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Been Caught Peeing!


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So, geocaching and hiking sometimes involves a lot of time outdoors, away from bathroom facilities. So has anyone ever been caught going to the bathroom (#1) out in the woods, or stumbled upon someone relieving themselves?


I was almost caught today, there was a thin trail that was lined with really heavy brush, so I can only get about 15 feet off the trail to relieve myself, and a minute or so later some people walk by, so that was kinda close! (I don't think that doing that in a reasonably remote/wooded area is a crime of any sort, no criminal intent.)

:huh: Men... I tell ya. You guys have it much easier than us ladies when you have to go. I've been stumbled upon once. He just stood there looking at me in shock. When I asked him to find me some TP he blushed and went his own way. I think he heard/saw me go into the bushes and was just curious. But considering we were in the middle of nowhere woods you would think he would know why.

Yes, here's my log from "Doing the Nasty":


"My wife & I caught some chick pissing right off the side of the trail while coming back from a geocache. It took me a moment to realize wtf I was seeing because it's not exactly something you come up on all the time out in the woods. We stopped & turned our backs to her until we heard her walking again. She walked right by us, unembarassed, like nothing happened. Not quite "doing the nasty" but another type of nasty...."

Yes, here's my log from "Doing the Nasty":


"My wife & I caught some chick (pee)ing right off the side of the trail while coming back from a geocache. It took me a moment to realize wtf I was seeing because it's not exactly something you come up on all the time out in the woods. We stopped & turned our backs to her until we heard her walking again. She walked right by us, unembarassed, like nothing happened. Not quite "doing the nasty" but another type of nasty...."

Why should she be embarassed? Everyone has to pee at some point.


I, female, raised in the ultra-non-outdoorsy-type household, only relieved myself outdoors for the first (and so far, only) time almost a year ago. I was out with my husband, but we weren't geocaching...he was showing me sites from the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium. I realllllllly had to pee and he kept saying, "Go for it! We're the only ones around!" After five minutes or so of indecisiveness (and fully bladder discomfort), I finally decided to go for it. Then, of course, I felt horribly guilty...here we were, looking at foxholes where American men had died or been taken prisoner (he'd actually med some former POWs at the same site a year before), and I just had to take a leak there.


Of course I felt much physical relief afterwards...and as soon as I zipped up, some guy went zooming by on a bicycle.


Paula :huh:

I, female, raised in the ultra-non-outdoorsy-type household, only relieved myself outdoors for the first (and so far, only) time almost a year ago. I was out with my husband, but we weren't geocaching...he was showing me sites from the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium. I realllllllly had to pee and he kept saying, "Go for it! We're the only ones around!" After five minutes or so of indecisiveness (and fully bladder discomfort), I finally decided to go for it. Then, of course, I felt horribly guilty...here we were, looking at foxholes where American men had died or been taken prisoner (he'd actually med some former POWs at the same site a year before), and I just had to take a leak there.


Of course I felt much physical relief afterwards...and as soon as I zipped up, some guy went zooming by on a bicycle.


Paula :D

Don't feel so bad. I'm sure more than a couple of those former POW's did the same thing 60 years ago.

Don't feel so bad. I'm sure more than a couple of those former POW's did the same thing 60 years ago.

No doubt! :D Of course, it was really an amazing place. There was a marker in the forest showing the border...Germany on one side, Belgium on the other. And there were Dragons' Teeth everywhere, some even with bullet holes in them. Apparently people are still finding artifacts (sounds weird, calling things only 60 years old 'artifacts') in the ground, although souvenir hunting isn't allowed. Too bad we weren't into geocaching then...I'd be interested to see if there are any caches in the area, and we don't live nearly as close now.


Take care,


Paula ;)


Once we stopped to do a scenic cache just off of a ferry boat ride. Another car stopped also. A man headed up the same hill we were going as I came around the corner there he was making his own scenic waterfall. :D I never could figure it out. He could hear us climbing up the hill behind him and there was an outhouse about 500 feet away. Figured he must have thought he had something interesting for Show and Tell. I saw and told but wasn't impressed.


Whilst not geocache related, many many years ago. Whilst serving in the Royal Signals, we used to take a camouflaged thunder box with us, complete with its own toilet roll holder and trenching tool (for use, fill and create new hole). The Squadron Sargent-Major, decided to use it on one exercise, our Troop comedian decided he just had to take a photo of this event, which was dually developed and blown up. The photo resided in the junior ranks mess for many years.



You know while I've been caught a time or two what happened the other day was interesting. I was out caching with Rooster and Bufford when I had the urge to relieve myself. There was sort of a cascade effect as as soon as I started flowing The Rooster and Bufford both started in. Can you imagine what a hiker may have thought by stumbling across all those golden arches????

You know while I've been caught a time or two what happened the other day was interesting. I was out caching with Rooster and Bufford when I had the urge to relieve myself. There was sort of a cascade effect as as soon as I started flowing The Rooster and Bufford both started in. Can you imagine what a hiker may have thought by stumbling across all those golden arches????

I bet they weren't thinking about McDonalds! :D


Never had this happen to myself (I believe in learning from the mistakes of others), but just as sure as one should not take a wiz into the wind, don't take a wiz in tall grass or weeds. It will "trickle down" from leaf to leaf until it returns to the spot where it came.

:( Men... I tell ya. You guys have it much easier than us ladies when you have to go.

The ever-so-clever Dutch people have invented a solution for you. A hoot in big music festivals and why not in the forest too. :D


And no, I'm not affiliated in any way with that company.

Posted (edited)
Your husband is a wise man. 


Worship him B)

Worship him? Hmmm, I certainly adore him, but I don't want his ego to get too big. And wise? Yes, he is, but the Army certainly taught him a lot!


Paula :mad:

Edited by 95_Camaro_Couple
Your husband is a wise man. 


Worship him :mad:

Worship him? Hmmm, I certainly adore him, but I don't want his ego to get too big. And wise? Yes, he is, but the Army certainly taught him a lot!


Paula B)

Aaaah the Army. Yes they teach guys all sorts of secrets.


I've visited civil war battlefields. They are somber places.


We haven't made it to see any Civil War battlefields yet, but I don't doubt how somber they are. Just like in Belgium, but I actually thought that was pretty creepy. So many pictures and videos are in existence of what went on there that you can just see it happening around you. And it's the things you don't hear of that often that are even worse, like this one little village there where a massacre took place. Definitely creepy.


Paula :mad:


I'm very careful . . . so I haven't been caught . . . yet.


I catch Mopar all the time, though. Sheesh! The man will whip it out anywhere!




Happy caching and stuff! :mad:


This is a part of a list of fines in the JP Courts in Dallas













































































With fine and court cost it is $548.00. So be sure to hide from the Judge


The other day while doing cache maitenence I saw a man peeing on a tree and lady taking a dump behind it. They were on the down a path from a road right near an orienteering post. The lady was really embarrassed because she was squating down without pants. heh. I headed off to the cache. They weren't hidden or anything there were no real trees or bushes or anything. It was gross.

There was a marker in the forest showing the border...Germany on one side, Belgium on the other.

I love those old border markers. I had wanted to make a locationless out of them, but then it wasn't allowed anymore. I particularly like the old ones, that mark old borders etween countried that no longer exist. A favorite of mine is the one between Prussia and the independent mining village of Moresnet , also in Belgium today.


I was hiking once in the Biesczcady Mountains on the Polish-Ukraine border, when I needed to. I wasn't supposed to cross the border, but there were no bushes on the Polish side, so I just went into the bushes on the other side. It's the only thing I ever did in the Ukraine.


If I'd been caught, it wouldn't just have been for relieving myself in nature.


But then, I was once arrested by a fellow hiker on a mountain top because I insisted on ignoring his advice not to go down the mountain on a particular side. There wasn't much he could do with me up there, and I since insisted that I didn't want to go back to where I was coming from. we just hiked down the trail together and got friendly. We stopped at a hiker's hut on the trail for some sausages and rum, and then had a great time. Instead of arresting me, he suggested that I stay with him another two days, and join him on hikes to some mountaineous areas otherwise closed to the public. We had a great time.


Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to convince anyone to get caught while sitting in the bushes :D

This product practically turns a woman into a man (at least as far as the plumbing issues go). It's even useful when facilities are available but not really fit for human use. My wife doesn't hit the trail without it.
Posted (edited)
I was once arrested by a fellow hiker on a mountain top because I insisted on ignoring his advice not to go down the mountain on a particular side.

On what charge?

Unauthorized border crossing. I was expected to go back to where I had come from., and wasn't going to.


I was sure I had mentioned in my story that it was a border policeman in plain clothes, but apparently I forgot. Sorry.

Edited by Shunra

:) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK ! I gotta take a leak. So, what to do?


Be a bit discreet. Guys, don't whip it out on the trail or in the parking lot. And women, same goes for you not in the parking lot or the middle of the trail.

Behind a bush, tree whatever.

If there are alot of people around even more careful. Say its a nice warm spring day, its popular park or whatever and the parking lot is full of cars. These are strong clues that there will probably be people around. Extra care is needed.

Also what is the problem we Americans have with this? If you stumble on someone peeing in the woods look the other way. Both parties being discreet can solve the problem.

As for the one woman that ducked into the woods and had he guy follow her... I think she did the best thing by asking him for TP. He wasn't there because he was curious, he probably knew what she was up to and wanted to catch a peek. She caught him and busted him. And he knew he was caught.

As for the fines for urinating in public that Texas has... I think that has more to do with really being in public, say in an alley, behing the closest trash can whatever. In the woods? Common. But it is Texas!!!!!


By the way I have peed many times outdoors. Only been caught a couple of times and the people were understaning. I also wasn't making a show of it.


i had a cousin who was caught peeing in public.....


...by the police!!


The cop was -nice- and asked if she wanted to be fined for "UIPP" (urinating in a public place) or "indecent exposure"... I don't think she was taking a leak in the woods tho B)


anyhow... i've had to make use of nature's rest room many a time. somehow, i've always avoided detection. i can hold it another 10 minutes to really find some good cover!


btw -- how in the heck do you clean those... um, female-peeing-like-a-male-appartii? if you don't have water, aren't they a little nasty to pack along?

btw -- how in the heck do you clean those... um, female-peeing-like-a-male-appartii? if you don't have water, aren't they a little nasty to pack along?

A hiker should always have water with them, and it only takes a bit to rinse it out. Also, alcohol-based hand sanitizer will do a decent job until a proper cleaning can be done.


once i was squatting in the snow near a cache in order to make a fake "sitting and finding the cache" mark as track coverage. a guy we did not know came by and thought i was peeing, but i hadn't lowered my pants, so it was weird.


A fine for urinating in public wouldn't apply in the bushes. There's an expectation of privacy there (legally speaking) and viewers would/should have to expend some effort to peep in on you.


An example would be the guy prosecuted for videotaping a couple making love discretely at a public park.


But that wouldn't necessarily prevent a cop from being silly... At the same time, I saw a cop in Manhattan catch a bum in the act curbside who simply stopped him and sent him on his way with an admonishment.


This thread reminds me of a humorous "Reader's Digest" story a few years back. A newer female skier, far away from suitable facilities, skied off into the woods, lowered her clothing and relieved herself. Unfortunately, in mid-act started to slide forward and came out of the trees where the surrounding trails intersected below! Doh!


Before geocaching, I had done several hikes with a local group. There'd be upwards of 40 of us, split evenly gender-wise. "Separation breaks" took place half-way through 5 miles of hiking or so. However they'd block that section of trail. Since geocaching, I remember being at the same park, and there's now a cache behind a trail section that group had stopped at before. Nevermind seeing one person, how about 20 all 'in the act'??


It's odd to me the perception of such. Males/females share facilities at home as children. The first time they are introduced to separate gender bathrooms is in public/at school. Some colleges share facilities (was an amusing prank I played on a friend when visiting another--imagine his shock when a girl walked in).


Then you think of the days before indoor plumbing, when nighttime jaunts were taken care of in that container right in the bedroom--to be poured out the next day... People wouldn't dig and build two outhouses--but they'd cut two holes.


It's all mental afterall..






I was once stuck in a traffic jam on the M6 motorway (freeway) for 5 hours and had to go. No bushes at the side or decent cover so I peed on the rear wheel of a very large lorry .According to a very ancient law dating back to the times of the horse and carriage it isn,t an offence , as back then there where no conveniences so laws were passed and never revoked allowing one to pee on the rear wheels of a vehicle.

You just have to make sure the vehicle isn,t moving or it could get nasty. :D:D

I was once stuck in a traffic jam on the M6 motorway (freeway) for 5 hours and had to go.

Only 5 hours? ;-)

Yep. 3 artics crashed on the Thelwall viaduct a few years back, before they built the second one. I was stuck just passed the last junction before the bridge without moving an inch for 5 hours. :lol: Only good thing was I got payed for being there by the company I worked for at the time. :P

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