As I remember, They were Good ! Har de har har... Quote
+fairyhoney Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 Nice going, joefrog. I had frog legs once. As I remember, They were Good ! Har de har har... Lippy The Lion, too? Quote
+GeekBoy.from.Illinois Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 The GSA has surfaced again... I got this email last night about midnight (local time) because I was watching this cache (along with about 20 other users): This is an automated message from Geocaching You are receiving this email because this listing is on your watch list. Visit the web site to change your watchlist settings. Location: Illinois, United States The Geocoin Secret Agent found GB2 - The Gold Bug 2; "all cum ob de bug" (Unknown Cache) at 5/10/2007 Log Date: 5/10/2007 A 5 star mystery cache is never too hard for a good agent. For this cache a coin. Who will be the lucky finder? Visit this log entry at the below address: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LU...c4-c7a27824e58c ... Quote
+GeekBoy.from.Illinois Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 My wife and I were to sove this puzzle and had a great time. It is based on the E.A. Poe story "The Gold Bug". It was a blast! We exchanged to trading coins for coins in the cache, not knowing what we found. What luck finding such a highly treasured item in a cache mimicking a Capt. Kidd treasure chest! If I would have known what I ofund at the time I would have taken some pictures for to enjoy. Perhaps it's better this way since any good pictures would have given away spoilers for this cache. Think about the main points in the Poe story and you will find many of the great things this hider did with this cache. It was such a fun time. I never thought I would hae so much fun doing such a difficult cache. I even almost fell out of a tree while working on this cache (but luckily for me I didn't ) Quote
LoriDarlin Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 I am speechless today....Sometimes a person can get REALLY lucky... http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...4a-3ecf5608654a Thank you GSA. You have a heart of gold and we are honored to have been a recipient of your kindness and goodness. Thank you for spreading joy to all of us .... we think you are awesome!!!! Love the coin too!!!! LD and Family Quote
LoriDarlin Posted May 16, 2007 Posted May 16, 2007 ps - Picked up a lottery ticket the same day...and look who was on it LOL do you see the resemblance?? We won $10 on it.... Yes it was a lucky day for sure Quote
TokyoBlossom Posted May 17, 2007 Posted May 17, 2007 With the new "My Friends" feature, will the ever esteemed The Geocoin Secret Agent be accepting friend requests? Inquiring minds would love to know. Thank you, TB Quote
+1NatureMom Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Wow! The secret agent must have used stealth with a hydro vessile to place a coin on an island in a river here in Connecticut! I came across one today! Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted May 29, 2007 Posted May 29, 2007 I sure did enjoy meeting the super nice Secret Agent at GW5. :) .....and no I am not telling who it is. Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 I sure did enjoy meeting the super nice Secret Agent at GW5. .....and no I am not telling who it is. Awe come on........ I'll trade you some CHICKS....that you already have, for the identity LOL. Just a post to say I was the lucky winner at the GW5 silent auction. I'm the proud owner of #100. I know.... I now have two but I didn't want my first Secret Agent to be lonely. HEE HEE! And, it went to a good cause. I cant believe no one else out bid me! WOOT!! Quote
+crazycavelover Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 How much did you bid? Email sent....... Quote
+islander1988 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 I sure did enjoy meeting the super nice Secret Agent at GW5. :D .....and no I am not telling who it is. I have a guess who it might be, based on an offhand comment by someone, but I don't know for sure. Quote
+islander1988 Posted May 30, 2007 Posted May 30, 2007 Just a post to say I was the lucky winner at the GW5 silent auction. I'm the proud owner of #100. I saw that there & was curious how much it would go for. I meant to go back before bidding closed to check on the going prices for a few things but I forgot. Does anyone know if a list will be posted of what items went for? I'd be curious to find out the final bids on the geocoins. Quote
+57chevy Posted June 9, 2007 Posted June 9, 2007 I was a bit late doing my cache maintenance this spring, but finally with the proper motivation got it done. I noticed the GSA made it to Missouri again, and to one of my own caches, How cool is that? I hustled out and sure enough there was a Agent coin #57 tucked away in there. I did a quick coin exchange, and moved on to my other cache to make sure all was well. Thanks GSA, Awesome coin. It sure made my day. Thanks again. Cheers! -57 Quote
+Toojin Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 (edited) I'm so glad the Geocoin Secret Agent is still around and dropping coins! Love these mystery coins!! Someday maybe my timing will be right and I will find one too! In the meantime, it is great to read about these?? Edited June 10, 2007 by Toojin & Bart Quote
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