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New "my Cache Page"


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I like the page much better now that the log text has been removed. A simple list of logs is much more functional.


One gripe. I don't see much need for "you found...", "you didn't find..." or "you posted a note for..." text in the list when that information is already indicated by the icon. If the text was removed, the cache names would be aligned very neatly.


The calendar, being a new feature, doesn't have any purpose for me right now, but I'll leave my judgement until later. However, I noticed that when I back up a month or more, the logs from that respective month don't show up as I expected. I need to click on individual days to see the logs. Seems like a lot of clicking to see one day's worth of logs.


Overall, I have to say that I liked the old page better. I'm glad it's still available. While I realize that some people complained that their bug lists were getting too long and such.. I found the page very simple to navigate. All the necessary information was displayed right there. The new page seems to be coming at me from all directions. The functionality of the old "my page" was split up into several pages and it will take a while to figure out where stuff is.


I appreciate the work and the quick response to feedback. I imagine I'll like the page more and more as I get used to it and it's tweaked. Right now, though, I'll probably use the two-click option of the old page.





It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out.

Is anyone able to successfully click on the "remove" button? I am unable to remove any caches from my WatchList.

(Mac, IE and Safari)

Just tried it and worked fine for me. Now I have to go back and add it back :blink:



It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out.

Is anyone able to successfully click on the "remove" button? I am unable to remove any caches from my WatchList.

(Mac, IE and Safari)

Watch list removals have worked fine for me. Did you notice that there is a confirmation step?


Jeremy, I'm glad you lost the log text. You could further refine the page by losing the "You Found" text in front of each log as the log type is evident from the icon. Also, the page might be cleaner if you lost the Visit Log links on each line and implemented a Show Logs link in the header which would link to the expanded log view.


Thanks for the changes!


At first glance I really like it! I just finished a college final in TCP/IP and my brain is too fried to really absorb it right now. Perhaps on Spring Break I'll get into it.


The "Look-up/email another player function" is great. Using that is a lot easier than the old way, where you had to put the person's name in the caches found by box, then click on there last caches found and then click on their profile. With the new function it is just one step to be able to email them, and two steps, to see what a friend has been up to. I also like the "Search for Nearest cache" function.


The only thing I don't like (and I guess it's already been mentioned) is the fact that you can no longer get a one-line-per-cache list of all the logs all on one page. Now, you either get only 15 logs on the main page, OR if you go to the Geocaches tab and hit list caches you have found, you have to scroll through pages and pages of them. I much preferred the quick overview of the old page.


If you take out the "you found...you made a note" part and just use the icons, will it be possible to just get the one-line listing all on one page again (one that includes DNF's?)?



Cacheola Crew Mom


I basically love it! However...


I can't see my notes and DNF logs that are more than a few logs back. I really want them back! Can the "caches found" link on http://www.geocaching.com/my/geocaches.aspx be changed to "caches logged?"


Only being able to see the last 15 logs is too few. I often have that many before lunch.


Only being able to see the caches I own in the nearest.aspx format is frustrating. I've got 5 pages to scroll through. Any way to have them listed in a more compact, single page format, with the last found date, like on the old page, or like the watchlist page?


Same goes for the caches I've found. I'm at 49 pages in the nearest.aspx format, so if I'm searching for a particular cache, it's going to be a real pain.


I'd also like to be able to filter benchmarks.


Thanks for uncluttering the page and adding some new features. Keep up the good work!


Overall, I definitely approve of the improvements. But of course like any good and new thing it will take some getting used to...


I do notice a couple issues:


Select a date from the Calendar (Quick View & Geocaches tabs) and I would assume that the only area to be updated on the page would be the R2C1 cell (the logs) of the table. But all of the other table's cells change as well from the default first-in view. The only way to go back to the first view is of course either to "Go Back..." or to select another tab and then select Quick View again.


If do-able, provide drop-downs for the month and year on the calendar.


And to reiterate requests from others:

1. Search for nearest: Home State link and Home Coords link

2. Keystone Approver's request on the strikethrough colors of Archived/Temp Disabled caches.

3. Can anything be done or can you retrieve the logs if you have more than 15 on a given day? For example, this past Saturday (3/13/04)was a pretty busy day for me and the new view doesn't allow me to view all for the given day. I can see limitiing the first view to the last 15 logs, but if a day is selected it would be nice to be able to view all the logs


I guess I can see why you may not wish to remove the "You placed", "You found", etc from the logs as persons viewing without images enabled need the specifier although it would have a cleaner look if the phrases were removed.



It's still the basic watchlist, but there are now lines through caches on your watch list that have been archived. Good way to clean it out.

Is anyone able to successfully click on the "remove" button? I am unable to remove any caches from my WatchList.

(Mac, IE and Safari)

worked for me. i just had to confirm it by clicking a button at the top.


I like 98.86% of it quite a bit.


I'd like to see the 'caches I own' have the ability to filter out the ones I've archived, to see just the current 'live' ones. The old one-liner format was ideal, showed the name and last found date (or days). Short'n'sweet.


Otherwise, pretty cool, although it seems a bit slower to me than the other one.


Small bug... I didn't see it listed here yet, so if it has already been mentioned, sorry for bringing it up again.


There is no icon for Geocoins on the watch lists.


Ever since I've started browsing GC.com and using it back in the summer I could never understand the blahness of the my cache page (being a web programmer myself) and this new setup is simply amazing.. I love it.. just have to say a big thanks for an awesome new lay out :blink:

Only thing I don't care for is the full text of recent logs...

Good point. What if I abbreviated the log like I abbreviated your quote? I would just show the first, say, 80 characters and trim the rest with a trailing ...

Good idea. I like it.


First, thanks much for making the My cache page more usable. My TB list was getting huge - especially with the ones that are "creative" with fonts. Feedback is important in these things, so I'll make it short and sweet!


1) I agree that the current My Caches is not nearly as helpful as the old one. Before, I had a simple half page. Now, it's three pages long. I really think we need a My Caches tab.


2) Under Geocaches - I agree - the full log is way TMI - abbreviation of the logs to 80 or so characters should be sufficient. That way, we can get more than 15.


3) I'm personally thrilled with having the TB's split out. It's just what I wanted. Thanks again.


4) On the Quick View, I suggest having a link to PQ's (for members) because we use those a lot.


In all - I'm much happier with the new layout. Thanks for the good work.

2.  I like seeing which caches on my watchlist have been archived.  But the strikethrough color is blue, which is used everyplace else to signify that a cache is disabled.  Can it be changed to red, just to be consistent?


3.  While I'm at it, can the watchlist show caches that are temporarily disabled, using the familiar blue strikethrough?  As a volunteer, I monitor caches that have been disabled for too long.  When they get up and running again, I'd like to be able to see that so I can take them off my watchlist.

I noticed that as well. I expected an archived cache to be red strikethrough instead of blue. I knew I had some archived caches in my list, but they just looked disabled.


I'd like to add in a vote for old logs & DNF's.


It might be nice to have the found/hidden cache list hyperlink include (separately, but in the same box) DNF's & logs.


Reason being that I wanna track my DNF's and whack that pesky DNF that has been sitting in my list since October. With the spring coming, I'm going back to find it - but since it is so 'old', it doesn't show up at all, even if it would show up in my '15 logs of the month' page. Seeing as how I haven't had any logs since winter started, well... you get the idea. I hope.


The probability of me making sense right now is low, but if you know what I mean, well... *whew*


Thank you very much, Jeremy & co. I like the direction you are taking that section of the website!

I do have to agree with the others though there should be a tab so that I can see all of my past logs if I want to.

I'll second this. I can't tell you how often I've gone to http://www.geocaching.com/my/default.asp?alllogs=y to look up information on a past cache. Today, for instance, I did it twice: once to look up my log for Lakota Pipe Dream from last September (I'd have started looking in June, I'm sure), and once to count how many 'Centauri'-named caches I've visited, ever.


Yes, there's other ways to get this information, but alllogs=y was quick and simple.


I really like the calendar -- I didn't realize how often I do go caching. It's not immediately obvious that a bold date is a date with logs (or is it just finds?), but it's cool.


This TB http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?ID=5995 is on my watch list, but it's not clickable, because it doesn't have a name.


Overall though, I really like it, and was excited when I saw it on my Pocket PC -- and couldn't wait to see it on the big screen.


Both Mozilla and Phoenix and both show the last digit of the year overlapping the "Y" in "You found..." I fiddled with fonts and resolutions and couldn't make it non-ugly.




(Oh, and in this picture, what is the sort order?)


I started to analyze the HTML to help find the column overlap, but there's enough wacky stuff I decided to let you deal with it For example, this can't be what you intended to code:


<td valign="baseline" align="left" height="16" width="2%"><img src="blah_files/icon_sad.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Didn" t="" find="" it=""> 3/2/2004</t


Please consider writing standard HTML that actually validates. You're using things like IE-proprietary hspace/vspace tags on the iframe and nonsensical "center" tags for valign on the td's which are just begging for problems on browsers other than the one you tested on.


I like the basic approach, but I miss being able to get all my caches in one page. (Well, without relying on other tools.) and the increasing use of javascript for postbacks makes asynchronous tabbed browsing less pleasant than it was.


Thanx for the changes.

Posted (edited)

I failed to mention in my previous post, that I like the new pages. I had to scroll a ton on the old MY cache page to get past my found bugs. (700+). I also like that it shows which TB I"m holding and which ones I've held for too long :blink:


One more thing I noticed as I've been using the page this evening. If I'm on a cache page and click the "Watch this cache" button (either to add or to remove a watch), it still takes me to the old watch page.


Didn't know if that wasn't hooked up yet, or was an oversight.


And on another side note, I'm not letting my wife see the calendar view with the underlined dates showing all the logs.... I think she'd take away my Jeep keys if she realized how many days a month I cache. :bad:

Edited by JeeperDad

I noticed on RobertLipe's screen shot that his smileys looked a little funny. They all have a strange thingy on the side and top. I went to my own "my cache page," and saw the same phenomenon.


I don't know if it's intentional or a bug, but the images on the new page are 16x16, while the images on the old page are 15x15. The one pixel stretch doesn't translate well and puts a little thingy on the smiley.




That was a pleasant surprise!!!


One bug I noticed...I entered a log for a benchmark a couple of days after I found it. In my list, it shows the date the log was entered, not the date that the benchmark was found :blink: . When I click on the found date on the calendar (which is great, btw!) it shows correctly in the list for that date...it seems to only be an issue on the main my-cache page.




Just a quick second on the comment regarding Netscape / Mozilla / etc:


The new layout is great (still learning my way around) but that "ugliness" was enough to bother me a bit. IE may be the predominant browser at this point - but hopefully it's not considered the "only" one! :blink:


Thanks for all the hard work - and I'll provide some more meaningful feedback as I actually exercise the new layout a bit through typical activities.


Have a GREAT evening!


(aka SnoWake)


Something else I noticed, that really isn't a bug.


The calendar seems to highlight any day in which you entered any sort of log. For the most part, that's fine. When I look at the calendar, I can see which days I went out caching.


But then I noticed several highlighted days in which I was sure I didn't go out caching. It seems notes are flagging a highlighted date too.


I have notes that say things like, "I'll be at the event. Looking forward to seeing everyone," and others that say, "Thanks for verifying the condition of this cache. I'll have to go back and look again," as well as other notes which aren't in any way related to a cache hunt.


I looked at the calendar as a way to glimpse at my caching activity, and not which days I posted notes to the upcoming event. Suppose notes could be excluded from highlighting the calendar?



I looked at the calendar as a way to glimpse at my caching activity, and not which days I posted notes to the upcoming event. Suppose notes could be excluded from highlighting the calendar?

I disagree here. In my volunteer duties I leave notes all over the place, and never "find" anything. I frequently need to glance back through these notes, and having them grouped by day is actually useful.


And since there isn't a way to "view all logs" there would be no other way to find these notes :blink:

There is also a link to change your home coordinate, which includes a map so you can visualize the location.

With a map like that there's not much to visualize. :blink: I recall some promise-ish type of talk of getting better maps also here outside the US. Hope that's not forgotten.


One thing I noticed that is missing that I use quite a bit. The old page has a link that shows all the caches in your home state sorted by date, which is great when looking for new caches. I can't seem to find this link on the new page.

Posted (edited)
I'll be creating a search feature for logs where you can get logs between dates, or search by type of log. In the meantime I added a link to the old "my cache page" so you can use it if you choose, until we can create duplicate functionality in the new codebase.

I'd like to make a distinction between two types of requests:

(1) wish list requests for further improvement

(2) requests for getting back functionalities we have been enjoying, but which are now gone.


I have the following suggestion for an easy solution for all of the requests of the 2nd type.


You have mentioned the link to the old page. Currently, it links to www.geocaching.com/my/default.asp, which is, indeed, the old page. If instead you could make it link to www.geocaching.com/my/default.asp?allbenchlogs=y&alllogs=y, we would get back the one essential feature that the new layout has taken away, being the list of everything we hid and everything we logged, each with links to individual logs and cache pages.


Then, you could rename the link 'list all' and change it into a tab at the top, rather than a link on the Quick View page, and voila, we'll have all the functionality we used to have, + the your additions.

Edited by Shunra
4) On the Quick View, I suggest having a link to PQ's (for members) because we use those a lot.

I think they should be a tab in their own right.

I do have to agree with the others though there should be a tab so that I can see all of my past logs if I want to.

I'll second this. I can't tell you how often I've gone to http://www.geocaching.com/my/default.asp?alllogs=y to look up information on a past cache. Today, for instance, I did it twice: once to look up my log for Lakota Pipe Dream from last September (I'd have started looking in June, I'm sure), and once to count how many 'Centauri'-named caches I've visited, ever.


Yes, there's other ways to get this information, but alllogs=y was quick and simple.


I really like the calendar -- I didn't realize how often I do go caching. It's not immediately obvious that a bold date is a date with logs (or is it just finds?), but it's cool.

I second all this. When I'm looking for a cache I had a DNF on more than a few days ago (let alone several months ago), I won't remember which day that was, and under the new system, I'll have to click on every single day of the calendar to find it. Not good. My suggestion (two messages back up) solves that problem in much the same way as Travis wants.


Now to a wish list issue:


I notice that many people comment that they liked the simple one-line system for Find logs over the 20/page system we have now. What about throwing out that 20/page system altogether, and use simple one-line pages with - say - 50 caches on them everywhere, (searching for nearest, or for most recent, etc.)? It would save us the need to guess a page number, or to move through numerous pages to find a certain cache. The current 20/page system is the worst of two worlds: while these pages do not contain nearly as many line items as I'd wish, they contain just too many to allow me to view it without scrolling up and down through these pages. This means that in order to find a cache, we have to scroll through several 1.5-screen pages, and then move the mouse back to the 'Next ', and over and over again. We need LESS of these, not more...


Besides the missing alllogs and find by state links, I've noticed that I've been logged out 4 times so far tonight. I usually go days if not weeks before I get logged out automatically. Maybe that is because you are doing on the fly page development (why wasn't this beta tested with a link to "try new My page").


Hey, I've just seen this after reading about it in the UK forum. The general consensus is that people like the new layout (me included) however a couple of us have identified a small problem.


While it looks fine in IE, in Mozilla when looking at "My Logs this month" the last digit of the dates overlap with the first letter of the text. This is hardly serious but it does look unsightly.


Also, in the Member Features page, in the section about new features there's a link titled "applications that support this file format" - this link doesn't work. It brings up a 404 error.


On the whole though, a great improvement. Well done team.


Here is a human factors analysis of two tasks with the old and the new pages...


Find cache log from last summer by name:

   Old Way:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

   New Way, method 1:
       - Cannot be done

   New Way, method 2:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "The old cache page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

Find cache log from last summer by date:

   Old Way:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

   New Way, method 1:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click on desired day

   New Way, method 2:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "The old cache page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

While it looks fine in IE, in Mozilla when looking at "My Logs this month" the last digit of the dates overlap with the first letter of the text. This is hardly serious but it does look unsightly.

It's VERY ugly on my Mozilla. I've tried to play with font sizes, but it makes no difference.

Also, in the Member Features page, in the section about new features there's a link titled "applications that support this file format" - this link doesn't work. It brings up a 404 error.
so does the link in your sig :blink:
Here is a human factors analysis of two tasks with the old and the new pages...


Find cache log from last summer by name:

   Old Way:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

   New Way, method 1:
       - Cannot be done

   New Way, method 2:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "The old cache page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

Find cache log from last summer by date:

   Old Way:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

   New Way, method 1:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click "<"
       - Click on desired day

   New Way, method 2:
       - Click "My Cache Page"
       - Click "The old cache page"
       - Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

These are excellent examples why for functionalities which can only be done in the old page format.


I have two comments


1 - For both examples (and any otherexample I can think of), you needed to click 'Show all logs', and it would be good to have the show all logs already activated when we go to the old page. This is what I am suggesting in my message of 5:08 pm.


2 - In both cases, you assume that you're in the Quick View tab to begin with. While in the old system you'd always be in the default page, in the new system you might ned to go there first. That's why I suggest that that link be a tb in its own right, and be renamed 'list all' to reflect the reason we'll still need it...


I dig the new cache page, and <insert random *th here> the proposed change to eliminate the logs. There is really no point to it.


More than anything, I'm glad to have the TB list off that page and under its own link.


Here is an improved analysis, with a third task added as well.


Here is a Human Factors and web server analysis of three tasks.

A plus (+) sign means an action was performed and a new page was loaded.
A plus (-) sign means an action was performed, but no page was loaded.

Find cache log from last summer by name:

   Old Way:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

   New Way, method 1:
       - Cannot be done

   New Way, method 2:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "The old cache page"
       + Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter cache name

Find cache log from last summer by date:

   Old Way:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

   New Way, method 1:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click "<"
       + Click on desired day

   New Way, method 2:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "The old cache page"
       + Click "Show All Logs"
       - Click browser "Edit"
       - Click browser "Find in this Page"
       - enter date

Find newest caches in your state:

   Old Way:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "Search for nearest caches in <your state>"

   New Way, method 1:
       - Cannot be done

   New Way, method 2:
       + Click "My Cache Page"
       + Click "The old cache page"
       + Click "Search for nearest caches in <your state>"

   New Way, method 3:
       + Click "Hide & Seek A Cache"
       - Click "by state pulldown"
       - scroll to your state and select
       + Click GO

Posted (edited)

I guess I can see why you may not wish to remove the "You placed", "You found", etc from the logs as persons viewing without images enabled need the specifier although it would have a cleaner look if the phrases were removed.

There is no need for the text at all. Those browsing without images would see the text alt tags instead of the icons:

<img src='../images/icons/icon_smile.gif' width=16 height=16 border=0 alt='Found it'>


Also, as others have pointed out the icons look poor as they're 15x15 and the html is stretching them an extra pixel to 16x16.

Edited by elmo-fried

A small bug:


The date shown besides the logs on the QuickView tab are not the dates of the log (i.e. found the cache), but the date of when I entered the log (i.e. submitted it to gc.com).


Sort order appears to be by the date of the log.




The only thing I don't care for is there is no button to view all your logs on one page. I used that feature frequently. I don't like having to page through them to find a specific cache.


Other than that, it looks fantastic!!!

Posted (edited)
The only thing I don't care for is there is no button to view all your logs on one page. I used that feature frequently.  I don't like having to page through them to find a specific cache.


Other than that, it looks fantastic!!!

Spot on that`s how I see it.


Brian (Deego)

Edited by Deego

I second (or third or...) the motion that there should be a "my caches" tab. The old list of my caches and number of days since last find was the most important element of the old "my cache page" to me.


Otherwise, GREAT! Although it is going to take some getting used to...


Here are a couple of things I havnt seen mentioned yet (and a couple that have been):


- The date on each log in the quick view wraps to take 3 lines. The dates on the cache page logs are "correct". This may be a browser/font thing; Im using Opera 7.23


- How about a "Today", or at least "This Month" link for the calendar to return after scrolling around. Not as necessary if the calendar is changed to have a drop-down month list.


- Someone else mentioned putting the PQs on their own tab. This would be great.


- I really like having the membership info/expiration date shown.


Thanks for the effort!


Here is a mock-up I did in about 5 minutes that I think encompasses most of the features and bug fixes people have requested so far.


Quick View Mock Up


1) Restores all logs

2) Restores search newest

3) Fixes icon size and multiple lines in logs (overzealous HTML)

4) Adds Pocket Query tab

5) Bonus feature: search newest filter finds


I'm not saying this is a great layout, just that it provides the features within the constraints of the current layout.




The idea of tabbed pages is a great idea.

This gives you more real estate to use when adding more features.


1) That being said, some of the new pages look crowded. Especially the Quick View. They need more white space, IMHO.


2) We should be gaining functionality, not losing.

RE: "my caches" & "all logs"


3) Whether it is a cache, a benchmark or a TB does not matter to me. I can't see needing a separate tab for each.


4) I do not need to see all of my log notes. When I do need to re-read some notes I would consider that an "exception" not a rule.


5) I can not see myself using the calendar function.


I would like to see the following changes/additions:


To Quick View:

1) Add link to see "All Logs"


To Tabs:

1) Combine Watch List/TB's/Benchmarks to one "Details" tab

2) Leaving room for "My Hides" and "My Notes/Lists/PQ"


Thank you, Jeremy.


As a member for a very short time I have noticed your accessibility and quickness to address important issues (ie: recent web issue). Very impressive.


My intent is to be constructive.

I hope this did not come off as bitching and moaning.


Overall, I think the new page looks great. I will have a little difficulty getting used to it, but it will come.


2 things:


Calendar: I don't understand this feature. What a PITA way to search for something if thats what its for. If searching for a log, how do I know when I found it/made a note or DNF? Same for Travel Bugs.

I don't care to see an underlined day of my activities. I know when I went caching.


Newest Caches in My State: Please bring back that link! My bookmarks number too many as it is!


Thank you for the great site! I will continue supporting it as long as I can.


P.S. I mailed in my check for membership renewal when I received the first notification of expiration. Thanks for the reminder!

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