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The Geocoin Secret Agent

The Geo-Secret Agent

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Props to you for an excellent coin design. I love it. Unfortunately I lack the kind of luck needed to find a coin (any coin) that I can keep. Once again a very very kewl looking coin good job.


Very nice coin :lol:


If the Geocoin Secret Agent of Fairy Visit down Under I can tell there will be a made rush between myself and keewee ;)


By the way the South Island of New Zealand is an AWESOME place to visit :lol: And we are a friendly bunch us kiwi's


And plenty of caches too ;)


Mark (Elmo)


I will be glad to see A Secret Agent come down this way.


I was one of the Lucky TGF finders as well and will treasure any coin someone goes to the troubles of getting it out there.


I am not the Oldest member in here but one of the earlier and really enjoy when these type things happen and bring out the good in the community.


All it takes is one little spark to make a big fire.


Thanks for another little spark of hope.

Posted (edited)

Cool! Another interesting 'upbeat' coin thread to watch for. ;) Can't wait to see where these start landing. I had some Secret Agent Mission caches which were also alot of fun. :lol: If it hadn't have been for a pirate I would still have them activated. :lol:


Edit: And for those people who e-mailed me, NO, I aint the Secret Agent. I'm not that bright to come up with a cool idea like that. ;)

Edited by avroair
Posted (edited)

Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...


There's a man who leads a life of danger

To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger

With every cache he finds, another clue left behind

Odds are he won't cache again tomorrow



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name


Beware of pretty geocoins you find

A pretty coin can hide an evil mind

Be careful what you say, you'll give yourself away

Odds are you won't cache again tomorrow



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name


Hikin' in the state gamelands one day

Then sneakin' in a dark alley the next day

Oh no, to much time you took, while signing the cache logbook

Odds are you won't cache again tomorrow

Edited by DresselDragons

Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name



Oh goodness... when I was young, I used to think they were singing "Secret Asian Man".



Thanks for the goofy memories. <_<


Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name



People were emailing this to me when I was selling and mailing out my Anthus Secret geoAgents -- which are in no way related to this Geocoin Secret Agent -- what a coincidence !


Oh and did I mention I have the perfect cache for one of these beauties -- it's my Anthus Decoder cache. I'd love to see a Geocoin Secret Agent visit my cache! :anitongue:


Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...


There's a man who leads a life of danger

To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger

With every cache he finds, another clue left behind

Odds are he won't cache again tomorrow



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name


Beware of pretty geocoins you find

A pretty coin can hide an evil mind

Be careful what you say, you'll give yourself away

Odds are you won't cache again tomorrow



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name


Hikin' in the state gamelands one day

Then sneakin' in a dark alley the next day

Oh no, to much time you took, while signing the cache logbook

Odds are you won't cache again tomorrow


Great! Guess what I've been humming all morning! :anitongue: (I also have to peep twice around corners before I enter a room! The cats DO think I am strange! <_< )


... That just means another coin I will probably NOT get. :unsure:


Don't worry. You sre not the only one. From what I see they go to people who know people. Not to people who just want to play the game for the fun of playing.


I'll start by saying that I don't know who is behind any of the mystery coins. Also I believe I fit into the "people who just want play the game" and not the "people who know people" category. Even so, I found a TGF coin and I hope to find a Secret Agent coin as well. I might not, but it won't stop me from following the travels of the Secret Agent in the hopes that s/he will visit a cache near me. In fact I might even write to him and ask if he is planning to visit paradise. :anibad: If I recall, I wrote to TGF saying how much I liked her coin, but figuring a trip here would be out of the question. She wrote back and said in fact she might be visiting the state. And that is when I really followed her travels closely. She ended up leaving 3 coins in Hawaii. One was picked up immediately by a visitor. The second, who knows, as no one ever said anything about it on that cache page. I found the 3rd at a little visited cache at 9500 ft. of elevation, more than 2 weeks after it had been left there.


What I am saying is, the Secret Agent needs to know that you would like a coin. :anibad: The way I figure it a cetain number of the coins are "already spoken for," e.g., you (& kealia) are correct that they will be placed such that certain people will find them. But I choose to believe the rest will be put out there for those of us "who just want to play the game." BUT since there are a limited number of coins, all things being equal Fairies and Secret Agents will place the coins in places where they are known to be wanted. Maybe if I hadn't written to TGF she only would have left only 1 or 2 coins in my state. I'll never know. But don't just assume you won't get one. And it never hurts to ask. :anitongue:



Very well said, and exactly the reasons why this is such a great thing for our geo-community. Ideas like this aren't just about the frenzy of collecting, it's about putting the "geo" back into geocoins. Getting folks outdoors and hunting caches. Reminding us that it's still a heck of a fun game with so many interesting possibilites. Seriously, thanks to whoever's doing this. <_<

Very well said, and exactly the reasons why this is such a great thing for our geo-community. Ideas like this aren't just about the frenzy of collecting, it's about putting the "geo" back into geocoins. Getting folks outdoors and hunting caches. Reminding us that it's still a heck of a fun game with so many interesting possibilites. Seriously, thanks to whoever's doing this. :anitongue:


Thank You Mr. Yime. Just doing my job. I have to run now. It's time to start my world travels.



Wow..this is so cool! Another secret mystery coin! :anitongue:


I only hope that one of children does not have to end up with a head injury to get one of these, like the Geocoin Fairy one......<_<:anibad:


Will be on the look out at Geocoin Fest for any plain envelopes! :unsure:


Thanks for the fun GSA! :anibad:


Typically in these "mystery coins" the person behind it sends out coins to people they know for placement in caches near them, and then they either alert the person they want to find it, or sit back and watch to see who gets it.


Or the person actually travels a lot! I know we have some long haul truck drivers who cache who could easily drop coins all over the US!

Hope so, as this would increase my chances of finding one. <_<

Very well said, and exactly the reasons why this is such a great thing for our geo-community. Ideas like this aren't just about the frenzy of collecting, it's about putting the "geo" back into geocoins. Getting folks outdoors and hunting caches. Reminding us that it's still a heck of a fun game with so many interesting possibilites. Seriously, thanks to whoever's doing this. <_<


Thank You Mr. Yime. Just doing my job. I have to run now. It's time to start my world travels.



Its the Postman!! Only the Postman calls him Mr. Yime!


Everytime I read this thread that darned Mission Impossible tune gets going in my head. Anyone else?


After reading through the thread earlier and someone posting the lyrics, I went to the refridge. to grab some raspberries and found myself singing that stupid song outloud. I caught myself and thought, NOOOOOOOOOOO. I haven't thought about it for about 3 hours now until you brought it up again. <_< I sure hope I don't go to bed singing that tune.


I just sent three coins with a geocaching friend to give to a Coinfest attendee. The Cacher that is attending Coinfest will drop three plain envelopes with a GSA coin inside at random places while at Coinfest. Who will be the lucky recipients of the first three Geocoin Secret Agent Geocoins?

Post a picture of your find or a note on this thread if you would please.

I truly hope whoever finds these coins really enjoys them.




p.s. The Geocoin Fairy says Hi to all too.


It's official The Geocoin Secret Agent is on the move! He found three caches on Oahu today and left one coin in GCRHT7 . :blink::lol:


Naturally I ran right out to find it. Here is the text of my log:

"February 12 by sillygirl & jrr (457 found)

Wow! We had just finished dinner and I checked my e-mail. We couldn't believe our eyes to see that The Geocoin Secret Agent had logged, not 1, not 2, but 3 of our caches. We know that two of them are not big enough to hold a full size coin, but this one is! And sure enough his log said he left one here. Good thing the final is less than a mile from home. As the sun set, I dashed down the hill (in the car) and then ran across the field (after I parked, in a legal spot even). Found our ammobox still full of goodies, so it actually took a bit to find the coin, but there it was number 137! Naturally it looks better in person...


In the dusk I didn't see any foot prints, or finger prints, but there was a new pair of shades on the duck...so I took those too. Mahalo Geocoin Secret Agent for making paradise your first assignment! Cue the Mission Impossible Theme... This post will self destruct in 10, 9, 8,...."


Thought he wasn't going to drop any coins til Tuesday. Guess even secret agents can be impatient...and as of now it is Tuesday is some parts of the world. :rolleyes: Mahalo Gecoin Secret Agent who ever you are.


Even though my wife and I are not going to be at Geocoinfest...




p.s. Send The Geocoin Fairy to the Midwest to Visit us! :rolleyes:


Yes, by way of Wyoming! (I am assuming she is CA or WA) :blink:


In the gold country foothills in Northern California, we were too far off the beaten path (I think) for The Geocoin Fairy :rolleyes: . So I'm hoping that the Geocoin Secret Agent decides a trip to Lake Tahoe via hwy 50 would be fitting of his/her mission :blink:.


Had dinner with a retired CIA agent last night... and while he always has interesting stories to tell, sadly he has no geocoins!


I really enjoy reading the posts from people who have found secretly stashed coins. Thanks for adding to the fun of caching!


It's official The Geocoin Secret Agent is on the move! He found three caches on Oahu today and left one coin in GCRHT7 . :blink::rolleyes:


Naturally I ran right out to find it. Here is the text of my log:

"February 12 by sillygirl & jrr (457 found)

Wow! We had just finished dinner and I checked my e-mail. We couldn't believe our eyes to see that The Geocoin Secret Agent had logged, not 1, not 2, but 3 of our caches. We know that two of them are not big enough to hold a full size coin, but this one is! And sure enough his log said he left one here. Good thing the final is less than a mile from home. As the sun set, I dashed down the hill (in the car) and then ran across the field (after I parked, in a legal spot even). Found our ammobox still full of goodies, so it actually took a bit to find the coin, but there it was number 137! Naturally it looks better in person...


In the dusk I didn't see any foot prints, or finger prints, but there was a new pair of shades on the duck...so I took those too. Mahalo Geocoin Secret Agent for making paradise your first assignment! Cue the Mission Impossible Theme... This post will self destruct in 10, 9, 8,...."


Thought he wasn't going to drop any coins til Tuesday. Guess even secret agents can be impatient...and as of now it is Tuesday is some parts of the world. :lol: Mahalo Gecoin Secret Agent who ever you are.


Congrats !!


Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name



Oh goodness... when I was young, I used to think they were singing "Secret Asian Man".



Thanks for the goofy memories. :P


Now I got that song stuck in my head...you know the one...



Secret agent man , secret agent man

They've given you a number

And taken away your name



Oh goodness... when I was young, I used to think they were singing "Secret Asian Man".



Thanks for the goofy memories. :P

WOW!! Kindred minds... Me, too!Anyways, I really think he wants to visit WA state!!


Would be thrilled to see a visit to the north San Francisco Bay Area!!!


I think you mean South Bay!


No, I'm pretty sure I said it right the first time :unsure:


Wow - get sick for a few days and miss all the fun! :huh:


We had a great time tracking the Geocoin Fairy's travels and used the places the GCF visited as part of our weekly school lessons. We certainly foind some places we wanted to travel to as well by doing that. :huh:


This will be fun to track again (hey we can't track Santa so the Secret Agent will do nicely!) and learn some more good things about the places the GSA visits :laughing:


Have fun everyone hunting the coins and thanks Secret Agent Man (Woman?) (there's that song again) for doing this. And thanks to GCF for the suggestion to GSA!


Off to track! :mad:


What I am saying is, the Secret Agent needs to know that you would like a coin. :lol:




Secret Agent! I would like a coin! (Please and Thank You!!)




Team A.C.E.


um ... ditto, pretty please.




I like the coin.


I have to say though that I don't like the whole idea. That just means another coin I will probably NOT get. :lol:


Don't worry. You sre not the only one. From what I see they go to people who know people. Not to people who just want to play the game for the fun of playing.


*raises hand*


I know very few people, really, and I found a GCF geocoin...it had sat in St. Louis for five days...emphasis on FOUND...the GCF never told me at all...the original one I went for is still in the cache as far as I know...


Please, don't go there with the generalizations.


BTW...hey GSA...I'd really like to nab one of your coins...it'd go great next to my GCF coin. :P


Moop hooked me up with a Mission Impossible "bomb" coin last year because he knows my love for that kind of stuff...




I'd certainly like to have the Geocoin Secret Agent come and diffuse this thing. :huh:


While at Geocoinfest I was sitting trying to sell some of my Dont Tread on me Geocoins, A white padded envelope appeared with my 4yr old on his way back from getting us a drink. I wasnt sure if I should open it since it was sealed. After someone else said they found a Geocoin Secret Agent Geocoin, I opened the envelope to find #141 in my hands, what a surprise. Thank you Geoagent whomever you are.


So some people did find some at GCF. We did not see any mailers lying around and our kids did not find any so maybe we will have to be on the look out on our travels back to Georgia for one of the nice GSA coins. :huh:

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