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Mega 2013

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It may be 2 years away yet but the thought of Mega 2013 has risen it's head and the idea of having Mega Midlands has been raised on wmcaching.co.uk . As a starting point we are having a bit of a get together in September to discuss ideas and decide whether we want to go forward with it, hopefully we will decide to and get a committee together as well. Details of the event can be found at http://coord.info/GC30GPK . I realise that it won't be possible for everyone to attend but if you can't make it drop me a message and I'll keep you in touch with what's going on.


If you're not already aware, a voting process has now been put in place to decide who inherits the UK Mega Committee Account if there is more than one contender. Doesn't stop other megas being organised, but without the official account, mega status is not automatic so involves more work.

You may be the only contenders - in which case no problem, but thought you should know the state of play as you might need to tender for it.


Good luck with it anyway :)


Make sure the date doesn't clash with Piratemania!


We missed Mega Wales being a sunday as we really didn't fancy travelling all the way home afterwards.

We will miss Oxford for the same reason.


Would you consider a saturday giving people the sunday to travel home?

Sure we were not the only people who couldn't make a sunday event.



Posted (edited)

I think an event in the Midlands would be great. :lol: As far as I'm aware, there are no contenders for 2013 and one for 2014.


If you do decide to go ahead with a Mega Midlands, be assured that the North West Mega Committee will give you lots of support. We have been fortunate to have had lots of help from the Scottish & Welsh committees and hope that we would be able to give the 2013 & 2014 committee's lots of support as well.


By the way, if you do decide to go for Mega Midlands, you will join the ranks of the slightly :blink: deranged.


Janw - NW England 2012 Mega Committee

Edited by janw7256

I think an event in the Midlands would be great. :lol: As far as I'm aware, there are no contenders for 2013 and one for 2014.


If you do decide to go ahead with a Mega Midlands, be assured that the North West Mega Committee will give you lots of support. We have been fortunate to have had lots of help from the Scottish & Welsh committees and hope that we would be able to give the 2013 & 2014 committee's lots of support as well.


By the way, if you do decide to go for Mega Midlands, you will join the ranks of the slightly :blink: deranged.


Janw - NW England 2012 Mega Committee


I have heard rumours that Scotland were considering another MEGA bid for 2013 with Ayr being banded about as the location. Not the same Committee though - that would be something where sanity would be questioned!


I think an event in the Midlands would be great. :lol: As far as I'm aware, there are no contenders for 2013 and one for 2014.


If you do decide to go ahead with a Mega Midlands, be assured that the North West Mega Committee will give you lots of support. We have been fortunate to have had lots of help from the Scottish & Welsh committees and hope that we would be able to give the 2013 & 2014 committee's lots of support as well.


By the way, if you do decide to go for Mega Midlands, you will join the ranks of the slightly :blink: deranged.


Janw - NW England 2012 Mega Committee


I have heard rumours that Scotland were considering another MEGA bid for 2013 with Ayr being banded about as the location. Not the same Committee though - that would be something where sanity would be questioned!


Nearly right ,................... 2014 is the targeted date , to co-incide with "Homecoming 2014" , yes its in the planning stages , and we have a committee ; a constitution ; a bank account; a website ; we've had some meetings to sort ourselves out and the backing of South Ayrshire Council ...... additionally we've had the offer of a facility capable of hosting an event of this magnitude ...( it hosted 10X that number the previous week )


ps only 1 of the previous committee ( for geographical reasons) but don't think for a mo that the other reprobates will escape "Scot Free"


intention is to submit a tender by end of this month for Mega Homecoming 2014


Will post more as it becomes avail .....



I think an event in the Midlands would be great. :lol: As far as I'm aware, there are no contenders for 2013 and one for 2014.


If you do decide to go ahead with a Mega Midlands, be assured that the North West Mega Committee will give you lots of support. We have been fortunate to have had lots of help from the Scottish & Welsh committees and hope that we would be able to give the 2013 & 2014 committee's lots of support as well.


By the way, if you do decide to go for Mega Midlands, you will join the ranks of the slightly :blink: deranged.


Janw - NW England 2012 Mega Committee


I have heard rumours that Scotland were considering another MEGA bid for 2013 with Ayr being banded about as the location. Not the same Committee though - that would be something where sanity would be questioned!


Nearly right ,................... 2014 is the targeted date , to co-incide with "Homecoming 2014" , yes its in the planning stages , and we have a committee ; a constitution ; a bank account; a website ; we've had some meetings to sort ourselves out and the backing of South Ayrshire Council ...... additionally we've had the offer of a facility capable of hosting an event of this magnitude ...( it hosted 10X that number the previous week )


ps only 1 of the previous committee ( for geographical reasons) but don't think for a mo that the other reprobates will escape "Scot Free"


intention is to submit a tender by end of this month for Mega Homecoming 2014


Will post more as it becomes avail .....


Thanks for the update - looking forward to it.

Posted (edited)

Last time around it was mostly members of previous mega event committees....


Last time round it was ONLY previous UK mega event committee members.


Not quite true, but not for discussion here :)

Edited by keehotee

Last time around it was mostly members of previous mega event committees....


Last time round it was ONLY previous UK mega event committee members.


Not quite true, but not for discussion here :)


Please do not try to confuse things with semantics, because that could lead to accusations that the votes were made by those not entitled to! Because as we all know, the writen word does not convey the true meaning behind what is written, so can lead to angst.


As the person who put the vote together in a effort to resolve the whole issue. I can confirm that the only people who voted were those who had been members of the Harrogate/Weston/Perth Mega Event Committees , and those members of the then current Swansea Mega Organising Committee, who wished to take part in the vote. As each person had to be given access to the area where the vote was located on the forum. Access to the vote was tightly controlled.


And just to publicly confirm, so that there is no claims of such in the future, given the way angst can appear on forums. I had access to the area, but I did not vote.




Seems to me the whole UK Mega event thing will be pretty defunct from now on anyways - what's the difference between attending a Mega event in the UK and the UK Mega event?


Looks like there will be three Megas next year, good luck to them all ...


After enjoying Harrogate, Weston, Perth & Swansea, I no longer feel the need to head for the UK mega, any Mega that piques my interest will be good enough and I'm sure many others feel the same.


After enjoying Harrogate, Weston, Perth & Swansea, I no longer feel the need to head for the UK mega, any Mega that piques my interest will be good enough and I'm sure many others feel the same.


While I agree with what you're saying I think it still has importance as the far as the UK Mega Account goes..... if you get the account mega status is automatic. As someone who's on a committee who hasn't got status yet (as was the committee I was on) you will know that the absence of mega status means there are extra hoops to jump through that holders of the account will never have to experience.


After enjoying Harrogate, Weston, Perth & Swansea, I no longer feel the need to head for the UK mega, any Mega that piques my interest will be good enough and I'm sure many others feel the same.


While I agree with what you're saying I think it still has importance as the far as the UK Mega Account goes..... if you get the account mega status is automatic. As someone who's on a committee who hasn't got status yet (as was the committee I was on) you will know that the absence of mega status means there are extra hoops to jump through that holders of the account will never have to experience.


Automatic or not, I can see it happening, the community as a whole has grown exponentially since the days when Harrogate was but a twinkle of the eye.


Some Megas in USA get by with 5-600 attendees, it may well be that some regionalisation may take place here too.


Birdman-of-liskatraz, the South West had Weston Supermare, and that is definitely in the South West, or am I wrong in my assumption?


Birdman-of-liskatraz, the South West had Weston Supermare, and that is definitely in the South West, or am I wrong in my assumption?


Somerset is in Southern England.. not the South West...


Only according to the bizzare map of regions drawn up for Geocaching.com.


What's a Supermare?


Birdman-of-liskatraz, the South West had Weston Supermare, and that is definitely in the South West, or am I wrong in my assumption?


Birdman-of-liskatraz, the South West had Weston Supermare, and that is definitely in the South West, or am I wrong in my assumption?


Somerset is in Southern England.. not the South West...


Only according to the bizzare map of regions drawn up for Geocaching.com.


What's a Supermare?


But presumably the bizzare map is whats used to decide Regions for Mega events?


I think that we have to be sensible about this, it's basically south west, and to have a other down there so soon would be unfair on many other regions who have not had one within a reasonable distance of their region.


Those of us living in Somerset have always said Somerset is in the South West and it was finally recognised a while ago. (Regional maps)


Weston-super-Mega cache page is listed as South West - as are the majority of caches around here (even when Somerset was initially listed as Southern).


Those of us living in Somerset have always said Somerset is in the South West and it was finally recognised a while ago. (Regional maps)


Weston-super-Mega cache page is listed as South West - as are the majority of caches around here (even when Somerset was initially listed as Southern).

I hadn't noticed that :), I see that Bristol is still in the South though unlike most of the Bristol caches.


Cornwall could of course break the mould! 2 years away, a long time, lots of opportunity! We could have Piratemania 6 in July, The UK Mega Event in early August, and whyever not Cornwall Goes Mega in late August? Geolympix will be abroad that year by their own admission. Cast aside all your prior formalities... c'mon getting 500+ to sunny Cornwall in 2 years time is a given B)


I'd like the idea of a Cornwall/Devon mega. In fairness it is close to WSM so I can understand those who live in Scotland not liking having to travel down so far South like they did for WSM, and Wales.


If Piratemania does come to Cornwall, there it is quite a natural home for the Pirate Theme. There is alot of Cornish maritime history with sailors and Pirates, and of course the Pirates of Penzance, along with our local radio station Pirate FM. Having the official UK Mega event in the same area would of course raise our profile even more.


Cornwall has been a popular tourist destination long before caching. There are loads of nice areas to visit, and of course caches in those areas. In the last few months, I've noticed quite a few new circular walks, and I still hope to get around to doing some of them.


I believe, that part of what makes a good Mega event, is the opportunities to get people down for more than just the event itself. A good mixture of side events, and things to occupy other members of the family who may not want to go caching all the time will play a part in encouraging people to visit from all over the country, and of course the world.


Whereever it goes, can some thought be given to us idiots that cache by public transport? Not going to the NW mega simply because you can't get there. Would have gone to Wales had it been in Cardiff, but Swansea was an extra hour each way and therefore the trains didn't run early enough.


I personally think it'd be nice to have one on the south coast in August. Mega Brighton or something, on the beach.


Of course I wouldn't look deny a Mega Midlands as at least the transport in the midlands is the best you're going to get from any one part of the mainland.


There's an hourly bus service from Grange Over Sands railway station to Cartmel racecourse, on the hour every hour... just catch the 530 or 532, which takes you staight there, approx 3 miles.

Posted (edited)

Or there's Oxford on July 22nd next year. Great train, road and coach links. An hour from London, and an hour from Birmingham. Read more about the Geolympix (recently updated) We'll also try to buddy-up anyone coming on foot so they can get to caches and events a bit further away on the day. An announcement on the first of these is due at the Countdown to the Geolympix #11 - Oxford event next Friday.


P.S. We did look at Brighton for the Geolympix but it's actually harder to get to than you'd think.

Edited by Simply Paul

Whereever it goes, can some thought be given to us idiots that cache by public transport? Not going to the NW mega simply because you can't get there. Would have gone to Wales had it been in Cardiff, but Swansea was an extra hour each way and therefore the trains didn't run early enough.


I personally think it'd be nice to have one on the south coast in August. Mega Brighton or something, on the beach.


Of course I wouldn't look deny a Mega Midlands as at least the transport in the midlands is the best you're going to get from any one part of the mainland.


I'm not a public transport user often but it took mere seconds to find:




Just to inform those interested that the 2013 Mega Event will be held in the West Midlands Region. :D


Date confirmed: 3rd August, 2013. (The Saturday after Mega-Piratemania) ;) arrrggghhhhhhhh


Venue to be confirmed early next year.


Expect the unexpected.... :anitongue:

Just to inform those interested that the 2013 Mega Event will be held in the West Midlands Region. :D


Date confirmed: 3rd August, 2013. (The Saturday after Mega-Piratemania) ;) arrrggghhhhhhhh


Venue to be confirmed early next year.


Expect the unexpected.... :anitongue:

The Oxford 2012 Geolympix team will add a link to your site as soon as you have one up and running. Good luck with the planning and the event!

There were rumours Of a NE Mega !!

Count us in pet... Are you in charge??? LOL... :) :) :)


That was a couple of year back on the NE Geo Forum....


No nothing whatsoever to do with me, I do 3 events a year and a Geocachers Secret Santa for almost 100 teams (plus quite a lot keep asking about the Geo Calendars, but the "C" word put a stop to that on the forums, but of course there are always ways and means :laughing: ) I think that is more than enough for one person!! :ph34r:


I have NO interest at all in joining a Mega Event Committee, I aint a team player I work best alone :unsure:


I did do a "duck race event" last year the first of it's kind so I was told and the current Mega Committee contacted me to ask about that, I gave them my phone number but as yet no one has got back to me, so unsure if they are following that one through or not....


Surprisingly there are very few cachers in the NE and I could probably count on less than one hand who I think could pull a Mega together.......but Ihope one day I am proved wrong, a Mega in Durham Castle would be amazing!!!


M :)


............. a Mega in Durham Castle would be amazing!!!


M :)


Ya know, Mandy, pet... I might even subject myself to your lousy, northern "smoothflow" beer to attend that one :lol:


The Mega 2013 Photo Competition is officially open but only runs until the end of April.


In order to produce a calendar we are running a competition to find some good pictures to use, representing each month of the year.


The competition is open to all members of the Geocaching community and any photo – old or new – can be used. Although hosted on the West Mids forum there is no need to be a registered forum member to take part as this has been set up so that it can be accessed without logging in.


The URL is: http://www.wmcaching.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=75


Each entry costs 50p and multiple entries are allowed per person.


To see the current entries visit http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29076313/PhotoComp/index.html


I'm just puzzed why anyone would pay you so that you can use a photo to make money off albeit for the mega

To have the chance to win...


"Well for all those photos that we put in the Calendar you will receive,


1) A Calendar

2) A Geocoin

3) A Special Gift - To be Presented at the Closing of the Main Event"


As it says on the WM forum.


Still 2 days left to get those entries in for a chance of winning.


Have to say the Mega 2012 at Cartmel was fantastic, a virtually perfect weekend which accomplished the rare thing of being relaxing whilst being vibrant too. The effort put in was plain to see, with a camp site CREATED on the site. Generators, hookups, showers, boilers were all brought in, and a huge marquee which meant that the entire event was dog friendly. Loads of stalls, plenty of local produce, a fantastic area to walk in from the venue itself, free parking. The outdoor format worked PERFECTLY and felt just right. The bar has been raised!!

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