Jeremy Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 The "My cache page" has had a significant overhaul. Due to the enormous amount of data that was listed on one page, I have separated out the data onto their own pages. Quick View Quick view shows all your activity, including travel bugs, benchmarks and cache hides/finds/etc. It also shows important data like current inventory (travel bugs), your membership status, and links to search results. There is also a link to change your home coordinate, which includes a map so you can visualize the location. Watchlist It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out. Eventually this will be replaced with custom watchlists, but for now I wanted to preserve the current functionality. Geocache/TravelBugs/Benchmarks Same basic functionality on each page. A calendar so you can click on dates to see your activity, and section specific features like what caches are currently in the review queue, or the travel bugs in your inventory. Member Features If you are a premium member it will show you the expiration or renewal date for your membership. Also, as new Premium Member features become available, this is the place where they are listed. I also added some teaser items to the bottom for new features we're working on. If you aren't a premium member you can still view the features, but the links will not work for you. Let me know of any issues. It was difficult to create an improved "my cache page" that can work well for the more hardcore geocacher yet not get too overwhelming for the casual geocacher.
+sledgehampster Posted March 18, 2004 Posted March 18, 2004 Very, very nice! Thanks everyone @GC.COM.
+Genoist Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 filter finds on benchmarks would be a great addition if possible.
Jamethiel Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Can there be a tab that just lists geocaches I own and how long since last find? The extra step and how it gets laid out is hard to work with. I really found the old list useful when planning maintenance. It looks Great! And it kept me logged in the whole time I played. Thanks! -Jennifer
+beejay&esskay Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Wow. Looks great. It will take a little time before I can offer any significant criticisms. Minor point: Type on the "member features" tab. ("to", not "ot") Multiple Lists - Many members have been asking for multiple lists in addition ot the
Jamethiel Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Me again, would it be possible to have it create a list of notes and DNFs as well? I use the DNF logs as a quick way to look for caches I had problems with as I like to check the pages of those caches when I am going to search for them again. I do this in addition to watching caches because when a cache owner changes a page they don't always note the change so I don't get anything telling me that it has been updated. Just a thought! -Jennifer
+katguy Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Wow! What a surprise I left the old page to check on a TB and when I came back... . The new layout is great - really makes navigation easier. Thanks.
+LazyK Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I second the 'DNF' and 'Note' list request. LazyK - Dan
+Prime Suspect Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I like being able to now tell which entries on the watchlist have been archived. Very nice. Only thing I don't care for is the full text of recent logs. It makes for a pretty big page, and is something I'd rarely have a use for. A simple list of cache names and dates would be fine, with a link to the full log would be fine.
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 If I created a calendar that listed all of the logs for your hidden caches, would that work? At a glance you could see the days people logged your caches. The functionality is (mostly) there, so it shouldn't take long to implement.
+WalruZ Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 fwiw, in the future you could save yourself some cycles by making display of log contents configurable. eg, i could (un)check something in my profile and when constructing the 'my' page you would only display a line showing log type, date and item (cache or bug), but not contents (which i assume take another fetch, but i could be wrong).
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 Only thing I don't care for is the full text of recent logs... Good point. What if I abbreviated the log like I abbreviated your quote? I would just show the first, say, 80 characters and trim the rest with a trailing ...
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 fwiw, in the future you could save yourself some cycles by making display of log contents configurable. Also a good point. My next task is revamping the account edit page. I'll probably separate out the settings (like how to display logs) on a second page.
Jamethiel Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I agree with Prime suspect. the abbv is a good idea! And the calendar idea... would that work with caches not found in over 4 months? We have a few that are usually found in the warm months only. -Jennifer
+beejay&esskay Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Download individual listings to GPX - You will soon have the ability to click on a link to download a cache page directly to GPX format. GPX files contain all the information on the cache page which can be read by applications that support this file format. The link listed in this section of the member features page does not work for me.
+Amazingracer Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I believe this was mentioned above, but what abbout a tab or a listing under the Geocache tab of the caches we own?
+Firehouse16 Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 ok maybe I'm lost here, but I used to really like the way it laid out all of my hidden caches right in front of me, caches, dates, etc. And I used to really like the way it listed my finds/dnf's/notes in one column without extra data listing the last 10 finds or 10 days and you could click on it to show all caches found. Is it still there somewhere, this new way just seems overly complicated to me.
+MissJenn Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Can there be a tab that just lists geocaches I own and how long since last find? The extra step and how it gets laid out is hard to work with. I really found the old list useful when planning maintenance. It looks Great! I second this. I'd love to see my list of caches owned right at I guess, say, below the TB inventory? I love THAT a lot (TB inventory), by the way! So many people will see that and say, "Oh yeah. I forgot about that little guy with the asterisk." Oh, and can we go with 83 characters???
+mrcpu Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I like it but would like to see: -A tab for MY caches -The ability to go into my profile and turn off things like the benchmark tab. I envision an array of checkboxes in the edit profile page that allows the user to select which tabs they want to see. Anyways.. TOTALY AWSOME!!!!
+cachew nut Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I think that it would be nice to delete caches off of the watchlist en masse, rather than deleting one and waiting for the page to refresh before you can delete the next one. I might be mistaken, but I thought we were promised that feature.
MOCKBA Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 As always and as expected, improvements take away functionality. Compact list of caches owned ... OK, I can live without it List of my notes and dnfs ... i.e. the caches I plan to visit in the future ... do I have to keep my own list now? You can't search for them, and now you can't see the entire list either. Thumbs up.
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 I might be mistaken, but I thought we were promised that feature. I don't recall promising this feature. However, it is a good idea and something we will add in the future. The site still needs to be fully moved to the new codebase before I can add more features.
+drtmn Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I just went to look at "my" cache page and WOW !! Looks great!! I have only 1 question so far, I have been keeping a log of my finds in an excel format and it says that only 15 logs are available per month. Just wondered if there was a way to show "all" logs? Other than that, it looks great, just may take a little time to get used to the change. This place just keeps getting better and better and I can not imagine the time involved in creating and maintain this site. Just want to say keep up the great work.
+Hemlock Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 and it says that only 15 logs are available per month. Just wondered if there was a way to show "all" logs? Click on a date on the calendar and it will show all logs for that date.
+GeoSharks Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I like the new page and have no requests. Thank you for the changes.
+cachew nut Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I might be mistaken, but I thought we were promised that feature. I don't recall promising this feature. However, it is a good idea and something we will add in the future. The site still needs to be fully moved to the new codebase before I can add more features. Heh, my bad. You are correct. I just did a search and only found a bunch of my previous requests for this option, but no promises
+Hemlock Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I believe this was mentioned above, but what about a tab or a listing under the Geocache tab of the caches we own?andI like it but would like to see: -A tab for MY caches Click on the "Geocaches" tab, then click on caches you "own" in the upper right-hand corner.
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 I have been keeping a log of my finds in an excel format and it says that only 15 logs are available per month. Just wondered if there was a way to show "all" logs? We have been chatting internally about this. I'll be creating a search feature for logs where you can get logs between dates, or search by type of log. In the meantime I added a link to the old "my cache page" so you can use it if you choose, until we can create duplicate functionality in the new codebase. Part of implementing new sections of the web site is the aftermath - determining how this affects people's use of the web site. Some of it is education to find what you need, and some is the loss of a certain comfort level, but we're usually pretty good at responding to requests.
+geo-jedi Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 What a pleasant surprise! I like the new look and the new functionality. Having full logs is fine with me. The All Geocaches Found feature is especially cool - I can't wait to be able to dump it out as a GPX and get it all plotted! I could stop and end with compliments but I am sure you really want feedback so here are a couple of things (albeit small points). 1. When I scroll the calendar, all but one of the logs disappear. Actually, only one day's worth of logs show up with no seeming way to bring back the last 15. 2. I'd feel slightly better if you said my membership would "continue through" rather than the dreaded word "expire"... a marketing thing All in all - this is worth more than the price of admission. Thank you for working at making this such a cool site! Team Geo-Jedi
lowracer Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 (edited) I like the changes. The new screens seem to be geared more for the finders of caches though. As a cache hider, I want to echo the request for a compact listing of all the caches I currently have active. One cache per line, with the last found date and the number of days ago it was found. I would like these in a tabular format where I can sort them by either the Waypoint ID or the number of days ago it was logged or found. The current format (which is hard to find, buried on a back page) mixes in all my archived caches including archived events from last year, and it takes up three pages. The previous listing of my 23 active caches would fit on half a page. Suggested Example (pardon my formatting): TYPE - WPT ID - Description - Last Logged - Log Type? - Logged by virt - GCXX1 - My First Cache - 03 Days Ago - found - geocacher_name mult - GCXX2 - My 2nd Cache - 03 Days Ago - DNF - geocacher_name trad - GCXX3 - My 3rd Cache - 13 Days Ago - needs archived - geocacher_name cito - GCXX4 - My 4th Cache - 73 Days Ago - posted note - geocacher_name This is nothing less than a Dashboard for the placer of the cache to get a quick survey of which caches may need maintenance, which ones have perhaps outlived their usefulness, which ones are really hopping, etc. Thanks for the good work. Keep it up! -mark aka lowracer Edited March 19, 2004 by lowracer
+greengecko Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 The calendar is nice, the “My Inventory” is useful and the “Report a new cache” is a good feature. But why post the complete text of all of my logs? That’s such a waste, I know what I said. I would much rather have the title bars for each of “My Geocacheing Logs”, “My Watchlist”, “My Benchmark” and “My Travel Bugs” all on a single page linked to the details if I chose to view them. Short of that give me my old pages back.
+rickrich Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I miss the display of "all logs", which I used quite often. I'm really not thrilled to have to clicky-clicky on a calendar to find old logs. I miss the "all caches in <your state here>" link, which I used to see the list of recently placed caches. Now it looks like I need to create a bookmark to get to that info quickly. I need another bookmark like I need a hole in the head. Maybe those abilities are still there, somewhere. But for the time being I'm inclined to stick with the old "my" page. I think the old page would have been perfected if I could have just configured it to turn off the travel bug display. -Rick
+the4Grays Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I like most of the new changes, but I miss the search for new caches in your home state. Am I missing something, or do I have go all the way through the new search page now?
+Turtle3863 Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 (edited) I would like to see a tab for your home state that will list the lastest placed caches like on the old page, other than that it looks great. It just will take a little getting used to. Edited March 19, 2004 by Turtle3863
+Hemlock Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I miss the search for new caches in your home state. Am I missing something, or do I have go all the way through the new search page now? You could create a bookmark in your browser.
mikeh420 Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Good job Jeremy and Co., but I like the old "my cache" page. Thanks for adding the link to the old style "my cache" page. I prefer the overall view the old page provided. Cache On!
+the4Grays Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 But I never had to add another bookmark before. Why do I have to go the extra step now? Could we just add a link at the top?
+Cow Spots Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I dig the new look a lot, but it'll take me some time to get used to it. One minor bug so far: When I click on individual days of logs under the Geocaches logs... I sometimes get logs for that day _and_ the next day.
+planetrobert Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 How about on the side of the page where the calendar is we could have on the gecache tab 1) a list of caches we own... like the show caches awaiting approval link 2) a list of all caches found in last 30 or 60 days... Just a link and a date maybe. also the same for benchmarks wold be cool too.
+greengecko Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 The calendar is nice, the “My Inventory” is useful and the “Report a new cache” is a good feature. But why post the complete text of all of my logs? That’s such a waste, I know what I said. I would much rather have the title bars for each of “My Geocacheing Logs”, “My Watchlist”, “My Benchmark” and “My Travel Bugs” all on a single page linked to the details if I chose to view them. Short of that give me my old pages back. Ah... nevermind. I just found the best feature on the new page. "The old "my cache page" can be found here." Thanks!!
+Nurse Dave Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Okay, from what I've been hearing from people there are a ton of folks that don't like the new page and just aren't saying anything. I'll stand up and say YUCK!!!! Was there a problem with the old page that all this time and effort had to go into making it all new and shiney? I'd much rather see time and effort going into making the site faster and adding features than seeing little frog feet on my TB page.
Keystone Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 1. I've also noticed calendar errors like CowSpot reported. One-day bleed of logs to the previous day. 2. I like seeing which caches on my watchlist have been archived. But the strikethrough color is blue, which is used everyplace else to signify that a cache is disabled. Can it be changed to red, just to be consistent? 3. While I'm at it, can the watchlist show caches that are temporarily disabled, using the familiar blue strikethrough? As a volunteer, I monitor caches that have been disabled for too long. When they get up and running again, I'd like to be able to see that so I can take them off my watchlist.
+yumitori Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 You addressed this somewhat when you said you are going to add search between two dates, but something I'd like to be able to do with the calendar is go to a specific month without having to page back and back and back... ... until I finally get there.
+CompassCollector Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I like it but would like to see: -A tab for MY caches -The ability to go into my profile and turn off things like the benchmark tab. I envision an array of checkboxes in the edit profile page that allows the user to select which tabs they want to see. Anyways.. TOTALY AWSOME!!!! First of all, I have to say that overall I like the changes. Here's my suggestions: 1) On other sites (ebay for example) you have the ability to select which tab is your default 'active' tab when you enter the member section. I would like to see something like that. 2) I would also like to see the 'quick view' page show links to logs, instead of listing the logs themselves, or perhaps an abbreviated 1-line log with a link to the full log as has been suggested elsewhere in this thread. 3) If #1 above happens, I would like to be able to select a page that has no logs at all, just the tabs instead of the other content. I am frequently on low-bandwidth connections. 4) I would like the PQ generator to be on it's own tab. I get the impression that most premium members use this page very frequently. 5) A tab for 'My' caches is also a good idea. 6) With all these custom 'tabs' a configurable tab bar becomes a must. Thanks Jeremy.
+rickrich Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Ah... nevermind. I just found the best feature on the new page. "The old "my cache page" can be found here." Yeah, but now we have to load two pages to get where we want to be, if you forget and hit the "My" button. There needs to be a user preference: eye candy page or classic page.
+RuffRidr Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Ah... nevermind. I just found the best feature on the new page. "The old "my cache page" can be found here." Thanks!! Wow, that's harsh. I personally like the new cache page alot. I'm sure after Jeremy makes a couple tweaks based on some of the suggestions above, most people will agree. --RuffRidr
Jeremy Posted March 19, 2004 Author Posted March 19, 2004 I changed the Quick view to just show the action text for each log and not the text itself (similar to the front page for the Travel Bug section). I like the simplicity. In this design I don't mind adding all the logs for the month.
Trogdor! Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Only thing I don't care for is the full text of recent logs... Good point. What if I abbreviated the log like I abbreviated your quote? I would just show the first, say, 80 characters and trim the rest with a trailing ... I agree!! My cache page has been filled with what I want the least! I have no reason to want to read my old logs, afterall I did write them and I tend to remember what I had typed. The quick view is better. If logs are to be shown why not teh most recent logs of my caches owned?
+southdeltan Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 I think it's a great improvement and the changes/fixes that are being made as we read this thread are fine tuning the "my cache page". I'm glad you ditched the full text. I REALLY hope there will be a way to look for my "DNF"s and "Notes (including archived notes)" that I've posted. Aside from that - I think several people have already mentioned things I think need to be added or fixed. southdeltan
+MissJenn Posted March 19, 2004 Posted March 19, 2004 Watchlist It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out. Is anyone able to successfully click on the "remove" button? I am unable to remove any caches from my WatchList. (Mac, IE and Safari)
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