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Been Caught Peeing!


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Not exactly about geocaching, but those cops shouldn't really fine someone for UIPP (urinating in pulic places). I live on a state road and the front of my property is lined with trees and shrubs. One day I was outside working in the garden when I heard a car pull off the road. I looked up and saw a State Trooper's car, shortly after heard the trooper relieve himself not more than a couple of feet from me. I bet he dropped his bowels when I said, "All better now?"


A few years later the state decided to rearrange the road, so outside of my driveway they plopped a port-o-potty. It seemed every person on God's green earth had to pee in it! The middle of the night they would pull up with their headlights shining in my bedroom window. One day while (again) working in the garden a guy pulls up and goes in. He was in there a good 20 minutes or so. When he came out I said, "you really ought to eat more lettuce." They finally moved the potty right when I was ready to line the seat with plastic wrap. Bummer.

OMG.  This morning, on Regis and Kelly, they were talking about the device for women to pee standing up.

Couple of years ago, in a big outdoor music festival, they were handing out free samples of P-mates. My wife took one, I didn't. :D


Edit: LOL, about a year ago I posted about the same message in this very thread! :D

Yeah, I remember, I just thought it was funny that they were talking about it. I immediately thought of this thread!

Posted (edited)

This thread reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry and George get arrested peeing in the corner of the parking lot at a mall when they spent hours looking for the car they parked. They came up with all these long tales why they were doing it. That show was a pisser! ;)

Edited by Alan2

I caught aitch-eee-double hockey sticks from my wife this weekend for "whizzin' in da woods" while geocaching. She did not want to take the dogs off trail where I was searching but got to wondering what was taking me so long so she decided to see what I was doing. :) When both dogs lifted their legs, I was wondering why they didn't get the same lambasting that I did :) I don't know about dem city girls ;)


I never get caught peeing because I never try to hide the fact that I am peeing, ;) Just kidding. My wife has caught me a few times, now she just learns if I stray behind don't ask and i won't tell. On a recent caching outing with fellow caches i inspired a TB called Full Bladder. Being a Guy is great.

This thread reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Jerry and George get arrested peeing in the corner of the parking lot at a mall when they spent hours looking for the car they parked. They came up with all these long tales why they were doing it. That show was a pisser! ;)

"Urinary mysotysis!"


Ok, I just spent the last hour reading this entire thread... I am about to pee myself from laughter.


I haven't got caught since I was a young teenager. I was out huntin' with my father, and we stopped along a dusty road so I could go, just then a bunch of motocrossers came flying by opposite. From then on I either pissed from behind the opened car door, or walked off the road if it was wooded.


Tip: If you're out in the woods and you have to squat, try and find a fallen tree, and arrange yourself so your legs strattle the large single, and your nethers are sitting between the fork. Takes the strain off the legs, and protects the laundry. Trust me. Just don't use a pine, it'll either break, or you'll be sticky for a week.


Well, this isn't quite the same as being busted, but I think it counts. We were just getting out of the car, about to make the trek, when what do we see?




Yes, that is a toilet. How it got in the middle of the wilderness? I don't wanna know...

I never get caught peeing because I never try to hide the fact that I am peeing, :lol: Just kidding. My wife has caught me a few times, now she just learns if I stray behind don't ask and i won't tell. On a recent caching outing with fellow caches i inspired a TB called Full Bladder. Being a Guy is great.

Glad you enjoy it. I'll stick to being a girl, thankyouverymuch. :lol:

I never get caught peeing because I never try to hide the fact that I am peeing, :lol: Just kidding. My wife has caught me a few times, now she just learns if I stray behind don't ask and i won't tell. On a recent caching outing with fellow caches i inspired a TB called Full Bladder. Being a Guy is great.

Quit getting the triple re-fills of iced tea at lunch. :lol:

Yes, that is a toilet. How it got in the middle of the wilderness? I don't wanna know...

Kind of reminds me of this time.


Maybe we need to start a broken, abandoned toilet outside its natural environment thread.


Frank Zappa said it best "Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow" :unsure:


Once, a long time ago, I was leaving a party at someones house, and people were parked all over this large treed yard. It was very dark, and no one was around. (Or so I thought). I stopped in front of my car, which was facing another car. I had just finished, and the headlights came on in the car I was facing. Talk about the deer caught in the headlights! Three girls climbed out of the car, giggling and clapping! Fortunately I did not know any of them, or they me. :ph34r:


The worst thing I've heard of, was when my dad was geocaching in the woods, and was intently following his gps, oblivious to everything. He gets close to the cache and looks up to search for the cache, only to find a couple, not peeing, but indeed "doing the 'nasty.'" He turned around and went another direction, planning to wait for them to leave, it was a cache, he never leaves a cache undone. A few minutes later the couple comes out to the path un-embarassed, asked my dad why he has a gps. He happily explained. Then they asked if it was in an amo can. Yes, he answered. "Oh, there was one around where we were. We moved it out of the way under the tree."

at least the guys can make it a little fun in the winter by writing their name.  :laughing:

Just thought I would add I have 17 girlfriends and none of them complain when I pee my name in the snow !!




Algernon Farquartson Pennington-Smythe.




Just thought I would add I have 17 girlfriends and none of them complain when I pee my name in the snow !!




Algernon Farquartson Pennington-Smythe.





uh-huh! :laughing:


:ph34r: Never caught peein' but hubby and I once..well, yada yada yada...but it was no big deal (when the mood strikes, it strikes!). Another couple happened by and we all just laughed and they moved on.


WOMEN and I guess this could relate to guys, too: NEVER GO ALONE. I had a scare last year down by the American River on the trail(sacramento) and I was just sitting watching the river when a man came up to me and asked me what I was doing. Luckily, my hubby, who had stepped off to pee **irony** heard him and came back quickly. Scared the hell outta me though. Now we travel in packs and are very aware of our surroundings. If we're in a park area where they might be rangers or whatnot, we let them know about creepy people. :laughing:

Not quite caught, but I have a funny story :laughing:

My little boy is 2+, and we're potty training him, so today, we're setting out to find a few caches, so I put him some 'Nighttime Underwear' (pullups) on, and we go.

We get to what I think is the spot, and he mentions he has to pee, and wants to go home (25 miles away!) to the bathroom...So I whip mine out and show him it's ok to pee outside, but he's not having it...We get back in the car, the cache is on the other side of the river.

When we get there, he's holding himself and crossing his legs, and looks really uncomfortable, I finally get him to pee outside by demonstraton again, boy did he have to go!

I think we need to be a bit more careful on how we phrase where he needs to go from now on...home isn't always available :P

seams my 3yo has no prob going out side took him to his first cyto event we were at the pavilion and I was talking with some freinds. When someone yells hey dave i think your son needs to go I turn around and hes right outside the pavilon with pants around his ankles. :)


Yes. And yes. I walked around corner on trail one time and a woman was. But was I seeing what I saw? Yep I was. I just stayed behind the tree till she was done and then went about my walk so she wouldnt feel freaked.


Let me just say that any woman who is comfortable enough in the outdoors to actually pee in a bush is a-ok with me! :lol:


Also..I have devised the MOST discrete method of peeing when no bush large enough for cover is available: Just pee as you walk down the trail...I usually only do this when hiking OFF trail, but you can just pee as you go, and there is no real "puddle" for anyone to discover or be offended by, and no one watching you from a distance can tell you are relieving yourself. Just be careful zipping up. :D


When I return to a path from a cache in the woods, I'm always worried people will think I was peeing and think I'm kinda crude for not using the facilities back at the parking lot.


I don't understand what the big deal is. I live in Belgium, and almost every day I see people pulled off the side of major roads to relieve themselves. A lot of churches in my area have a wall with a drain that goes to the sewer that is designed to urinate in. When I am on a long drive around europe I stop anytime I get an urge to go. It is common practice around here.

I don't understand what the big deal is. I live in Belgium, and almost every day I see people pulled off the side of major roads to relieve themselves. A lot of churches in my area have a wall with a drain that goes to the sewer that is designed to urinate in. When I am on a long drive around europe I stop anytime I get an urge to go. It is common practice around here.

belgium, u.s. different cultures have different mores. not saying one is better, just that they are. here in the u.s. we have some very strange (and i'm an american) ideas regarding bodily functions. just a thing. -harry


I was driving down a dirt road way out in the woods one October. I had to go real bad so I stopped in the road and got out. I went to the side of the road where there was a deep ditch and looked around then unzipped and pulled out the equipment. Then I looked down in the ditch and saw a fellow looking back up at me. He was dressed in camo and had a bow and arrow. It was deer bow season. I said, "Sorry about that," and quickly put everything away and hopped back in my truck. I drove another mile before I stopped again. I don't know which of us was more surprised, but we both got a good story to tell.

This is a part of a list of fines in the JP Courts in Dallas































So.... pissing in your beer can while crossing the street is $924, but racing backwards in a stolen junker is $614 Only in Texas.

ive busted people doing that as well.. Guys need to learn not to just whip it out anywere go behing the tree not infront of it geeze manners nobody wants to see it

yesterday I was sitting at the kitchen table and the little neighbor boy dropped trou and started to pee in the shrubs! I couldn't believe it. :lol:

Yes, here's my log from "Doing the Nasty":


"My wife & I caught some chick (pee)ing right off the side of the trail while coming back from a geocache. It took me a moment to realize wtf I was seeing because it's not exactly something you come up on all the time out in the woods. We stopped & turned our backs to her until we heard her walking again. She walked right by us, unembarassed, like nothing happened. Not quite "doing the nasty" but another type of nasty...."

Why should she be embarassed? Everyone has to pee at some point.

Yes, but only the men pee at a point


Has anyone actually read the ad copy for this thing??!!


P-mate at Glastonbury an overwhelming success. In Glastonbury they call the female urinal from P-Company 'She-pee'.

Check at google: "she-pee" and read all about it.


The unique and original P-Mate which enables woman to pee while standing upright.


Once you have used it, you can't do without it.The P-Mate gives you more freedom, safety and hygiene. It is developed in connection with the experiences of thousands of women who have tested the P-Mate at grand events, both nationally and internationally.


No toilets available when in desperate need of one?

Dirty toilets?

Always standing in the wrong line?





I just love that last line!!


After standing in line for hours at a Heart (Ann & Nancy Wilson) concert I just couldn’t wait anymore and ended up using a tire on one of their tour buss.


On a Saturday evening a few years ago, I decided to hit a bar or 2 in Boston. I did the responsible thing and took a taxi to the train station so I wouldn't be put in a position to drink and rive.


Anyways, at the end of the night, I was quite tipsie and managed to get myself back on the train which also happened to be the last train of the night. When I arrived at my stop, I discovered that whoever was in charge at the station that night decided to close up early and I was locked in. I spent at least 15 minutes trying every door I could find but all were locked. To make matters worse, I had to pee REAL bad.


I didn't have my cell phone so I ended up dialing 911 from a payphone. It took about 20 min for a cop to show up to verify that it wasn't a joke and another 20 for someone with a key to come down to let us out.


In the meantime all the bathrooms were locked and I wasn't about to wet my pants, so I proceeded to relieve myself in a nearby trashcan.


LOL at all the stories. Here is mine,

I had been hiking around a big park one day and had the need but thought I could get back to the parking area and a restroom. Well the need could not be overcome so I saw a nice grove of thick trees and went over to them. I found a quiet area and it seemed private enough so ........ well the next thing I know I hear the sound of another person. I look over and a young lady is droping pants with her own need. I try to move to protect her privacy and mine as well. She giggles a little bit and tells me that she could not hold it also. We both finish and go our own way. I guess you need to be social even when taking a leek. lol


I was hunting for a cache in a Dalton, Ga park, there was a baseball game going on. The cache was hidden in a pine thicket about 15 yards behind the third base line. I was bein' real sneaky like, but wasn't in camo or anything. Using all my fieldcraft and "ninja" powers :( was pretending I was invisible. I was sitting crosslegged, waiting for the GPSr to settle out before i moved again. Then this muggle came up into the trees yappin' away on his cell phone. He walked right up to me, not 5 feet away, and started to take a leak. I turned my head, as I really didn't want to see, or get hit by the "overspray" :ph34r: , and that's when he noticed me.... Thought he was gonna have a heart attack. I'm glad I don't understand spanish, but I could tell by the tone that he wasn't happy to see me. I just amazes me that he didn't notice me when he walked up. I was wearing navy slacks and a navy and tan print shirt, I should have really stuck out in amongst those pines.... well anyway, by the guy's tone and body language, I thought there was a definate possbility that he might return with some friends, thinking I was INS(short haired gringo with some sort of electronics hiding in the trees behind a large gathering of latinos). So I beat a hasty retreat and made a beeline back to my truck..... logged the DNF and my "experience"


Can't recollect being caught myself in the act.


I do have a vivid recollection of 4-wheeling around a bend on a very steep uphill trail and discovering a tweener squatting in the middle of the trail. Guess she was caught in mid stream. We redirected our line of sight and gave a gentle toot. When we looked backed we saw her dashing up trail, hiking up the shorts and looking for her ride. There was much laughter somewhere beyond and shortly after we heard what we suspect was our victim, giving them a piece of her mind. Never did catch up with them.

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