+critrcrazy Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 I've always been crazy about critters , and I work at a veterinary clinic. Seemed to fit. I've been critrcrazy online since waaay back in the web tv days Quote
+mdplayers Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 nothing special about ours... We live in Maryland (MD) and we play games (not just caching, but all sorts of games). I learned about caching from MDCrabs and thought I'd honor that by using MD(something) as our name. Quote
+Celerystalker Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 Back in 1996 I wanted a change of names on a BBS and couldn't think of anything - a poster named Radish The Great posted about having a stalker, and it got me to thinking about stalking vegetables - then I remembered from childhood the Bunnicula series of books (written from the perspective of 2 dogs and a cat about a vampire bunny that sucks the juice out of vegetables - very cute older book for kids!). The second book in the series is The Celery Stalks at Midnight. So I became Celerystalker. It's stuck. I have a large group of friends on a disney message board (disboards.com - it's actually how I found out about geocaching!) and they all call me Cel or Celery. My mom joined the disboards and she's CelMama. My dad gets annoyed that we talk to so many "imaginary" friends. I don't think he knows about my new geocaching obsession yet. Quote
+mksenn Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 M is my first initial, K is my wife's, Senn is our last name. Pretty boring! Quote
poikää & butterfly Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 Our monikers have several meanings... butterfly is her handle and just because she likes them and collects anything butterfly from a cache... mine is a Finnish word for boy and refers to the way I look at caching and life in general..... The "es" refers to poikää's HAM radio hobby but nobody has caught on! poikää es butterfly Quote
+JABs Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 JABs is the initials of my three children. Yes all three kids first names start with a J, there second or middle name start with a A and the family or surname starts with a B. The first two have there names before we noticed the link and so decided that the thrid also should have the same initials as the first two. Oh the little s is because its a plural, there is more then one of them. Quote
+rockey_f_squirrell Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Old CB Handle. I had a squirrel tail attatched to my antanna (f stands for flying) Rockey the Flying Squirrell. Quote
+ladyrich007 Posted May 13, 2009 Posted May 13, 2009 Mine is one I use everywhere. And it means spy lol. Thats why My sig is I spy cache. I spy cache Quote
+Geo-Indy Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 While hunting for one of our first caches in the dark I stepped off the edge of a riverbank and slide about 25 ft down through the ferns on my butt. As I reached the bottom I heard from the top "Hey, just like Indiana Jones!" and of course we had already "named the dog Indiana". Indy for short. Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Andronicus... as in Titus Andronicus... as in the Shakespeare play... as in the ultimat revenge story. I use it on every forum I am on. What an awful, awful play! ...and, consequently, my absolute favorite by Shakespeare. : ) I love your geonick! Mine's related to Ancient Egypt -- I've always loved Anubis. So I'm "Jackalgirl". I've had this nick since, oh, about 2000. Quote
+Jackalgirl Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 years ago, we wanted to learn a foreign language that my kids would have no way of understanding, so we picked Esperanto - a manufactured language that was supposed to become a universal language. My gentleman friend began calling me 'his knabino' and i started to use knabino for all of my online sites. Since relatively few people speak the language, the name was available on all sites. When we started caching, it was only natural that I continue on with that name. BTW - knabino means 'girl' Great geonick! Mi parolas iomete Esperanton kaj tre gxuas pagxaron "lernu.net". Incidentally, my parents used Italian for exactly the same reason. ; ) Quote
+VO2WW Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 VO2WW is my Ham Radio Call Sign VO used to refer to Newfoundland before we became a Canadian province. It was kept it as one of the Terms of Union. 2 refers to the Labrador part of the province, the BIG part!!! WW refers to me from my old days as a CB'er and Radio Bandit. Victor Ocean Two Whiskey Whiskey calling CQ D and standing by....... Quote
+BAPMAN CREW Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 When we first signed into GC I didn't know what I was getting into and signed up under my email @. That day when we found our first cache my wife signed the log as BAPman Crew. My initals are BAP I like Batman because he does what he does without super powers. My name is Bruce In the old Batman comic when Batman would hit someone a cloud would show BAP, POW, or WAM. My son calls me Daddyman. My neighbors calls me Bman. It just all comes together. Quote
+geodarts Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Mine means that I did not show any creativity when I signed up with Groundspeak. One of the most prominent cachers at the time simply used his last name, so I did the same. If I had it to do over again, I would have picked something like "geodarts" since professional darts is my other great passion. I am aware that the world's "leading" cacher changed his handle, so I guess it could be done. But at this point it seems like it would be confusing . . . Quote
+Curioddity Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I'm Curioddity because my main and backup choices were already taken. If anything, it "means" I was in a weird frame of mind when I had to come up with a quick alternative. This is actually a bit of a sore point with me. My first choice actually does mean something to me. It's a username I go by in several other forums and a key element in my own Internet domain, but it was registered back in 2003 and the only activity since then was he logged one find in 2004. That's it! No other finds, not one hide, and not even one post in the forum yet the name remains unavailable. I'll get over it, but it kinda rubs me the wrong way. Pete Quote
+The Blorenges Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I'm Curioddity because my main and backup choices were already taken. If anything, it "means" I was in a weird frame of mind when I had to come up with a quick alternative. This is actually a bit of a sore point with me. My first choice actually does mean something to me. It's a username I go by in several other forums and a key element in my own Internet domain, but it was registered back in 2003 and the only activity since then was he logged one find in 2004. That's it! No other finds, not one hide, and not even one post in the forum yet the name remains unavailable. I'll get over it, but it kinda rubs me the wrong way. Pete Could you not adapt your "first choice" of name slightly? You could just alter it slightly by adding an underscore, or a wavy line, or summat, on each side... MrsB (e.g. ~TheBlorenges~) Quote
Neath Worthies Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 He could by why should he? This other user is plainly not active and is blocking a legitimate geocacher. It's the sort of thing Groundspeak should sort out. Quote
jholly Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 He could by why should he? This other user is plainly not active and is blocking a legitimate geocacher. It's the sort of thing Groundspeak should sort out. and how do you know this not active cacher will not suddenly become an active cacher? I found one in 2002 and my next find was 2006 and have been fairly active since then. I would be highly miffed if I found my username was usurped because someone else thought they were more deserving than I. I feel that Groundspeak has already sorted it out. Jim Quote
+The Blorenges Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 He could by why should he? This other user is plainly not active and is blocking a legitimate geocacher. It's the sort of thing Groundspeak should sort out. The idea was offered as a suggestion. The other user was active once. Even if they only made the one find, their account still stands. MrsB Quote
+mbharpman Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I use mbharpman with m, first letter in my first name and b the first letter in my last name and harpman because I play harmonica in a blues band. I started using it on some music related forums and emails because just plain ole harpman was not available. I sometimes leave a small harp as my sig in some caches and almost always a guitar pick because I play guitar also and always have picks in my pocket. Quote
+Team LRS Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Ours.........well........we are a family team and we run our own buisness called Land Rover Services So Team LRS was born Quote
+DatCrazyMongoose Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 I absolutely love the Rudyard Kipling book Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, and my favorite animal is the mongoose because of it. Then I met my wife who, coincidentally, had a Mongoose BMX bike. When I started gaming back in god knows when, I played Quake (the original) and chose Mongoose as my character name. After running into a couple other Mongooses along the way, I distinguished myself by adding DatCrazy to the beginning. I've used it ever since in all manner of situations. Quote
+NotThePainter Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 My real name is "Paul Cezanne" so I guess that explains my geocaching handle... Quote
+XQM3 Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I served in the US Coast Guard for 8 years and was a QM3 (Quartermaster 3rd Class). It was the one job that I tell everyone about. Hence: XQM3 Quote
+quo vadimus Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Quo Vadimus means "Where are we going?" in Latin.... maybe not all that original or cute.. but it is usually the first thing we say to each other when we get into the car for our day of Caching... ... When I started I was "lifeguard_17" my call sign at work... then Nycole got into it and we bacame.. "Lifeguard_17&yankeesGirl" Way to much to write on a log... so we are very happy with our "QUO VADIMUS" Quote
Styluss Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Styluss = An old nickname I gave myself in high school. Then it just so happened I wanted to eb a DJ for a bit and if you do not know, the needle on a turntable is called a Styluss. That worked out well, but my DJing skills did not. Now, it's simply a nickname I use on forums and such. Quote
+BlackforestMarty Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 Hi everyone! Well - any guesses why my nickname is BlackforestMarty? Yes.... you all the way in the back - yes correct! My firstname is Martin and I live in the Blackforest area in Germany. And no - I'm not a teacher.... Pretty tricky nickname isn't it? And all that creativity! Marty Quote
+blue_cougar54494 Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 My caching name is from the cb handle I had when I bought my 1st car. It was a 1972 baby blue Mercury Cougar. And for the zipcode for the town I live in. Becky (blue_cougar54494) Quote
+rockymtn8iv Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 All my life I have lived within sight of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and love them. When I was 5 yrs. old, we moved to Steamboat Springs. I lived in the yampa valley until I was 28 years old. I currently live just a few miles east of the mountains............ Thus my moniker. rockymtn8iv (Rocky Mountain Native) Quote
Schildir Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 My two best friends have had cool original names to use on the internet for games, forums, etc. and I usually just borrowed mine from books. Then I decided that I needed an original name of my own, about a year ago, and came up with Schildir, based on the German word for shield, with some coolness added on to make it sound more like a name. Quote
Delivery Boy Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 Mine is simply the punch line to my favourite joke: 'What do you call a male midwife?' A delivery boy Also this is what I'm currently studying to become. Quote
+TeamFiestyMidgets Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 My kids are small and fiesty........therefore we are Team Fiesty Midgets! Quote
+WeeWillie Posted May 27, 2009 Posted May 27, 2009 I was a member of the Norwich University (VT) Army ROTC Mountain Cold Weather Company, Mountain Rescue Team. When I was initiated into the Rescue Team I was given a Team Name. Mine was Wee Willie of the Mountains. (Wee Willie for short) My last name is Wilson and I was 6'3" and 155 lbs at the time. Quote
+2Jeeps2Jacks Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 We have two Jeeps and two Jack Russell Terriers. Pic on profile page. Quote
+Tuena Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 I had been to Orange (NSW) for a 21st & have been travelling through the small village of Tuena to the Central West for some 30 years. Much shorter & quicker than going via the Blue Mountains. Stopped at the pub on the way back & stayed the night enjoying a few more ales with my son & one of his mates. The next week my wife came home from Canberra with the local rag & it had a feature on Geocaching. I already owned a GPSr so logged on, thought it might be interesting & joined up naming myself after the village. Alternatively I could have called myself "Goldfields" after the pub. Your shout. Quote
+Icathus Posted May 29, 2009 Posted May 29, 2009 The word Icathus is one variation of the word Ichthus, which is the greek word for "fish", hence the fish symbol avatar. It is said that during the persecution of the early church, a Christian meeting someone new would draw a single arc in the sand. If the other person was a Christian, he or she would complete the drawing of a fish with a second arc. If the second person was not a Christian, the ambiguity of the half-symbol would not reveal the first person as a Christian. Quote
+Geö Wölf Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 Well i think the Geo in my name expalins itself ..The Wolf of Geo Wolf i picked because i collect Wolf pictures and figurines. Wolves are a symbol of freedom power and beauty to me. Quote
+Cryptid Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 When I started Geocaching I usually went in my Land Cruiser FJ40. But, due to Buying a house, and Arnold what's-his-negger's pay cuts, I had to sell it, now I'm caching sans Cruiser, dude. Quote
+PorscheSpyder Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 As a Porsche (pronounced pors-CHE) enthusiest, I wanted to have that shown in my username. The Spyder part came from the famous 550 & 550A Porsche racecars from the 1950s. In 2008, Porsche released a commerative streetgoing version of the Spyder. So, I combined the two words into one, hence: PorscheSpyder! Quote
CajunKnight Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Well i once a police officer (20 years worth). I figured it was thing i could come up with. CajunKnight = Louisiana+Police officer. Quote
+duck_hunt Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I have pet birds, and the 05 is to make it look cool. Quote
+mahini Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 some of you are so creative/amusing with your names & explanations! Anyway... I've used this name online since the late 90's... What I thought it meant then & what I'm pretty sure it means now aren't the same... but, it keeps life simple to stick with my early mistakes! (btw- knight2000... my husband is OBSESSED!! with knight rider! we even have the mio knight rider gps! I knew your name before I even found this thread!) Quote
+flask Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 black knight 2000... i remember that game *gets all glassy-eyed*... although i'm flask or eflask (as in ehrlenmeyer flask) almost everywhere, i do have a collection of fun alter-aliases, like hugh jasperson, or amobocks. sometimes i use the name by which i'm listed in the phone book, which is not remotely related to my real name, which i don't use all that much. it costs money to be unlisted, but you can be listed under a name that's not yours for no charge. i use a variety of aliases for a variety of things. i've been nancy francis, christopher crozier, annelida echt, benjamin brown, lucinda lintlock, and SAM DeiGloriam. the last one stands for Soli Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, which is how i prefer to sign much of my work. my name isn't important. most of my friends call me flask, and most of my casual acquaintances know me either as flask or as 97. 97 isn't so much a name, but it was my first-ever race bib, and it's a number i have carried for ten years now. people who know me from that venue don't always know my name, but they know i'm the wreck of the old 97. i call myself peej. my sister calls herself spike. that's what it says on her nametag at work. "your father and i gave you names", our mother is fond of pointing out. Quote
holz99 Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 My name is Holly and in high school my friends called me Holz and my teammates in college called me that too. I was number 99 my last two years playing college softball. I use it for most things now....not too interesting Quote
+ThunderWear Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I chose mine because there is a special concealable handgun holster that holds the gun in front of your crotch called "Thunderwear". I "pack heat" legally where I am allowed and licensed to do so and like the name! Quote
+BlackforestMarty Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 My name is Holly and in high school my friends called me Holz and my teammates in college called me that too. I was number 99 my last two years playing college softball. I use it for most things now....not too interesting Btw, do you know that the german word Holz (as a noun) means wood in english? Just thought I'd let you know... BlackforestMarty Quote
+Onyx5 Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Meh... Our last name is Black and there are five of us (me, the wife, and our three kids). It started out as TeamObsidian5, but, man, that was way too hard for me to spell . Quote
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