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Geocache Bandit Mystery Geocoin

The Amigos

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YEEHAW Buckaroos


I dropped off a few things just now at the post box, grabbed the mail as usual and walked Natasha for a while, not paying much attention to the mail as it appeared to be the usual junk mail, a few magazines, small letter envelopes with a few pathtags and such. There was also a black CD style padded mailer that I thought was a junk mail CD from some phone company wanting me to upgrade or some nonsense like that. When I arrived back at the office from my walk I filtered through the usual junk and then turned over the black (what I thought was junk CD) and saw a beautiful stamp. GEO_BANDIT. I haven't been in the forums much lately so this was quite a surprise indeed. A beautiful coin #221 safe and sound, hog tied and wrangled here in Cold California.


Thank you Geo_Bandit. You made a dull day full of sunshine.


Woo Hoo,

I got that same black mailer, tossed it on the table thinking the same thing, came in here, read your post and shot back into the kitchen!!

Sure enough, #217 was still safe and sound.

Cool coin, cool mailer and cool stamp!! Thanks geo-bandit


Was gone for three weeks working and got home this afternoon and had a wonderfull greating from the wife. After that she told me some coins came in the mail while I was gone. I told her I didn't need to look at them right away because all I had coming where the geocoin of the month coins. Well she says one of the packages is different then normal so I go look and find this shiney black square mailier. Wonder who that is from, look at the return address....YIPPEEEEE!!!!! the geocoin bandit. I quickly attempted to open the mailer but as usual it was stronger then me so had to waste several precious minutes looking for the scissors to get it open. WOW #203 Thank you so very much geo bandit. You made my homecoming even more special and memorable.


Looks like the Geo_Bandit is getting around, CA and now PA. Grabbed the mail this afternoon and my wife asking if anything good came, I replied no, just bills and advertisements, how wrong I was! In the middle of the pile was a black mailer, the likes of which I've never seen. Thank you very much Geo_Bandit, nice mailer, cool looking stamp and a great looking coin. :anibad:


A Bandit hit my house today too! But all they stole was a smile. (Well actually several smiles!!) Thanks Geo-Bandit you made my day! Raking the leaves wsn't quite so much work when I was smiling :anibad:


Got a mysterious envelope and had no idea what it could be. I had heard about the mystery coins but had never seen or received one! What a way to make my day! Thank you so much Geo Bandit. #151

Posted (edited)

:D Wooohoooo! The Geo_Bandit just visited NJ today and absolutely made our day! This is the first ever surprise mystery coin to come in the mail to us. Never in a million years did we ever think we would be so lucky! It was a dark, dreary, foggy, rain filled day. We just got back from a convention and a 100 mile drive tired and wet. We brought in the mail and yahhhhhhooo!.. the sun is shinning now over #277. A big thank you to our masked benefactor, the Geo_Bandit. We will treasure this special coin!


JoenSue B):lol::huh:

Edited by JoenSue

Congrad to all the recipients on receiving the Mystery Geo Bandit





bugsmasher69 which is from Wisconsin as well, woohoo!




LadyB4T a Great Michigan Friend, Congrads Beverly







Thank You Mystery Geo Bandit for making all these wonderful people bring smiles on this Dark and Gloomy rainy Day. It is about to make anyone depressed here.


What an AWESOME surprise!


Even though I'm in the South, (Marshal Tucker Country!) and grew up near where most of Smokey and the Bandit was filmed near Atlanta, my heart has always been a Western one, and treasure my years of living in Idaho and Colorado, thanks to the Air Force. I have been a lonnnnng-time subscriber to one of the best magazines around ("Cowboys and Indians", check it out online!) and am VERY much appreciative of the gift that my family received today!


Thanks, Bandit!


OH WOW.. I opened my mailbox today and had a stack of bubble mailers. I pulled them out and on the bottom was a black one!!! I knew I had been roped in :D Thank you very much Geo_Bandit for roping me in and sharing your lovely coin with me B):lol: ~Karen



Posted (edited)

I've been roped!!!!! #233


Thank you Geo_Bandit!!! This was a very nice surprise on a very dreary wet day...thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!



Edited by coreynjoey





Roped in by the Geo Bandit and proud of it!


What a totally awesome surprise in the mail after a hard day!


Thank you, Geo Bandit! Thank you for the coin and your generosity. May the smiles that you're spreading return to you in buckets and heaps! You are one awesome bandit!


Does getting news via email count??? YOU BET IT DOES!!!!

I am still here in Australia, enjoying every minute of caching here in Western Australia. 3BlindEyes has been a wonderful host. BUT today when looking at my massive amounts of email I see this line.....




That is all the email said...but I know what that means!!!


THANK YOU GEOCACHE BANDIT! I will post pictures when I get home...Dec 1st.





Looks like the Geo_Bandit is getting around, CA and now PA. Grabbed the mail this afternoon and my wife asking if anything good came, I replied no, just bills and advertisements, how wrong I was! In the middle of the pile was a black mailer, the likes of which I've never seen. Thank you very much Geo_Bandit, nice mailer, cool looking stamp and a great looking coin. :D


This is a late post, but I have to agree, I wasn't even aware what a black mailer would be in my box, but opened it and to my suprprise A nice coin with a bandit on it. What a cool coin! Thanks for this great present!


Geo_Bandit #26 is now safe next to my other great mystery coins!


Great way to get me back into this coin thing. Bought 4 in the last two weeks again! B)


After a long drive home from Southern California, I picked up my mail and after dropping it on our table, a black bubble mailer slid out from the pile. I was pretty sure I knew what it was and yep, it was the Geo Bandit geocoin. Mahalo GB!!!


We received a black mailer on Monday. Opened it and a Geo Bandit Coin came tumbling out. Thanks. I haven't been into the geocoin forums in a while, so thanks for bringing me back in.


My oldest is not a cacher and has been out of town for the last few days. He called Thursday and said Oh By The Way I took a little package out of the mail before I left and it's in my car - parked at the train Station.


We headed to the train station and his car is locked but laying on the seat is a BLACK BUBBLE ENVELOPE. My littlest cacher, LuckiDuck, immediately connected it to the "cowboy" coin and suggested that we break his windows to get it. His sister LuckiStar, also thought we should break the window so nobody else was tempted to get the package. I WAS TEMPTED but had to set an example.


He's home. We got the package and

We've been roped in with coin #269.


It's a fantastic coin. There are so many great people connected with geocaching and we want to offer our deepest THANKS to the Geo_Bandit for this great coin. Even my oldest non-cacher thought it was pretty neat.





Posted (edited)

Took me some time, but here she comes, the black list :)

Everybody who should be on there but is not yet, please send me an e-mail or pm and I will update the list once a week... (This will keep this thread clean from too many lists :)


#026 wyohunter

#027 Penny and Kona

#032 BRoKeN W

#035 OshnDoc

#040 CyberChemist

#043 Degai

#044 matlock75

#048 BrierPatch

#055 Rockin Roddy

#061 sdkonkle

#062 0R0B0RUS

#078 bassmig

#081 sleepyrn

#083 fairyhoney

#101 Smort78

#100 MustangJoni

#107 The Amigos

#121 Crowesfeat30

#124 Dolfy

#125 Little'n

#130 RedShoesGirl

#131 burgessfour

#145 mikenewell

#151 lisabell22

#153 s.p.a.m.

#154 mrjiffy

#157 Toojin

#166 lelle1987

#167 Nero

#169 PengoFamily

#170 LoriDarlin

#179 dardevle

#184 Tschakko

#186 TheCollector

#187 lorca.nl

#204 Tooey

#205 cainrcc

#209 geo_taz

#212 lindsychris

#217 prntr1

#221 Castle Man

#231 Hockeyhick

#233 coreynjoey

#269 luckycharmer

#270 jAY miLLS

#277 JoenSue

#281 Maine Family

#283 2golfers

#284 CLAMM

#294 n8turgrl

#297 dimkasmir

Edited by Tschakko
Took me some time, but here she comes, the black list :)

Everybody who should be on there but is not yet, please send me an e-mail or pm and I will update the list once a week... (This will keep this thread clean from too many lists :)


#026 wyohunter

#027 Penny and Kona

#032 BRoKeN W

#035 OshnDoc

#040 CyberChemist

#043 Degai

#044 matlock75

#048 BrierPatch

#055 Rockin Roddy

#061 sdkonkle

#062 0R0B0RUS

#078 bassmig

#081 sleepyrn

#083 fairyhoney

#101 Smort78

#107 The Amigos

#121 Crowesfeat30

#124 Dolfy

#125 Little'n

#130 RedShoesGirl

#131 burgessfour

#145 mikenewell

#151 lisabell22

#153 s.p.a.m.

#154 mrjiffy

#157 Toojin

#166 lelle1987

#167 Nero

#170 LoriDarlin

#179 dardevle

#184 Tschakko

#186 TheCollector

#187 lorca.nl

#204 Tooey

#205 cainrcc

#209 geo_taz

#212 lindsychris

#217 prntr1

#221 Castle Man

#231 Hockeyhick

#233 coreynjoey

#269 luckycharmer

#270 jAY miLLS

#277 JoenSue

#281 Maine Family

#283 2golfers

#284 CLAMM

#294 n8turgrl

#297 dimkasmir


Holy smokes! that is one busy (and generous) mystery person. Congratulations to ALL of you :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Sidebar to 007BigD (who is not on the above list) you have a bill for a bomb squad blowing up your cache?

That's crazy!!! Has this ever happened before to anyone?

Posted (edited)

Just before I went to round up the posse after school, I checked the post box AND instead of spiders...a big ol' black bubble mailer was waiting for me! I tried to do a jig but that's kinda hard in flip flops so I just let out a big YEE-HAW!!!!!

Thank you ever so much for thinking of me way out here in the land of Oz...as your card aptly says:

"Provider of Smiles All Over the World"



Oh yeah, Tschakko I have been given #234

Edited by gardengorilla

What can i say. I've been roped of.


This was not only a mistery coin, its also about a mistery package. Big Black (ooooohhhhh) , geobandit's stamp (aaahhhh).


I really thank you for this great gift.




Oh my God! I woke up this morning and I realised that I was roped!!!!


A great black envelope with your beautiful personal stamp??? Oh boy! I have to fight now with my sister, to who is going to keep this stamp!! My sister in her stamp collection, or I will keep it??? :D


Is it a real stamp?? I think yes!! WOW!!!!


Thank you soo much!!!! That was so great!!! :P


Geo_Bandit you are so nice, generous and sweet!!! Thank you for honoring me!!!

The coin is lovely!!! I like its details a lot!!! ghosts, horseshoes and the geocaching symbol on your handkerchief!!! WOW! love it!!! :)

Be sure it will stay with me for ever! :unsure:


BTW... I got #218 :lol:


wauwie the hole world is going to be ROPED how cool is that,

GEO_BANDIT you make the world a HAPPY SMILEY WORLD

thank you for doing this....


CONGRATS for all the ones that this girl has ROPED.....



WOW!! I haven't been into the forums in a while, so my apologies for not coming in sooner. I got it about two weeks ago, but life is crazy with work and baby and work and baby and planning 1st b-day parties and a trip to texas and that left --> <-- much time for internet and caching!! ugh!


I was talking to the wife on the way home from work and she asked what I bought, and it had come in an odd black mailer. First thought was that I couldnt remember anything recent. I got home and rushed up to see what it could be! Custom stamp said GEO_BANDIT, so I knew it was geo-related but hadnt ordered anything recently. I opened it and out fell a sweet coin in my hand!


this #265 is yellow up front and green on the back. The lady has black hair and the color of the number matchs the background to boot!


from what I have seen so far, they are all yellow fronts with green and blue backgrounds on the back. this one has black hair, but I thought I remember seeing one with brown hair in a previous picture. Very nice coin design and I love the details, especially the bandana, neat effect.


It is my very first mystery geocoin. Thank you so much for the wonderful gift, you roped me in as well!!

Posted (edited)

YEEEEEEhaaaaaaaa Today when i arrived home from work to find a very special Black mailer . I am honored to receive such a special coin Thank you Geo bandit I will treasure it always. Number 242

Edited by geocachingdragon


Just before I went to round up the posse after school, I checked the post box AND instead of spiders...a big ol' black bubble mailer was waiting for me! I tried to do a jig but that's kinda hard in flip flops so I just let out a big YEE-HAW!!!!!

Thank you ever so much for thinking of me way out here in the land of Oz...as your card aptly says:

"Provider of Smiles All Over the World"



Oh yeah, Tschakko I have been given #234


Right on Bernice!! :laughing:


Who delivered it....Quigley DownUnder?? :laughing:


....and the flip flop comment.......uncalled for - it is getting COLD up here in Calgary. Take care and Happy Caching. :)


Now ya listen here pilgrims. Ya best be a thankin that thar geo coin bandit fer protectin ya from that low life no deliverin mail stealin varmint. Anyone who gets em a black mailer best ta count them thar lucky stars.

And congrats to ya all. Thats becomin quite a list.


You can add another ropee to the list. Coin #202 arrived last week. This is my first mystery coin and particularly exciting since I have been off the forums for a long time. Well, needless to say, now I am sucked right back into coin obsession. Thanks Geo_Bandit!


I have to say that I'm so happy to see all the folks roped in here, but I'm ESPECIALLY happy to see my fellow Swedish Coin Nerds here being roped in!


We're a small group here in Sweden, but we're a tight group, managing to meet up with each other at least once a year, and in many cases, more than that, and it's just so neat to see that we've all been roped in... well, all but Grodan, but she's been out of town, so I'm hoping and crossing my fingers that she's got a cool black envelope waiting for her at home, too!


Thanks, Geo-Bandit, from the bottom of my heart!


Naomi... very happy for ALL her friends!


I haven't been here on the forums in a while, so needless to say I was completely surprised when I checked the mail yesterday, and I had gotten a mystery coin!!! I have been roped in too! I never thought I would get one of these being way out here in the middle of the outback (although it was mailed to my US PO box <_< )


THANK YOU SO MUCH GEO BANDIT!!! It was a wonderful surprise, and made my day! :anibad:


(mine is number 236)


Gimme a moment to blow. Well I was headed to Dunkin for an Arbuckle and Bear Sign (that's coffee and donuts for you Dudes), when I saw me a glint in the corner of my eye. I strode up to the mailbox just past the Bone Orchard yonder, and drew down the box, it weren't a Dinero, but was far more valuable a Geobandit coin in one of them fancy, cutting a swell black bubble mailers. I had my own personal Fandango! WooWee! You just made my day and make a mash doing it! I wasn't on the shoot, but now, I am flush! :D


Glad I won't have to dicker one of these fine as gravy coins! A heap of thank yous on you!

Here's how! :anitongue:




Now if you are at sea about what I said, just so's you know. I be appreciating this here coin I got in the mail. :(

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