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Everything posted by duck_hunt

  1. Before taking it back try upgrading the firmware. I've read on here that Magellan fixed some issues with them.
  2. Wrong account, again. (I've got to check whose logged in!)
  3. too late to join but next season im definitely in!
  4. Well, here in Tennessee, a law exists stating that playing "games" in cemeteries are prohibited. Therefore, caches in cemeteries are no longer published. In my opinion, the graveyard setting offers a chance to learn about Tennessee's past. For example, we found a person who was buried in 1816- the oldest I've ever seen. Though the law REALLY means (in a nutshell) to not play football in a cemetery as it is a place of veneration, many here still call geocaching a "game," and it is treated as such. I refer to geocaching as a hobby.
  5. I have pet birds, and the 05 is to make it look cool.
  6. You all are right. I didn't realize that. Thanks for the feedback!
  7. I am thinking about creating my own TB, but I don't want it to be just a McDonald's toy. I want it to be interesting, so I thought about buying a USB/jump drive and attaching it to the dog tag. The finders could put pictures of their favorite caches and other interesting places on it, then move it along. It would have to be very water-proof. What do you think?
  8. Once, we were looking for a cache in a park. We had the GPSr, but the trees scattered our signal, so we only knew the approximate location. We loooked for about 3 minutes, then found a letterbox! The cache page said nothing about a letterbox, it was a normal cache. We replaced the LB and found the other cache quickly. When we came home, we looked the LB up, and it was not on geocaching.com OR letterboxing.com. That was strange.
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