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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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Sure hope you can make a visit to the Ohio Valley area sometime :ph34r: Love reading all of the lucky ones who were lucky enough to grab a Secrent Agent coin.Congrats


It's AbbysGrammy here and I was the reciprient of a Secret Agent Geocoin while at GW 5 in Raliegh last month. I was so surprised to find an envelope among my coins when I got home. Wonder who it is? Anyhow, thanks so much. :)


Dorkfish (Karma) and The Geocoin Secret Agent are two VERY wonderful people!! :(


I had had a very horrendous week and I came home to a pile of padded envelopes. One was from Karma. I didn't remember a trade or anything so I opened it first. I was astonished and tears filled my eyes when out fell a set of her new Shabti geocoins, a letter and "What? OMG!!" a check for $200!!! I sat down very quickly and was utterly and completely speechless as I read the letter.


On February 28 I lost my beloved springer Abbey after a very short illness. I was completely devastated. This was the first time since 1979 that I had not owned at least one dog. The letter told me that the check was to help pay these large vet bills and came from the sale of the GSA secret mission coins on ebay. I had even bid on these coins hoping to help whoever it was in my own small way never knowing.


I have since adopted a beautiful sheltie I saw on www.petfinder.com from a kill shelter in Toledo, Ohio. She needs extensive dental work which I have put off because of the money situation. This money will be put towards this work for her.


As I am writing this the tears are flowing again.


:( You two are just wonderful beyonds words. :P


I am truly grateful and honored to have friends such as you. This is a wonderful community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)




Hugs from Beverly AKA LadyBee4T

Dog slobber from Abbey "Road" from the Rainbow Bridge for making Mom smile through her tears

Dog kisses too from Good Golly Miss Molly

Posted (edited)

Does the GSA have a passport, or would that be surplus to requirements for one with such guile?

Well either the GSA does have a passport, or he is better than 007......


I found a coin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He somehow knew that there were 2 little Pigs who were quietly wishing they could visit the USA just so they could have a go at finding one of these special coins........


But instead, a log is spied by the Mrs Pig on a cache not too far away....the GSA has paid Tasmania a visit, and dropped one of his ever so sought after coins! Luckily we got there first and snaffled it up. :angry:


Happy, happy day! :D:D


THANK YOU GSA! Your dedication to worldwide travel and altruism is very much appreciated! :angry::laughing:


*Edited to say, photo's are coming!

Edited by Cheesy pigs

Dorkfish (Karma) and The Geocoin Secret Agent are two VERY wonderful people!! :angry:


I had had a very horrendous week and I came home to a pile of padded envelopes. One was from Karma. I didn't remember a trade or anything so I opened it first. I was astonished and tears filled my eyes when out fell a set of her new Shabti geocoins, a letter and "What? OMG!!" a check for $200!!! I sat down very quickly and was utterly and completely speechless as I read the letter.


On February 28 I lost my beloved springer Abbey after a very short illness. I was completely devastated. This was the first time since 1979 that I had not owned at least one dog. The letter told me that the check was to help pay these large vet bills and came from the sale of the GSA secret mission coins on ebay. I had even bid on these coins hoping to help whoever it was in my own small way never knowing.


I have since adopted a beautiful sheltie I saw on www.petfinder.com from a kill shelter in Toledo, Ohio. She needs extensive dental work which I have put off because of the money situation. This money will be put towards this work for her.


As I am writing this the tears are flowing again.


:D You two are just wonderful beyonds words. :laughing:


I am truly grateful and honored to have friends such as you. This is a wonderful community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :D




Hugs from Beverly AKA LadyBee4T

Dog slobber from Abbey "Road" from the Rainbow Bridge for making Mom smile through her tears

Dog kisses too from Good Golly Miss Molly


I was halfway through reading your post when a coworker came in wondering why there were tears in my eyes. Thats the sweetest thing I've heard.


What is a "mystery cacher"?


(Besides the obvious?)


I had also noticed they had not dropped any coins recently.


I often wonder what their job is. I cant imagine someone flying around the world traveling somewhere just to drop a coin.


I wonder if they have apprentice agents.


Relax deafhunt..

It is just another form where generous cachers send out items and coins we all love to get.

They do it anomously so others can get a great feeling of having a coin given to them as a form of acknowledgement. They are cachers with big hearts and love to just give things away...

Some day you may get one in the mail, and that in it's self is a honor as a Geocacher.


You know what would be really cool!...a SUPERDEAFY Mystery coin! :D


Being how Superdeafy is kind of a mystery for some...That would be one heck of a Mystery coin-eh?


There is really no way for us to know what happened to the GSA Deafhunt...I would assume all the drops have been made as well...But I can only assume... He is a man of mystery, one who is unknown to all!...well almost all.

He could have been captured and being held hostage for more coin drops right now for all we know :D He is a Secret Agent afterall!...Sounds like a job for SUPERDEAFY!


As I recall, deafhunt, You were a very fortunate recipient of a Lackey coin!! Consider your self lucky in that way. I'm fairly sure you have had others send you coins also. And I'm sure you'll receive more :D


As I recall, deafhunt, You were a very fortunate recipient of a Lackey coin!! Consider your self lucky in that way. I'm fairly sure you have had others send you coins also. And I'm sure you'll receive more :D


You got it! He did get a Lackey coin...and you know what he did with it?????? He put it out there as a FTF prize in his first Cache!!!...Hows that?-eh? The finder was stoked and I dont think she knows what she really got...It was her first coin! I dont even think Deafhunt knew what a special coin it was when he released it...But he did! Thats quite a mysterious gesture id say!


And yep the community has helped him out in many ways...I know I got a coin in route of my own and even adopted out, of all coins...a Def-Con coin to reach him amongst any others!


Cant blame the guy for hopin for a true Mystery coin though...So far I think he is the only coinicker to have his entire collection funded by the community...Thats kind of mysterious too I might add, but kinda cool in the same boat! :D


i know it was speaicl coin ... after few month of feel bad when i barg about my frist coin ... i deiced to help one out her frist geocion and my frist cache so i decied set up . and she was very happy .


I am still safe. Sorry bigd007 I wasn't captured by a foreign government yet. I still have several coins to drop however I have been on a super-duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry mission as of late and have not been able to go out geocaching. I will be free from my bonds within the next few weeks and then watch my profile for the next drops.


Mr. deafhunt be patient and you may get to find one of my coins. I do make it to Alaska from time to time.


no i been play around with many player see if they still live till i notice your have not been log in july 11 to now so sorry for been worry ( lol) but hope u still safe and sound and welcome back :blink:


Glad to hear all is well GSA!...I wasnt worried, less than a month without a drop isnt so bad, and besides YOUR SECRET so its OK to be secret, shoot that Fairy went into hiding with only 2 drops in 5 months...Nobody wondered!...Well nobody asked if her wings were broke or anything anyways :blink:


Deafhunt...Mystery coins are given to people who have contributed to our community or are dropped at locations where they can be accessed by those who have. Now granted you are in Alaska, and its hard for the mystery drops to be made all over, but its all about the Mystery...Many have not recieved a GSA that have done good things in their community or have been active in trying to lure a Mystery coin in the area, Thats how it goes.


Another thing is to contribute whatever you can to make your caching community a better one and to do as well for the coin community that has helped you multiple times. Which includes showing graditude for those who have taken the time to send you a coin, help you out in times of distress or just showed you that you are welcome here despite the early trials and tribulations you had here.


I know its hard for you to communicate, but your doing better. Do your very best to be as good of a person you can be...Spreading Geocaching through deaf awareness is good, dropping your Lackey as a FTF is Good, But take what people tell you and listen...If people dont care to have trash as part of the caching game (as in your cache) change it. People dont like beggers as you have found, The coin community still is having a hard time taking you in whether you have noticed or not. I think its mostly because of who we know as Deafhunt as of now.


Granted we are are not made of money, but we interact with each other in many ways, we all contribute in one way or another. Think of your posts before you post them...ask your self would I want to respond to this? Is this a good topic to post? Should it be somewhere else? In the case of this topic it should have been posted in the GSA thread.


Your doin better, and we dont mind you being here, just take what people tell you and listen to them...They are trying to help you, whether its not as straight forward as they might like to put it out to be, or bluntly saying quit asking for things, we are trying to make this better for us and you.


You certainly have been an interesting part of this community, and I hope you are able to become the part of this community that you hope to be.


Just hang in there.


I really dont mean to preach, but I think many are trying to tell you this.


ok ok ok i shut my trap !


Not what I intended... Just tryin to help a bit by explaining what people are trying to say here. Dont shut your trap, you are entitled to post what you want, but be a little more discreat about the ways you post sometimes is all.


Your post in the bug thread was good...You know, Bad Bug, Bad Bug whatcha gonna do? It made me chuckle...Thats what we like, be a part of us and contibute in positive ways.


Your a coin person...and we like coin people! Dont worry Deafhunt, your comin around and we are noticing it.


I am still safe. Sorry bigd007 I wasn't captured by a foreign government yet. I still have several coins to drop however I have been on a super-duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry mission as of late and have not been able to go out geocaching. I will be free from my bonds within the next few weeks and then watch my profile for the next drops.


I do make it to Alaska from time to time.


Any chance you are making your way through Kentucky or Tennessee? Oh wait, that's why it's a mystery. Guess we just have to keep our eyes open to see if you pass through.


Rumour has it, the Hudson Bay Line has now been reopened with a longer shipping season this year. It is the only artic deep sea port in Canada and several country's are eyeing this port as an opportunity to reduce shipping costs to North America. With this comes the opportunity for super duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry missions such as the secret agent keeps alluding to. With that comes the opportunities for any secret agent dropping the most coveted secret agent coins in caches in this vast barren country we all come to know as Crazy Canukland (Canada). Churchill beconns you and I know the Norman has vast cache opportunities for any secrect agent... :blink:

Posted (edited)

What you all have to realise is that the GSA has just made it all the way to Down Under, Down Under (Tasmania). He/she now needs to journey all the way back to the Northern Hemisphere....it may take a while :blink:

Edited by Cheesy pigs

I was hoping that hosting a geocoin event (GC13Q51) would attract a wandering Agent, but alas, no luck. There's always hope that placing a real-live ammo can travel bug hotel right on a major highway (GC14F4N) might help... :rolleyes:


WAY TO GO DORKFISH!!! She always comes through when ones in need! Same goes for the GSA! Those GSA coins have helped multiple people! Congrats LadyBee...Youve been touched by the Secret Karma!



Congrats to Cheesy Pigs!... The GSA comes from the Bearing Sea!...Tasmania is just a hop skip and a jump compared to other places he's been! Bet ya never thought youd see one of them over there!

Posted (edited)

I was hoping that hosting a geocoin event (GC13Q51) would attract a wandering Agent, but alas, no luck. There's always hope that placing a real-live ammo can travel bug hotel right on a major highway (GC14F4N) might help... :lol:


Good luck Moozer! Cant say you dont deserve it after hookin me up with a set of Skettis this weekend :rolleyes: ...Try The GSA Thread It was stuck a ways back in July 11th and this thread got started.


As said he's takin a break for a bit, but Secret Agents have to cut back on their acts in go in hiding for a bit to ensure their safety and well being...You know I almost got him while he made the drop! Then he pulled his Secret Agent Mind trick on me! So watch out!!

Edited by 007BigD

I am still safe. Sorry bigd007 I wasn't captured by a foreign government yet. I still have several coins to drop however I have been on a super-duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry mission as of late and have not been able to go out geocaching. I will be free from my bonds within the next few weeks and then watch my profile for the next drops.


Mr. deafhunt be patient and you may get to find one of my coins. I do make it to Alaska from time to time.

Have you ever made it to AZ? Central AZ would be great! Somewhere in the Phoenix area...Heck, near the airport would work, there are plenty of caches near Sky Harbor International Airport...

Posted (edited)

Love the GSA logo, concept, and coin! Would there be a map showing all the states that he has released in? Wondering if he has made it to NJ or PA?


EDIT: Figured out to see where he has been, now, just wish I could figure a way to get notified when he makes a drop! :(

Edited by cgmoyer
Posted (edited)

I am still safe. Sorry bigd007 I wasn't captured by a foreign government yet. I still have several coins to drop however I have been on a super-duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry mission as of late and have not been able to go out geocaching. I will be free from my bonds within the next few weeks and then watch my profile for the next drops.


Mr. deafhunt be patient and you may get to find one of my coins. I do make it to Alaska from time to time.

Have you ever made it to AZ? Central AZ would be great! Somewhere in the Phoenix area...Heck, near the airport would work, there are plenty of caches near Sky Harbor International Airport...


I think that Southern AZ would be a nicer place for a drop. If you come on down to Tucson, there's a nice cache by our airport, too! :(

Edited by ChadsClan

WAY TO GO DORKFISH!!! She always comes through when ones in need! Same goes for the GSA! Those GSA coins have helped multiple people! Congrats LadyBee...Youve been touched by the Secret Karma!



Congrats to Cheesy Pigs!... The GSA comes from the Bearing Sea!...Tasmania is just a hop skip and a jump compared to other places he's been! Bet ya never thought youd see one of them over there!

Why thank you :blink: You are correct though, I never expected to see a GSA coin in Tasmania! Got to love that GSA :P I've now cleaned my coin thoroughly (lots of my fingerprint smears from repeated fondling) and it is now reclining gracefully in black velvet inside a display case, as befits such a marvellous coin (and the sentiment behind it) :blink:


I am still safe. Sorry bigd007 I wasn't captured by a foreign government yet. I still have several coins to drop however I have been on a super-duper, double back burner, jumbo dumbo, dingle berry mission as of late and have not been able to go out geocaching. I will be free from my bonds within the next few weeks and then watch my profile for the next drops.


Mr. deafhunt be patient and you may get to find one of my coins. I do make it to Alaska from time to time.

Have you ever made it to AZ? Central AZ would be great! Somewhere in the Phoenix area...Heck, near the airport would work, there are plenty of caches near Sky Harbor International Airport...


I think that Southern AZ would be a nicer place for a drop. If you come on down to Tucson, there's a nice cache by our airport, too! :blink:

Southern AZ? Heck, Tucson is Northern Mexico! :P Secret Agent habla Espanol? Nah, play it safe, central AZ is great, even northern Az is nice. Don't mind 'ChadsClan', he's just wishing he could move to Phoenix :blink::)

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