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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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I think you should really hit Michigan. LordYatchman is in the basement jamming with friends and playing Secret Agent Man. If you drop by I'm sure they would give you a personal concert!!!!


BTW the ribs are also thawing in the fridge :P

Posted (edited)


Geocoin-Gull Secret Agent

(location: Seminole, FL)


Notice the same color theme???

Ah - so thats how he travels so well, I wondered! But wheres his hat?

Edited by 007BigD

I've been watching The Geocoin Secret Agent for some time time now. I must have just missed him. Who was that dark shadow disappearing into the night?


Got to the cache (this one) and YES!...there it was! Coin #117. Is it a sign? 7 come 11...roll em'.



Pictures soon....


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:




Yep, count 'em, 4 GSA coins. Their all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Mine I tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(


You are probably asking yourself what I did to deserve 4 of these beauties. Maybe it was my charm that did it. Or it could be my beauty (uh, right). Perhaps it was my begging powers (those are pretty good).


I can tell you this much, they are having a fun time hanging out together. We've got number 5, number 54, number 95 & number 99. Each has their own distinct personality and they seem to have bonded quite nicely with one another. They are the best of buds, that's for sure. :P


One day they may be forced to be seperated from one another. It'll be tough for them to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss them too. :P I'll reveal more in due time, but for now it's just part of the secret of our mysterious Geocoin Secret Agent.


Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


I've been watching The Geocoin Secret Agent for some time time now. I must have just missed him. Who was that dark shadow disappearing into the night?


Got to the cache (this one) and YES!...there it was! Coin #117. Is it a sign? 7 come 11...roll em'.



Pictures soon....


Congrats JayBee :(


I can tell you this much, they are having a fun time hanging out together. We've got number 5, number 54, number 95 & number 99. Each has their own distinct personality and they seem to have bonded quite nicely with one another. They are the best of buds, that's for sure. :(

Agent 99? That's the sexy sidekick to the bumbling coin 86, right?


dave.. missed it by *that* much


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:




Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


Dang I couldn't get a flight out. Now if I was TGF it would not have been a problem. Drats, I'll have to miss the party tonight.


The GSA travels through California again. I actually clocked out in the middle of the day to go grab this coin before it was too late. It's been fun reading this thread, following the GSA and crossing my fingers. Didn't really expect to find one though. I am so jazzed...


Here's the log.


Here's the proof:



Here's the GSA coin next to the Joe coin I left behind




Thanks GSA, this was very special.


HOLY MOLY- I was just headed out and decided to do a little checkin of the GSA's tracks- and saw THIS!


GEES'O'PETE- 4 Freakin GSA coins?...How can one be so fortunate?...OH YEAH- Its DORKFISH!


Youve been extra good this year!...Congrats!




And PennyPacker Too!......How cool!- He must have known about the killer Secret Leprechaun you sent me!~Enjoy this one, this is the only secret mission you will see this coin in!




And GO JayBee- for the score of the day yesterday!- If nothin else you deserve this one for that darn Bee that got ahold of you, that you posted in the Bee coin post...It is still burned into my head!...But Im sure theres plenty else!-Congrats!



GSA- Youve outdone yourself this time!...Whats next?...Only The GSA Knows!!!!....YOU ROCK DUDE!


The GSA travels through California again. I actually clocked out in the middle of the day to go grab this coin before it was too late. It's been fun reading this thread, following the GSA and crossing my fingers. Didn't really expect to find one though. I am so jazzed...


Here's the log.


Here's the proof:



Here's the GSA coin next to the Joe coin I left behind




Thanks GSA, this was very special.


WTG PennyPacker :(


Wow, congrats to all the newest coin holders! We are thawing out here in Wyoming in case you are still on your way back fro CA. I bet you could get to any Cache you wanted! :(


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:




Yep, count 'em, 4 GSA coins. Their all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P Mine I tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P:(


You are probably asking yourself what I did to deserve 4 of these beauties. Maybe it was my charm that did it. Or it could be my beauty (uh, right). Perhaps it was my begging powers (those are pretty good).


I can tell you this much, they are having a fun time hanging out together. We've got number 5, number 54, number 95 & number 99. Each has their own distinct personality and they seem to have bonded quite nicely with one another. They are the best of buds, that's for sure. :(


One day they may be forced to be seperated from one another. It'll be tough for them to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss them too. :P I'll reveal more in due time, but for now it's just part of the secret of our mysterious Geocoin Secret Agent.


Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


Holy cow!

Posted (edited)

So there I was at work, being bored as usual. Sometimes the rat race just becomes so mundane that a person has to step back and take a short break. That's what I was doing today when I decided to visit geocaching.com. I was about to run a PQ, and was just browsing the caches nearest my place of employment when I noticed someone had visited Duck Out of Water (GC48F9). I keep an eye on this cache for a couple of reasons. First, it was the first cache I had ever found, and second, it is located on some property that my company owns. When I visited the cache page, I almost fell out of my chair. :( I used my shirt sleeve to wipe the Dr. Pepper off of my monitor, and read the last log one more time. This time in slow motion. Umm... did that say Geocoin Secret Agent?


I don't really know what my boss and co-workers thought as I leapt up from behind my desk, knocking my chair over on it's back. I quickly grabbed my car keys from the drawer and made a mad dash for the door. The papers on the corner of my desk were whirling around in the air in my wake as I dashed out the door and out of sight. I can only imagine what was going through their minds. I'll find out tomorrow I'm sure. :( But sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission, and this was one time that permission was a moot point. I just HAD to see if there was a coin in that cache.


Below are the pictures of what I found when I got there...










That's coin #49 in all of it's glory!

Thank you GSA for making a stop in SC! You are my hero!

Edited by rasj

Congrats rasj! I'm still hoping he drops down south to this end of SC, but I am glad it wasn't today. We we're in Columbia most of the day for Jon's memorial. If I got home and found out he was in Columbia I probably would have cried some more! We'll wait patiently in Aiken.


Hey GSA Attack of the clones1 published address is my house!!! I can't make ribs or apricot pie, but I can make a mean apple crisp!


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:




Yep, count 'em, 4 GSA coins. Their all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Mine I tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P:laughing:


You are probably asking yourself what I did to deserve 4 of these beauties. Maybe it was my charm that did it. Or it could be my beauty (uh, right). Perhaps it was my begging powers (those are pretty good).


Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


I think it was your "Karma" that got you those beauties!! :laughing:


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:



Yep, count 'em, 4 GSA coins. Their all mine!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Mine I tell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):laughing:


You are probably asking yourself what I did to deserve 4 of these beauties. Maybe it was my charm that did it. Or it could be my beauty (uh, right). Perhaps it was my begging powers (those are pretty good).


I can tell you this much, they are having a fun time hanging out together. We've got number 5, number 54, number 95 & number 99. Each has their own distinct personality and they seem to have bonded quite nicely with one another. They are the best of buds, that's for sure. :laughing:


One day they may be forced to be seperated from one another. It'll be tough for them to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss them too. :P I'll reveal more in due time, but for now it's just part of the secret of our mysterious Geocoin Secret Agent.


Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


Road trip. We're coming to party. Hey you know you got those coins 'cause you are who are you. One rockin' chick! Have fun with them while they reside at your abode. :P


I can't believe it!!! The GCSA made their way to the frozen marshlands of New Brunswick! We got the notifcation this morning and wern't long braving the freeeeeeezing cold! All worth it though as we are now the proud owners of coin #163!


Sackville Geo-Library


Here's our oldest holding the coin in a much warmer climate - in our house!




Looks like the GSA made a stop in Utah. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the log. Luckily we live very close and I was able to race over late yesterday and get the coin. :)




Congrats paulandstacey!! Very nice. :) Since the GSA has made their way to Canada why not do a hop skip and a jump over to Montreal?? We have a few caches that could certainly use your geocoin. :laughing:


I must've been a really good girl cause looky what I got:


Party at my house tonite! Woohoo


Must be good karma (no pun intended) for the good work you're doing for LoriDarlin. :rolleyes:


After spending all day being sick and in bed, the hubby got up around 5 or 6pm... when he was checking his email, he noticed that somebody had logged the Turtle Soup Travel Bug Spa... he came in to tell me who had logged it, and i about jumped out of bed... since i still wasn't feeling well (and i'm still not, i stayed home sick again today) he ran out to the cache to check on it... sure enough, sitting right on the top was a GSA coin!! :rolleyes:


feeling a bit better today, i took some pics of the coin... with my 14 month old black labs ;) i will post pics later...




Congrats to all the recent recipients!


The party last night was alot of fun, mostly for those secret agents though. When asked what they'd like to drink at the party they vehemently exclaimed, "We want joe, we want joe!" Who the heck is Joe I ask. I was informed that joe is another word for coffee. Right.................so I made them a pot of coffee.

It soon became apparent to me that this was not my type of party. The GSA's just sat around and reminisced about the good old days. Most of the agents seemed a little anxious, all except #95. He kept proudly explaining to his buds that he was officially retired. He had completed his mission (this is the coin I found in a cache a little while ago).

I hung out for a bit. They talked about how #137 got to go to Hawaii for his mission. #99 was rather jealous as he's always dreamed of visiting someplace where he could lay on the beach in the nude. Don't ask me, I'm just repeating what I heard. They talked about their comrades who went to such places as Illinois, Iowa, Georgia, Kansas, Virginia & even Oregon. After about the 5th pot of "joe" I decided to take off. Don't get me wrong, these are great fellas, but they kept whispering among themselves, and I felt a bit out of place

Before I left #5 said to me "Ms Karma, could you please put Mission Impossible in your DVD player." Of course I said. I took off for a couple of hours. This is what I found when I returned:




At first I thought it was cute, they were all passed out on my pillow. But then I realized every single one of them was naked. I have no idea what happened after I left the party. How could I be mad though, they are so adorable :rolleyes:


I asked them about it this morning. They said they sleep in the nude, what's the big deal? #5 also told me that he'd rather be naked than all covered up, that way everyone can enjoy his splendor. Lol, they are all nice looking, that's for sure. One thing I did notice is #54 seems to be getting a little antsy. I wonder what's up. One things for sure, no more GSA parties at my house, lol.

Posted (edited)
#99 was rather jealous as he's always dreamed of visiting someplace where he could lay on the beach in the nude


We have some nice beaches in florida :rolleyes:;):(


AND you are funny as heck ;):(

Edited by glennk721
Posted (edited)

Oh my, now that my eyes are finally dry after that burst of uncontrollable laughter I would like to add that it sounds like your boys would surely enjoy Lupin Lodge in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I think they call it a preserve these days, anyway, you get the picture. :rolleyes: Sorry I missed the party Dorkfish.


edit spelling

Edited by summerandnana

Still hoping in Wisconsin :rolleyes: . I had the ribs all ready and everything, and then I got hungry. The missus ate the last slice of meatloaf with the spinach and gorgonzola in the middle. What else can we leave out in the cache patch for the GSA? Sweet tooth?


Oh, BTW Dorkfish, did any knee-high private eyes result?

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