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Geocache Bandit Mystery Geocoin

The Amigos

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Posted (edited)

I was neglectful in my posting the other day, Ihave received one of these beauties for our Lazy Hayes Days III event...a BLUE ONE!!! Now, I must say, I was taken aback by the blue, I had to get mine out and check to see if my memory served me correctly...sure enough, the one I have is GREEN!!


So, I am proud to announce that the Lazy Hayes Days III event will have a beautiful BLUE Geo_Bandit waiting for some lucky winner!!!


THANK YOU for your continued generosity and spreading of the fun and excitement a MYSTERY COIN brings, well done my masked bandit friend!!


Also CONGRATS to all of the bandits being roped in!!!!

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
Posted (edited)

Where are you GeoBandit? On vacation? We haven't heard from you in awhile...... :blink:


why doesn't this thread move to page one?

a glitch, it finally did with my reply.

Edited by nefesh

I can't believe I've been roped in too! I got my black bubble mailer a couple of weeks ago and have just been waiting for some free time to take some photos before posting. The coin the Geo_Bandit sent me is number 309. It's green on one side, yellow on the other, and black nickel all over. It sure looks great. I love black nickel coins.




My favorite part of this coin though is the translucent enamel over the detailed metal. When I eventually make a personal coin of my own you can bet it will have translucent enamel on it.




Thanks so much, Geo_Bandit! For someone that isn't very active on the geocoin forum (I lurk and read the forum a lot, but hardly ever post anything) I consider myself very fortunate to have received one of these beautiful coins. Geo_Bandit, your generosity is much appreciated! Thanks for providing me with some smiles!


Blue skies and happy trails!

Model Citizen - Zero Discipline

Posted (edited)

Love the detail in the photos posted by Modelcitizen. A smile always comes to my face when I happen to glance upon my precious coin. :( The blue version looks very special too! :D Thank you Geo_Bandit for all the joy you bring.

Edited by Just a Trifle


Just picked my Sister up from her last day of school, wnet to the mailbox and guess what I found:



I did not know what I got but Dad did he was lets head in the house and open it......

Well here is what I found:


This is my first Mystery Coin, I am very happy that Geo_Bandit picked me to get one of these coins.

I will put this on my collection, and share with others at events.


THANK YOU SO MUCH Geo_Bandit, I just love the coin.


Fredhead :rolleyes::mad:


WOW, congratz Fredhead :rolleyes: Beautiful coins.

This is definetly one of my most wanted coins! :D:mad::)


Thank you Dark Elf, I am still enjoying my CD from the Flower Mission.


Today i went to my mailbox and found an envelope in it...i opened it...and what did i find: A Geobandit :) with number 187....but the big surprise: It wasn't sent by the Geo Bandit...it was sent by lorca :o


I don't know what to say...i'm speechless about such an act of generosity...together with the coin there was a very personal and wonderful card :D


This coin is sooo special and will keep a special place.


Oh lorca...i don't know how to thank you....I'm looking foreward to the day that my collection is big enough to pay back a little part of this...


Today i went to my mailbox and found an envelope in it...i opened it...and what did i find: A Geobandit :o with number 187....but the big surprise: It wasn't sent by the Geo Bandit...it was sent by lorca :D


I don't know what to say...i'm speechless about such an act of generosity...together with the coin there was a very personal and wonderful card :o


This coin is sooo special and will keep a special place.


Oh lorca...i don't know how to thank you....I'm looking foreward to the day that my collection is big enough to pay back a little part of this...


poeffff i was going a little worry it could`t take so long to travel to neighbour country right hihihi.......

BANDIT give me so much love and joy i had a WONDERFULL time with her and i hope you will have to DARK ELF...............


but i must say sometimezzz you get a mystery that you will treasure for ever because they come on a special day but this BANDIT i could`t keep somehow.........

she was readdy to travel along to someone who needet her a little more then me....... :o







Congratulations to all who have recently received a beautiful Geocache Bandit Mystery Geocoin, especially Crazy Bear & Honey who has been so keen to receive a mystery coin. We hope you all enjoy your luck.


Merry Christmas my mystery friend, geocaching bandit, and my best wishes for a happy, prosperous and healthy new year!


May all your wishes come true in 2011!


I tired to send you email with my wishes in the email address that was in your card, but it returned back non delivered because this does not exist anymore! So... I am sending my wishes from here! :D


wow i walked in the door today from a long day of caching

and there was a black envelope i had no clue what it was

then i saw the stamp (how did that happen) when it was

opened i saw a awesome new coin with yellow on the front

and green on the back and the number 350 on it. the card

with it said i could do with it as i wished (keep,trade,or move along)

there is no way ill get rid of this coin. and as asked it will not be sold

thank you so much

Posted (edited)

Every time I turn around I hear of a mystery coin that I had not heard of before - thats a neat coin! Congratulations!

Edited by EyeD10T

I received one of these coins in the mail today, i had to do some asking around to know what it was, many years late but even makes it cooler. i am going to insert picture

http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=1822615599659&set=a.1195628965385.2030613.1068292470&type=1&theater link to it on my face book.




Geocache Bandit coin


I received one of these coins in the mail today, i had to do some asking around to know what it was, many years late but even makes it cooler. i am going to insert picture

http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=1822615599659&set=a.1195628965385.2030613.1068292470&type=1&theater link to it on my face book.




Geocache Bandit coin

Awesome. Congrats on a cool surprise. I have never seen this one before. I like it.


I was cleaning up my living room, and found the envelope from Geo_Bandit with the mystery coin that was sent to me. Not sure exactly when I received it (could not make out a date on the postmark), but it was a couple of years ago. The coin is green on one side and yellow on the other, and there is a #045 on it.


Thanks to whomever set it to me! :D Not trackable, though, so I can't let anyone log discoveries.


Strangely we received one of these along with a coin that we purchased so are now proud owners of #346 (yellow and green). Long may the mystery continue [:D]


I wanted to share with you all my Mystery Geocache Bandit Geocoin, it will never leave my possession until the day I die and Meet My Make otherwise known as the Man Upstairs. Keep On Caching! ~Valarie of sweetlife


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