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Everything posted by mfamilee

  1. I read the OP's message out loud to my 11 year old daughter and then asked what she would do in this situation. Her reply... "I would give the things back."
  2. Mfamilee is happy to report that #94 landed safely at our door. This is the very first mystery coin we have received! Thanks a bunch!
  3. Voted & verified with a dog. This was a great idea! I really hope they win the cash.
  4. All the kitties are so cute! This is one our kitties named Whiskers. Our daughter had put her in a christmas stocking.
  5. It could be a stage from the multi Crow Creek Hide & Seek - GCEC00. This one starts out on the other side of the park and looks very, very challenging. "This is a unique multi-cache that has a minimum of nine locations. The first four locations are described below and the other locations will be determined as you continue with your adventure." You could ask the owner of this one.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving! We just returned home from grandma's house. It was a small gathering with my grandmother, mother and our family of three. We ate lots of delicious food, went back for seconds and are stuffed to the brim! We are now looking forward to getting out tomorrow and doing some caching. turkey mashed potatoes/gravy 7 layer salad stuffing rolls grandma's yummy fruit salad homemade pumpkin pie Thanks for the cointest!
  7. Hello Also... If you want to release your travel bug, you don't need to have your own cache in order to do so. You can drop it any cache to start its journey. (with proper logging)
  8. Saw this TB with cremated ashes mentioned in the travel bug forum. Langdon's Daughter
  9. I love taking photos of interesting graffiti. Found this in a area nearby a cache we were searching for. It was too long for 1 shot, so I took 3 separate ones.
  10. 1. How did you originally hear about geocaching? 2. Why did you want to get involved? 1. We accidently found a cache on an old bridge when we stopped to admire the view while we out driving the back country roads. When we got home we looked up gecaching on the net. 2. We got involved because we love the outdoors, finding & exploring new places, and it's fun for the whole family (of 3).
  11. Thanks for the info. I will pass this on to my jr. explorer who has been asking. Also thanks RiverCacher for your generosity to the agents.
  12. Fredhead, any news on where the mission is at?
  13. Purple & Gold... awesome! Can't wait to see these coins when they are finished. Hubby is going to love it. Thanks a bunch!
  14. Did someone 'retrieve' it off your vehicle like a real travel bug?
  15. All of the above. I think Eartha definitely covered it all. It's very nice to see GS is listening to our concerns.
  16. For starters... Do you remember which cache you retrieved it from?
  17. We had the opportunity to explain geocaching to 2 policeman in a small Iowa town after they pulled up behind our geo-mobile while we were searching some street signs on a corner. They first sat in their car for a few minutes watching and later told us they found it funny because they couldn't figure out what in the world we were doing. We explained it all to them & showed them the cache. They both found it real interesting & asked lots of questions. Now they will know what other cachers are up to when they see them searching around in the area.
  18. Yep... same here. We live out rural in the country so obviously that is where we choose to place our caches. Most often it will be a few days or more before the 1st cacher comes along.
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