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Cat Geocoins Have Arrived! threads merged


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Ordering from work.

Been here over an hour and not a single person has come in.

As soon as the link came up to order a customer came walking in. :rolleyes:

"Sorry, Be with you in a few minutes! I'm in the middle of placing a 'Priority' order." :)


Hey! I didn't lie!

It just wasn't for the shop! :o



2 Polished Nickel

2 Black Nickel (LE)




D-man :)

I will be interested in finding out how fast the gold and black nickel sold out.



I bet they were all sold within five minutes :rolleyes:

I hope not my email was at 10:06a est hopefully they lasted long enough for me to get 1 black LE and 1 gold LE...... :)


I hope we find out soon if we made the cut!

Posted (edited)

Wow, can't believe I didn't make it. I was in the middle of composing an email to Redwing_Dave when I realized that I had missed the post by 2 minutes. Maybe someone in the COOL club will trade with me since the email was regarding a COOL club order. *sigh* Woke up early for nothing. Dang coffee never kicked in. *double sigh*



Edited by Marky

On the other hand, I cna't believe I made the list.. I forgot to write ".com" for the email address and had it bounced back and then retyped it all by hand (as opposed to C&P). I must be a faster typer than I thought!

I was thinking GMT was for Mountain Time. Guess I screwed up and lost out. Sure wanted these for my wife. :rolleyes:

There are still polished nickel ones available! Is your wife picky? :)




OH yeah! She wants and deserves the best. Hope she reads this! :rolleyes:


I emailed my order for the polished nickels. just hoping someone backs out on their commitment.

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