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New "my Cache Page"


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Can there be a tab that just lists geocaches I own and how long since last find? The extra step and how it gets laid out is hard to work with. I really found the old list useful when planning maintenance. It looks Great! And it kept me logged in the whole time I played. B)



I agree with Jennifer! I keep fairly detailed records (okay, OCD and anal-retentive don't quite cover it!).


It was convenient having all my caches listed, with one line each. Also, after going to a cache page I could just click "My Cache Page" and be back to the list. After a few times around the wheel, the new set up isn't as convenient for some of us.


May we keep the link to the "old" page be around for a while? Please?




Honestly I did prefer the old page... Takes too long now to see what has been happening with my caches, where as before I could tell at a glance.


Can it be set up so that we can pick which "my page" we can have as a default? Maybe as part of the account details?


Or please place a tab on the page to take me to my cache list? This is IMHO the most important piece of information that I require access to.

The "My cache page" has had a significant overhaul. Due to the enormous amount of data that was listed on one page, I have separated out the data onto their own pages.


Quick View


Quick view shows all your activity, including travel bugs, benchmarks and cache hides/finds/etc. It also shows important data like current inventory (travel bugs), your membership status, and links to search results.


There is also a link to change your home coordinate, which includes a map so you can visualize the location.




It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out.


Eventually this will be replaced with custom watchlists, but for now I wanted to preserve the current functionality.




Same basic functionality on each page. A calendar so you can click on dates to see your activity, and section specific features like what caches are currently in the review queue, or the travel bugs in your inventory.


Member Features


If you are a premium member it will show you the expiration or renewal date for your membership. Also, as new Premium Member features become available, this is the place where they are listed. I also added some teaser items to the bottom for new features we're working on.


If you aren't a premium member you can still view the features, but the links will not work for you.


Let me know of any issues. It was difficult to create an improved "my cache page" that can work well for the more hardcore geocacher yet not get too overwhelming for the casual geocacher.

On the old My Cache Page, it's easy to scroll through all previous found caches. I like that option as when I return to an area, I can look up a cache I've already found and quickly look for addition caches. Is there another way to do this with the new My Cache Page (Which only shows last 15 posts) or should I just stick with the old My cache page.


PS, please don't remove the option to view the old My Cache Page, that would cripple me and the way I use geocaching.com


Also, it seems that it is really hard to locate the list of location less Caches from the geocaching website, what’s the easy way?




Oh yea, What button do I depress to reply to a post hear that doesn't automatically quote the original post? Sometimes I think I'm a moron.


There is still a formatting problem in Mozilla!


It's better but it still isn't right (or as good as it used to be).


I suspect the problem is due to all the IE specific tags that the site uses. Can I suggest that all future page updates on the site use only standard HTML. Any other coding practices are simply going to cause more and more problems in the future.


On a purely technical front, why wasn't the page Beta tested on the site? It's normal practice in the software industry to test things before making them live. If this was one of my software projects I would have insisted on a roll back to the old page as soon as the formatting problem was noticed.


Also, can we please have the list of caches we have hidden back on the "My cache" page. It's called the "My Cache Page" so why aren't my caches on it like they used to be? I now have to click through :two: links to see something that was instantly visible before and was the main reason I visited the "My Cache" page most of the time.


I still see a problem with format of dates on the Quick View page




Another thing to add to the "future enhancements" list: make uploading images (like the one above) and finding those images more straight forward.

Posted (edited)

Please give us cache HIDERS an option to put a brief list of our Hidden Caches on the very first tab. This is the information most important to a cache HIDER, not a cache FINDER. I could care less what my last fifteen FINDS were. I almost never look at that information, and here it is, in my face everytime I go to my cache page now. What is important to me as a HIDER is what I have HIDDEN and when it was last found / not found / noted / needs archived, etc.


Please make this information available again:


My hidden caches (show archived)

You have hidden 46 cache(s) so far.


3/9/2004 Escape from Eastridge Canyon (Texas) (Last: 3/13/2004) 7 day(s) ago.

2/2/2004 School Daze Match Game (Texas) (Last: 3/7/2004) 13 day(s) ago.

1/28/2004 puppy dog tails (Texas) (Last: 3/7/2004) 13 day(s) ago.

1/28/2004 everything nice (Texas) (Last: 3/7/2004) 13 day(s) ago.


...and so on. I'd also like to see status icons representing the last half dozen logs for each cache and a way to sort this list based on the last logged date. This is my hider dashboard. I really miss it.


The new page format seems to be geared squarely at FINDERS not HIDERS. Please remember that HIDERS are the core of the sport. We HIDERS were here first. If there are no HIDERS, there can be no FINDERS. :blink: Thanks.



Edited by lowracer

You can lead Jeremy's horse to water, but you can't make him drink (see my web page mock up posting).


The quick fix for the cross-browser formatting problems with the log list is to make the first column HTML look something like this...


<td valign="baseline" align="left" height=16 ><img src='../images/icons/icon_smile.gif' border=0 alt='Found it'> 3/18/2004</td>


Bascially, that is getting rid of the 2% width specifier on the column, and getting rid of the height and width tags on the image (which force the icons to get "stretched" from 15 to 16 pixels).




I just got back from vacation and started to log finds we made over the last week and noticed the changes. I apologize if this is included somewhere in this now very long thread, but I will list in anyway.


The logs appear on the new My Cache Page with the date of when I logged them, not on the date of the find. For example, all of the logs I made last night (March 19) have the 19th date when they are listed on My Cache Page, even though the caches were found (and correctly entered) on the 13th and 14th. I hope this is not what you intended. They appear ok on the calendar.


I agree with some of the other comments that the original page seemed easier to get to the information I needed (list of all my hides and list of all my finds, single line entries for each), but I will defer final judgment until I have more time to play with the new page. I do like the calendar feature, but wish there was a faster way to jump to a particular month.


Thanks, as always, for enduring all of our many comments when you roll out changes.


Thanks for adding the option to see all the logs. There still is some formating problems in Mozilla probably because it is Microsoft generated code. I am using Mozilla 1.4.1 on Fedora Linux. The formating problem on the quick view page is still there and then on the all logs page which is shown below.




After reading the preceding four pages of posts, I have to wonder that so few have remarked about how cluttered the page looks? Loss of functionality aside, I really don't like the appearance. A sea of links takes much longer to navigate. The eye is drawn to the blank spots on the page. Of course, if the background frame were redone, it could free up space on the page. With the current "Geocaching" frame, a quarter or more of the page is used, and the only thing on it that's useful is the navigation table on the left side.


I really don't like the fact that I cannot view all logs anymore! Additional mouse clicks and pages loaded (I'm using dial-up here!) The logs on the quick view page also need to be single line as before. I frequently view all my old logs for various reasons.


I do like the 'Inventory' versus the old TB list. Having the date that membership will expire is neat, too. Perhaps a future update could add more functionality to the calendar re: events, etc.? All told, I DO appreciate the effort put in. Thank you.


I think that the best way to make everyone happy (yeah, right) is to have these pages configurable by the end user. A setup similar to the way the 'My eBay' or 'My Yahoo' pages are done would be great. Put actual defined tabs (per my ebay) to navigate between the various sections.


It's amazing to me that Jeremy still tries to improve the site. After months of complaining about the old My Cache page ie to many travel bugs on the page, he makes a change that I think is for the better. Then he gets 4 pages of complaints and go back to the old page please. That and multiple post from the same folks about the same problem.


How about one person makes an improvement suggestion and the rest of you say "I agree" or I disagree"


Jeremy, I like the new page and with a few tweaks I think it will be a great improvement over the old page.


Points and my agreement or disagreement


Tab for My Caches hidden-agree

Get rid of IE specific HTML-agree

Selectable starting tab for premium members-agree

Keeping a link to the old page-disagree.

Ability to list all my DNF's-agree but not on this page. Should be on the search for caches page


I'm getting used to the changes, and it does look a lot better. There are also many new features. Thanks.


It still takes two additional clicks to see my own caches, and one additional click to get to the pocket queries.


The new page is great, but perhaps as a premium member feature, there could be a starting "My Cache" page that lists a lot of the information that was on the old page.


Just a thought, but maybe a Premium Member option would be to have a start page with a listing of Caches and Travel Bugs owned, the watch lists, and recent logs. Load that page with tons of info, so that the Premium Member would be able to view most of their data on one page.


These are suggestions, not complaints. Too many cooks do not create a good sauce. Thanks for all that you do with the site.

Posted (edited)

Wow, that new page must of been alot of work.


OK, now my 2 cents. I like it for the most part...but some if it is annoying...and I keep going back to the old page. I like the addition on the old page to now be able to see "all caches" -- not just by type. That always bugged me.


The new page is too wordy & cluttered. I like clean & straight forward lists.


I'll do my best to explain some of my suggestions.



1. Change link to old cache page to simply read: Old "my cache page". My eye goes to the links.......and right now, my eye goes to the word "here" (the link)...and then I have to go back & read the sentence to see what "here" is. :blink:


2. My logs: It doesn't need to keep saying "you found" or "you didn't find" or "you wrote a note". The icon tells me that. Get rid of the extra words. It will shorten the list too.


3. Also my logs: Could you please include the state the cache is in after the cache name. In New England, our states are so small & we do alot of traveling to other states. It will make it easier for recognition. Thanks.


4. Like the calendar thing.



1. I like the addition of the cache type icon. Like how archived caches are now indicated. Very nice.


2. Again, could you please add what state (MA, RI, CT....) the cache is in. Thanks.



Eliminate the actual logs; just make it a list. And the icons will state whether I found it, didn't find it, or wrote a note.


I also echo the suggestions from others about making it easier to look at your own caches; & when last visited... (like before.)


THANKS for your hard work. I don't envy you trying to make everyone happy. :D

Edited by wandering4cache
Though I appreciate the effort involved in the new page, I'll probably continue to use the old page as long as it is still available.  -Ken

Thanks for your (non) feedback.

You're welcome. I was trying to find a nice way to say "I don't like it."

Though I appreciate the effort involved in the new page, I'll probably continue to use the old page as long as it is still available.  -Ken

Thanks for your (non) feedback.

You're welcome. I was trying to find a nice way to say "I don't like it."

And I was trying to say how worthless your post was.


The point is, if you don't like it, you should give reasons why. Otherwise leave it to people who can communicate their dislike into some coherent thoughts.


One thing I liked about the old page was the ability to see all my find and all my hides on one page with the basic info and a clickable link. Something else I noticed is where is the "Click here to see your profile as others see it" link? Maybe tonight I'll look at this a bit closer.

One thing I liked about the old page was the ability to see all my find and all my hides on one page with the basic info and a clickable link.


Very true but the my cache page is a smorgasbord of stuff. I'm trying to break it out on other pages so you aren't overwhelmed every time you hit the page. I go to the "my cache page" every day myself, but don't see the need to see all my finds.


Something else I noticed is where is the "Click here to see your profile as others see it" link? Maybe tonight I'll look at this a bit closer.


The "View your profile" is the same link as "Click to see your profile as others see it" link. I'm not sure if it is difficult to find because people are used to the old location or it is just hard to see.


Change your account information | View your profile


Once we add the other needed features I'll look at redesigning the page so the info is easier to see quickly.


Maybe, for those who like the single page "at a glance" of the old "My Cache" page, perhaps a single toggle could be implemented that plants cookie information on the particular cacher's computer.


When the cookie remembers them and logs them in automatically, it detects the toggle which identifies if the particular user wants to use the multi page "foldered My Cache", or drill down from the single page "at a glance My Cache". No muss. No fuss. Everyone's happy.


The changes are really nice. Thanks for listening to us and I'm looking forward to taking a glance through the pages on Monday or Tuesday to see what new features you have added. Now Go and Cache! It's a weekend! And beautiful!!!

(or at least celebrate Spring in some way!)



Some changes:


1. Removed the borders from the pages and spread out the text a bit to make it more readable. Also did some cosmetic changes to move content around.


2. Added a (Mine) link in the tabs so you can quickly glance at all your listed caches. It is ordered by the last "find" log and also has a line through it if it has been disabled or a red line if it was archived.


3. Added a Pocket Query link to the Quick View page.


That's it for now.

Posted (edited)
2. Added a (Mine) link in the tabs so you can quickly glance at all your listed caches. It is ordered by the last "find" log and also has a line through it if it has been disabled or a red line if it was archived


Yay! That was the list I missed the most. And you've got fun filters, too! Great job!


I've noticed the same thing as another poster. Our finds are listed with the date we logged them, rather than the date we found them. However, when you click the link, it is correct. I noticed it because of this cache that we tried to find in the wee hours of New Year's morning. It is listed as being found on 1/4/2004. Then I noticed that all listings have that problem. Just a minor thing, but just so you are aware.


Cacheola Crew Mom

Edited by Cacheola Crew

It was convenient having all my caches listed, with one line each.  Also, after going to a cache page I could just click "My Cache Page" and be back to the list.  After a few times around the wheel, the new set up isn't as convenient for some of us.


Hey, that new list page is great! Has what I use, in an easy format.


With the changes and upgrade to the page in the last couple of days, it is definately an improvement, and has a lot of good info.


Thanks for the quick response and some obvious effort to give us what we wanted!


My compliments to Jeremy and crew!



2. Added a (Mine) link in the tabs so you can quickly glance at all your listed caches. It is ordered by the last "find" log and also has a line through it if it has been disabled or a red line if it was archived.

I generally love the layout. Adding a place to see our owned caches is a big step forward and lots of the specific features are a big improvement. However, I agree with many folks that I'd much rather see the summary of my caches on the front pages than the summary of my recent logs. It is at least as important and contains information that I might not readily know.


The navigation on the calendar could be improved. A drop-down list box of the last 12 months would make it much easier to scroll to a particular date. However, this is a minor quibble.


The dates on the quick view still don't render properly in all browsers.


It seems more useful to note the things I would change, but I want to be clear that I think this is a big improvement. Thanks.


Nice clean new look. I like the calendar. My only comment is that I agree with Jamethiel, I really miss the list of my own caches with the last date found. I also watch this to make sure a cache doesn't need checking.


Nice work on all the new features, Jeremy, and your quick responses to so much feedback is amazing. Given all that, you may have missed my unfortunately poorly-timed questions about the Watchlist Checkboxes. Can you have a look and let me know if this is possible, or if it is already in the works? Thanks for all your efforts. :blink:

Posted (edited)



Thanks. The (mine) and the pocket query links are great. The new page is growing on me.

Edited by Brainerd

My cache page crashed? Wierdly, every other link from the front page menu works fine right now (4:14 AM EST Sunday). The My Cache Page refuses to load.


PS - I think the idea of calendar showing local event caches (state/region-wide) got lost in the shuffle but a few of us were asking if it would be possible.


:blink: Personally I love it makes moving around much easier.... thanks for the changes Howie


sidebar: yes missjenn i'm not having a problem with deleting them....maybe just a glitch ....................Howie

Posted (edited)

I just noticed a very minor cosmetic problem on the TB pages.


The TB Details page, the Write Note page and the Retrieve It page all have the "Show:" links in this order:

Show: Write note, Retrieve it from a cache, Dropped off, All Logs

The Dropped Off page has the links in this order:

Show: Retrieve it from a cache, Write note, Dropped off, All Logs

And the All Logs page has them in this order:

Show: Write note, Dropped off, Retrieve it from a cache, All Logs


All of the links go to the correct places.


Edited to add:

How about a "(mine)" link for the TB tab also?

Edited by WindChill

I like the new look in general, lots of funcionality, thanks for the effort yoo have put in to it. As a Web Designer myself, I can understand the amount of work you have done and still are doing, so thanks again.


One thing I have noticed, i placed 2 caches today and logged them to be approved. I then wanted to add some photos, but unlike the old page, the caches were not listed in "Mine" (as they are not approved yet) so had to use the old page.


The only thing i do miss, but it's not a big thing, is the summary of My caches, with dates visited. maybe there is room to list them on the right, under the TB list???


On a differnet note, there are lots of requests going on here for stuff on this page and i think you should give the basics to standard members, who are getting your services for free and maybe a dynamic version, that "Members" get, which we can select what we want to apear on our front Page. that way members who pay a small amount each month can have what they want on the page.


Just a thought :D


keep up the good work


Wild Trekker

Posted (edited)

Thanks so much for adding the additional changes over the last few days, most especially the tab for:

Gecaches (Mine).
Love that!


I would like to place a request, pretty please with peanut butter on top, for showing the Travel Bugs I Own right on the screen you get when you 1st click on the TB tab. (This is along the same wavelength as the "mine" link above - it's something I believe most people use most often.) I'd even be happy if Travel Bugs I Own were down below My Inventory - "below the fold" - as they say in the newspaper world ... as long as they were on that page.



Actually, it would only be "below the fold" if I had a really long Inventory at the moment - that's not very often.

Edited by MissJenn

Minor glitch:


I just deleted two archived caches from my watch list by first listing the cache, then clicking the "Watch this cache" link in the upper-righthand corner of the cache page.


The watch was deleted but I was brought back to the OLD watchlist page, not the new one.

One thing I have noticed, i placed 2 caches today and logged them to be approved. I then wanted to add some photos, but unlike the old page, the caches were not listed in "Mine" (as they are not approved yet) so had to use the old page.

I could've sworn there was a list of submitted caches in the lower-right on the Quick View page, but it seems to be gone now.


Jeremy, can we please have that one back? Enough people had trouble finding them before. Now that they appear to be gone completely it will probably mean duplicate submissions :D:wub:

One thing I have noticed, i placed 2 caches today and logged them to be approved. I then wanted to add some photos, but unlike the old page, the caches were not listed in "Mine" (as they are not approved yet) so had to use the old page.

I could've sworn there was a list of submitted caches in the lower-right on the Quick View page, but it seems to be gone now.


Jeremy, can we please have that one back? Enough people had trouble finding them before. Now that they appear to be gone completely it will probably mean duplicate submissions :D:wub:

On the "Geocaches" tab, on the right side of the page is a "My caches awaiting approval" spot. I don't have any awaiting approval, so mine says "None in the queue" but if you do have one or more awaiting approval, it should be listed there.

Aha! I checked the (Mine) tab but not the (not mine) tab. Perhaps this is a wee-bit non-intuitive?

I agree with Hemlock. It would make more sense that the list of pending caches as well as link to "archived" caches is placed on the (mine) page.


I also have a few comments and suggestions. I think some have been mentioned before but hopefully if several people mention them they'll bear some weight:


I'm also not sure if the link to the PQ generator should say "Run Pocket Queries" - at first I thought that meant it'd actually run them and was reluctant to click the link. Perhaps just "Pocket Queries" or "Access PQ" or "View PQs" or something...


Cosmetic suggestion: Capitilize "update" in "update home coordinates".


Is there a way to filter benchmarks? (IE, list the ones I haven't found).


And on the (Mine) page - perhaps a listing showing the last log (any type) and the last find (if the last log is not a find).




Jeremy, you kick butt!


my/owned.aspx is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.


Thank you for catering to all the whims to make the site the best.


I have one minor request that you are free to overlook. Instead of having the last found date in date form, could it be in age (days since last find)? Now we have to mentally interpolate each date individually rather than the computer doing the work.


No rush! It would be great to just have it on the "to do" list.


(I also second the idea of having pending caches appear on that page.)


I have made that page my hotlink and will now include TB's as part of my geocaching experience.


Thanks for enriching the experience,




Since the change, I have not been able to watch a cache or a travel bug. I only have 2 of each watched presently and the old ones are still there--I just can't add new ones. Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks for any help.


Checking back in and I must say the improvements to the new page over the last few days is GREAT! Thanks for accepting some of our suggestions, and for all the hard work all of you do!

Both Mozilla and Phoenix and both show the last digit of the year overlapping the "Y" in "You found..." I fiddled with fonts and resolutions and couldn't make it non-ugly. 


(Oh, and in this picture, what is the sort order?)


I started to analyze the HTML to help find the column overlap, but there's enough wacky stuff I decided to let you deal with it For example, this can't be what you intended to code:


<td valign="baseline" align="left" height="16" width="2%"><img src="blah_files/icon_sad.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Didn" t="" find="" it=""> 3/2/2004</t


Please consider writing standard HTML that actually validates.  You're using things like IE-proprietary hspace/vspace tags on the iframe and nonsensical "center" tags for valign on the td's which are just begging for problems on browsers other than the one you tested on.


Similar problems here with Opera and Mozilla. For example, Opera looks like this:




Where Mozilla looks like this:




The problem is that you have your TD width tags for this information set as a specific amount of pixels. The problem with this is that different browsers use different fonts and such. I'd suggest changing your tables so that each TD element is a percentage of 100. That way is going to make it render better on all browsers. Once you start mixing size types - percent, pixels, browsers can get easily confused and each one is going to render the page differently.


Hope that helps - otherwise, the upgrades look fantastic!!!


I really like the new format...lots of information, and easy to access the information. Just some getting used to, but that is ok.


Would it be possible to add a count on the Watchlist page to actually show how many caches (and travel bugs too) I am watching. For example, have the count after "Geocaches on your watch list" in brackets or something like that.


I also like the new icons on the WatchList for a traditional cache. It would be nice to see this new icon incoprorated throughout the rest fo the web site too.


Also one problem I just noticed...I clicked on the (remove) link of an archived cache from my WatchList page, but it didn't remove it. Actually problems seems to be with all cache types.


Keep up the good work and with the enhancements.

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