+summerandnana Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Another lucky cacher, congrats to you islander1988. Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Congrats islander! I also bid on the 005 coin to help bump it up for the super secret mission it on. Quote
+Windrose Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Congrats islander! I also bid on the 005 coin to help bump it up for the super secret mission it on. So you're the one j/k Windrose Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Congrats islander! I also bid on the 005 coin to help bump it up for the super secret mission it on. So you're the one j/k Windrose Ooooppppsss..... Quote
+Windrose Posted March 20, 2007 Posted March 20, 2007 Ooooppppsss..... I was just kidding. Windrose Quote
+frivlas Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 It was a gloomy, rainy day and the kids were finally asleep for the evening when I received a visit notification on one of my caches. As I casually scanned the notice I suddenly realized that the Geocoin Secret Agent had visited one of my caches. I told my hubby goodby, grabbed my keys, camera, and shoes...at least I think I remembered to grab my shoes..., and flew out the door. The lights were with me and I made it to the cache site in record time and was rewarded with.....Coin #103!!!!! WOOHOOO! Here is my log... "WOW! This truely is the twilight zone! I came here earlier tonight with the boys for dinner to support the school. I thought at one point I saw a shadow pass by the window but brushed it off as nothing. Perhaps I was wrong....perhaps it was the Geocoin Secret Agent? Sitting at the computer when the notification came up and was off in a blue blur...who knew Toyota's could fly?! As I approached the cache, I scanned the area for wet or muddy footprints but found none....could I have made it in time? YES!!! I grabbed it and headed out asking myself the ultimate question...do I wake the boys up to see it tonight, or do I show them in the morning. Nah, for tonight it is all mine. Thank you Geocoin Secret Agent, you are the best!" Thank you Geocoin Secret Agent for visiting The Twilight Zone Quote
+islander1988 Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 (edited) Congrats frivlas! And thanks everyone for all the congratulations you gave me. Like has been said before, the coin community is a great one. Edited March 21, 2007 by islander1988 Quote
+summerandnana Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Congrats Frivlas, that's one area cacher down. Maybe Christian will go to China soon:) See ya soon Quote
+007BigD Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Cool...2 more finds- Looks like Islanders was in the city, seems like lots of competion- Great score!-Eh? and what a good nite gift Frivlas got from the GSA- Sounds Like he was following you...Just to make sure it fell into the correct hands (Thats Secret Agent stuff) Quote
+Vegas Gamblers Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Congrats everyone on the finds. We will have to keep checking the logs for the SGA since we searched for one about a month ago and missed it. Keep hope alive. Quote
+Team Honeybunnies Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Woo hoo! The GSA has made his way beyond the Cheddar Curtain! He logged his find from the 19th on our Down By The Old Mill Pond cache while I was sleeping, and finding that on the computer was better than coffee! Into my work clothes out the door and out to the final in our first rain of the year that isn't going to turn into snow. We're very grateful to the GSA for the dead drop, and grateful for luck that the new cacher who tried to find it yesterday DNFed (he got a nice e-mail explaining how to do a multi like this one, so he'll be back). No pictures, as the batteries were in the charger in preparation for our vacation, but perhaps GSA #184 will have to visit the Great Smokies and Carolinas with us. I wonder if he likes BBQ? Quote
+6 Feet More Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 (edited) Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! The GSA finally made it to FL. We were doing a little cache maintenance on one of our ammo cans and found that The GSA had just been there shortly before us. See our log and pics here. Lesson learned: it pays to keep your ammo cans stocked! How could we have missed him/her? Hey, who was in that black sedan with tinted windows and out-of-state plates cruising through the park? Agent 105 is now being closely guarded by 6 Feet More. Thanks, GSA!!! Edited March 22, 2007 by 6 Feet More Quote
+jAY miLLS Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 (edited) I got home from a day spent outdoors, (no not geocaching unfortunately) not in the rain directly but damp in the elements non-the-less. It was enough to chill me to the bone and give me that weariness you get from being outdoors for the day in the fresh air if you know what I mean. I changed to warmer, more comfortable clothes, and just got settled in to read emails when holy smoke I see a log notification that the GSA had visited. I couldn’t believe my eyes so back out I go, into the cold, and the rain, and race over to get to the cache before anyone else. I wasn’t chilled anymore and now had that warm fuzzy feeling of anticipation. The possibility that maybe, just maybe, I might find the illusive GSA coin when I arrived. BUT NO, things are never THAT easy, it was then that I saw the cop. OH %#@&, I knew I was speeding in my hurry to get to the cache before anyone else. What I didn’t know was if he spied me on his radar before I could get on the binders. There went my warm fuzzy feeling out the window and quickly replaced with uncertainty and high anxiety. As I passed by, the cop pulled out and got behind me sending me into a full lather of emotions. My mind was screaming – NO, NOT NOW! I GOT SOMEPLACE I NEED TO BE! ! ! I could do nothing but wait for him to hit them lights on in what always seems like a bomb going off in the rearview mirror. I am confident you know the feeling. Needless to say I was sweating projectile bullets and the psychic pain was almost unbearable. For the next 1 ½ - 2 miles I watched him in the mirror and wondered why he wasn’t stopping me? I need to get to that cache! Was he running a plate check first? Was he calling for support? Should I turn? Should I keep going straight? Maybe just pull over or pull into a store parking lot? At this point I am happy that it was raining hard knowing it would keep the muggles at bay and keep all but the hardiest of geocachers indoors as well. It would buy me some time in the event that the cop pulled me over. Eventually he turned, MUCH to my relief, and I can assure you I fought temptation and did the speed limit the rest of the way. That warm fuzzy feeling began to slowly return again. By the time I parked the truck I was getting all goose pimply and jittery by the excitement to get to the cache ASAP. Flashlight in hand I headed toward the cache. It isn’t a long walk but I feared I might be too late. When I opened the cache, there it was . . . GSA #182 . . . whoa! I have to tell you I was smiling so big my cheeks hurt. Anyone wanting GSA #182 will have to pry it from my cold dead fingers. I neglected to bring a camera in my rush out of the house but it was raining pretty hard anyway so a photo would have been difficult anyway but did take a picture once I got home, dried off, and stopped shaking enough to hold the camera reasonable steady. Here is #182 all dried off in his new home proudly getting acquainted with my humble but growing geocoin collection. Whoever you are Geocoin Secret Agent . . . . I know the gods are smiling upon you with approval. You definitely made my day and it will be a day I won't soon, if ever, forget. Thank you! Peace jAY miLLS (GC111CG) Wonder if maybe the GSA liked the palindrome - reads the same forward and backward. Edited March 22, 2007 by Jay Mills Quote
+tsunrisebey Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Congrat's to all the new owners of the GSA coin Quote
+Vegas Gamblers Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Congrats jAY miLLS. I know some cops here in the city and the only thing that saved you was that it was raining out and they don't like getting wet. Great adventure there. I have to check and see which cache it was. We are planning on doing some of yours on Friday. Quote
+Tank Hounds Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Hummm, I still say that Colorado is a good place for the Secret Agent to stop...it IS the home of the super top secret Mountain that does deeep underground to protect the Pres and other bigwigs! Quote
+ArtieD Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Is the GSA ever going to come to the Midwest? He sure loves California, though... Quote
+dragonflys Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 congrats islander, can't think of a guy more deserving Quote
+geocachingdragon Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Congrats Jay mills that is quite the coin collection you have. Still hoping the GSA likes dragons. I know he read these pages fairly closely. Quote
+Cog&Gil Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Congrats to Team Honeybunnies and Jay Mills on your awesome GSA finds. Rain in S Arizona the next couple of days but I don't think it will put a damper on our huge camp out event this weekend. Not sure if we will have computer access or not. Quote
+paulandstacey Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Congrats to the latest finders! Enjoy your beautiful coins! Quote
+chief20r2 Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 WooHoo !!! I was outside feeding our animals last night when I noticed what appeared to be some sort of lights coming from an area behind my property. Thinking it was more than likely coming from the farm across the river I didn’t give it a second thought and finished up what I was doing and went back into the house for dinner and to settle in for the night. I had to get up earlier than usual this morning to get into work and headed down stairs to grab a quick coffee before going out to feed the animals. Once I was done feeding the animals I came back in the house grabbed another coffee and went upstairs to get ready for work and take a quick check of my email when I almost choked on my coffee when I saw that the Geocoin Secret Agent had visited a cache ( GCVGN8 ) that I have on my watch list that’s less than 800 ft from the back of my property. I grabbed my caching bag and was down the stairs in what seemed like three steps while trying to wipe the coffee off of myself and was heading for the back door when my wife asked where I was going at 5am with my caching bag. As I’m trying to explain to her and get out the door at the same time that the Geocoin Secret Agent had visited the cache down back and left a coin in the cache and I needed to get down there now before somebody else who has the cache on there watch list notices that the Geocoin Secret Agent was there and left a coin. Once I convinced her I would be back in 10 minutes and would not be late for work I was out the door and in a full run heading down the road leading to the river behind our property. As I approached the area where the cache is hidden I could not believe that there were no footprints anywhere to be found in the snow. As I retrieved the cache from it’s hiding spot I was shaking from excitement about the possibility of finding a Geocoin Secret Agent coin in the cache and as I opened the cover to the cache there sitting in the bag with the log book was GSA coin # 177 After taking a few pictures of the coin with the log book I left another coin in its place and replaced the cache in its cozy hiding place. On the short walk back to the house I started thinking about the lights I had seen last night in this area and seeing I could not find any footprints left in the snow anywhere on the trail or near the cache, were these lights from some kind of Top Secret Craft that the Geocoin Secret Agent uses to travel unnoticed from cache to cache leaving behind only the Geocoin Secret Agent coin. I guess nobody but the Geocoin Secret Agent will ever know. Took the Geocoin Secret Agent Coin # 177 Left Unactivated Geocoin in its place Thank You Geocoin Secret Agent for dropping in and leaving behind one of your coins No prints on the trail to the cache GSA Coin with Log Book GSA Coin # 177 and Log Book Quote
+knoffer Posted March 23, 2007 Posted March 23, 2007 (edited) I got home from a day spent outdoors, (no not geocaching unfortunately) not in the rain directly but damp in the elements non-the-less. It was enough to chill me to the bone and give me that weariness you get from being outdoors for the day in the fresh air if you know what I mean. I changed to warmer, more comfortable clothes, and just got settled in to read emails when holy smoke I see a log notification that the GSA had visited. I couldn’t believe my eyes so back out I go, into the cold, and the rain, and race over to get to the cache before anyone else. I wasn’t chilled anymore and now had that warm fuzzy feeling of anticipation. The possibility that maybe, just maybe, I might find the illusive GSA coin when I arrived. BUT NO, things are never THAT easy, it was then that I saw the cop. OH %#@&, I knew I was speeding in my hurry to get to the cache before anyone else. What I didn’t know was if he spied me on his radar before I could get on the binders. There went my warm fuzzy feeling out the window and quickly replaced with uncertainty and high anxiety. As I passed by, the cop pulled out and got behind me sending me into a full lather of emotions. My mind was screaming – NO, NOT NOW! I GOT SOMEPLACE I NEED TO BE! ! ! I could do nothing but wait for him to hit them lights on in what always seems like a bomb going off in the rearview mirror. I am confident you know the feeling. Needless to say I was sweating projectile bullets and the psychic pain was almost unbearable. For the next 1 ½ - 2 miles I watched him in the mirror and wondered why he wasn’t stopping me? I need to get to that cache! Was he running a plate check first? Was he calling for support? Should I turn? Should I keep going straight? Maybe just pull over or pull into a store parking lot? At this point I am happy that it was raining hard knowing it would keep the muggles at bay and keep all but the hardiest of geocachers indoors as well. It would buy me some time in the event that the cop pulled me over. Eventually he turned, MUCH to my relief, and I can assure you I fought temptation and did the speed limit the rest of the way. That warm fuzzy feeling began to slowly return again. By the time I parked the truck I was getting all goose pimply and jittery by the excitement to get to the cache ASAP. Flashlight in hand I headed toward the cache. It isn’t a long walk but I feared I might be too late. When I opened the cache, there it was . . . GSA #182 . . . whoa! I have to tell you I was smiling so big my cheeks hurt. Anyone wanting GSA #182 will have to pry it from my cold dead fingers. I neglected to bring a camera in my rush out of the house but it was raining pretty hard anyway so a photo would have been difficult anyway but did take a picture once I got home, dried off, and stopped shaking enough to hold the camera reasonable steady. Here is #182 all dried off in his new home proudly getting acquainted with my humble but growing geocoin collection. Whoever you are Geocoin Secret Agent . . . . I know the gods are smiling upon you with approval. You definitely made my day and it will be a day I won't soon, if ever, forget. Thank you! Peace jAY miLLS (GC111CG) Wonder if maybe the GSA liked the palindrome - reads the same forward and backward. Congrats jAY miLLS. Quite a coin to add to your collection and a neat adventure to go along with it. Nice to see the GSA has visited our area. Enjoy your sweet find. Congrats to all the other finders as well. Thank you to the elusive GSA for keeping the sport exciting and increasing the enjoyment of an already enjoyable sport. Edited March 23, 2007 by knoffer Quote
+kusanagi Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 On the 22nd, after four hundred miles and ten hours. #119 finally made it to it's new home. My daughter and I had a great day and found four other caches as well. Thanks GSA Quote
+cache agent Posted March 24, 2007 Posted March 24, 2007 Well, we're a little late posting this one as we had family visiting.... On March 21 about 10 mins before midnight as we were just about to head to bed, Hubby checked his email one last time... told me someone named Secret Agent logged one of our caches.... well needless to say we left Gramma babysitting and off we went for a an hour and half drive round trip at midnight... Hubby didn't know what was going on cause I hate night caching lol.... here's the cache we found #104 in.... GCJ8CR Will post pictures soon. Thanks Secret Agent! Holly aka Cache Agent Quote
+PengoFamily Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 The GSA is getting closer to us. Just a hop, skip and a jump. Please come by and visit us. Quote
+bugsmasher69 Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 (edited) WOW!!! Secret agent geocoin #5 went for $217.51 on ebay. That seems a little crazy to me. Now if he would just come leave a few in one of my caches so I can become rich too. Nah I would be happy with just one for my collection Edited March 25, 2007 by bugsmasher69 Quote
+nielsenc Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 (edited) WOW!!! Secret agent geocoin #5 went for $217.51 on ebay. That seems a little crazy to me. Now if he would just come leave a few in one of my caches so I can become rich too. Nah I would be happy with just one for my collection The first one went for $100.00... The second went for $217.00, with the Pug Coin. Does that mean my wifes Pug coin is worth $117 !!!? Regardless, great cause. Edited March 25, 2007 by nielsenc Quote
+Tethys C Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 $2.51 away from 005. Perhaps another will appear on the Bay store or maybe even in a nearby cache. I'll keep my eyes open just like a secret agent. Quote
+Randaddy Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 (edited) UNBELIEVABLE. While staying over on a business trip, I decided to look up some local caches to kill time for the day. To my suprise I saw that the Geocoin Secret Agent had been nearby tonight. I immediatly took off on a mission as my heart was pounding, just dreaming that the Treasure may still be there. As I approached I sensed that someone was watching me, but I could not see anything because of the dark unlighted area. Finding the cache took awhile because It was not where I thought it would be. In antisipation I opened the container and ruffled through its contents. Thats when I found "The Geocoin Secret Agent Geocoin #151" Whewwwwwwwwwwww ! Thank You GSA for a Treasure for Life. Edited March 25, 2007 by rwesterman Quote
delta123 Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 Yesterday I did a cache(GCWMRB) only 2 miles from home but because there is a bit of water in between is a 15 mile drive. Thats why I left this one for this saturday. Its a nice multicache which starts near a animalfram in OUD-BIJERLAND. I was on my own(only with my dog Luuk) and as usual almost everything went wrong. I walked more then 2 miles more than as discribed. The cache is hidden in the backyard of the cacheowner but he was not at home. It was cleverly hidden, i had to read the hint to find the cache. What a surprise when i opened the cache-pot. There was secret-agent number #185 I have never heard of a secret agent geocoin in europe, so is this the only one? I already told some cachefriends and geocoincollectors and they are very jealous Thankyou Geocoin Secret Agent for this beautiful geocoin. This cachetrip will always be remembered as one of the best ever! Quote
+plumbrokeacres Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 Geocoin Secret Agent any chance of a secret mission in Prince George BC? Quote
Sliver & Lucy Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 Geocoin Secret Agent any chance of a secret mission in Prince George BC? Still waiting for some of these to make there way to Ontario... Oshawa to be exact lol Quote
+007BigD Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 HOLY MOTHER OF BATMAN- 8 Drops by the GSA since I was last able to check his tracks. Oh what great fun it has been for all who have found this "precious"- The GSA is on a ROLL! CONGRATS: Team Honeybunnies- Of course you were sleeping...Thats how the GSA works! 6 feet more- YEP... A well stocked cache does indeed help jAY miLLS- Sounds like you had a police escort to the cache...courtesy of the GSA! Cheif20r2- That Secret Agent craft would explain why I didnt see the GSA's mobile on my Steakout!-No wonder!...It was a pleasure meeting you at GCfest- So glad for your find! Kusanagi-The journey was well rewarded! Cache Agent- Ill bet you have never had a better night cache before this one! Rwesterman- The GSA watches all of his/her coins just to make sure-All is well, Just be happy you didnt see the glowing eyes and had the Secret agent mind trick pulled on you! Delta123- Looks like the GSA is getting into foreign affairs! CONGRATS TO ALL!... I LOVE YOU GSA!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
+geocachingdragon Posted March 25, 2007 Posted March 25, 2007 where oh where will he show up next?? Quote
Parrolet Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 Woo Hoo! The GSA struck again! I got up today and checked my email and was checking on all the logs of my local area when I happened to notice that there had been a special visitor to one of the caches I watch on my watchlist. I could hardly believe my eyes. I thought to myself "I wonder if it is still there?" I rushed and hurried and made my way to the site in hopes the special treasure would still be there. Now the interesting thing is the cache is not at an ordinary cache location. It is rumored to have GHOSTS and spirits all about. This cache is placed within an old historic area where history says "Blood was shed in 1780 on two separate occasions between the British troops and by Davies Cavalry, and again when Gen Sumter attacked and defeated a large garrison of British and Loyalist troops here." It is at Hanging Rock Battlefield. In 1780 the area was a hotspot for battles, skirmishes, and meetings during the Revolution and played host to thousands of Sherman's Troops as they passed through here in 1865, pillaging, foraging, and burning homes. (More History) The first time I was here at this cache I had an eerie feeling of being watched. As I returned to this place to seek the treasure I was all alone and once again got the eerie feeling of being watched. I cautiously made my way to the cache, carefully looking behind me as I went. I made it to the cache and located the container again. Is it here? I thought to myself. I carefully opened it and was totally amazed it was still there. I took a couple pictures quickly, signed the log, traded items and quickly made my way back to my car. I still had the eerie feeling of being watched the complete time. I even think/ thought I heard some whispering voices but I never did see anyone and as far as I know I was the only one there in the area. Was it the GSA or was it some of the old soldier ghosts watching me????? I got home and showed my sons and husband the awesome coin and am so excite to have. I am doing the happy dance that I was able to find one of the beauties. GSA left coin #127. Quote
+knoffer Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 UNBELIEVABLE. While staying over on a business trip, I decided to look up some local caches to kill time for the day. To my suprise I saw that the Geocoin Secret Agent had been nearby tonight. I immediatly took off on a mission as my heart was pounding, just dreaming that the Treasure may still be there. As I approached I sensed that someone was watching me, but I could not see anything because of the dark unlighted area. Finding the cache took awhile because It was not where I thought it would be. In antisipation I opened the container and ruffled through its contents. Thats when I found "The Geocoin Secret Agent Geocoin #151" Whewwwwwwwwwwww ! Thank You GSA for a Treasure for Life. Congrats rwesterman on your spectacular find. Nice to see that the GSA has visited the land of cheese once again. Congrats to all the other recent finders. Quote
+Randaddy Posted March 26, 2007 Posted March 26, 2007 HOLY MOTHER OF BATMAN- 8 Drops by the GSA since I was last able to check his tracks. Oh what great fun it has been for all who have found this "precious"- The GSA is on a ROLL! CONGRATS: Team Honeybunnies- Of course you were sleeping...Thats how the GSA works! 6 feet more- YEP... A well stocked cache does indeed help jAY miLLS- Sounds like you had a police escort to the cache...courtesy of the GSA! Cheif20r2- That Secret Agent craft would explain why I didnt see the GSA's mobile on my Steakout!-No wonder!...It was a pleasure meeting you at GCfest- So glad for your find! Kusanagi-The journey was well rewarded! Cache Agent- Ill bet you have never had a better night cache before this one! Rwesterman- The GSA watches all of his/her coins just to make sure-All is well, Just be happy you didnt see the glowing eyes and had the Secret agent mind trick pulled on you! Delta123- Looks like the GSA is getting into foreign affairs! CONGRATS TO ALL!... I LOVE YOU GSA!!!!!!!!!!!! I was Freaking Out! Quote
Sliver & Lucy Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 (edited) WELL IT HAPPENED & WHAT A SURPRISE IT WAS ! I Was sitting in front of the computer when I got an e-mail of a logged cache find in one of our caches!!.. Needless to say, I was out the door in a flash.... Driving to the cache I keep wondering if anyone else has gone for it yet?? I make my way across the field to the trail with the anticipation as to what could be,I make my way down the path, I get to within 80 metres of the cache & I see two people standing on the trail right at the point I need to enter the bush,, I'm thinking NO it can't be! Am I am too late? .....The two then make their way seperate from each other,, so I think they were probably just stopped to chat,, so I Make my way to the cache, and There it is in all it's glory! The elusive G S A Geocoin!! Thank you to The Geocoin Secret Agent for dropping yet another coin! Coin #110 will make a Great addition to out Collection.. Edited March 27, 2007 by Sliver & Lucy Quote
+geocachingdragon Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 Incredible super fantastic Congrats sliver and Lucy So close and yet so far . Maybe he is still around looking for dragons. Because this Dragon is on the look out for him. Thanks for the fun GSA Quote
+islander1988 Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 Congrats Sliver & Lucy! It's great to see the GSA making his presence known in the Great White North. The Maritime Canada Chapter of GSA owners met up at the Nova Scotia Spring Kick-off on the weekend and proudly showed our coins. Thanks GSA for your undercover efforts to bring happiness to cachers everywhere! Quote
+The Geo-Secret Agent Posted March 27, 2007 Author Posted March 27, 2007 I would like to thank all of you for the very nice posts and for making these coins something truly special. A very special thank you to dorkfish for her "ultra secret" special mission work that has proven to be a resounding success. Mission # 2 is now loaded into the "mini-micro cache, super duper, double bubble" cassette player and is ready to be played. Remember it will self destruct after playing so listen sharp. The weight of the success of this mission now rests in your hands lildorkfish, good luck. Once again, thank you geocoin community for all of the kindness and community spirit you have displayed with the finding of these coins. There are so many more missions to complete. Keep those emails coming and invites to your caching community. I'll always be watching. And maybe, just maybe make a few people smile, brighten a few days and spread a little happiness. That's what it's all about, isn't it? The GSA Quote
+007BigD Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 It has been our pleasure to serve to your satisfaction! I just hope you are having as much fun as we are. With out you I would have been getting work done instead of placing caches and staking them out! And all those nights when I should have been in bed, but chose to hang out just to see who's next and then write a cheesy little congrats to them. YOU ROCK! So THANK YOU GSA! We couldnt have done it with out ya!- really And Congrats to Parrolet and Silver & Lucy- No cheesy little congrats words...Just congrats! and to all of the lucky finders of this sweet coin... I can now say "Its goin next to my EGB coin" for now Quote
+Damenace Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 I would like to thank all of you for the very nice posts and for making these coins something truly special. A very special thank you to dorkfish for her "ultra secret" special mission work that has proven to be a resounding success. Mission # 2 is now loaded into the "mini-micro cache, super duper, double bubble" cassette player and is ready to be played. Remember it will self destruct after playing so listen sharp. The weight of the success of this mission now rests in your hands lildorkfish, good luck. Once again, thank you geocoin community for all of the kindness and community spirit you have displayed with the finding of these coins. There are so many more missions to complete. Keep those emails coming and invites to your caching community. I'll always be watching. And maybe, just maybe make a few people smile, brighten a few days and spread a little happiness. That's what it's all about, isn't it? The GSA Talking about success, with out you taking on this mission none of this would have been possible. A huge thanks to you and your operatives for making this possible!! Quote
+summerandnana Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 We keep our eyes covered and only peak once in and while, waiting for the stealthy Secret Agent to make another trip to our area. Quote
+dorkfish Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 I would like to thank all of you for the very nice posts and for making these coins something truly special. A very special thank you to dorkfish for her "ultra secret" special mission work that has proven to be a resounding success. Mission # 2 is now loaded into the "mini-micro cache, super duper, double bubble" cassette player and is ready to be played. Remember it will self destruct after playing so listen sharp. The weight of the success of this mission now rests in your hands lildorkfish, good luck. Once again, thank you geocoin community for all of the kindness and community spirit you have displayed with the finding of these coins. There are so many more missions to complete. Keep those emails coming and invites to your caching community. I'll always be watching. And maybe, just maybe make a few people smile, brighten a few days and spread a little happiness. That's what it's all about, isn't it? The GSA I'm thrilled to be part of your missions, thank you for choosing me to be a secret agent I'm having lots of fun too. The agents have had a really fun time hanging out at my house. They have been really quite & haven't caused a whole lot of trouble, other than that whole naked thing. I think 005 was the instigator of that whole affair. It may be because he's one of the first agents so he is used to doing things his way. I wonder what the agents before him are like, probably pretty wild & crazy. lol. It'd be interesting to have a house full of those guys. There will be one more agent listed on ebay later today. This agent will be including a very secret message for the eyes of the winner only. As far as I know, this will be the only clue as to the true identity of the GSA. Got ya curious? Thank you GSA for letting me into your secret world & thank you again Nielsenc for donating some of your adorable pug coins too. I'm sure the winner of 005 will love theirs As well as the next ebay winner. They are so cute. Quote
+cainrcc Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 I would like to thank all of you for the very nice posts and for making these coins something truly special. A very special thank you to dorkfish for her "ultra secret" special mission work that has proven to be a resounding success. Mission # 2 is now loaded into the "mini-micro cache, super duper, double bubble" cassette player and is ready to be played. Remember it will self destruct after playing so listen sharp. The weight of the success of this mission now rests in your hands lildorkfish, good luck. Once again, thank you geocoin community for all of the kindness and community spirit you have displayed with the finding of these coins. There are so many more missions to complete. Keep those emails coming and invites to your caching community. I'll always be watching. And maybe, just maybe make a few people smile, brighten a few days and spread a little happiness. That's what it's all about, isn't it? The GSA I got to see this coin yesterday at an event it looks a lot better in person than in the picture Still watching for one to be dropped in the Ohio valley area just hope I am off that day to be able to add one to my collection if I can get there in time to retrive it. THANKS for making so many cachers days by dropping a coin in there area ! Quote
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