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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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Posted (edited)

I don't get why some of these people feel the need to "find" a cache that they've never found...to build Smiley Armies?


The very first cache I looked for, I couldn't find because the coordinates were off (it was new-never found) and I contacted the owner who promptly checked and republished the coordinates.


I didn't even consider posting a Found.


It'd be like winning an Easter Egg hunt with an Empty Basket by claiming that you had "found" the most eggs because you could see them from the starting line, or you just "knew" that they were out there in the grass somewhere...

Edited by conradv

"I found the proper XXXX and searched all over but came up empty so I replaced the missing container with a film canister. Thanks for the walk."


This came up recently on one of my watches. I found this thread when looking for something as to whether this (replacing someone else's cache) is acceptable or not.

Now if I go hunt and find this replacement, is that a legitimate find? Asking seriously.


I don't get why some of these people feel the need to "find" a cache that they've never found...to build Smiley Armies?


It's because they were taught from birth that if they aren't successful then the other kids won't like them or play with them. It shows they have no personal morals or standards and that anything is alright because it's them doing it. A simple lack of moral fiber.

icon_smile.gifMay 20, 2005 by ssssssss (1370 found)

We didnt have the paper along just the clue and looked and looked and had the right spot for sure. We were on our way to Minnasota for the weekend for camping/geocaching. We are marking this one as a find since this is the spot now that it should of been. We wished it was here so we could of log the logbook. Thanks anyways.


They couldn't find the cache, which has obviously been muggled. (I've found it... It's one of those hides where you get to the cache area and there's only one obvious place for it to be hinding, and sure enough, that's where it is.)


I hope they were able to find "Minnasota"...


"I found the proper XXXX and searched all over but came up empty so I replaced the missing container with a film canister. Thanks for the walk."


This came up recently on one of my watches. I found this thread when looking for something as to whether this (replacing someone else's cache) is acceptable or not.

Now if I go hunt and find this replacement, is that a legitimate find? Asking seriously.

If it was placed without the cache owner's OK, I would dispose of the replacement and note it on the cache page.

Posted (edited)
:D May 21 by xxxxxx (1241 found)

Just getting around to log this, We went along the trail and the post was on the ground so the direction was unavailable. Thanks for the cache."


This was just posted today, but back dated. This virtual cache was disabled 5/21 after we e-mailed the owner. Anyway we didn't see any other hikers on the trail that day, and couldn't remember that cacher posting any other finds in Hawaii (hey it's a small island and it would be strange for a visitors only find to be a virtual on a little known trial). I checked their profile and with today's date they have logged virtual caches in Hawaii, Georgia, Colorado and Arkansas. Yesterday's logs include caches in Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Florida. :D Hopefully some of the cache owners will delete the bogus logs if the correct info was not supplied via e-mail.

Edited by sillygirl & jrr
Posted (edited)
:D January 12 by ???? (353 found)

Myslef and K-9 went to this cache, after looking around which I didn't find it in its; spot, however in looking around I found the 50 cal ammo can out on the ice, it appeared that the kids, or whoever were using it for hockey. Yes the ice is thin, I coched the K-9 to go out on the ice and bring in the ammo can. This can contained nothing, and the cover was missing. I have the can with me. I did see however the person before me found the log book on the path. I am taking credit for this find and the person before me should also. He has the log book and I have the can. let me know if I can claim same. If around I'll show you where it should be.


The cache was not an ammo can so I don't know what the January 12 find was talking about. What's worse, he encourages the previous finder, a newbie with only 2 finds under his belt at the time, to change their log to find on a cache he didn't own! [side note -- I can only imagine him coaching his dog to fetch the mysterious ammo can from the ice! Laughing so hard over that one!]


:D January 2 by ???? (53 found)

dont know if it is there anymore . found the log book in the middle of the path . signed the log


The above log was edited and changed from a note to a find in April. So he did take the other cacher's advice although a few months later and long after it had been archived. Previously it read as follows:


dont know if it is there anymore . found the log book in the middle of the path .



The owner acknowledged they didn't find it, but let the logs stand:


(note) January 12 by ???? ( found)

I meant to archive this a few weeks ago. Neither of you found the cache, but hey whatever floats your boat.

Edited by Bear Paughs

May 3 by ?????

Found the "spot" where the cache should have been, but absolutely nothing now. I'm logging as a find, since if it would have been there, we would have found it. Will come back out to sign the log when (and if) it ever comes back. Stopped and played handball in the tennis courts.




I have just over 100 finds. Hard earned, worked for finds. Pen to paper log on everyone. It will probably be years before I get to 1000 finds, but I don't care. I would rather only have 999 finds if having that many is because I FOUND that many.

:D July 1 by Xxxxxxxx (1809 found)

This name ended up being ironic. I had searched for this cache for quite a while. Thought I knew where it was from the hint but wasn't brave enough to explore further. When I got the guts up and was retrieving the cache there was a whole bunch of commotion. A guy running out of the park with cops chasing him . Cops and rangers coming from all directions on foot and car and they brought that guy down! I have no idea what was going on but wasn't going to stick around and find out. I was outta there!

Sorry, (owner) I will sign the log next time I'm in town.


Sorta a find, I guess...


I have just over 100 finds. Hard earned, worked for finds. Pen to paper log on everyone. It will probably be years before I get to 1000 finds, but I don't care. I would rather only have 999 finds if having that many is because I FOUND that many.

I have respect for you and your 100 finds. You are wise to cache with a sense of honor that elevates you far above the cachers with higher but ill gained numbers.


Just curious. How widespread geographically is this found = DNF ? Is it common in some region(s) or other(s) , or pretty well distributed? Also, is there a correlation with number of finds, or start date? How about other countries? Some of you folks have been doing some pretty diligent searching, to my everlasting gratitude and amusement. Have you seen any patterns?

Posted (edited)

I would say they are everywhere. If you just take a few minutes and looks at caches that have recently been disabled or archived, you are bound to find this type of log. Then again there are those cachers that are infamous for their logging practices.


This type of practice doesn't always correlate with big number folks. There are alot of high number cachers that are honest about what they claim as finds.


It is fun, isn't it? :)

Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed

Just curious. How widespread geographically is this found = DNF ? Is it common in some region(s) or other(s) , or pretty well distributed? Also, is there a correlation with number of finds, or start date? How about other countries? Some of you folks have been doing some pretty diligent searching, to my everlasting gratitude and amusement. Have you seen any patterns?


It happens all over, but seems to be very prevalent in certain areas. You will find that a good percentage of the logs noted in this thread come from a certain group of high numbers cachers in southeastern PA. Fl also seems to have more than their share. I guess its the way geocaching "culture" evolves in some areas. Maybe there is something in the water.


And no, diligent searching is not necessary. I enjoy looking through the recent logs on the home page and run into a lot of them that way. Also, the big cheaters are fairly well known so an occasional look at thier latest "finds" will uncover a wealth of these phony logs.


I do handle it this way: If I found a cache, I log it as found. If I was just there, but not able to search (muggles etc.) I don't log anything. If I was there and searched but couldn't find it for whatever reason, I log an DNF. If I was there several tims but couldn't find it, I might log another note and write the author asking for a hint.


So once I was looking for an Traditional, being at the spot the first time. Looking around but found nothing. Didn't want to log as DNF just because of running out of ideas where it might have been hidden and confirming that I'm a newbie. Thus I didn't log yet because I still was curious and wanted to try again within the next days. The second time I couldn't search due to muggles, so I didn't log anything as well. Third time I searched even longer, couldn't find it and logged an DNF. Also emailed the author for a hint and he answered as a puzzle which I had to think about. After this hint (telling me that I should act like one person which is described in a well known fairy-tale) I had to slap myself, lol. One of the persons in that fairy story was always looking up. And I was searching at the ground. I remembered, when I was there for the very first time, I saw a small birdhouse and at that time a bird was actually sitting and chirping at it's roof. So I didn't mind taking a second look at this birdhouse. I wrote the owner back, that I've seen this birdhouse but didn't want to disturb the birds as they might breed. He wrote back that they won't be able to do so. Being there the fourth time I was just looking for the birdhouse. Well it was a fake one but looking real. Inside I found the cache and afterwards logged my find.


The only exception logging a find without to fulfill the requirements of the owner was a virtual cache abroad (about 2000 miles away from home) near the airport of that area. At that time I was looking for a Traditional and for the Virtual (a 10 miles hike). As I was hiking I left all my baggage at the airport and just taking a GC and my GPS with me. I actually found both places, signed the logbook at the tradi, exchanged GC's and logged both as found. When I came back to the airport and looked at the website to log my finds, I became aware that I should have taken a picture for the virtual. But I couldn't do so, as I had to leave the area to continue my trip. But I think the owner agreed because he was able to see that I was there at that time as I also logged the Traditional and exchanged things there which proved my visit somehow.


So my conclusion is: If there is a cache with a logbook, I will only log a "Found it" when I was able to sign the logbook - or, if this is not possible (maybe the pen is broken and I haven't one with me) to describe my "Find" in details by writing the owner in order not to spoil the fun for others but proving that I had it in my hands. If the cache doesn't contain a logbook (like for virtuals), I log the "Found it" by proving the owner that I was there (making a picture, describing details which cannot be known without being there etc.)


And the same will go for my cache(s). If the cacher won't be able to prove that he or she has been found my cache (there are several possibilities, like the color of the lid, the color of the logbook or something else, a log in the logbook of course), I will delete "Found it" logs after trying to contact him.




Just curious. How widespread geographically is this found = DNF ? Is it common in some region(s) or other(s) , or pretty well distributed? Also, is there a correlation with number of finds, or start date? How about other countries? Some of you folks have been doing some pretty diligent searching, to my everlasting gratitude and amusement. Have you seen any patterns?


It's everywhere- I see log after log mentioning it. :)


Just curious. How widespread geographically is this found = DNF ? Is it common in some region(s) or other(s) , or pretty well distributed? Also, is there a correlation with number of finds, or start date? How about other countries? Some of you folks have been doing some pretty diligent searching, to my everlasting gratitude and amusement. Have you seen any patterns?


It happens all over, but seems to be very prevalent in certain areas. You will find that a good percentage of the logs noted in this thread come from a certain group of high numbers cachers in southeastern PA. Fl also seems to have more than their share. I guess its the way geocaching "culture" evolves in some areas. Maybe there is something in the water.


And no, diligent searching is not necessary. I enjoy looking through the recent logs on the home page and run into a lot of them that way. Also, the big cheaters are fairly well known so an occasional look at thier latest "finds" will uncover a wealth of these phony logs.


There are a few from Wisconsin that do it too. :)


This one was last found on February 18th. Followed by eight DNFs, a temporarily unavailable by the owner on March 6, a note by the last finder that is was missing on March 4, and a note from the local reviewer that mainenance was requied on July 2.

That didn't stop this finder!

July 13 by WWWWW (163 found)

I didn't see the note about the cache being missing but I found the location and the piece of wood that was used to cover the cache. I guess this either became a discontinued cache today or I had a problem with the download of the cache. Either way, I consider this found and thanks for taking care of this.


This one was last found on February 18th. Followed by eight DNFs, a temporarily unavailable by the owner on March 6, a note by the last finder that is was missing on March 4, and a note from the local reviewer that mainenance was requied on July 2.

That didn't stop this finder!

July 13 by WWWWW (163 found)

I didn't see the note about the cache being missing but I found the location and the piece of wood that was used to cover the cache. I guess this either became a discontinued cache today or I had a problem with the download of the cache. Either way, I consider this found and thanks for taking care of this.


Oh that's rich!


"a piece of wod that was used to cover the cache."


HTF does he/she know that? :laughing:


The classic throwdown cache. So now there is a film canister somewhere in the vicinity of what was once a regular cache.


icon_sad.gif July 12 by niraD (225 found)

I decided to do a little geocaching after a company picnic in Coyote Point Park. Now I wish I had read the logs for this one before spending so much time looking for it. I found the film canister left by Peasinapod, but it wasn't a regular-size container, and there was nothing identifying it as a geocache. It looks like the owner burned out a week after creating a GC.com account, and this cache is orphaned. :-(


:laughing: July 11 by ppppp (4526 found)

Obviuosly this one was gone so I paid my Geo-tax and replaced the container with a film canister hidden under the big rock. At least there is something to find for now.


icon_sad.gifJune 21 by rwclady (271 found)

I hadn't read the logs before looking for this. Spent a fair amount of time looking and not too many places to hide it.


icon_sad.gif June 18 by Graniteandgraham (328 found)

Ok. I guess we should've read the previous logs before our search, but like the others, we had no luck finding this one. Must be gone. B)


icon_needsmaint.gif May 20 by Krypton (0 found)

I have recieved a request to adopt this cache but really think the owner needs to performmaint on it and get it back in shape. I will be checking back on it to make sure the maint is done in a resonable amount of time (4 weeks).


Thanks for your cooperation!


Northern California Volunteer Cache Reviewer


icon_sad.gif April 23 by Dr. Silver Streak (121 found)

I was in the area so thought I would also take a look. There is a limited number of hiding places from the GPS spot. I checed very thoroughly and I doubt very much it is still there. I would suggest the owner archive this until it can be checked out.


icon_sad.gif March 24 by GeoWomyn_SF_CA (1526 found)

I am certain this cache is gone. As others have reported this area has been cleared of bushes. We looked around at a 60 foot radius from zero point. The owner of this cache may want to take a look.


icon_sad.gif March 4 by Gary&Vicky (4917 found)

The landscapers (con-crew) were on a break so we looked for the cache in the few places that had not been cut to the ground. When the crew returned we left. We wonder if this cache is still here.


icon_sad.gif March 4 by budd-rdc (3187 found)

I suggest a maintenance visit for this one, since many of the bushes and the branches were trimmed or cut, and there was a major sweeping of the area recently. I searched the area extensively (both up and down), but maybe I just missed it. However, there's a chance it was taken by a gardener or a maintenance crew.


icon_sad.gif February 25 by TBD&D (270 found)

We need help with this! The coordinates were not working - we were getting very bad switchy reception - so wanted to resort to the hint, and there was none. We think this one needs a hint due to the bad reception and the wide multitude of possible hide locations. Can you help us? Thanks! B and D of TBD&D



The classic throwdown cache. So now there is a film canister somewhere in the vicinity of what was once a regular cache.


icon_sad.gif July 12 by niraD (225 found)

I decided to do a little geocaching after a company picnic in Coyote Point Park. Now I wish I had read the logs for this one before spending so much time looking for it. I found the film canister left by Peasinapod, but it wasn't a regular-size container, and there was nothing identifying it as a geocache. It looks like the owner burned out a week after creating a GC.com account, and this cache is orphaned. :-(


:laughing: July 11 by ppppp (4526 found)

Obviuosly this one was gone so I paid my Geo-tax and replaced the container with a film canister hidden under the big rock. At least there is something to find for now.


icon_sad.gifJune 21 by rwclady (271 found)

I hadn't read the logs before looking for this. Spent a fair amount of time looking and not too many places to hide it.



Kudos to niraD for the DNF on the film can.


Once again, I ask (as I have several times before, as has Keystone Reviewer) that this thread not be a discussion of said logs, but rather a simple list of them. Please bring your discussions to the General Topic forum.


Now.. for my most recent entry:


:lol: June 17 by CACHER (649 found)

Last find of the day for me. If I want to call it a find. All I did was buy a new keyholder, print off a micro log and sign my name and replace it. But, the cache is up and running again.


Afterwards, I stopped in the store. Just in time....want a great thick cheeseburger, this is the place!



Posted (edited)
:huh: November 6, 2005 by XXXX (75 found)

********** Expected a better day and to enjoy the view but some mist squelched that. This is steep enough that it is slippery underfoot in leaves and loose stones. Hiking poles would help. Placed our GPS unit reading between 0-4 feet at the pile of rocks described but no container was found. Conducted a thorough expanded search but nothing. We believe it has gone missing.

[view this log on a separate page]

:huh: November 6, 2005 by YYYYYYY (1877 found)

XXXXX did the hike up Bristol Peak on this dreary, cloudy and drizzily day. We had no trouble finding the correct route and made the steep climb up to the cache site without incident. We found the pile of rocks, right at the coordinates, where the cache was supposed to be. However, there was no cache! We spent about 30 minutes expanding our search area more than 50 feet without finding anything. We feel we searched pretty throughly and the cache seems to have gone missing. We hope the owner will check on it and replace it if it is missing. We would like to come up on a nice day and see the view. Changed to a Smiley 12/6/05. We found where it was!

Edited by Criminal
Posted (edited)
:huh: November 20, 2005 by ZZZZZZ (192 found)

Found the spot it used to be in, looks like bigA was right, it's been Muggled. Nothing left.

Edited by Criminal
July 18 by RRRRRR (1041 found)

Logging as found with owner's permission.

Found nothing but poison ivy, a posted sign, and a small piece of the cache.

Thanks for such a quick response.

Posted (edited)
:) July 3 by xxxxxx (3102 found)

Been too long since this great location had a find. Found location no problem, coordinates right on. No sign of container. Tried to call owner, but he was at work.

Hope you don't mind that I replaced it with a container I had with me. 4x4 lock and lock container with log, carabiner, precision screwdrivers and polished rocks.


Edited by GBOTS
Posted (edited)
:P October 14, 2005 by SSSSSSSS (782 found)

We did find this--but not the cache, of course. Did the series with my daughter and son-in-law today. Nice series, included a picture of the broken sign


Edited by FallenFaery & Special Ed
Posted (edited)

not sure if these count



September 17, 2005 by TheW (14 found)

Found with "Pgl", at 5:29 P.M. No trades (it's a micro). The posted coordinates are very accurate, to within 2 feet or so. Nice job ! We didn't sign the log book, but I took a photo of the cache, and I will e-mail it to you in a few minutes, to prove that me and "Pg" found this cache. Thanks for the great cache. :-) - "TheW".


the person they were with



September 17, 2005 by Pg (11 found)

2nd of two caches today. Found at 5:28 P.M., with TW. No trades (it's a micro cache). Didn't sign the log. Me and TW took a photo of the cache, and TW will e-mail it to you, to prove we found it. Thanks for this great cache - "Pg".

Edited by Keruso

Here's one I found:



Obviuosly this one was gone so I paid my Geo-tax and replaced the container with a film canister hidden under the big rock. At least there is something to find for now.


(and I noticed they had well over 4000 "finds" logged)


Here's one I found:



Obviuosly this one was gone so I paid my Geo-tax and replaced the container with a film canister hidden under the big rock. At least there is something to find for now.


(and I noticed they had well over 4000 "finds" logged)

That's a re-run from the top of this same page, even. :)


In KC there is a VC that is being logged as "found" however the item you are to find is missing and has been for at least 2 years!! Over that time there has been at least 70 finds and maybe as many as 100!!




There is no cache and the coordinates are in the middle of the Great Salt Lake, but it has been "found" 26 times.

More than once by some.



November 6, 2005 by kkkkkk (652 found)

Found this - the answer is on the way - have been here before on a visit to NYC - never knew it was a cache. The front was under construction during our visit.


The object of this virtual cache is to count the number of stone faces on the building. It's a great building!

For most of 1995, the front of the building was undergoing cleaning, and was hidden from view.

Count the stone faces. And, yet, 95 cachers logged it! Who said tht only Superman has x-ray vision?

November 6, 2005 by kkkkkk (652 found)

Found this - the answer is on the way - have been here before on a visit to NYC - never knew it was a cache. The front was under construction during our visit.


The object of this virtual cache is to count the number of stone faces on the building. It's a great building!

For most of 1995, the front of the building was undergoing cleaning, and was hidden from view.

Count the stone faces. And, yet, 95 cachers logged it! Who said tht only Superman has x-ray vision?

It was only covered with scaffolding and netting, and you could see some of the faces. I think this one was OK, although obviously not as cool as it is when there was no covering.


Another "logged with permission":


:unsure: July 23 by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (741 found)

Even tho part of it was gone. We were given permission to log this one.Thanks for the cache, XXxxxx Xxxx

Posted (edited)

Wow...having found this cache myself a while ago, this one is a post I HAVE to rant about. Wow...especially with the disable comment from owner, and previous "finds", which technically count, since they found the log.


Cache Logs

July 24 by YYYYY (131 found)

Well, shucks, this is what I get for not reading logs. As I approached the area I noticed a lot of garbage strewn around a "hangout" spot near a hole in the ground. It looks like this might be a place for youngsters to get into mischief. Anyway, I meandered down towards the coordinates and found nothing. So I searched,searched and searched some more. I found some tape attached to the title plaque that must have been on the outside of the ammo box It clearly was written Hideaway.[<_<:blink:] Sorry the cache gotmuggled. Well, I am taking credit for this one, when it gets back up again I can bring out a TB. TFTH.

[view this log on a separate page]


July 12 by OWNER (3 found)

Sorry guys.... Ammo can has been stolen... Hope to get it up soon.

[view this log on a separate page]


July 11 by ZZZZ(84 found)

XXXXX and I were looking and looking but we couldn't find it and I moved to another area and noticed alot of stuff on the ground. It finally clicked that some of the stuff had travel bug tags and that this was the cache contents. I hope the cache gets back up soon.

T: Pin L: Rhino

[view this log on a separate page]


July 11 by XXXXX (124 found)

Cache is gone! Please email me to arrange a place and time for me to pass the contents on to you.

[view this log on a separate page]


July 11 by XXXXX (124 found)

Well, ZZZZ found the log book and the cache contents strewn about the ground , but no cache was in site. Fortunately, the thief left the travel bugs and the geocoin with the log, so we rescued all the contents we could find and took them with us. (We weren't sure where the cache was supposed to be.)


I'll arrange with the cache owner to hand over the contents (less TBs and coin, which have already been placed in other caches).

Edited by NeverSummer
May 1, 2005 by xxxxxx (347 found)

Time to close the cache. The Fox Trot has left the river front.

[view this log on a separate page]


No Ride for you

April 17, 2005 by yyyyyy (4348 found)

I'm really sorry we missed the "main attraction" for this cache. They are one of my favorite things. I hope it finds a new home and that we can visit it when (NOT IF!) we return. (picture to come as soon as I get it from zzzzz)

Happy Trails,


April 17, 2005 by zzzzz (5597 found)

Took a while to discover it's NO longer here. That's what happens when I don't read the cache page. Got pictures though! Posting shortly.. Thanks, Trey

[view this log on a separate page]


April 17, 2005 by ?????? (3537 found)

this was weird--the item we were looking for was not there anymore, but I understand that if we post a picture of ourselves where the item USED to be, it is OK, so the picture will be posted tomorrow sometime. TFTC!

[view this log on a separate page]


You can even cheat on a virtual!

Posted (edited)

From a cache I adopted, shortly after finding (not finding it). Thought the logs in front of me were "strange" at the time. :shocked:



November 15, 2005 by *gln (1316 found)

Transfer complete... Thanks for maintaining this cache and giving it a second life .



;) October 25, 2005 by HellionX (18 found)

This was A great Find in a beautiful location




:P August 27, 2005 by 21C (43 found)

found it, not to hard to find once i believed my gps, used to have the same problem with a compass, thought i was smarter and i wasnt took 4 way whistle left 1st aid kit w/ 2 AA batteries inside also


:) August 8, 2005 by Jhwk (291 found)

Actually I replaced the cache that had gone missing for some months. The new container is a traditional ammo can filled with goodies, especially a new first to find prize for the next cacher to come this way. Once control of this cache gets passed to me, I will update the coords. for the cache from what is listed above. Based on my multiple readings, you should probably shoot for N 37* 38.868 W 092 01.210. From previous logs, folks seemed to have been confused by the coords. I took the cache out a few weeks ago and placed it in the tiney (tiny) cave, with a new log book and a disp. camera. The old cache container was still there so I packed that out. I think the culprit on this cache may have been some form of animal. Seems to have been "lost" a few times in the past. Hopefully a good ammo can will keep the critters out. I also added Sean's Kayak TB to sweeten the deal.


June 30, 2005 by *gln (1316 found)

NEEDS REAPIR/ Disabling cache.


Good Afternoon, OWNER


I hate to pop in here like this but from reading the last several logs on the Tiney Cave Cache

cache, it appears that this cache is in need of repair and has been for a while now. Since there still might be a box at the location, I can not archive it. When you get a chance, please stop by and do a little fixing up. If you choose to remove this cache you can archive it then.


Hope things get fixed up soon.

Glenn, your friendly Geocaching.com admin.

Missouri Geocachers Assoc (visit link)

*THE* Forums for Mo & Ks. (visit link)

St. Louis Area Geocachers Association (]visit link)


:( June 18, 2005 by Jhwk (291 found)

I'm afraid this cache is gone. As the last two visitors noted the container was not there, but I did find one just down the hill, and a small plastic motorcycle that may have been in the cache. Great site - I hope we get it back up and running again. Photos show the "leavings"

[image for this log] Leavings

The container was about 20 feet downhill from the tiny cave and the motorcycle was sitting at the entrance.


:D December 27, 2004 by YYYYY (15 found)

I found it with the help of my brother, sister and daughter. I love the area as I am from Kansas this is considerably different. We had the same trouble as the last log, there was no cache that we could find, we took nothing and left nothing, but loved the search any way. Thank you


B) September 18, 2004 by XXXXX (159 found)

I know I found the correct spot, but apparently, the cache has been muggled. I found a container, clear plastic jug, but there was no lid or contents.

Took a while to find this, but that was stupidity on my part. I knew "what" I was looking for, but for some reason I kept looking on top of the likely area. I should have been looking in the "cavey" area. Obviously, I did not sign the log.

Edited by Jhwk

icon_remove.gifFebruary 7, 2005 by cacher (224 found)

Have yet to read an entry where the cache has not been plundered. It obviously needs to be moved


icon_smile.gif February 12, 2005 by cacher (161 found)

Third time to the park for the caches (last year and yesterday). High muggle area. I hadn't read the recent logs and didn't realize the problems. Not surprizing that it's been ransacked repeatedly. Clear path leading right to it and it could be seen a mile away. When I stopped yesterday there must have been a hundred kids in the park. Curious explorers like that would find in it a minute! Too bad. It's a great park and must have been a neat cache.


icon_smile.gif February 28, 2005 by cacher (230 found)

I did not know that this one had been withdrawn


traffic_cone.gifMarch 14, 2005 by reviewer (11 found)

Cache has been removed thanks for the help. If the owner wishes to contact me in regards to this cache please feel free to do so.


icon_smile.gifApril 26, 2005 by cacher (2371 found)

I went to find this cache, and although I didn't find the complete cache intact, I did find the remains, ribbons etc, so I am loging it as a find.


icon_smile.gifMarch 11 by cacher (25 found)

Found the remains of the cache, it is no longer in place.


A FTF fake find!


:shocked: March 29 by XXXXX (216 found)

Well, I kinda found it... I could see where it was... So, had it still been there, I would have found it. But would I have found it first? Did synchRswim have the time to go hunting this morning? I’m sure they would have posted something by now if they had… Not sure if this actually counts as a FTF, but I signed my initials where the container was originally mounted… So for now I’m logging this as a find… Thanks Dude. Nice Unknown Cache! Very well done…

[view this log on a separate page]

:( June 18, 2005 by OOOOOOO (27 found)

Looked for a while after they closed with no luck. Maybe it was just too much for my first find and wasn't meant to be or else someone has muggled it away! But I did have fun watching the employees look at us like we were nuts!

[This entry was edited by OOOOOO on Sunday, July 17, 2005 at 5:53:02 PM.]

[view this log on a separate page]


His first find is a lie :shocked:

:( June 22 by zzzzz (33 found)

I found the location, but the container & log were gone. Found the top of the container on the ground. My friend blackjeep1989 says this won't count because I didn't sign the log. I will keep an eye on it and sign the new log when the new container is replaced. Thanks zzzzzz


Logged it as a find anyway :shocked:

<_< June 22 by zzzzz (33 found)

I found the location, but the container & log were gone. Found the top of the container on the ground. My friend blackjeep1989 says this won't count because I didn't sign the log. I will keep an eye on it and sign the new log when the new container is replaced. Thanks zzzzzz


Logged it as a find anyway <_<

Blackjeep1989 has got it right; too bad zzzzz doesn't listen to him more often...

From my cache GC73D3:


May 8, 2005 by robngill (181 found)

We were there...the cache was not...logging it as found anyway....lol. If I don't, it breaks up the checkmarks on the main page and we can't have that....lol.

Posted (edited)
<_< July 3 by XXXXX (1104 found)

We are logging with owner permission. Thanks! Sorry about the cache.

[view this log on a separate page]

:D July 3 by YYYYYYY (1104 found)

Kickin' and I confirmed the location with the owner. We are logging with owner permission. Thanks! Sorry to see the Egyptian may indeed be MIA.


You have my permission to say you're 7' tall too. <_<

Edited by Criminal
<_< August 2 by AAAAAA (819 found)

I tried two or three different approaches before the solution presented itself. Actually, it hit me up side the head like a blunt-force trauma when I saw it. I wish I could have gone by when this one was still there. TFTPC.

[view this log on a separate page]

<_< March 17 by BBBBB (245 found)

Great puzzle! I actually got the coordinates over a year ago but couldn't make it to the area. Thanks! Oklee

[view this log on a separate page]

:D December 6, 2005 by CCCCC (652 found)

(I can only assume) I could have found it sooner, but it wasn't there.

Thanks for keeping it available.

<_< July 3 by XXXXX (1104 found)

We are logging with owner permission. Thanks! Sorry about the cache.

[view this log on a separate page]

:D July 3 by YYYYYYY (1104 found)

Kickin' and I confirmed the location with the owner. We are logging with owner permission. Thanks! Sorry to see the Egyptian may indeed be MIA.


You have my permission to say you're 7' tall too. <_<


OK, since I am the owner of this cache I permitted these two to log, and I was made aware of this thread by a nasty note so graciously left by Criminal, let me give my two cents. Who cares? Honestly. It was a puzzle cache: they solved the puzzle, but didn't find the cache. I asked them to tell me where they were searching before I allowed them to log it. They were looking in the right spot, which means they correctly solved the puzzle, but the cache wasn't there. If it had been there, they'd have found it easily.


Now, I personally would never log a cache I didn't physically find. That's just my personal preference. But if others want to, in situations such as this one... who cares? Is this a contest to see who can get the most finds? Last I checked, it isn't. So what's the big deal if someone who isn't you isn't doing things exactly the same way you are?


I'm not advocating logging finds on caches you didn't even attempt to find. I'm just saying that in a situation like this, where a puzzle was correctly solved but the cache was muggled, it really isn't harming anyone to allow these out-of-town cachers to get some sort of credit for their fruitless efforts.


Flame away.

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