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Crop Circle Geocoin Pre-sale

Crop Circle

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Posted (edited)

Crop Circle GeoCoin Pre-Sale





LE Antique Gold Version


This is my personal Geocoin. They are being minted as we speak and should be arriving at my door the first week of January. The coin is 1.5” diameter. There are 300 total coins being produced. They are numbered but they are NOT trackable. #001-#275 are finished in antique silver and #276-#300 finished in antique gold.


The following number of coins will be sold or traded:


100 - Antique Silver for sale. $7.50 each, Includes shipping to U.S. Addresses. (Limit 2 per person/group)

50 – Antique Silver for trade.


To purchase or trade my coin, send an email to:

geocropcircle "at" comcast.net <--- You know the drill.


To Purchase – Email Subject: Purchase (#) Crop Circle Geocoin. Replace the # symbol with the number of coins you would like(1 or 2). Include your geonick, real name, shipping address, and paypal email address.


To Trade – Email Subject: Trade Crop Circle Geocoin. Include your geonick, real name, shipping address, and a picture or link to your geocoin. I will e-mail you back with my info if I accept the trade.


As a Bonus I will chose 5 people at random who ordered the Antique Silver coin and throw in a LE Antique Gold coin for free. Also 3 random people I have set up trades with will recieve a LE Antique Gold Coin along with the Antique Silver Coin.


The other 125 Antique Silvers coins will be put into caches. Also maybe a few lucky caches will receive the Antique Gold coins or they will be used for unique trades. Of course I will be keeping a few of both finishes for myself.


I will be sending out PayPal invoices within the next fews days following the requests. Orders will be taken in the order they are received. Payment must be received within (3) days after the invoice is sent or the coin will go to the next person on the list.




Edit: I should of been more clear. The LE Antique Gold are currently not for sale or trade. The 100 Antique Silver for sale and 50 Antique Silver for trade is all that is available right now.


EDIT: As of 3:45pm EST everyone who E-mailed me is in.


Edited by Crop Circle

Another coin missed due to caching.... I'm really starting to get discouraged by these "Limited Edition" releases on weekends... I'm going to have to re-think my whole collecting strategy....

Posted (edited)
Another coin missed due to caching.... I'm really starting to get discouraged by these "Limited Edition" releases on weekends... I'm going to have to re-think my whole collecting strategy....

I missed it too, out Chirstmas shopping all day yesterday. :D Here I was thinking I probably didn't miss a thing since I didn't recall any pre-sale notices and I had actually gone almost one whole day away from my computer (my husband would be proud). I get up this morning and see I missed a coin. Oh well. $$$.00 at the stores and 0.00 on coins. At least 90% of Chirstmas shopping is done. :P


What's on sale today??? :)

Edited by Parrolet

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