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Geocache Bandit Mystery Geocoin

The Amigos

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Mr Confusion himself (that would be me) recieved one of these coins some day last week, but of course didn't remember to "report" it until now... It feels like I haven't been active in the coin forums for ages, and still someone remembers little me! That's just great, and really goes straight to my heart! So thanks a lot Geo_Bandit, I really appreciate being roped in with the help from a veeeery cool #166! :yikes:


What color is the other side of the blue one? :)



It is yellow, the same as the others.


Congrats to all the other bandits ;) Thanks again geo_bandit for brightening my day!




Received coin #186 in the mail all i can say is thanks havent really been out caching in about 2 months this will probably spark my habit back up. This made what has been a less then thrilling couple of weeks really good Thanks Geo_Bandit

Received coin #186 in the mail all i can say is thanks havent really been out caching in about 2 months this will probably spark my habit back up. This made what has been a less then thrilling couple of weeks really good Thanks Geo_Bandit
Welcome back and Gongrads on receiving the Geo Bandit Mystery Geocoin. We sure missed you.

Mr Confusion himself (that would be me) recieved one of these coins some day last week, but of course didn't remember to "report" it until now... It feels like I haven't been active in the coin forums for ages, and still someone remembers little me! That's just great, and really goes straight to my heart! So thanks a lot Geo_Bandit, I really appreciate being roped in with the help from a veeeery cool #166! ;)


Lelle, I've had the pleasure of meeting you and you're trully a sweetheart and very deserving!


Congrats Lelle and all the others who've been roped in!


Naomi :)


I received Geo_Bandit (#284) today in the mail. We're having one of the roughest weeks of our lives and then this coin shows up. It's amazing what a little geocoin and thoughtful gesture can do. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


Lisa (clamm)


I arrived home today and checked my mail and was shocked to find a mailer with one of these coins inside! Wow, what a great looking coin, and such a surprise!! It definitely has made my day. Thank you SO MUCH, Geo_Bandit!!! ;)


HOLY COW!!!!! I got a Geo-Bandit Geocoin #179 today in the mail. What a treat for Halloween!!! And it is fat free!!! :sad: Could not, would not ask for anything better. It did indeed Provide a big smile on my face! THANK YOU SO MUCH Geo_Bandit, it was a great suprise. ;)




I too was roped in today. When I checked my mail I was really surprised to find a GeoBandit geocoin in a very clever Halloween package (black envelope). I thank the Bandit for a very cool gift for All Hallow's Eve.



We received number 281 today and it was a wonderful surprise in an other wise stressful day. Was at the hospital all day. We was down because my husbands aunt was having open heart surgery but while that was going on, my husband did something to his neck and he was taken for MRI's and he has two ruptured discs in his neck. I don't know how you knew today was going to be so stressful and this sure was a nice surprise. It was a reminder that even on our worst day something wonderful can happen. Thank you very much. His aunt is still in surgery and we won't know until Monday what they are going to do about the discs but I am an optimist and you did make me smile. Thank you. ;)


;):sad::DWow! :D:D:D

I checked my mail today and found that I had been roped in, too! The coin is gorgeous--I especially like the bandanna--and everything else about this cool surprise was just first-rate, too! A nice little card explaining this mystery gift, a mysterious shiny black envelope, even a personalized Geo_Bandit stamp! It's amazing how wonderful this generous surprise makes me feel! I'll be grinning for days!


Thank you, Geo_Bandit, and Happy Halloween!


Ooh Ooh Ooh! :sad:


I came home today to a cool looking black bubble wrap and a brown envelope. Look at the brown one something for hubby (boring!) BUT the black one had a return addy of the Geo Bandit!!!! I am SOOO happy thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! I have been gifted a mystery coin from a friend who doesnt collect geocoins ( :D ) and my son found one but wont give it up ( ;) ) and I found one in a cache but gave it another cacher who didnt have one at all. But this is my 1st out right gifted from a mystery person mystery coin!!!! Again thank you so much you have made my week, my month, and heck maybe my year ( :D )!!!!!



I see every one that has recieved a bandit coin has been a member for at least a year or longer,mostly longer,,, are any newbies finding theese in their mail boxes?? just joining this year??


congrats to you all!!!! :sad:



I see every one that has recieved a bandit coin has been a member for at least a year or longer,mostly longer,,, are any newbies finding theese in their mail boxes?? just joining this year??


congrats to you all!!!! :rolleyes:


Yes, we got one and we just joined in March and have only been a coin addict since August or so :(


WOW WOW WOW,, :rolleyes:

I see every one that has recieved a bandit coin has been a member for at least a year or longer,mostly longer,,, are any newbies finding theese in their mail boxes?? just joining this year??


congrats to you all!!!! :(


Yes, we got one and we just joined in March and have only been a coin addict since August or so :D

congrats!!! Ill be keeping my fingers crossed... its good to know we still have a chance even if its a small chance at that...:)


I also was roped in buy the Geo_Bandit :ph34r: When I got my mail from the box I saw my first black mailer and it had a Geo_Bandit stamp :) then I ripped it open I found coin # 205 what a nice supprise to receive one and it realy brightened up my weekend. THANKYOU ! ! Geo_Bandit


I also was roped in buy the Geo_Bandit :ph34r: When I got my mail from the box I saw my first black mailer and it had a Geo_Bandit stamp :) then I ripped it open I found coin # 205 what a nice supprise to receive one and it realy brightened up my weekend. THANKYOU ! ! Geo_Bandit

Congrats Ron! Could not have happened to a nicer guy!


An ominous black envelope found its way into our mailbox over the weekend...our feeling of dread was magnified when we saw the seal of the Geo_Bandit upon it. Worried, we carefully opened it, fearful of what the bandit had in store for us. But our fear turned to excitement when we saw that the envelope contained a sparkling coin, #212!! :)


We quickly ran to our geocoin stash to make sure we had not been the bandit's victim, but we found everything as it should be --it appears that the Geo_Bandit was in a generous mood!


Thanks so much for the beautiful coin-- we're intrigued to know the identity of the bandit, but suppose that he or she has their reasons for remaining "masked".


Congratulations to everyone who has been 'Roped In' so far...


I wonder if there are any other colors besides the blue and the red??? :)


you mean the backgrounds? mine are yellow and green.




note the wonderful detail in the bandana. i am amazed. most of the best coins are the mystery coins!




Apologies for not getting into the forum sooner. I was roped in by the geo_bandit, I guess about two weeks ago. I was gifted with very kewl coin #62.


I have to say that after carefully examining the coin, I am not convinced that geo_bandit is a woman. The red "bow" is merely the gorgeous red bandana knotted behind the head to hold it in place. And I know many men that have long ponytails and some that might even wear a single stud earring.


Anyway, thanks much geo_bandit, whom ever you might be, your generosity is applauded.


Alan aka 0R0B0RUS


Posted (edited)

Whoa! As I was checking the mail the other day, a dark and mysterious stranger slipped back indoors with us. Before you know it we're trussed tighter than a bundle of rawhide! Luckily the stranger only left us writhing on the floor instead of the railroad tracks, but Xander found the whole thing very amusing and began to beat me repeatedly with a shiny black package the stranger left behind. So upon freeing ourselves and examing the special package we find that even the stamp is special! We quickly cut it open with a trusty pocket knife and surrender the package to a now obsessed baby boy (who now carries it around and stuffs toys in it!). The contents are just as much a mystery as the encounter and package! A Geocache Bandit coin!!! Who on earth could it be? Much debate continues to rage based on the return address, the small clues in the coin and the fact that someone sent it to us. What on earth did we do to deserve such a coin? I don't know, but I love a mystery :ph34r: It only took me a year to solve the last one, but it was a lot of fun. Time to start cross-referencing addresses and nearby towns :ph34r: In the meanwhile, thanks to the bandit for the mysterious crossing of paths (and for not leaving us on those railroad tracks!) :)

Edited by fox-and-the-hound

On Friday I came home and found a really cool black bubble mailer with my name on it.... I opened it and found out I was the proud owner of a Geo Bandit mystery coin. Ohmigosh, this was my first mystery coin gift and it couldn't have come at a better time. I've been feeling a bit down lately as I said goodbye to a feathered friend of mine after 17 years, Troll went over the Rainbow Bridge on Oct 23rd. This coin made my day-- I was soooo darn excited and touched that you thought of me 'Bandit'. The coin is just beautiful! The details under the bandanas are amazing!


Thank you so very much for sending me this wonderful gift, I will cherish it always!!!! :)


On Friday I came home and found a really cool black bubble mailer with my name on it.... I opened it and found out I was the proud owner of a Geo Bandit mystery coin. Ohmigosh, this was my first mystery coin gift and it couldn't have come at a better time. I've been feeling a bit down lately as I said goodbye to a feathered friend of mine after 17 years, Troll went over the Rainbow Bridge on Oct 23rd. This coin made my day-- I was soooo darn excited and touched that you thought of me 'Bandit'. The coin is just beautiful! The details under the bandanas are amazing!


Thank you so very much for sending me this wonderful gift, I will cherish it always!!!! :)

I'm so sorry about your friend/pet Troll :)


Well what do you know.


I had to drop some envelopes off at the Post Office on the way home from work.


so what the heck, i'll check the PO box, what do i find? some crap from staples, rewards checks, and a black envelope... whats this?


cool stamp, geo_bandit


ok, take it all home, open up this black envelope and a cool looking coin.


Thanks!!! #167 is safe and sound in Phoenix, Arizona.


Wow the Bandit sure is been busy. Congrads on all the latest recpients on receiving the Mystery Geocoin that the Bandit is been releasing. Whoever it is is been very generious. Thank You Bandit for making alot of people smile. :)


It's been great fun to read about all the wonderful recipients of this coin, a lot of deserving souls here!! I am amazed by the generosity of the Bandit, what a special group you mystery coiners are!!


Well done all around!! Thanks for the great reads and for the smiles!


What a great surprise to come home and receive this nice package. Coining has slowed down a bit around here due to financial reasons :( .


I noticed the black bubble pack on the counter and with a puzzled look on my face I read the return address. Still puzzled :) as I hadn't recalled any purchase or recent trades I began to open it. Surprised to find this nice coin inside I continued to be confused. Duh!! I began the google routine and came across this forum post.


I have never received a mystery coin so this is very exciting to me. Problem is now I'm dying to know who it came from!!


Many thanks for roping me in and adding a much needed smile :P to my face!!


I received the green/yellow versioin #243


YEEHAW Buckaroos


I dropped off a few things just now at the post box, grabbed the mail as usual and walked Natasha for a while, not paying much attention to the mail as it appeared to be the usual junk mail, a few magazines, small letter envelopes with a few pathtags and such. There was also a black CD style padded mailer that I thought was a junk mail CD from some phone company wanting me to upgrade or some nonsense like that. When I arrived back at the office from my walk I filtered through the usual junk and then turned over the black (what I thought was junk CD) and saw a beautiful stamp. GEO_BANDIT. I haven't been in the forums much lately so this was quite a surprise indeed. A beautiful coin #221 safe and sound, hog tied and wrangled here in Cold California.


Thank you Geo_Bandit. You made a dull day full of sunshine.

Posted (edited)



Well, I am happy to say the GeoBandita definatley has somethin fer us here Californyians as I GOT ROPED IN TOO!!! :blink:


Recieved the Geobandit the other day during a moment when it was needed most!...That'll come later! :ph34r:


I took the Geobandit with me at lunch for a few Benchmarks and we had a blast! Was either Benchmarks or Barnyard animals...I chose Benchmarks!!! She's a good spotter as we found a BM that hasent been logged since 1967 and was 135 feet off! (wasnt too hard with a witness post wavin HELLO!!!) Check it out!



The Benchmark was placed in 1931, she sure poses well with Benchmarks...dont ya think? :anibad:



We went on to another yet FTF placed in 1994! :)



Great lunch with the GeoBandit...2 FTF's and better yet~2 sucessfull finds! Good ones at that! Thanks for taggin along GeoBandit and THANK YOU to whoever sent you my way!


Kay...The day I recieved this beauty, was the day I talked to Cal-Trans and was made aware that the 1600.00 bill for the Bomb Squad blowin up my cache was indeed mine :( (which is a whole other story!) Thought we were all said and done with that ordeal, but nooooooo! :blink: The whole day from that phone call, on was CRAP!...UNTIL~ I peeked inside that mailbox and saw that Mysterious Balck mailer peering at me! :D ... Cool thing about that mailer is that it opens easily, which means it closes easily! :blink: Which means, YOU CAN OPEN A MYSTERY PACKAGE OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! :lol:


Thank You Geobandit![/color=#993300][/size=6]

Edited by 007BigD

YEEHAW Buckaroos


I dropped off a few things just now at the post box, grabbed the mail as usual and walked Natasha for a while, not paying much attention to the mail as it appeared to be the usual junk mail, a few magazines, small letter envelopes with a few pathtags and such. There was also a black CD style padded mailer that I thought was a junk mail CD from some phone company wanting me to upgrade or some nonsense like that. When I arrived back at the office from my walk I filtered through the usual junk and then turned over the black (what I thought was junk CD) and saw a beautiful stamp. GEO_BANDIT. I haven't been in the forums much lately so this was quite a surprise indeed. A beautiful coin #221 safe and sound, hog tied and wrangled here in Cold California.


Thank you Geo_Bandit. You made a dull day full of sunshine.

Congrads Castleman, 007BigD, Moose-r-us, Arrow One, and DarnjoeSNARG for receiving the Mystery Geo Bandit Geocoin. Who ever this is is done a great job on making many smile. Their generousity is amazing.

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