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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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  June 9, 2004 by XXXXXXXX (5675 found)

Found the great area. Found some great photos. Found a nice climb to the cache area. But alas no cache. Knew where it had to be. Thanks for bringing us here.


Hardly seems like a thing for a 5ker to do.


Does that tell you something about how they became a 5ker?

  :laughing: September 24, 2005 by CACHER (37 found)

Went with my husband to put the cache back, so I kinda cheated.


Hey, can I use this one, too?


"I was kinda speeding."


"I kinda stole the money."


Kind of like this log entry. We were there the next day and there were no entries in the log book. He must have forgotten to sign the log:


November 4, 2005 byXXXXXX(12 found)

Well, I was actually the first one to find this cache for I spied on Eddy when he hid it. I do like themed caches, and this is a good one. Didn't take a paperback, but left an Andre Norton and a Lin Carter.

Posted (edited)

Their first "find". Nice cache? A golf ball laying on the ground? Won't be long and they'll have 5000 too.


January 15 by xxxxx (1 found)

Nice cache, fairly easy to find, but you may want to check on it, all I found in the area was one golf ball, no container, log or anything else.

Edited by Wadcutter

Enjoyed this one, for a mystery cache requiring counting items ina playground. But he's a newbie...


January 15 by XXXXX(7 found)

My son XX and I got to the train, but no further. Snow on ground, temp. 22 deg. wind chill 5 deg. ran out of daylight. We'll find another day.

Yup. I agree with Wacko. I have a cache with a lock on it, as done another cacher out here. If you just went and held the cache, that wouldnt be a find, in my opinion.

well, I'm hoping that their point was that sometimes, other things would prevent you. Say it was an ammo can cache and was rusted shut? (no lock). If the cache owner is satisfied with the smiley, then whatever. If not, the owner can always delete the log. However, as a cache owner, I do wish there was a way to delete photos without deleting logs sometimes. Spoiler photos do NOT get encrypted, and now it's easier than ever to view them.


but I drift off topic:

I can't find the post, but the oddest (for me, but I'm kinda a newbie still) DNF logged as a find that I saw was someone who decided it made sense to go caching during a flood. And, they were quite certain that the cache was under water (about 6 feet of water, moving quickly - i.e., above head level for the cacher). based on the other logs, sounds like it was. (later logs mention cache is soaked, etc etc,) so, they logged it as a find.


my question is - who goes caching in a flood?! and if you do, shouldn't you expect to have some DNFs out of it due to water? (then again, if you are addicted enough to cache in a flood... maybe you deserve the smiley)


I was doing a six stage cache and had found the 1st 5 but could not find #6. while looking for same was stung 4 times by hornets. I gave up and in signing dnf discovered owner had disabled the cache 2 hours befre I arrived. He was kind enough to allow a find.


Found the cache today but was unable to retrieve it to sign the log. On two previous tries I did not find it. So, I will claim today as a find. Thanks.


I did a cache this past summer. All stages except for the final were virtual and required a bunch of driving -- took about 2 hours (probably since I wasn't from the area.) Went to the final and was certain where it would be, but after probably a half hour search (it was in a smallish area, so there weren't a lot of alternate possibilities, but I checked them all) I came up empty. Went back to my hotel defeated. I returned to the final location the next day. I was at a museum, and the museum knew about the cache (you actually had to get the clue sheet and sign a waiver form at the museum prior to attempting this one). The docent went to the cache location and confirmed that the cache was gone, but found a notebook and allowed me to sign it as the "proxy" log and told me I could claim the find. The cache was replace a couple days later. I felt weird not actually finding the cache -- had I not been given a "log" to sign and reassurance from the museum I would have claimed a DNF. Probably should have claimed a DNF in reality, and I feel guilt over it. But I kept the smiley......




I see this forum topic and now I think I have to delete this as a 'find' ... How do I do it please? I am pretty new and want to do this well. thanx


"Shoot - another DNF. Stopped for a beverage to get $1 back from my ATM purchase for exchange. But when I drove back to the coordinates, I found that I kept zoning in on an area that I REEEally shouldn't try to get to. (Steep bank, big rocks covered by chain link). WAS going to log this as a DNF, but after reading the others logs I see that I did in fact find the right place and was wise not to attempt to try & retrieve something.. So, for having a good head on my shoulders, I'm calling this a "found it". I will adjust if site master objects. Too bad about the construction; kind of a cool idea. " p.s. - no one objected, but still ...

I was doing a six stage cache and had found the 1st 5 but could not find #6. while looking for same was stung 4 times by hornets. I gave up and in signing dnf discovered owner had disabled the cache 2 hours befre I arrived. He was kind enough to allow a find.

Of course you didn't accept.


Apparently in some areas there is a thing called a "retirement card". If a cache is archived and you never got to find it, but meant to, you can log a find by signing a card after the fact. <_<


:P  April 1, 2005 by fffffff (1478 found)

Logging this smiley via the retirement card.

Thanks xxxx for allowing us the privilege B))


B) March 4, 2005 by BBBBBy (5442 found)

Logging this one with permission from the great owner via the retirement card. Thanks CCCA for all you do for the game!


:D  March 4, 2005 by PPPPPPs (5039 found)

Thanks for permission to log this cache as a find thru its retirement card.



B)  March 1, 2005 by UUUUUUs (1965 found)

Logging via the retirement card with owners permision. Thanks for all the great caches!


B)  March 1, 2005 by BBBBB (1655 found)

Loggin with permision of the owner via signature of the retirement card. Thanks for everything Lynn, you are the greatest!



All big numbers people. No wonder they were able to rack up so many "finds".

  :D  January 8 by xxxxxxx (708 found)

Logging this as a find on recommendation of cache owners as we confirmed loss of WP2 and final. Clever idea, and feel that it will be a good hiking cache when it re-opens. FOOOORRREEEE! TFTH!


How can cache owners ok a find that you didn't find???

  :D  January 8 by xxxxxxx (708 found)

Logging this as a find on recommendation of cache owners as we confirmed loss of WP2 and final. Clever idea, and feel that it will be a good hiking cache when it re-opens. FOOOORRREEEE! TFTH!


How can cache owners ok a find that you didn't find???

I think some owners are as afraid of DNFs as seekers are! I had logged this as a DNF:

Went to hunt this one out, and encountered No Trespassing signs at the first park. I don't remember them being there before, but it seems like they're trying to keep people out during hours when there's no scheduled games. Will watch this and try again if it's OK to go in the park.

And got this email:

Hey Boobear.  I was wondering if you could edit your log on Saturday January 14th for xxxxxx and change it from a "didn't find it" to a "write note"


The reason is because it's not your fault you didn't find it since the No Trepassing signs were up you technically couldn't even start it.


This way you don't get credited for a did not find.  Just trying to help out a fellow Geocacher




Since I was borderline on a note vs DNF anyway (I never actually hunted, which is normally my threshold for a DNF) I made the edit.

Posted (edited)

This cache was discused in another thread in the forums...has several "interesting" finds. Also, apparently there is a letterbox nearby, and quite a few of the cache "finds" state thet think they may have found the letterbox, but still logged the smiley.


:rolleyes:  May 16, 2002 by xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx (369 found)

Returned to this cache site again with more help and we scoured the area very closely with no cache being found. The cache is missing!


:(  November 22, 2002 by xxxxxxx (59 found)

We found the Snake Tree but did not find a cache. We looked for a cache for awhile with no luck then went to find Challanger 7 Park cache which is also in the same park. We found Challanger 7 Park with no sweat and left a travel bug there that we had intended to leave at Snake Tree. The information on wether the cache is still there is a bit confusing as the note indicates the cache is missing and later a note says it is relocated. At any rate we returned to look some more after locating the other cache, but had no luck. There was no doubt in my mind that we found Snake Tree as it sure looks like a snake. The travel bug we had intended to leave here is called Travel Snake.


One great thing about this time of year is the lack of misqutoes (sp) of which there were few. A little off kept them away.


It sure was a nice day for a walk in the woods.



May 2, 2003 by xxxxx (18 found)

Found it. Or at least we thought we did. Upon close examination, it was a letter box cache as someone else described. Hunted and hunted, but we found nothing else. TN/LN. Need face for puzzled, because that is what we were.


:(  April 26, 2003 by xxxxxxx (1054 found)

Im lost! We are mixed up a little but found this cache anyways . The cache we found was called Space City Shuttle letterbox cache and it is in what looks to be the described snake tree. Maybe we found the wrong cache??? We'll call this a find unless someone can shed light on whats going on.


This park seems to have some weird things going on as far as caches are concerned!!! People moving caches from their original placement, mixing containers with other cache containers which seemed to be the case with clue one on Trail of Evidence . Weve been to this exact area looking for another cache and i thought for sure i logged a not find, but now i cant even find that log. My head hurts now!


:)  March 12, 2003 by xxxxxxxxxxx (267 found)

I found this one a few weeks ago... but I am not sure it is the proper cache or a totally different letterbox! It has been moved to a drier location than the one I originally found it in... so I am claiming the cache. This time the book has been salvaged from sogginess... it was strange reading my entry in some elses handwritting.

Edited by The Badge & the Butterfly
Apparently in some areas there is a thing called a "retirement card". If a cache is archived and you never got to find it, but meant to, you can log a find by signing a card after the fact. :rolleyes:


:D  April 1, 2005 by fffffff (1478 found)

Logging this smiley via the retirement card.

Thanks xxxx for allowing us the privilege :()


:( March 4, 2005 by BBBBBy (5442 found)

Logging this one with permission from the great owner via the retirement card. Thanks CCCA for all you do for the game!


:(  March 4, 2005 by PPPPPPs (5039 found)

Thanks for permission to log this cache as a find thru its retirement card.



:(  March 1, 2005 by UUUUUUs (1965 found)

Logging via the retirement card with owners permision. Thanks for all the great caches!


:)  March 1, 2005 by BBBBB (1655 found)

Loggin with permision of the owner via signature of the retirement card. Thanks for everything Lynn, you are the greatest!



All big numbers people. No wonder they were able to rack up so many "finds".

What the heck? :(


I'm amazed at the things people do. :D


A retirement card? :)

....... next they will start multi-logging events... :(


This guy got it right the first time. And then...


<_<  March 21, 2005 by HHHHBBBBB (199 found)

I communicated with Snurt as to where I thought the cache should have been. He told me that I was correct. The cache is now missing. He has replaced it three times. I have his permission to go ahead and claim the cache. Thanks Snurt. Makes me feel better that I was right on target. Answers on the way.


icon_sad.gif March 21, 2005 by HHHHBBBBB (199 found)

I thought that I was a good cacher until I got here. Coffee Cup and I found everything except the cache itself. I thought that I found were it might have been. Sent Snurt an E-Mail to see if I was correct. If not, I will be back again soon.


Apparently in some areas there is a thing called a "retirement card".  If a cache is archived and you never got to find it, but meant to, you can log a find by signing a card after the fact.  :lol:


:lol:  April 1, 2005 by fffffff (1478 found)

Logging this smiley via the retirement card.

Thanks xxxx for allowing us the privilege :))


:) March 4, 2005 by BBBBBy (5442 found)

Logging this one with permission from the great owner via the retirement card. Thanks CCCA for all you do for the game!


:wacko:  March 4, 2005 by PPPPPPs (5039 found)

Thanks for permission to log this cache as a find thru its retirement card.



:P  March 1, 2005 by UUUUUUs (1965 found)

Logging via the retirement card with owners permision. Thanks for all the great caches!


:D  March 1, 2005 by BBBBB (1655 found)

Loggin with permision of the owner via signature of the retirement card. Thanks for everything Lynn, you are the greatest!



All big numbers people. No wonder they were able to rack up so many "finds".

Yes I looked at these long ago. A few folks logged literally hundreds of caches in a few days during this geocheating spree.

:lol: February 4 by xxxxx (167 found)

Visited the site and I was unable to locate cache either? I believe it has been Muggled. I took a digital photo which I will upload soon to document my find.


Best part it...they didn't even upload the photo to document the "find"!




icon_smile.gif October 13, 2005 by SSSSSSSSSSS (4042 found)

We're not sure this cache is still out there. We got pretty good reception in the area, but didn't find the cache in the immediate area or in a 50 foot radius of the coords. It's also been a long time since the cache was last found. Of course, with the way this area is overgrown, maybe the cache is there and escaped our view.


One has to wonder, how many of those 4000+ finds really "escaped" view.


New to this and wondering, why isn't the official FAQ more specific about the cases you all are noting? Or is there another FAQ all about DNF and Found Etiquette that I just don't know about?


I just started this weekend (I am nooby fresh) and didn't find four different ones, but I wasn't going to log them as found. That said, I also read a little bit through this forum before trying today, so I understood that searching for an hour in the correct spot doesn't count. I wonder how many other new users come to read forums before venturing out, or how many just read that FAQ and figure, "I made it this far, everything matches up, I'm sweaty and tired and gosh darn it, I deserve it! Victory is mine!"?


From the FAQ:

If you visit a cache location and the cache is missing, always make sure to log the cache as "not found" on the web site so the cache owner knows.


This just isn't specific enough for many people; it's obvious from the posts here. For all of the pages this thread has gone on for, there seems to be some very clear black and white rules that more experienced people follow, and I think those should be listed in an area more accessible to people who are new to the site. Not everyone (even people who apparently enjoy searching for things as a hobby) will pore through most information beyond the first two pages.


New to this and wondering, why isn't the official FAQ more specific about the cases you all are noting? Or is there another FAQ all about DNF and Found Etiquette that I just don't know about?


I just started this weekend (I am nooby fresh) and didn't find four different ones, but I wasn't going to log them as found. That said, I also read a little bit through this forum before trying today, so I understood that searching for an hour in the correct spot doesn't count. I wonder how many other new users come to read forums before venturing out, or how many just read that FAQ and figure, "I made it this far, everything matches up, I'm sweaty and tired and gosh darn it, I deserve it! Victory is mine!"?


From the FAQ:

If you visit a cache location and the cache is missing, always make sure to log the cache as "not found" on the web site so the cache owner knows.


This just isn't specific enough for many people; it's obvious from the posts here. For all of the pages this thread has gone on for, there seems to be some very clear black and white rules that more experienced people follow, and I think those should be listed in an area more accessible to people who are new to the site. Not everyone (even people who apparently enjoy searching for things as a hobby) will pore through most information beyond the first two pages.


The official FAQ doesn't address this for two reasons. Chiefly because its not up to this website to police logs and determine what constitutes a find, but also because when this sport started the point of "found it" logs was to log finds (meaning finding a cache). I don't think they envisioned all the grey areas, "bonuses" and downright cheating that evolved.


I can say that as a newbie (once) that I never remotely considered the idea of logging a find on a cache I didn't find. When you search for a cache there are two possible results, you find it or your don't. There are log choices for both. "Found it" or "didn't find it". "Nice Try" is not an option. Most people figure that out whether or not they ever venture into these forums. " Besides, most of the logs in this thread are from people with hundreds or thousands of finds. People who should know better.


I don't think the idea of cheating is something that should have to be addressed in the the FAQs. Honest people will honestly log the result of their cache hunt and dishonest people won't.


And before you say "cheating at geocaching is like cheating at solitare" think how lying about a find can effect others. One geocacher I know drove 100 miles RT in a fruitless search for a cache because of someone logged a fake find. Many people won't search for a cache that hasn't been found in a while. A "found it" log tells the community that the cache is there and may send people out in search of a long missing cache. It may also delay an owner's maintenace visit because he saw a recent "find".

Posted (edited)

The cacher was given permission from the owner to change his note (didn't log a DNF) to a find.


:smile: February 10 by Xxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxx (63 found)

We couldn't find this cache either. We did find the bedroll and the dollar left behind by Xxxx_xxx. Left the dollar since we figured whoever was there needed it more than we did. The bedroll looked in good shape but the cache is nowhere to be found. We needed the GPS to find our way out of there.

There were some police in the area doing exercises.....


Thanks for the find, I am glad that you

replaced the cache that was missing.

Edited by The Badge & the Butterfly

Same cache as above...DNF changed to a note with the owner's permission:


:smile: January 29 by X_Xxxxxxx (675 found)

Most often it is the cacher and not the cache when I DNF a X&X placement and am sure the same case here. I did find a sleeping bag (used) and an empty wine bottle but sure these don't count. Will get back soon.


A note from the cache owner"


February 10 by Xxxx & Xxxxx (4338 found)

Since X_XXXXXXX, xxxx-xxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxx visited the area in which the cache was located, we will allow you to log a find for the cache.


<sniped personal question to one of the cachers>


Apparently in some areas there is a thing called a "retirement card". If a cache is archived and you never got to find it, but meant to, you can log a find by signing a card after the fact. ;)


:blink: April 1, 2005 by fffffff (1478 found)

Logging this smiley via the retirement card.

Thanks xxxx for allowing us the privilege :blink:)


:) March 4, 2005 by BBBBBy (5442 found)

Logging this one with permission from the great owner via the retirement card. Thanks CCCA for all you do for the game!


:P March 4, 2005 by PPPPPPs (5039 found)

Thanks for permission to log this cache as a find thru its retirement card.



:) March 1, 2005 by UUUUUUs (1965 found)

Logging via the retirement card with owners permision. Thanks for all the great caches!


;) March 1, 2005 by BBBBB (1655 found)

Loggin with permision of the owner via signature of the retirement card. Thanks for everything Lynn, you are the greatest!



All big numbers people. No wonder they were able to rack up so many "finds".

Sheesh! No wonder I haven't quite hit 800 finds after nearly 4years of caching. I only count finds when I actually find a cache!


Wow. Didn't know you could log caches after they've been archived. I didn't actually do it, just went to the point where I could choose a log type and saw "Found it" was still available. I see how this feature could be usable, like if you were very slow with logging online. Not sure how or if the retirement card-type log can be prevented through coding on the website. I thought about suggesting that logs couldn't be dated after the archive date. Then I realized you could lie about the find even more by having your log pre-date the archive date.

Posted (edited)
"I made it this far, everything matches up, I'm sweaty and tired and gosh darn it, I deserve it! Victory is mine!"?


A friend of mine played for the Denver Broncos in 1977 and played in Super Bowl XII against the Dallas Cowboys. My friend got sweaty, tired, beat up, scraped up, busted up, and a concussion but victory wasn't his. Denver lost and all the "gosh darns" in the world didn't change the outcome. Denver still didn't find the Super Bowl ring. He was close, they were in the same park, they had played a lot of games before to get close, but it was a "no find' for my friend and Denver.

Edited by Wadcutter
:) March 5 by xxxXxx (24 found)

We didnt realize your cache was not going to be in service anymore cause we had printed it earlier in the week!! We looked for a few minutes and found the cap of your cache (penny intact!) We would like to return the penny back to you if you wish to have it!! It surely is goodluck-- Looking forward to your next cache!! You are the bomb!! LOL




Wow. Didn't know you could log caches after they've been archived. I didn't actually do it, just went to the point where I could choose a log type and saw "Found it" was still available. I see how this feature could be usable, like if you were very slow with logging online. Not sure how or if the retirement card-type log can be prevented through coding on the website. I thought about suggesting that logs couldn't be dated after the archive date. Then I realized you could lie about the find even more by having your log pre-date the archive date.


yeah you can log archived ones, I did do this once. I went and found a cache in good shape one morning got home and couldn't find the listing, when I did eventually find the listing online, I came to find out it had been archived the very same morning! The cache owner later emailed me and asked me where the cache had been, as they had been unable to locate it when they went to remove it a few days earlier.


If I locate the cache and cant get to the log to sign it, I don't consider it a "find". Recently, while taking training classes away from my work, It went caching on my lunch break. I spotted the cache location, but there were way too many muggles ( including many policemen on their lunch breaks) around to get it. On another hunt, I found one of thoes 20 feet up a light pole caches and, since I didn't have a 20 ft ladder, rocket pack or some other way of reaching it, I could not get it either. In both cases, I did not log these at all. If , after 2 more tries, I can't get them, I will log as a DNF. If I were caching out-of town and located the cache, but couldn.t access it, I would log it as a DNF after the first try, as it would be unlike that I would attempt any more tries.


How ever, some people just miss the point......


It's not ust getting there. It's the hunt. Anyone can find their way to the location. But if you don't find the cache and leave your mark in the logbook... you're missing out on the exciting and fun :laughing: part.


After a DNF and a note indicating a DNF, this log showed up:


February 4 by xxxxxxx (173 found)

Visited the site and I was unable to locate cache either? I believe it has been Muggled. I took a digital photo which I will upload soon to document my find.


Gosh, I'm wasting way too much time actually trying to find the container - I just need a picture of me in the general area! <_<

February 4 by cacher (31 found)

Thanks for the walk and view! Log not found, TNLN.

This is on one of the famous Sandy Creek Cowboy caches where you have to open several containers to finally find the log. That is the fun of two of their caches . . . finding the container, amidst many similar containers, to find the log so you can sign it.


Oh well . . . <_<

March 11 by xxxxx (46 found)

I'm marking this one found since I did indeed find the tree/bench and the sentry -- under watch of the golf-cart guards. We even spoke with one who was checking us out (taking pictures) during the big Mas Science day...


Anyhow, this find does lead me to believe that my current database may be in need of some maintenance. I wasn't even showing this cache as archived!!!


BTW, the cache was archived 12/09/05.

Posted (edited)
January 6 by cacher (x found)

I found the spot and searched it, but the cashe has been removed by muggles.


The cache was reported as missing the week before, and archived the next day. At least it's a newbie.



Gosh, I'm wasting way too much time actually trying to find the container - I just need a picture of me in the general area! dry.gif
Pfft, who wants to actually hike out there? A satellite image is enough for me! Edited by alexrudd

:P March 5 by ttttttttt (33 found)

Must have just missed the travel bug. We found tape where it was taped to the 40 MPH sign. There is nothing else to find here. Thanks.



There was no cache to find. The "hider" had taped a TB to a sign and listed it as a cache.


Here's 2 prime examples of logs that make me laugh. How can people actually log this stuff and mean it. I too was at this cache and "eye-balled" the location. However, I logged it as a DNF!


March 12 by XXXX (1332 found)

Logging this find with the owners permission, as we eye-balled the exact hiding location, confirmed with the owners over yummy pizza in Mount Joy. Lpyankeefan and I were craze-caching along the Rt#30 corridor. Despite the unreal shopping frenzy at this site, we had an excellent survey of gz, and the coords were right on the money. Thanks friends.


March 12 by XXXX (678 found)

In the area today caching along with Snurt when we decided to search for this one. Search WE DID! First for the entrance to the business, second for a parking space, third for the cache! Spent quite a few minutes at GZ searching and re-reading previous logs on the PDA. Finally broke out the phone and called one of the cache owners himself. He confirmed that we were searching in the right place and told us since the cache was MIA and we didn't know when we would be back to the area to log a find.

This was my twenty-fourth cache find of the day, 666th find overall, found this one at 1:45 PM. TFTC!


Some more from a cache I DNFed recently. Turns out its been missing since late last year. The fake smileys caused me to waste a good bit of time, because I had no idea it was missing until I got back and actually read the page and logs.


:lol: March 3 by Aaaaa (75 found)

Found this after a treacherous hike along a very icy, very muddy trail. Had been to this site a few years back, and never suspected their was a cache there...too bad its gone missing. Still, it's a nice historical site with an amazing view of the sea. Thanks for the adventure!


:P March 5 by jjjjjjj (79 found)

Found the area easily, and it's a busy area. Can see how muggles found it, if that's what happened. Tremendous views... Beautiful.



Yet another permission from the owner. This on in the UK.


March 26 by XXXXXX (1148 found)

Called in today but as previous callers realised that the micro was missing. Beautiful window and worth the visit anyway. Photographed the site as proof, and after a quick reply to my email requesting permission, have logged the cache. Thanks Dave. (I normally carry a spare micro for such occasions but I had already used it) Cheers XXXXXX.


Yet another permission from the owner. This on in the UK.


March 26 by XXXXXX (1148 found)

Called in today but as previous callers realised that the micro was missing. Beautiful window and worth the visit anyway. Photographed the site as proof, and after a quick reply to my email requesting permission, have logged the cache. Thanks Dave. (I normally carry a spare micro for such occasions but I had already used it) Cheers XXXXXX.


So he was all set for a throwdown find, but had already used his container on another one :) .


Climbed as a find. It had been disabled a few days earlier when it went missing.


Well almost. We were looking for it when x appeared. Unfortunately, the cache had been muggled but x gave me permission to log it as a find anyway. Thanks for the hunt!


Another mercy find granted. It truly is an epidemic.


This one is especially nice. This is a rest area cache. Instead of logging a DNF, they claimed a find then found a container in the TRASH, washed it (?!) and replaced the cache.


I can only wonder how they washed the container well enough to discourage bugs/critters.


icon_smile.gifMarch 5 by Aaa Aaaaaa (333 found)

We, too, found the spot where it should have been but wasn't. So we decided to do something about it. We retrieved a container that would work from a trash can, washed and dried it, filled a baggie with a few items we had with us, created a log sheet from this cache's printout, and presto! A cache. Hid it where it should have been. CC, it will need a new log sheet very soon.


icon_sad.gifJanuary 15 by Zzzzzzzzz (988 found)

Despite the recent DNFs I tried to find the cache in the dark as I was driving back to Illinois from Ohio. I found the possible hiding spot -- fitting to GPS and hint -- but no cache. I scanned all over but found only the winter stock and it remains of a squirrel. It might be time to check on the cache.


icon_sad.gifJanuary 2 by yyyyyyy (90 found)

there were two trees in the general location of the coordinates and they both had good sized holes in them we stuck our hands as far up as we could but no luck would've been a good location for cache thanks anyway


icon_sad.gifDecember 30, 2005 by XxxxXxxxxXxx (1821 found)


Posted (edited)

March 24 by Cacher(XXX found)

Wow! A real climb to get to this cache. But it appears to be missing. The cache owner gave me permission to log a "find" for this one. A super view from up there.

Thanks Owner for helping me get some exercise.



March 24 by Owner(XXX found)

My good friend Cacher was to the site today, found evidence of where the cache once was but no ammo can. Will replace soon.


What are friends for.

Edited by wvcoalcat

This one kills me. I guess this person is just aching for recognition. Logged ten days after the CITO event:


<_< March 28 by CACHER (2302 found)

Since we are from out of town, we did not make the event, but we did pick up some trash on the way back to the truck. Thanks for all the work you have done.







I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.

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