+lil'hobo Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Whenever I read cache logs or the postings on the site I always find myself interested in what everyone's caching name stands for or means. Some of course are self explanitory, however, most aren't. I often wonder if it was a random decision, or some deeper meaning. If you would like to share I'd enjoy reading about what it means. Take mine, lil'hobo, for example. I chose it for several reasons. The first is as a kid we lived not to far from some railroad tracks and on a quiet day/night you could hear the train drive by. I always had the secret desire to do the hobo thing, you know, jump on a boxcar and see where it would go. Of course, common sense has always got the better of me so I never did. Still, the thought of a rambling existence, however impractical, continues to hold some appeal. Secondly, I used to have a camper that was a "lil hobo" model. Lastly, I named my fishing boat the lil'hoboat in keeping with my camper's model. So, when I started caching, with its wandering around and rummaging about in search of treasure, the name lil'hobo just seemed a natural fit. Quote
+StarBrand Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 StarBrand was a short lived alternative Universe comic book from Marvel. 20 years ago I was really into collecting comic books - Not at all now but I still have my old collection. The StarBrand was supposed to be a sort of tattoo (see my avatar) from an unknown alien source that gave the holder very "superman" like powers. I've used the name on the Internet and bullitin boards for almost 30 years. Quote
+SD Marc Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 My name is Marc, and I live in San Diego. I use it on various fishing sites as well. Quote
+Tequila Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Tequila is the name of my bloodhound. Back when we joined, pretty much every name was available. Quote
+superstella Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 My name is Stella, and I'm pretty Super! Guess mine was one of those "self-explanatory" ones. Quote
+amianda Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Amianda... Well, I used to sit around and dream up names for characters and possible future children. In college I did this by combining or mixing up existing names. Amianda comes from Amy + Amanda, and originally I was going to use it for my firstborn female child. I liked the name so much, however, that I started using it for myself on online games and message boards, email, whatever. It stuck. People sometimes call me Ami in real life because they don't know my real name. So, even if I were to have kids sometime in the future (seems unlikely and that's ok) I couldn't use the name for a child because it is really my name now. Anyway, boring story but there it is. My real name is Kelly, btw Quote
+Knight2000 Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 I was Knighted 9 years ago in 2000. Not really. My son was 8 when we started caching. He likes Knight Rider from the 80's TV fame. He loves the car KITT (Knight Industries Two-Thousand) from the show. Other Knight Rider names weren't available so he combined the two- Knight2000 I wonder what others think when they hear then handle. Quote
Clan Riffster Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Mine came from a drunken night a couple decades ago. In high school went to see a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show, and dressed up as the character Riff Raff. During the movie, in-costume people act out the movie as it plays. The guy that was supposed to play Riff Raff on stage didn't show, so I got drug on stage. My performance was so awful I was never asked back. And yet, the nickname Riff stuck with me in several variations. (Riff, Riffy, Riffster, Etc) I added the Clan part to denote that we are a team, and to celebrate my Scottish heritage. Quote
+Blaidd-Drwg Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 I cached under the name Team Madog (pronounced Maw Doc) for years. People were constantly referring to me as Mad Dog. I would then explain that Madog was a welshman who had discovered America, long before Columbus. Finally tiring of people mispronouncing my caching name, I changed it to Blaidd Drwg. Anyone who watches Dr Who, may recognize it as the name of a reoccurring organization. Blaidd Drwg (pronounced Blaith Druge) means Bad Wolf, also in Welsh. Nobody can pronounce it either, but at least there's a reason for it now. Quote
+The Lazy Sunbathers Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 I sat down with my family to try and figure out what would be a good name to represent us and they were all taken. I guess that's what happens when you join the game this late! So we started looking through song titles from our I-Tunes and came up with The Lazy Sunbathers from Morrissey, the origanal singer from the popular british 80's group "The Smiths". Every now and then I come up with a new idea for a name and check it out on GC.com and find it available. I actually stole one that I intend to use when I find caches without the rest of the family, Sum1 (someone). If your interested I think that sum1notu is available! I would take it but I think that one "extra" account is enough! Quote
+TexasGringo Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Well...I had a Worse name that no one liked...and I even had email complaints...So, to be more Politically Correct...I changed to: The Texas Gringo. Quote
+The Lazy Sunbathers Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Well...I had a Worse name that no one liked...and I even had email complaints...So, to be more Politically Correct...I changed to: The Texas Gringo. All right, you sparked my interest! What was it B4? Quote
+joukkusisu Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Joukkusisu (Yo Coo Sis Sue). It means "team sisu" in Finnish. We're a team, we're of Finnish heritage. There is no English equivalent of sisu, but it means something like tenacity, courage, or stubborness, depending upon your point of view. One man's tencity may be another man's stubborness. We figured having sisu would be appropriate for geocaching. Quote
+lil'hobo Posted April 28, 2009 Author Posted April 28, 2009 Joukkusisu (Yo Coo Sis Sue). It means "team sisu" in Finnish. We're a team, we're of Finnish heritage. There is no English equivalent of sisu, but it means something like tenacity, courage, or stubborness, depending upon your point of view. One man's tencity may be another man's stubborness. We figured having sisu would be appropriate for geocaching. My mom had a SISU bumper sticker on her car back in the early 80s. We're not Finnish, but apparently this bumper sticker was kind of a fad back then. Quote
+WRASTRO Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 We bought our first Astro van in 1990 and did a Jetsons theme, including the Wrastro license plate. Since then the family has rounded out and we indeed have George, Jane, Elroy and Judy. And we still have an Astro van with the Wrastro plates. Quote
+uxorious Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 I do a lot of crosswords. When I came across the word uxorious, everyone told me the name fits me. So I kept it. (Better than the politically incorrect slang term some people used on me. ) Uxorious means excessively fond of or doting on ones wife. Quote
+roziecakes Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Nymphs and Satyrs are mythical creatures from Greek Mythology who frolic and gambol through woods and fields. Sometimes their behavior is a little adult-oriented... but for geocaching, we look at it as we are somewhat freespirited people who frolic in woods and fields. -Rozie Quote
+Coopy622 Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Coopy622 - last name is Cooper anniversary is 6-22. I know boring but I use it for everything. Quote
+Harry Dolphin Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 It means that I have a bizarre fetish for fake fur dolphins that you used to be able to get at the roulette wheels on the boardwalk at Asbury Park. Quote
+KoosKoos Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Twenty-five years ago, I gave my friend a goofy nickname during a band trip in high school...he swore he'd find a ridiculous name for me as payback. In the movie, The Cannonball Run, Jamie Farr's character is about to be shot and asked if he has any last requests. He asks for a bowl of couscous. My friend thought that was a funny sounding word. Of course, being silly high school kids from small town Texas, we had no idea what couscous was, much less how to spell it, so I became Koos Koos in high school. I've used it as my online nick ever since....it's RARELY taken as a choice. Quote
+Sparticus06 Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Back in 2006 I used to ride ATV alot. I joined several ATV forums with the name Chester, or Chesterdajester. One day at work one of the guys called me Spartacus. At first it irritated me, then the more he called me it, the better it sounded. After awhile I changed my ATV forum title to Sparticus (opted an A for an I because I thought it looked and sounded better). When I started caching, Sparticus was already taken, so I put 06 on the end to represent the year I started caching. It has stuck with me ever since. Even off the forums I am called Sparticus. Had some decals made up for my geotruck and ATV. So I am Sparticus06! It has worked out very well since back in high school I drew a pic of a sword and then later a shield. Shortly after starting to cache, I melded them together and came up with with my signature symbol. Guess there is a reason for everything. Quote
+gmcpower98 Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I drive a powerful 1998 GMC!! Use the I.D. on my 4x4 forums as well. Quote
+Ramona Retired Snipe Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Mine can be somewhat confusing. Ramona: Where I live Ramona CA, Retired : I just retired from active duty Snipe: An affectionate term for naval engineers from engineers. Derogatory term if you're a non-snipe. I'm was a Boiler Tech in the navy Quote
+NOV8TR Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I thought it it was novel to have a Tomtom ONE XL GPSr mounted on a Honda XR650L (dual sport motorcycle). I used the name in the Tomtom forums before I accidentally discovered geocaching. I kept the name in these forums, not realizing that I would have to scribble it on soggy micro logs with broken pencil lead. I finally got a dedicated hand held for geocaching, so now I wish I had picked a name with only about 3 or 4 letters (to make signing logs easier). Maybe I'll change it some day,,,,, but then this post would not make any sense. Waitaminute,, this post doesn't make much sense right now anyway Quote
+TexasGringo Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Well...I had a Worse name that no one liked...and I even had email complaints...So, to be more Politically Correct...I changed to: The Texas Gringo. All right, you sparked my interest! What was it B4? The Drooling Mongoloid... Quote
+Too Tall John Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 My name is John. I'm taller than: my wife by almost 1.5 feet the length of most beds many doors (especially with hydraulic closers; those things hurt like heck!) most of the clothing you can buy off the rack whoever they design most cars for Some people have told me "Aww, you aren't too tall, you're just the right height!" I think these people need to go talk to the folks in charge of sizing the things in the list above (except for the wife bit, that was my own fault ) and tell 'em they're doing it all wrong, but nobody's taken me up on this offer yet. Quote
+ventura_kids Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I thought about the question..... ....but just cannot think what our name could mean.... signed by the Kids who live in Ventura. Quote
+mrbort Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Mine's from the simpsons... In the episode where they go to itchy and scratchy land, they're looking in the giftshop and see the typical name-themed license plates. Bart can find all kinds of variations to his name but not his... Including "Bort"... He exclaims "Bort? what kind of name is 'Bort?'" As it happens two borts are browsing in the store at the same time and much hilarity ensues. Later in the episode you hear over the loudspeakers in the operations center "Attention: we are out of Bort license plates in the gift shop, Repeat..." A HUGE Simpsons fan, that also resonated becase as a Davis, I never could find any of those stupid stuff im glad i didnt buy with my name on it. I do love now buying "Christine" things for my sister "Kristine." Long but not that good... Quote
+Pork King Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I can't really remember why I chose my name! I first started using it when I signed up for my first email account years ago. I think I was just looking for something slightly humorous, while at the same time revealing my passion for the "other white meat". I use it for all online games and forums. Quote
+mrbort Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Addendum: I use variations of this on most gaming sites but in some random game the f looked a lot like a t and I ended up with Borf.... That's really been the handle that's stayed with me in games like WoW and also just randomly in offline games... Quote
+flask Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Well...I had a Worse name that no one liked...and I even had email complaints...So, to be more Politically Correct...I changed to: The Texas Gringo. All right, you sparked my interest! What was it B4? The Drooling Mongoloid... the polaroid one-step? My name is John. I'm taller than: my wife by almost 1.5 feet the length of most beds many doors (especially with hydraulic closers; those things hurt like heck!) most of the clothing you can buy off the rack whoever they design most cars for Some people have told me "Aww, you aren't too tall, you're just the right height!" I think these people need to go talk to the folks in charge of sizing the things in the list above (except for the wife bit, that was my own fault ) and tell 'em they're doing it all wrong, but nobody's taken me up on this offer yet. i've seen him, and he's perfect. and he fits in my car. ...without chopping. me, i used to have this thing for lab glass. i've used "ehrlenmeyer flask" and "florence flask" as aliases on and off for, um, a while. i belonged to a social club called graduated cylinder. in 1982 wrote a concert march called ehrlenmeyer flask to serve as my theme song. just "flask" is easier to type and it sounds sporty. that's what it says on my bracelet, and that's what most people call me. my sister calls herself "spike", and we are both a disappointment to our mother on this account. "your father and i", she says, "gave you NAMES". Quote
+Glenn Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 My name is Glenn. I've been using it all my life. It all started when my parents put it on my birth certificate. I've been know to use it often on official documents and elsewhere. Quote
+Colonial Cats Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 We live in Williamsburg, VA, so that's where the Colonial comes in. We also have many cats whom we refer to as the "Colonial Cats". Sometimes, my wife and I refer to ourselves as "Colonial Cats Staff". Quote
+Robfire Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Well mine is pretty simple. Rob is my name, I am a volunteer firefighter, thats where fire comes in and 820 is my county radio ID, so you have robfire820. Quote
+markandsandy Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Ours is one of those names that people THINK they understand, but they are WRONG. My wife and I cache as a team, but our names are not mark and sandy. No immediate family members with those names either. It all started with a coat. My wife works for a company that is a wholesale manufacturer and supplier of clothing. She bought me a coat for hiking that had a defect, but it had the name Mark embroidered on it. She started joking about me being her boyfriend 'Mark'. The Sandy part came about when a Starbucks employee mis-introduced my wife as 'Sandy'. Since they already knew about my 'Mark' alias, we became Mark and Sandy. Now when we go in for coffee, they sometimes call us by our real names, and sometimes as Mark and Sandy. It really confuses the new employees. Quote
+TrailGators Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 My name is Glenn. I've been using it all my life. It all started when my parents put it on my birth certificate. I've been know to use it often on official documents and elsewhere. Quote
+HedgeMage Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I've been using "HedgeMage" online since I ditched a high school nickname I'd chosen as a prank on someone and then got stuck with. In legend and lore, a "hedge mage" is a magic user who learned through experimentation, trial and error, by digging in and just doing things, as opposed to the formal education and ivory towers of "proper" wizards. I don't have much formal education -- I left university due to illness less than halfway through my degree -- so most of what I know, including what I do for a living, was not learned in the usual way. I just kind of jump in and learn things rather than waiting to be taught. --Susan Quote
+BCandMsKitty Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 BC comes from BossCamper, which I started using in forums back when we owned a camping store, and it actually has a double meaning because camping has been a passion all my life, and then for the past several years I get called "boss" all the time at work (corrections). Shortened to BC for this forum. MsKitty is becasue my wife is a total cat nut, and loves everything cat related. Quote
+webfolk Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 "webfolk" I'm on the web and I like folk music, and you can visit my hompage at www.webfolk.net Quote
+mfamilee Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Mine is one of the self-explanatory ones. Our last name starts with M and we are a family who goes caching together. Quote
+NYPaddleCacher Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I'm an avid sea kayaker. At one time I owned three touring kayaks, a whitewhater kayak, and a canoe. I built two of the touring kayaks myself but sold one of them awhile back. The other one I built (a cedar strip boat) was broken in half when a tree fell on it in my back yard and since I started geocaching I haven't spent as much time with boats so it's still in my basement undergoing repair. In any case, I had been thinking about getting a GPS for use in my kayaks when my wife read about geocaching on the net and said it sounded like fun. That gave me the excuse to get a GPS for kayaking but I've primarily used it for caching. After finding my first couple of caches I thought that geocaching and paddling would go perfect together. PaddleCacher was already taken so I added NY to it since I live in New York state. Quote
+The Blorenges Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 The Blorenge is a high hill/not quite a mountain in south Wales, U.K. It's the location of "The first in Wales", which was the first cache we ever found. Originally, MrB named the account simply Blorenge, but after a while he realised I was tagging along too so he changed it to The Blorenges. MrsB Quote
+Mar-elendili Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 (edited) At the beginning of our relationship, me and my then-boyfriend started to make plans about building a house, this sort of things you do when you don't realize yet you'll not be able to do it before long (money... oh well). Anyway, since my man wasn't and still isn't good at finding names, I did a little research about what we could call our home. As we love reading the stories of Tolkien, I thought an elvish name could do the trick, not too obvious and not too ordinary. I made up the name, Mar-elendili, from Sindarin tongue and it means something like "the home of the friends of the elves", which was so fitting. The house is not built, the project is probably never going to come true, but the name stuck, we use it for our common e-mail address and various aliases when we are together. Although we should call us "the dwellers in Mar-elendili" to be correct, the name has come to designate us as a couple! Edited April 29, 2009 by mar-elendili Quote
+The Unpleasables Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 (edited) My wife and I love to Geocache, our 11 y/o daughter, not so much (she usually is playing with her DS or reading), my daughter and I love gaming, my wife, not so much (she would rather read). My wife and daughter like to break off caching and run to Dairy Queen when it gets hot and the Cache Gods aren't being kind to us, me not so much... One of us usually ends up grumpy at some part of our cache runs, but we still feel like a team of Superheros most of the time so we came up with our Marvel Comic style name! Edited April 29, 2009 by The Unpleasables Quote
+currykev Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 (edited) I love... 1.Murgh Madras 2.Gaeng Phed Gai 3.Beef Rendang ...and my name is Kevin PS...1, 2 and 3 not all on the same plate by the way! Edited April 29, 2009 by currykev Quote
Mr.Yuck Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Well...I had a Worse name that no one liked...and I even had email complaints...So, to be more Politically Correct...I changed to: The Texas Gringo. All right, you sparked my interest! What was it B4? The Drooling Mongoloid... I remember him! Well, mostly because of the old avatar. I've always thought my name was somewhat politically incorrect, but I've never received a complaint. I really am ready to change it after 6 years anyways. YO!! TooTallJohn!! You can't tell us all that without giving the actual height. Quote
+elephantman Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 I like elephants, I collect china elephant figures and most things connected with elephants and I can do a very good impersonation of a very rare, black eared, white trunked elephant Quote
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