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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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I can find my butt with both hands, does that count as one find or two? B)


:unsure: June 11 by AAAAAAA (65 found)

Im going to claim finding this one!! But what I actually found was a bussiness card from the Police hanging there which said it looked like a Pipe bomb. Also it was 5 hours from home.

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:huh: June 9 by BBBBBBBB (114 found)

Marking this one as find because I did find a tag in the tree from the Police Dept.

where this cache is supposed to be.

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<archive>June 9 by CACHEOWNER(128 found)

HA HA HA HA!!! Well here's a funny story!!! We got a call from the Fort Collins Police department tonight telling us that our geocache had been BLOWN UP BY THE BOMB SQUAD!!! Apperently some one at Jason's Deli found the cache and thought it was a BOMB. Well This one will be out of business for quite a while. A word to the wise, don't use a camo pipe to hide a cache in. Thanks and keep on caching!!!

Posted (edited)
:) April 28 by XXXX&XXXXXXX (3930 found)

The disabling didn't show up on our queries for last night, so Xxxxxxxx and I went hunting for the prize. Found the drilled quarters and the place the cache had obviously been, but no cache... guess that's 'cause it was gone!! The fields were alive with students on "photo day" and a very nice teacher met up with us and was curious about the hunt. Nice guy, hope he takes an interest in our treasure. Don't know if we get to log this a find or ? Thanks for the hunt, XXXX&XXXXXXX

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April 27 (note) by cache owner (159 found)

well it looks like The kid's might have gotten to this one. I will replace soon and see what happens.

Thanks to XXXXX for picking up what was left of it.


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April 27 :D by XXXXX (504 found)

Found the cache - or what was left of it. Sad to say this cache has been totally trashed. I picked up all the pieces of red plastic that used to be the cache container and found a nickel, 3 pennies, and what looks to be a Chuckie Cheese token in the grass. I took the broken pieces of the cache with me so as not to leave geolitter behind. I couldn't sign the log since I couldn't find it but I'll claim the "find" for picking up the broken pieces of what seems to have been a little safe that had been the cache. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I think this place may be too close to the Jr. High for cache safety.

Edited by Ed & Julie

Ok... what you're saying doesn't make sense... It IS still a geocache! It's a container with a logbook still... BUT If I have a "unique" cache, and I want to temp. disable it, and bring it to an event, to display it... Then why would I make it a TB, AND how could I attach a TB tag to it and bring it to an event and leave it there at the same time? Either it's at an event on display, or it's at the posted coords... I don't think this is being too unreasonable, and should be considered as my opinion and not complaining...




What you have described (taking a cache to an event) is called a moving cache. They are not permitted any longer (save the very few grandfathered ones). Since no new moving caches are allowed and not listed on geocaching.com, you cannot log a find on it and claim a smilie on geocaching.com.


This is to good to pass up...

A 3rd to find on your own cache and then 10 more for good measure. I guess anything to make sure a smiley is posted to the count.


Interesting. If it isn't clear to everyone, what CCCacher is doing is logging other people's caches on a cache page owned by CCCacher. Those other caches are ones that CCCacher can not log normally either because the caches have been disabled or his "found" note on the original cache was deleted by the owner. He wants to claim the find and this is the only way that he feels he can do so.

Note the high number count the CCCacher has. I guess they "win".. :)

If people want to see a reason why smileys count then visit the "Midwest" forum and check out the number of "congratulations" threads. Sometimes bragging rights are good to have.

Posted (edited)

Note from cache owner...


To the members of the HCT (Hanseatic Cache Team). Your individual logs have been deleted. As your original individual logs state, you logged as part of the HCT. Therefore your "finds" should be claimed as part of that team and not as an individual find. If you'd like to create a page for the Hanseatic Cache Team and claim your joint find please free to do so. Eagletrek


Sorry... I agree with the owner especially with the methods used by these "teams" during GW4.

Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed
(Note) May 27 by Cache Owner (834 found)

cache maintenance showed that the parks people had removed the cache due to the addition of the dog park. So I have changed the waypoint and container, and cache is now hiding in a different spot.

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:lol: May 11 by AAAAAA (4293 found)

I am going to log this as a find but the only thing there to find is a pencil. The cache container is gone. It was confirmed by another cacher I met in the area that had been there before (BBBBBB). The first 2 stages are OK but the last has been raided.


I found this one after looking at the cache listing to see if I wanted to try this one. I decided not to after the "find". I had not seen the note from the cache owner.

June 15 by XXXXXXXX (687 found)


Now that the cache issues have been resolved, we feel that we should be given credit for a find.

After spending over 5 hours on the cache only to log a DNF, the 3 of us were relieved to read YYYY & ZZZZ logs that in fact the cache had been mugged. All of us had a feeling they didn't believe us when we told them it wasn't there.

"There may be NO way anyone could find this accidentally," but if you spent over 2 hours at this spot like we did you would realize just how busy it really is. Over run by Quads and kayaks.

In the elusive search for the ammo box 2 biologist (AAA & BBB CCCCCCC) joined in on the search, telling us from the hint "you don't know your Ash from an Oak in the ground, that's a triple trunk Elm, and that the day befor they were taking pictures of a Rattle snake on the rock where the cache should havr been.

If the cache owner doesn't feel all of us are worthy of a find then he can take it from us. At any rate we won't be doing any Cheat River caches anytime soon!!!

June 15 by XXXXXXXX (687 found)


Now that the cache issues have been resolved, we feel that we should be given credit for a find.

After spending over 5 hours on the cache only to log a DNF, the 3 of us were relieved to read YYYY & ZZZZ logs that in fact the cache had been mugged. All of us had a feeling they didn't believe us when we told them it wasn't there.

"There may be NO way anyone could find this accidentally," but if you spent over 2 hours at this spot like we did you would realize just how busy it really is. Over run by Quads and kayaks.

In the elusive search for the ammo box 2 biologist (AAA & BBB CCCCCCC) joined in on the search, telling us from the hint "you don't know your Ash from an Oak in the ground, that's a triple trunk Elm, and that the day befor they were taking pictures of a Rattle snake on the rock where the cache should havr been.

If the cache owner doesn't feel all of us are worthy of a find then he can take it from us. At any rate we won't be doing any Cheat River caches anytime soon!!!


I saw that post too WB :lol:

Seems to be obsessed with the tree and surprised to hear of a snake in an area named *Snake Hill* ;)

:laughing: June 15 by XXXXXXX (359 found)

5:31 PM. WELL, we were here!!!...Found it!!!...Solved it!!!...Took 2 weeks to figure it out!!! (the puzzle that is)...and many miles to get here!!! Met the elderly gentleman who erected it...heard the story about the 92 year old lady who painted it...BUT!!!!!!!! Convinced yet? Didn't want to risk searching around for something as small as a 35mm film container just to chance signing the log with so many tiny muggles running around!!! Must be very well hidden, we tried to see if we could spot it by just casually walking by (didn't want to look TOO obvious)...we couldn't. Are you sure it's still out there? How many times can you pretend to be tying your shoe anyway??? Not too convincing if you're wearing sandals!!! Tried to stall for time, hoping the area would vacate soon, got sick on that darn merry-go-round. Feared this wonderful ICON of patriotic tribute might become a future target for mugglers if we hung around here too long. Extremely busy time of day...area has high spy potential (lots of observation portals if you know what we mean?)

How about we email you a description of what we found instead??? We're told they even got the town children involved in the planning and upkeep of the grounds to instill a sense of pride and cooperation in maintaining the area? GREAT IDEA!!! The old gent we spoke with didn't seem to be aware of there being a cache here? Didn't dare ask!!! Thanks for bringing us out to pay our respects...location might be better suited to a virtual??? No searching or log to sign? Wouldn't have to disturb anything, just LOOK and LEARN...or in this case REMEMBER???


OH NO...didn't realize this one had been archived while we were away from home. NOW WHAT.... We didn't sign the log (it appears there wasn't one to sign) but we WERE THERE!!!!! HONEST!!!! Drove many miles to get there too!!! Are we allowed to claim an archived cache???

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:laughing: June 22, 2005 by XXXXXX (221 found)

logging as a find even though it is missing after a call to the owner and realising that I was just a few days late. Oh well, and to think I shop at that store.

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Posted (edited)
:laughing: June 8 by xxxxx (1388 found)

After emailing the cache owner, I found that I had indeed discovered the hiding place for this cache. Very close to another I found a year ago. Nice find on my birthday ! No log in sight though


(The cache was found ten days later by another cacher with the original log intact.) :tired:

Edited by n0wae
June 15 by XXXXXXXX (687 found)


Now that the cache issues have been resolved, we feel that we should be given credit for a find.

After spending over 5 hours on the cache only to log a DNF, the 3 of us were relieved to read YYYY & ZZZZ logs that in fact the cache had been mugged. All of us had a feeling they didn't believe us when we told them it wasn't there.

"There may be NO way anyone could find this accidentally," but if you spent over 2 hours at this spot like we did you would realize just how busy it really is. Over run by Quads and kayaks.

In the elusive search for the ammo box 2 biologist (AAA & BBB CCCCCCC) joined in on the search, telling us from the hint "you don't know your Ash from an Oak in the ground, that's a triple trunk Elm, and that the day befor they were taking pictures of a Rattle snake on the rock where the cache should havr been.

If the cache owner doesn't feel all of us are worthy of a find then he can take it from us. At any rate we won't be doing any Cheat River caches anytime soon!!!


I saw that post too WB :laughing:

Seems to be obsessed with the tree and surprised to hear of a snake in an area named *Snake Hill* :unsure:

Totally bizarre! The (ahem) logic was an exemplary example of madness! Thanks for this one, WV and WB!


How about this "find" on one of my caches:


May XX by XXX XXX (XXX found)

OK, in my defense, I DID slog my up the HARD way, through thick undergrowth, snake and tick territory, and DID make a serious attempt to find this cache! At one point, coming out of nowhere, a large bush whacked me in the eye, causing a corneal abrasion(which I later found out after consulting with our opthalmologist friend). My eye hurts and my vision is fuzzy (I am doing all my logging with only one eye--whine-whine!) So, after that lovely event, I retreated to the car....saying bad things about caches that require bushwhacking! Because I was very close to actual cache location and since I was bodily injured in the attempt, I am counting this as a find!! Thanks for the cache...I think....


How about this "find" on one of my caches:


May XX by XXX XXX (XXX found)

OK, in my defense, I DID slog my up the HARD way, through thick undergrowth, snake and tick territory, and DID make a serious attempt to find this cache! At one point, coming out of nowhere, a large bush whacked me in the eye, causing a corneal abrasion(which I later found out after consulting with our opthalmologist friend). My eye hurts and my vision is fuzzy (I am doing all my logging with only one eye--whine-whine!) So, after that lovely event, I retreated to the car....saying bad things about caches that require bushwhacking! Because I was very close to actual cache location and since I was bodily injured in the attempt, I am counting this as a find!! Thanks for the cache...I think....


<NOTE>June 20 by Criminal (319 found)

Wow, we can say we Found It when we didn’t find anything? Man, I’ve been playing this game all wrong; I thought that was what Did Not Find was for!

:) June 19 by AAAAAA (126 found)

The person who hid this one said I was right on it and would have found it if it had not been missing. I guess I can rebuild the gazebo and replant the shrubbery.

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<ARCHIVE>June 7 by CACHEWONER (360 found)

Archiving this one so that someone else can place a cache here...this one has come up missing twice....

:rolleyes: June 6 by BBBBBBB (1696 found)

I'm logging it as a find as I've been to this cache twice and was obviously looking in the correct area and would have found it if it were still here. I contacted to owner to let him know it was missing.



Cachers looked for it, didn;t find it. Logged a <need maintenance> note.

Cache Owner <disables it>, and the same day Cachers log a mysterious find??


:huh: February 21 by Cacher(52 found)

See comment...

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<Disabled> February 21 by Owner (4007 found)

Oops, someone didn't secure the lid so the cache needs maintenance. Won't be able to get to the cache for several days to a week. Sorry, Owner

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<Needs Maintenance Log> February 18 by Cacher (52 found)

Found the cache, but only the screw top lid of the container was under the metal cap. It appears that the rest of the container is missing, or may have slipped down into the pole. Dissapointed in not being able to sign it, as it was an ingenious place to hide it.

Posted (edited)
<_< June 4 by EEEEEEEEEE (8265 found)

You are not kidding about the poison ivy....the mosquitoes came out as well. We looked in all the obvious spots and had no luck. Thanks anyways. There was one fishing muggle at ground zero. The view here is breath-taking.

Thanks for granting us permission to log it as a find (darn muggles).


:huh: May 30 by GGGGGGGG (32 found)

We were really disappointed not to find this one. There were no muggles today so we looked for at least 20 minutes to no avail. I got plenty of bug bites to show for it, though!

O.K., so it looks like muggles got this one. Thanks, OWNER, for allowing us to log this one. It makes up for the poison something I think I picked up at the cache!!! It is healing, by the way :rolleyes:


Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed

Too many "finds" to cut and paste here, just click here and read them for yourself.


You forgot to mention this line from the page:


Originally this cache was to be a virtual one but that was not approved so we added the micro-cache. There is considerable traffic at this location and you can record a find at the site by sending an email telling what this is about and the date in the future that a item will be opened.


If the owner says OK, what is the problem?


Hey Criminal...


Ever been to Illinois? If you have.. close enough... I'm saying it's O.K. to log all of my caches, while you're at it.. log the archived caches also. <_<:rolleyes:


Too many "finds" to cut and paste here, just click here and read them for yourself.


You forgot to mention this line from the page:


Originally this cache was to be a virtual one but that was not approved so we added the micro-cache. There is considerable traffic at this location and you can record a find at the site by sending an email telling what this is about and the date in the future that a item will be opened.


If the owner says OK, what is the problem?

Because this thread is about saying you Found It when you did not. The cache owner cannot make a lie into the truth.


Hey Criminal...


Ever been to Illinois? If you have.. close enough... I'm saying it's O.K. to log all of my caches, while you're at it.. log the archived caches also. :huh:<_<

Well, HQ Air Mobility Command is there, and I have to deal with them daily. Is that enough? :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Hey Criminal...


Ever been to Illinois? If you have.. close enough... I'm saying it's O.K. to log all of my caches, while you're at it.. log the archived caches also. :huh:<_<

Well, HQ Air Mobility Command is there, and I have to deal with them daily. Is that enough? :rolleyes:


Ahh.. close enough you were "in the area". Go ahead and log 'em. But at least take a picture to prove..uhm.. something.

Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed

Originally this cache was to be a virtual one but that was not approved so we added the micro-cache. There is considerable traffic at this location and you can record a find at the site by sending an email telling what this is about and the date in the future that a item will be opened.


Hah! That is a clever way to get around the "no new virtuals" rule. I might have to try it some time. :D


I have seen Illinois on a map, so I am going to log some too!


Well then you would know exactly right where they would be... you have my blessing! :anicute:


Oh... please post a pic of the map you looked at so I can verify that you indeed have seen the map.

Oh... please post a pic of the map you looked at so I can verify that you indeed have seen the map.


I think if he looked for a map but couldn't find one that he should still be allowed to log all the caches in Illinois. Afterall, he can say he at least looked for a map. It's not his fault he couldn't find a map. Maybe someone took the map. Maybe someone took Illinois. Maybe if he said he once saw a map of Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, or Kentucky, or what he thought was one of those state, that would get them close enough to Illinois for a find.

Posted (edited)
Oh... please post a pic of the map you looked at so I can verify that you indeed have seen the map.


I think if he looked for a map but couldn't find one that he should still be allowed to log all the caches in Illinois. Afterall, he can say he at least looked for a map. It's not his fault he couldn't find a map. Maybe someone took the map. Maybe someone took Illinois. Maybe if he said he once saw a map of Missouri, Wisconsin, Indiana, or Kentucky, or what he thought was one of those state, that would get them close enough to Illinois for a find.


He can just throw down a new map or draw a map on a scrap of paper. That should do it ... but just in case, I carry a map in my pocket so if you meet me, you can log them. :anicute: (This is just getting silly now)

Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed
:lol: June 10 by XXXXXXX (# found)

TFTC. I also looked for the top. It looks like the grass was mowed recently. If the cap was on the ground then, it is long gone.


Cache has been archived since April 2004. Chalk it up to newbie error?


I DNF'd a cache in Shanghai that is clearly gone, the next cachers log:


Log Date: 6/16/2006

Our first cache in China. Beautiful spot, and enjoyed introducing my Canadian Trade Mission participants to geocaching - at least one of them is "hooked".


As with previous cacher, we found the spot, but no film canister. Left a couple of Canadian souvenirs behind, perhaps someone can provide a container?


Thanks for the cool cache in a great location!


How the HECK is that a find?

:( June 11 by bbbbbb (316 found)

Found with aaaaaa


:) June 11 by aaaaaa (320 found)

Found this one on our weekly caching excursion with bbbbbb. Not sure if we can still log it but am sending e-mail, just in case. Glad we visited the site, even if we can't log the cache.


This cache was archived May 30! :grin:

Posted (edited)
:rolleyes: June 19 by XXXXXX (6316 found)

Visiting from Denver. Second DNF in a row...


They logged it as a "found it", but states DNF??

Edited by Ed & Julie

Two from the same cache


:rolleyes: June 23, 2004 by TTTTT (508 found)

No cache container

But what a view

Thanks for the adventure


:rolleyes: May 1, 2003 by mmmmmmms (216 found)

Yeah, the cache is gone. We went by and with the encrypted description we were in the right place. I think that if this cache were placed 50 yards down the hill further, it would probably have not been found by non-geocachers. As it was, it was less than 15 yards from a major ATV Track. On the other hand, the view of Horseshoe springs was cool. Neat place. Driven by here before and never paid attention.


:) une 16 by KKKKK (594 found)


Found it - sorta - found the spot - no cache - it was a fun hunt anyway. I was looking and refiguring when who comes along - but CCCEH off we go - then GGGGGGG comes along - after a little more looking - we discover it is missing - that's when the real hunt starts - to try to find the container. No luck - and I see now why we were unsuccessful. Well... I had a nice morning/afternoon with 2 great geocachers.

BTW - the Father's Day gift has been purchased and is hidden somewhere in the house (what else would you expect from a geocacher!!!)


And CCCEH - I will take you up on that offer next time.


Same cache...



:D June 16 by CCCEH (15677 found)


Got a late start today due to an appointment and as I was heading down I-83 to STATEONTHEEASTCOAST for some light caching, decided to give this a 'go' before DDDDDDD beat me to it.

Made one mistake and called GGGGGGGGGGG from the parking lot of an industrial area with some adjoining woods and he tells me to READ CAREFULLY the print out. Duh-Oh! It is staring me right in the face. I hang up without saying 'thank you' or 'good bye' and rush right on over to the spot which is not far from where my miscalculations had me.


JUMP out of the Beetle and rush towards GZ and a voice asks me if I've figured it out and wants to know how i did...i see it is KKKKKKK and tell her to come along and i'll explain it all to her AFTER finding it.


Well we get to GZ and start looking in all the likely spots and who do we see next but GGGGGGG and children!

He reminds me of the terrain rating and so i try to make it a notch higher! He says that he's not that mean and then I spy the hiding spot but where's the cache?!?!?


Not one to give up easily, I fan out and start checking to see if it is blown down or rolled down the little hill. There is surprisingly little litter and we find it very hard to imagine a muggle making that much of an exertion. We have also checked the dumpster and trash can.


We go back to the parking lot and by that time, a fellow pulls up in a truck and sticks around a long time while we talk about geocaching. Finally KKKKKKK asks him if he saw the geocache. No he is only here to enjoy his lunch break.

Well it doesn't hurt to ask.


I open the geo-bug and offer a replacement but GGGGGGGGG says that is not necessary. Wow this is the shortest life span of any cache! Sorry to see it misunderstood. Maybe i should come down and talk to that neighbor???


Don't get bummed, I had a blast! And FTF is fun even when things aren't always the way they should be. That's life and you got to roll with the punches.


Offered to take KKKKKK to Maryland with me caching but seems Fathers Day shopping is on her agenda. Not me. My Father's gift has long been purchased and wrapped. Got to make hay while the sun shines and cache on.


Thanks again for the geocoin! We are old timers you know?



SO the owner replaces it and allows them to "find" it again...


June 23 by GGGGGG (1502 found)


I went to the police station and got my original container back. They were really nice about the whole thing. I decided to try a totally different area. Those folks who found it the first time may find it again, but you will have a huge advantage breaking the code since you did it before. Thanks for your patience.

:) June 19 by XXXXXX (6316 found)

Visiting from Denver. Second DNF in a row...


They logged it as a "found it", but states DNF??

Some peopke make mistakes... I know I've accidentally been on autopilot and selected "Found It" for a DNF. The cache owner should pick up on the mistake if the logger doesn't. (at least that's how it should work)
<NOTE> June 26 by Criminal (319 found)

Wow, we can log bees as a cache find? Is that one find per bee?

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:D June 25 by AAAAA (15 found)

Heed CCCCC’s Warning!!! The hiding spot was literally humming with bees!

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<DISABLE> June 25 by CACHEOWNER (431 found)

We are temporarily disabling this cache due to the apparent infestation of bees. We will check it out and take appropriate measures for safety. Thanks to Team Dubbin for notifying us of this hazard.

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<sba> June 25 byCCCCC (182 found)

Do to the bees this cache needs to be archived before someone gets hurt or dies from an allergic reaction. There must be thousands of bees inside this tree.

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:D June 25 by CCCCC (182 found)


The tree that the cache is in is completely infested with bees. It is so bad that the whole tree buzzes. I had a visual on the cache so I am logging it as a found even though I didn't sign the log. You cannot even get close to the hiding spot without being swarmed by the bees.

[view this log on a separate page]

:) June 4 by DDDDDD (65 found)

Clever hide. Good thing we didn't look too closely where the bees were hanging out. TNLNSL.


:D June 23 by w*******y (1102 found)

Finally got back to Hazel Green for some caching today. I got to the cache and was trying to retrieve it. It slipped back further into the hidey hole and fell out of reach. I guess the whole log was hollow. I was unable to retrieve the log to sign it. Sorry!


And still claims a find. :)


Originally this cache was to be a virtual one but that was not approved so we added the micro-cache. There is considerable traffic at this location and you can record a find at the site by sending an email telling what this is about and the date in the future that a item will be opened.

Hah! That is a clever way to get around the "no new virtuals" rule. I might have to try it some time. :)

On a recent road trip, I loaded my GPSr with Difficulty 2/Terrain 2 (and under) Traditional caches close to the road.


Most of the time, I wouldn't read the cache description in my Palm first because I could just follow the arrow on my GPSr. The Waypoint name on it told me what size container I was looking for (M for Micro, S for small, R for Regular). I got to one location that had a fantastic view. I looked and looked and looked for the "Unknown" container. Finally I got out the Palm to read the Description and the Hint.


That is when I found out the cache owner had converted the cache to a Virtual after the container went missing. Of course, it is still listed as a Traditional on GC.com.

Posted (edited)

icon_smile.gif June 25 by SSSSSSS (27 found)

In (town) for my aunts b-day party and found this cache on a rainy sunday. The trail was beautiful and looks to be a great resource for the school and community. TFTC!


icon_needsmaint.gif May 7 by ggggg (204 found)

Found exact location (from GPS and photo of log) but cache was missing. Wanting credit for the find, I left a small paper log in the cache site.


Interesting concept - Wanting credit for a find. It appears that the cache is still there! With the cache owner missing since September (and not caching since she went off to college two years ago), it might be a very long wait.

Edited by Harry Dolphin

If the archived cache is still in location, why shouldn't you be able to log it? Sign log, get smiley?

I agree and have logged archived caches that were still there myself. I should have made it clear in my post that the cache wasn't there. My bad.

:P May 11 by XXXXXXX (4354 found)

I am going to log this as a find but the only thing there to find is a pencil. The cache container is gone. It was confirmed by another cacher I met in the area that had been there before (YYYYYY). The first 2 stages are OK but the last has been raided.

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:ph34r: June 28 by Criminal (320 found)

I want a fake find too! Its missing and it needs to be replaced or archived (again).

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<ARCHIVE> June 28 by CACHEOWNER (131 found)

Too many problems getting this one to remain where I want it.


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:ph34r: June 28 by XXXXXX (1623 found)

Its missing and it needs to be replaced or archived (again)

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