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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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1x Green Christmas Ornament

1x WMA Vest

1x Schuylkill County PA '07

All are VERY neat coins!

(P.S. I'll be looking to trade my '07 Schuylkill for a '06 Schuylkill so watch the trading forum if you're interested)


A very very good day, I wanted to share.


I received a geocoin today that has been in the "care" of the postal system for over a month. It was sent from Canada to the US on 8/1 and just arrived today! Poor envelope looked like it was caught in a machine or under something all this time.



In a separate package, I received a Dressel Dragons wooden nickel and a surprise goodie of Dragon Treasure.

Thank you VERY VERY MUCH Dressel Dragons!!


Still no coins today... wonder where those Cacher needs maintenance coins are, which I ordered about 3 weeks ago.


Waiting for some trades, too, but they are not that long ago, so I don't worry about them yet.

Posted (edited)

:( The August Geoswag club coin & pin - a school bus! (I'm just extra happy about it since I'm a school bus driver)


and a Curse of the Pirates Treasure coin (I was happy to see these nice big coins show up on Hogwild Stuff so I didn't have to get one from ebay)


;) Ms. B

Edited by Band of Bradys

came back from mailing trades at the PO, and opened the mailbox to find a letter that says : We missed you...


knowing that the next chance i would have at getting the package would be next saturday at the earliest (and having seen the mailman just 3 houses down when we pulled in), we tracked him down and got the package :lol:


in it was a v2 Mountain Berry Geo-Jelly! thanks for the trade (yours went out today)


other than that, a couple of movies from Netflix, bill, and junk mail


In my mailbox....


Snobird & Mountain Goat - love the Jeep coins!


At an event last night....


Burning Micro III Event Coin (REs and LEs with some avail for trade)

Dhenninger 2007 (#2) :lol:

Caching the Pumpkin Patch - Halloween, one of my favorite holidays

MWGB Ducks - DresselDragons "I am 5" - :)

4 Musketeers - Nelsenc

GeoGellies v1 - Hot Sauce

GeoGellies v2 - In N Out Burger

Son of Cyclops personal




At an event last night...


A citrus ridicuous coin :huh: Thanks Yime.

Burning Micro Event coin

A burnt coin... can't tell which one it was... it was in the fire too long... my pants were certainly on fire. :huh::huh:

Posted (edited)

At an event last night...


A citrus ridicuous coin :huh: Thanks Yime.

Burning Micro Event coin

A burnt coin... can't tell which one it was... it was in the fire too long... my pants were certainly on fire. :huh::huh:


Here is how the exchange took place


Edited by hjnielsen
Posted (edited)

GREAT DAY FOR COINS!!! :rolleyes::huh:B)


I got:


Tranquility Two-Tone LE (The most gorgeous geocoin I have ever seen. Period.)

Tranquility Antique Copper AE (Ditto above.)

Caching Hazards Gold

Complete School of Piranhas

Edited by Arthur & Trillian

A whole box of Tatanka Pejula coins (oh how cute they look).

Some tsun version of the Wanted Posters coins (Thanks Oakcoins)

2 Crop Circle coins (Thanks so much mystery person, you rock!)


Yippie, what a great coin day!


~tsun :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

I wouldn't know.. The mailman was delivering mail to the wrong houses so we ended up with our neighbors mail, and we think the other neighbors got our mail, but they aren't home yet. :rolleyes:


ETA: Indeed our other neighbor was delivered our mail!! They said when they got home and saw our post it note on their door they checked their mailbox (which they never get mail in because they us a P.O. box) and it was stuffed with our mail! Some very important stuff was in it too! Yikes!


So we ended up with our 6th geocoin anniversary mission in the mailbox, just not ours! LOL!


We got a San Diego geocachers geocachers geocoin & a Nevada geocaching geocoin! Both are very nice coins! Thanks!


Also have to add that in Friday's mail my kids were each sent a Koh Koh geocoin from the GBOTS. Thanks! Been a hectic week so I will send a pic soon!

Edited by BRoKeN W

My poor mailbox has been lonely, but...we got these at a local event:


Avroair 4 Musketeers

Avroair MWGB prince/frog

Avroair Parrot

Dhenninger MWGB prince/frog

Burning Micro event coins


and a silver "If I made this coin" out of a cache today :rolleyes:


oh...and I almost forgot...Brenda won a silver 2006 Geocache America coin at an event a couple of weeks ago


Two mailers from the Castleman filled with:

Caching Hazards

A selection of Tranquility coins--absolutely beautiful--a real work of art!!!!

a set of Cacher tags

A delicious cache and a moscow geotag --thanks Moscow!!!




New coins in the mail today:


Tranquility (six flavors B) )

Sir Cache the Rusty Knight

Golden State

DNF Troll

Caching Hazards

Cacher Tags (more flavors than you can shake a stick at! :huh: )

Notorious Geocacher B)

GC element


American Flag


Hippie bus racers in the mail today (still plenty of time to enter the race!):

Six racers from 3 different teams, along with a few "spare tires" to send out with the racers! ;)

Posted (edited)

No mail today, I have seen the mailman and the mailbox is empty, so I don't have to wait for anything today...


Still waiting for two orders from the US, one from Canada (but that was just mailed out on saturday), two trades which were send out quite a while ago, one gift and my secret mission package.


Edit: the mailman didn't bring my coins, DHL brought it!

- Rhein-Nahe Geocoin 2007 in AG and BN (one for me and one for trading)

- First Italian Geocoin 2007 in AS (one for me and one for trading)

- The Mighty Shark Personal Geocoin in AG (one for me and one for trading)

- Cache Counter Coin (BN) for trading

- Giosa Team Personal Coin 2007 AG (thanks for that, it was in the package as a bonus!)

Edited by Steinwälzer
Posted (edited)

You guys all had great days!


Broken W, I think I'd be having a serious discussion with the mailman in my area if I were you... just be careful so he doesn't go postal on ya :huh:


As for me, what was in my mailbox yesterday?


BILLS, blech!


Is ok, though, my day will come B) I have faith ;)


**edited to add***


See! Faith paid off!


Today I recieved a packet from Jean/Accordiangirl and it had THREE Cacher Tag Micros in it! They are just the cutest little thangs and I'm definitely going to send at least one out travelling, big question is which can I bear to part with, lol, they are all wonderful!


Thank you, Jean, and be assured that I'll pay it forward!





Edited by mousekakat

English Egg Gold

Lizard Decypher Coin V1

New Zealand 2006

Team Chelmo Silver

NW Pennslyvania 2006

Shrek Ogre Beware

Cache Bandit

Notorious Cacher Wanted Poster

Crop Circle v2


thanks! :anitongue:


Zip, zilch, nothing......still waiting on a few GeoJellies to come in from trades (you know who you are!).


I got two new coins this past weekend via trades:


1 x Team NAB geocoin

1 x Tangy Tangerine (rick618) GeoJellie_V1


That's it. I'm trying to reduce my geocoin spending these days.



Posted (edited)



Monday-letterbox coin

fututre and guardian coins

mountain10like coins


Tuesday-most anticipated coins from scoooollll

The Four Spirit pottery coins

South Pointing Chariot coin


Castleman-also received the geotag coins-sorry they came on the wrong day. Nice coins, just can't compete with the pottery coin and south pointing chariot.


Want to add a picture, can't figure out how to do that.



Edited by accordiongal

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