+Criminal Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 If I take a picture of a cache but can not sign the log book does it count as a find? See the enclosed. Why couldn't you sign the log book? Because 'taking' the picture involved taking it from the cache page, not actually being there. It was just good dry sarcasm.
+RPW Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 Why couldn't you sign the log book? Because I couldn't open the container. Hey, it is a good excuse ... right? I found myself in some sort of bizzaro world where left was right and vice-versa. Where the mountains of the great Northwest had been moved to my home state of Indiana. Where the arch-nemesis of "log allowed because the owner OKed it even when not found" gives permission to log a find even though the log book was not signed. In retrospect I should have pushed down on the latch instead of pulling up on it. That probably would have opened up the container! ----------------------------------------- More seriously, the photo is a reverse image of Criminal's newest cache -- French Peak. He put the photo on the cache page because the trek up to the peak is hard enough. As he says, the cache "doesn't need to be hidden!" In looking at his description of the cache even if I was in Washington State I don't think I would attempt this cache. I can see the national headlines now: MAN HELICOPTERED FROM CLIFF EDGE! GNAWS OFF OWN LEG TO SURVIVE! DRINKS THE BLOOD OF BATS FOR WATER! SENATE CONSIDERS BAN ON GEOCACHING! JEREMY IRISH DESPONDANT ... CONSIDERS SUICIDE!
+Criminal Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 April 12 by ZZZZZZZZ (57 found)Found the spot but there was alot of muggles around arround and over the spot. Was unable to sign the log without reveling the spot to others. Another 'almost' found...
+GeoJunkie Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 OK...I missed the sarcasm - looks like it's time for more coffee!!
+Criminal Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 March 23 by VVVVVVV (50 found)I did NOT find it. But with the others, I'm marking it as found (and watching). I searched well, and am pretty sure I know exactly where it should have been, but wasn't. [view this log on a separate page] At least they’re emphatic about NOT finding it.
+Criminal Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 What do you do if the 8 previous logs are DNFs? Log it as found! May 5 by THICKCACHER (220 found)I think that this one was muggled [view this log on a separate page]
+bike&ski Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 On my VERY FIRST try at geocaching, I found a muggled cache. It was in a popular party area, and some of the locals decided it didn't need to be where it was. I found swag and a wet log book strewn all around the site. I didn't sign the wet log, and there was no container ( that I could find) to put everything back together in. But I did log it as a find, and notified the cache owner of the situation. So. Find? Or no find? BTW, I have ALWAYS signed EVERY other cache log I have claimed as a find since them.
+Wacka Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 Find. You found the logbook. I found one that was run over by a lawnmower. Plastic and log pages everywhere. I grabbed what I could to CITO the area. Told the owner what happened. He said "You found the logbook even though it was in hundreds of pieces, so it's a find." Of course, some people on this thread might disagree.
+Criminal Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 I don't know what to make of this: A found it log on TB hotel (prison) that has been archived almost a year. May 26 by XXXXXXX (62 found)I did not get credit for a cache in Gillette because it was subscriber's only - so I will log this TB motel. I am too little to own money yet to pay for a caching account. I will just use Dad's [view this log on a separate page]
+Criminal Posted May 27, 2006 Posted May 27, 2006 May 26 by ZZZZZZZ (631 found)Can we count this as a found? As I'm logging, I just noticed that you already knew about the missing container, and had made the cache temporarily unavailable -- we didn't see that before we went out. And we want to thank you for sending us there, very nice, and interesting. I never thought either until just now -- I had an appropriate container in the car, and I could have replaced it for you. Oh well. [view this log on a separate page]
+Criminal Posted May 28, 2006 Posted May 28, 2006 April 26 by FFFFFFF (376 found)We visited this cache site and found it to be very interesting. When we looked for the Cache box, we found it to be missing. Even though the cache is gone this would be a great place to spend some time. Our friends live in the area and went along with us for their first Geocacing adventure. They knew about this place, but never said anything about it, until we arrived. We had a wonderful time, thank you !! [view this log on a separate page] They found it.......to be missing.
+Jamie Z Posted May 28, 2006 Author Posted May 28, 2006 After 8 DNFs and one SBA, this found-it log: March 13 by CACHER (2230 found)I did not find this one but with all the logs of DNF's here and no action on it. I figure why not claim something that is not being maintained. The whole area is in a state of disrepair and being worked on as well.
+Grasshoppers&Ant Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 December 10, 2005 by XXXXXX (5960 found)Visiting from Denver. Must have had a problem at the first WP since I could not locate the final cache. It was a multi. Didn't think those counted if you don't find the final stage. That one requires a visit to a public building about 2.5 mi away, but apparently he's in too much of a hurry to rack up numbers. (Hmmm, wonder who that might be. Not too many in Colorado with nearly 6K finds.)
+Wadcutter Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 (edited) Does anyone know how to do a search of all the caches to find all that are film canisters? I drove past a Kodak plant the other day. I thought I'd just go ahead and claim as found all the micro film canister caches since the film canisters were probably at the Kodak plant at one time. Also, since I was in the military and humped a lot of ammo cans maybe I'll claim as finds all the ammo can caches too. Edited May 29, 2006 by Wadcutter
+Jamie Z Posted May 30, 2006 Author Posted May 30, 2006 (edited) Here's a gold mine. Apparently, folks think it's ok if the people before you did it, too. Kinda like if someone hands out a sheet of paper for everyone to write their name and date... and the first guy writes his name and the date as 5-29-06. And then the next 10 people will write the date that way. But when it gets to you, write the date as 5/29/06, and you'll notice that everyone below you writes it that way, too. November 27, 2005 by CACHER (714 found)Went to spot noted on sheet and found the two small rocks at the base of the light tower. However, under the rocks were three broken pieces of pottery and no cache. Unless I looked under the wrong rocks, I fear that the cache is gone. Will upload picture of site when I return [home]. After contact with the cache owner, and with his approval, I have changed my log from DNF to FIND since I had the correct location and the cache is missing. November 27, 2005 by CACHER(210 found)Lots of muggles and pottery shards under rocks December 27, 2005 by CACHER (17 found)Didn't want to pay the 70 sol admission fee to see the tourist sites, so I had a fun hike up the hill from a nearby residential area instead. Hooray! January 12 by CACHER (75 found)Easily found the location, there is still no cache container at this site, and the pottery shards are still there. I had a curious visitor at the cache. Well worth the climb up the hill for a very nice view of the city. Someone should bring a 35mm film container to drop off with a log. TFTC! January 25 by CACHER (250 found)I agree easy find but no cache there seems to have been recent plantings will post picture.TFTF (Must have forgotten the pictures... none were posted) March 2 by CACHER (12 found)During our guided tour through [the area] here I hoped finding my first traditional cache in [place]. I reached the hill at this rainy morning and looked around. Finding nothing I took my pocket pc to read the description again, but there was no more help. So I started reading also the cache logs. But now I found out that it was transformed into a virtual one. However the way up to the hill was worth to get up so early in the morning. Unfortunately I hadn't time to look for [nearby cache]. March 16 by CACHER (567 found)My first morning run in [city]. Took photos with my cell phone, as this cache seems to have been converted into a Virtual - will upload them when I get home (probably in April). Thanks for the cache! Beautiful view! (Again, no pics) April 1 by CACHER (763 found)Came by as part of our tour around [city]. I took a picture of the statue from behind the light box, and I´ll post it when we are back home. (Think pictures are posted? Nope.) April 22 by CACHER (40 found)What a view! TFTC April 26 by CACHER (356 found)Tough but short slog up the stairs to get to cahe site. Great view. Will post photos from home in May. (No pics yet, but he has two more days left.) Jamie Edited May 30, 2006 by Jamie Z
+Criminal Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 March 12 by CACHERX (313 found)233. Dad came back to verify hint from cache owner and it indeed was not there. Owner said we could log since we found the right hiding place. [view this log on a separate page] March 12 by CACHERZ (498 found)346. Went back with son after hint and was pretty sure the cache was missing which was confirmed later by cache owner. Sorry, I missed the slice of pie.... hmmm, now I am hungry.TFTC[view this log on a separate page] March 12 by CACHEOWNER (15009 found)Received email from the last DNF and final is indeed muggled. He was given permission to log this as found since he was not ashamed to log his DNF and email inquiring as well as OTHERS who were out with me this evening running cache finds. I will be re-doing this cache later and those who missed out on the original will have a 2nd crack at it. [view this log on a separate page]
+Criminal Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 August 6, 2005 by BBBBBBB (78 found)Searched for this one on the way in and the way out of Lancaster for the World Boardgaming Championships (with extra help for the way out) but could not find CCCooper Agency has given me permission to change this one to found cause it got muggled and I worked so hard to find it. She's the best. [This entry was edited by BBBBBBB on Monday, September 12, 2005 at 6:00:07 PM.] [view this log on a separate page]
+Jamie Z Posted May 31, 2006 Author Posted May 31, 2006 August 28, 2005 by CACHER A (14122 found)Grabbed this cache while on our (with [CACHER B]) pilgrimage to [sTATE] for the [CACHE NAME] and the [CACHE NAME] caches. Hey [PERSON], we didn't know that you baked! Thanks So what's wrong with that? Well, check out the next log: August 28, 2005 by CACHER B (4721 found)Found with CACHER A on a 258 find Cache-thon up to the APE CAche and Tunnel in [sTATE]. Found cache had been muggled but will log as a virtual. Thanks Houston, we've had a problem. Jamie
+briansnat Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 Hmmmmm December 31, 2005 by ppppppppp (920 found) Found in Lynn's jeep, and was allowed to log, Nice to see you out there today. We have to get together for a day of caching. It would interesting to see your system at work. I imagine I could do alot more that way. December 29, 2005 by bbbbbbbbb (15009 found) Although the cache itself was not on private property it was too close for comfort to the nearby property owner so rather than cause bad will, I removed it last night and have emailed apologies and am allowing the last teams to search to log this as found. You know who you are.
+briansnat Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 (edited) You can find a wealth of these in a certain section of PA. Is it the water there? March 12 by Titttttttt (722 found) TFTC! March 12 by lllllllllll (846 found) After caching the York and Lancaster areas earlier today with my buddy Ssssssst we met up with aaaaaaaa, nnnnnnnnnn, and Mmmmmmm to do a little night caching in the area. After doing the nearby "E-Town C&D" this was next on our list. Found Part One with no problems, but when we went to Part TWo the owner did indeed verify that the final container was missing. She's allowing us to be the last ones to log this. Looks like another missing tooth! Hope to see a new cache in the area soon. That would be one more reason to come back up. This was my fifty-third cache find of the day, 695th find overall, found this one at 9:35 PM. TFTC! March 12 by Bbbbbbbbbb (1470 found) What a hoot! After a "filling" sit-down pizza eat with the owners, Lllllllll & I were treated to a whirlwind caching tour of the area. Thought we'd seen it all until the "filling." May your implant be ever strong. As the final here is missing, the owners graciously have allowed us to log this one posthomously. Missing tooth aside, you still possess a winning smile. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by Jjjjjjjjjj (891 found) Well, we found stage one and met ppppppp at stage two. Always nice meeting other cachers out on the hunt! [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by llllllllll (314 found) 233. Dad came back to verify hint from cache owner and it indeed was not there. Owner said we could log since we found the right hiding place. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by pppppppp (498 found) 346. Went back with son after hint and was pretty sure the cache was missing which was confirmed later by cache owner. Sorry, I missed the slice of pie.... hmmm, now I am hungry. TFTC March 12 by aaaaaaaaaaaaa (15009 found) Received email from the last DNF and final is indeed muggled. He was given permission to log this as found since he was not ashamed to log his DNF and email inquiring as well as Bbbbbbb and lllllllll & ttttttttttt who were out with me this evening running cache finds. I will be re-doing this cache later and those who missed out on the original will have a 2nd crack at it. Edited May 31, 2006 by briansnat
+briansnat Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 (edited) More from the same area. Pretty much all the same people too. You gotta wonder if they ever really found any caches. March 12 by TTTTTTTs (722 found) TFTC! [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by lLLLLLLL (846 found) After caching the York and Lancaster areas earlier today with my buddy Snurt we met up with AAAAAA, NNNNNNNN, and MMMMMMMM to do a little night caching in the area. Owner did indeed confirm that this one is missing. Since we're from out of the area and don't know when we'll get back she's giving us permission to log it as a "find" This was my fiftieth cache find of the day, 692nd find overall, found this one at 9:00 PM. TFTC! [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by BBBBBBBB (1470 found) Logging with owner permission. LLLLLLLL & I were binge-caching the area, and after sitting down to pizza with the owners and the MMMMMMMs, were treated to a guided tour of their cache gardens. Thanks for the fine hospitality and guiding us through the dense fog. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 17 by AAAAAA (15009 found) Can't find my own cache. Will re-think this one as much of the 'covering' is gone. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by DDDDDDD (2914 found) We found it , sort of. We did look in the correct place, but it was gone. Owner verified. Thanks for the fun [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by RRRRRRRRRR (132 found) After the DelaWhere? event cache, AAAAAAAAAr lead a few of us on a small cache hunt before dinner at a pizza joint in Mt. Joy. This was one of the caches, the trolls were also looking for but could not find. With our super dooper brand new GPS model CCC3000 we still could not find it. the owner gave us ok to log this one. nice pair of jeans! :-P -TCR [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by WWWWWWWW (1438 found) The cache may be MIA. So the owner said I could log this as a find. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by WWWWWWWW (1438 found) This is an interesting area. But I could not find the cache. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] December 22, 2005 by HHHHHHH (2230 found) logged with owners consent [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] Edited May 31, 2006 by briansnat
+NoLemon Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 More from the same area. Pretty much all the same people too. You gotta wonder if they ever really found any caches. March 12 by TTTTTTTs (722 found) TFTC! [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by lLLLLLLL (846 found) After caching the York and Lancaster areas earlier today with my buddy Snurt we met up with AAAAAA, NNNNNNNN, and MMMMMMMM to do a little night caching in the area. Owner did indeed confirm that this one is missing. Since we're from out of the area and don't know when we'll get back she's giving us permission to log it as a "find" This was my fiftieth cache find of the day, 692nd find overall, found this one at 9:00 PM. TFTC! [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] March 12 by BBBBBBBB (1470 found) Logging with owner permission. LLLLLLLL & I were binge-caching the area, and after sitting down to pizza with the owners and the MMMMMMMs, were treated to a guided tour of their cache gardens. Thanks for the fine hospitality and guiding us through the dense fog. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 17 by AAAAAA (15009 found) Can't find my own cache. Will re-think this one as much of the 'covering' is gone. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by DDDDDDD (2914 found) We found it , sort of. We did look in the correct place, but it was gone. Owner verified. Thanks for the fun [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by RRRRRRRRRR (132 found) After the DelaWhere? event cache, AAAAAAAAAr lead a few of us on a small cache hunt before dinner at a pizza joint in Mt. Joy. This was one of the caches, the trolls were also looking for but could not find. With our super dooper brand new GPS model CCC3000 we still could not find it. the owner gave us ok to log this one. nice pair of jeans! :-P -TCR [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by WWWWWWWW (1438 found) The cache may be MIA. So the owner said I could log this as a find. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] January 15 by WWWWWWWW (1438 found) This is an interesting area. But I could not find the cache. [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] December 22, 2005 by HHHHHHH (2230 found) logged with owners consent [view/edit logs/images on a separate page] This last series of posts is unbelievable. No container found, no log signed but a find claimed. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It is just like the situation in some school systems where even the kids that don't make the team are rewarded in the same manner as the kids that do make the time just so there aren't any hard feelings. Then society wonders why people can't deal with disappointment and failure.
+Criminal Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 It spreads even to event caches: <attended icon>May 28 by CACHER@GW4 (3367 found)Thank you for letting us find the Railroad Heritage cache and allowing us to sign in to your event, which we just missed by a week! Hope it was better weather than here! 95 degrees and 90% humidity! [}
+KC8JZK Posted June 1, 2006 Posted June 1, 2006 The basic rule state that you must sign the log, however if you get to a cache with a wet logbook that you cant sign & the rest of the cache is intact I think you should get credit for a find since the wet log is beyond your control. But if you get to the cache area and find NOTHING then its a DNF!! As for finding the cache all over the place, I would say contacting the owner is the best course of action, I would clean it up and ask him/her how to return it to them. As for logging an event cache that you didnt attend thats just not right, but you are only cheating yourself by logging bogus finds/attends.
+alexrudd Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 How many of these have there been to date? 200. 2 MEGA events X 100 logs/event = 200. This guy's just slow at logging.
+captain.ron Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 May 28 by xxxx (201 found)"I think I found it" but there were so many muggles and police-muggles hanging around, I just did not have the nerve to pick it up....maybe I was looking at the wrong thing??? Didn't even pick up the thing it MIGHT have been, but it's still a find?
+Digi Man Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) Sometimes, I think we take all this stuff too seriously... Let's not forget the fact that it is a game... and not only a game, but a game in which you WIN NOTHING, so if people want to log stuff as "found" then let them... ALSO remember that WE as the cache owner can/should delete ANY log that is not appropriate (if you feel the need to) and then maybe let that person know the rules and why you deleted it... I for one have logged something as "found" because I found pieces of the cache laying all around, but not the actual log book.... BUT I also noted in my log that yes I found the cache, BUT it's obviously in pieces... and IF they wanted me to delete my entry, I would be more than happy to. On another note... I'm sure this belongs in another thread, but I have been caching for a few years now (finds aside), and I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but here's my 2 cents... If you can't have pocket caches, BUT you have an actual cache that you want to bring to an event to show, AND maybe let people log, then why not create a new feature like the coins or TB's (discovered). That way you didn't quote find the cache... It doesn't go towards a "smiley", but yet you have a record of seeing that cache??? Feel free to slam away I guess... Digi Edited June 2, 2006 by Digi Man
+Criminal Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 I'm sure this belongs in another thread... Yes, that's correct. If you can't have pocket caches, BUT you have an actual cache that you want to bring to an event to show, AND maybe let people log, then why not create a new feature like the coins or TB's (discovered). That way you didn't quote find the cache... It doesn't go towards a "smiley", but yet you have a record of seeing that cache??? Feel free to slam away I guess... Digi No slam, but once the container leaves the coordinates you submitted, it is no longer a geocache. A power drill and two screws will attach a TB tag to your container, then you can track it as a TB instead and leave the cache where it's supposed to be.
+Digi Man Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) No slam, but once the container leaves the coordinates you submitted, it is no longer a geocache. A power drill and two screws will attach a TB tag to your container, then you can track it as a TB instead and leave the cache where it's supposed to be. Ok... what you're saying doesn't make sense... It IS still a geocache! It's a container with a logbook still... BUT If I have a "unique" cache, and I want to temp. disable it, and bring it to an event, to display it... Then why would I make it a TB, AND how could I attach a TB tag to it and bring it to an event and leave it there at the same time? Either it's at an event on display, or it's at the posted coords... So what you're suggesting would not work for this scenario. All I'm saying is have another option to choose from when logging that says: Discovered, Seen at an Event, or whatever... Just like Virtuals (that were grandfathered), or CITO's, or Attended Event, or Benchmarks... They count towards ur "Count" but are seperated. AND being the owner of the cache, make sure that everyone logs it the correct way or their log get's deleted. I know that seems like a lot of extra to do, BUT if you (the cache owner) decides to bring a cache to an event, then you assume the responsibilty of policing your own logs (THAT GOES ALL THE TIME). I agree that you shouldn't log things multiple times. I also agree that pocket caches are kinda cheesy (should be logged like something else... a note, temp cache, or like something I listed above), but at least this would give people that have "cool" or "unique" caches a chance to show them off, at an event... AND a chance to have other cachers have a record of it on "their" page... I don't think this is being too unreasonable, and should be considered as my opinion and not complaining... Digi Edited June 2, 2006 by Digi Man
+Criminal Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) Ok... what you're saying doesn't make sense... It IS still a geocache! It's a container with a logbook still... BUT If I have a "unique" cache, and I want to temp. disable it, and bring it to an event, to display it... Then why would I make it a TB, AND how could I attach a TB tag to it and bring it to an event and leave it there at the same time? Either it's at an event on display, or it's at the posted coords... So what you're suggesting would not work for this scenario. All I'm saying is have another option to choose from when logging that says: Discovered, Seen at an Event, or whatever... Just like Virtuals (that were grandfathered), or CITO's, or Attended Event, or Benchmarks... They count towards ur "Count" but are seperated. AND being the owner of the cache, make sure that everyone logs it the correct way or their log get's deleted. I know that seems like a lot of extra to do, BUT if you (the cache owner) decides to bring a cache to an event, then you assume the responsibilty of policing your own logs (THAT GOES ALL THE TIME). I agree that you shouldn't log things multiple times. I also agree that pocket caches are kinda cheesy (should be logged like something else... a note, temp cache, or like something I listed above), but at least this would give people that have "cool" or "unique" caches a chance to show them off, at an event... AND a chance to have other cachers have a record of it on "their" page... I don't think this is being too unreasonable, and should be considered as my opinion and not complaining... Digi A geocache, differentiated from a navicache or an elk hunter’s supply cache, consists of the all the elements of the cache, including the two you cited, the container and logbook, as well as the coordinate set. You mention virtuals, those didn’t have a container or a logbook, only coordinate set. So we see that insofar as geocaches go, the coordinate set is very important to the geocache as a whole. If you remove that component, what you are bringing to the event is no longer a geocache, but just a cool container. I’m sure JamieZ would rather this be discussed in a separate thread, please feel free to start a new one in the general forum area if you’d like to discuss it further. Edited June 2, 2006 by Criminal
+Criminal Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) posted elsewhere, no need for duplicates. Edited June 2, 2006 by Criminal
+Frozen Buns Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 Why would there be 3 logs on a cache site but nothing signed on the actual log?
+Criminal Posted June 3, 2006 Posted June 3, 2006 June 2 by XXXXXXXX (2675 found)A full day of caching before joining some cachers for a CITO event sponsored by PeanutsParents. Met owner at event, gave permission to log evenn though cache container had been taken down to avoid neighborhood kids from disturbing. thanks [view this log on a separate page] Dude, how'd you get so many finds!?!?!?!
+Bikebox Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Here's one I saw today: =============== I found it (sort of), but I need to explain. I went on an EARLY morning walk around SD before my business meeting. This was one of the caches on my list (went 4/4 this morning). I followed all the instructions and found only one to be confusing - the number of blue chalks on the third artwork (one could have been green or blue). But using common sense and figuring that I didn't have to walk a mile to the next mural, I figured it out. So, I finally arrive at the final spot and everything matches the hint. As I just begin to look, a City of SD Parks and Rec maintenance truck pulls up and the guy inside gruffly asks me what I'm doing. Figuring I'd better fess up to avoid police involvement, I explain I'm a geocacher. He smiles and tells me his name is Phil, he found the cache while working, openned it, and followed the instructions to hide it somewhere else. When I told him that most caches stay in the same place, he said he got on the internet and read about geocaching and followed the cache's instructions. He then told me he had moved the cache to a carwash on the Sunset Strip in LA. I resisted laughing as he described the pole he attached it to. He was looking forward to someone else finding it. So - to end this long story - the cache is gone courtsey of Phil and is awaiting someone to stumble across it at an unknown carwash on Sunset. I enjoyed the hunt, but this was truly the strangest endings I've ever had. But I want you to know that I very much enjoyed seeing Little Italy. For me, it was a new part of SD that I had never visited before. I hope to return to one of its many fine restaurants. Thanks for the hide. =============== (sort of)...NOT. The cache wasn't there. Someone said they had moved it. Did he/she go find it in its new location? Nope. Didn't find it here, either!!!
+Criminal Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 March 13 by XXXXXXX (139 found)Second attempt at this one. I searched at least a 50 foot radius around the cache coords and couldn't find anything but a couple of likely hiding spots but no cache. I did find a single card with a recipe on it so I'm claiming this as a find! No cache to leave anything. Owner needs to verify this cache's existance. Thanks for the challenge!
FallenFaery Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 Found this one today... May 20 by XXXXXXX (273 found) Uh oh... Had printed out the info for this cache a couple weeks ago in preparation for a camping trip that then fell through. Did come up this weekend, though, and didn't realize the cache had been archived 'til just now as we tried to log it. We're logging this as a find because although the cache itself is gone, we did find SOME CACHER & his buddy. Really too bad this is no longer a cache. What an awesome area! Had a lot of fun scrambling around. CACHER EEEEEE got a bit banged up, but it didn't phase her. TFTC.
FallenFaery Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 This right after a DNF... May 28 by XXXXXXX (4840 found) XXXXXXX and XXXXXXX joined up for a great day of caching in the area. Had to do some creative caching here (explained to cache owner in private e-mail)-there needs to be a CITO event here soon.
FallenFaery Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 May 21 by XXXXX (3265 found) Well, I think this one is gone. Things have changed in the area since the last cachers were here. There are a couple of fence sections that have been erected (see photos) with NO TRESPASSING signs on them that are on the parking side of the area with the tree and shrubs. moochie and I trespassed anyway, since we were already breaking the NO PARKING rule in the turnabout, but there was no cache to be found. I imagine whoever put up the fences found the cache, and we thought that they may have been nice enough to place it in a similar area closer to the turnabout, but we didn't find it there either! You might want to go by and check on this one CACHE OWNER! Then the owner checks on it and archives the cache... a week later... May 27 by XXXXXXX (3795 found) TFTC
FallenFaery Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 April 8 by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (3795 found) We came, we found, we conquered! We came during the day so we couldn't see any show. The cache container was not there. With all the rains I'm sure it has gone away. To verify we were there we took pictures of us in the area. April 8 by XXXXXXXX (7705 found) Thanks CACHE OWNERS for letting us log this one--the picture shows how much fun we were having!
FallenFaery Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 (edited) "Go ahead and log it as found" from the cache owner .. Permission granted for the "watchers" who logged a no find to change it to a find. I went to check on this one today and I couldn't find it. I'm guessing someone stepped on it while hunting it and it is now buried in the ground. Dang...those fake rock hide-a-key are expensive. I will most likely archive this one and then plant a (cheaper) bigger cache somewhere else in this park. Then the logging begins... January 8 by XXXXXXXXXXX (3795 found) Yippy Skippy! January 11 by XXXX (1016 found) Fantastic, although I'll miss all of the great e-mail that I recieve from this cache. Edited June 5, 2006 by FallenFaery & Special Ed
+Wadcutter Posted June 5, 2006 Posted June 5, 2006 June 2 by Cache Owner (5 found) This cache has been replaced and is ready for the hunt. May 25 by XXXXXXX (201 found) We were working from papers we had printed on May 5 before we left home, so we did not know until we found the red string that the cache was actually missing as indicated here now from other logs. Maybe should be listed as not safe for kids if it does go back online. (disabled) May 8 by Cache Owner (5 found) This cache has gone MIA by muggles no doubt. Will replace. (note) May 7 by BBBBBB (134 found) The container is gone. (DNF) April 25 by AAAAAAA(642 found) We found the red string but nothing is attached to the end. Cool idea but the rope has broken or been cut.
+Criminal Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 June 6 by AAAAAAA (52 found)It was a good hunt. I enjoyed it. TFTC [view this log on a separate page] <DNF> March 30 by BBBBBBBB (1322 found)Didnt find it, and now I know why! D'oh! [view this log on a separate page] January 29 by CCCCCCCC (186 found)Another cache that my son and my brother helped me look for but couldn't find. It was another printout I had from back in July of last year that had been archived. My brother, also known as goodwillhunting333, told us about the experience he had when he first found this cache so we did not linger too long on this one. As soon as he saw that we had looked where the cache should have been and did not find it, he looked himself and announced it's departure for places unknown. Logged as A find by permission of owner. TFTH [view this log on a separate page] <ARCHIVE> December 20, 2005 by CACHEOWNER(1886 found)Yup, it's finally gone! Due to unfriendlies in the area I won't replace it. If you looked and DNF go ahead and log it! [view this log on a separate page]
+Criminal Posted June 6, 2006 Posted June 6, 2006 May 29 by MMMMMMMM (453 found)I found what was left of the cache, emailed the cache owner and they confirmed that it was truly gone, so I get credit for finding a string(ha ha). Thanx MMMMMMMMM [view this log on a separate page] ha ha!
+Criminal Posted June 8, 2006 Posted June 8, 2006 (edited) Nothing unusual here, he found it in January. January 16 by ZXZXZX (122 found)nice area, easy find TFTC TN Left corvette hotwheel. [view this log on a separate page] Then, tonight, he found it again....or did he? March 22 by ZXZXZX (122 found)Found it about 3 months ago was with ANOTHERCACHER and could not find it must be muggled. [view this log on a separate page] Edited June 8, 2006 by Criminal
+Jamie Z Posted June 9, 2006 Author Posted June 9, 2006 (edited) The description for this cache says it's a "Mini cache, notebook only." Based on the logs, not one person has actually found the notebook, yet the cache has 21 finds and only 3 DNFs. Here is every log for the cache, beginning with the very first: May 16, 2003 by AAAAA (280 found)Found the gear wheel, but not the cache. This is a VERY public place -- either it's been found by someone and thrown away, or it's hidden REALLY well. I'll try again soon. eptember 4, 2003 by BBBBB (241 found)I found the wheel and took a great picture but searched for the mini cache. There are a lot of places it could be around the statue, but is in a very public place and I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself then I already do. I will search for the mini-cache when I have more time. Maybe when it is not so busy. There was a band playing in the plaza last night when I was there. October 16, 2003 by CCCCC (28 found)I found the place a long time ago, and the log book was not there anymore, so I didn't claim the cache. But since I'm seeing that everyone is claiming it, eventhough they didn't find it either, I'll add myself another star. I did have to pay for my parking at Macroplaza... December 9, 2003 by DDDDD (1180 found)I found the gear wheel and it was pretty apparent I wasn't going to find the cache. Unfortunatley the area is undergoing some construction and the cache is most likely destroyed and removed from the area. Still enjoyed the hunt though and appreciate the fun time. Thanks, and I look forward to dome more in the area. Lots of places to hide 'em. December 27, 2003 by EEEEE (508 found)Found the area easily, but there were people sitting all along the area.....Cool statue....Thanks for the cache. Ate at Sanborn's near by, ummm good food. December 27, 2003 by FFFFF (97 found)Found this one with EEEEE . Nice day for a walk in the park. Love the stores around. Thanks. April 19, 2004 by GGGGG (4 found)i find the place but not the cache, the area is under construction. I think it´s not there anymore June 25, 2004 by HHHHH (8 found)hey we found it we stayed at the double tree hotel and went to the market we found some pizza place started with a J we came from a little town about 31/2 hrs south the sadle back mountains were big took alot of photos August 1, 2004 by IIIII (23 found)We decided to log this one after reaching the "fuente de neptuno". Very nice place. This is supossed to be a traditional cache but the container seems to be gone for good. October 9, 2004 by JJJJJ (629 found)[CACHER] and I are having a wonderful time in [PLACE]. We love it and logging caches is an extra bonus ...even if they're not there. Continued in the next post. Jamie Edited June 9, 2006 by Jamie Z
+Jamie Z Posted June 9, 2006 Author Posted June 9, 2006 Continued.... ran into the forum limit for quotations. [DNF] March 27, 2005 by KKKKK (448 found)It wasn`t a matter of didn`t, but couldn`t get close to area. The park was crowded with people on this Easter Sunday, and some where sitting on the statue. Thanks anyways, April 6, 2005 by LLLLL (148 found)Found this monument while on a business trip to [CITY]. Will post pictures of it after I get back home. Couldn´t find any log. ...but managed to log a find. April 29, 2005 by MMMMM (722 found)Very nice area. Walked around for hours checking everything out. Was out on a trip to visit suppliers in the area. Glad I took some time to explore. Went to the museum nearby. No log book anymore. July 27, 2005 by NNNNN (32 found)Went on a business trip to [CITY], took 15 min to walk around for this cache and "[NEARBY CACHE]" in the same area. Couldn´t find the notebook, I guess its not there anymore. Hot place, specially if you´re wearing a suit and a tie. August 5, 2005 by OOOOO (107 found)Found the statue but like all the others, no logbook in site. I especially enjoyed a family of 3 kids. The youngest girl saw me looking around and started talking to me in spanish. I understood some...then noticed the kids had 3 baby ducks which were recently bought as pets. I asked mom how to say duck in spanish...el pato. So when the little girl asked "Tienes el pato...yo digo - no tengo un pato - solimente dos perros" y la nina tienes una sonrisa. (She asked if I had a duck - I said, no - only 2 dogs..then the little girl smiled. I am sure to remember this visit. Will post the photograph when I get home. (No photograph) [DNF] August 6, 2005 by PPPPP (2 found)Found the statue, it is a very nice place to visit. Unfortunately, I could not find any logbook. I think it is not there anymore. Newbie got it right. September 11, 2005 by QQQQQ (6 found)found the place,but not log book October 16, 2005 by RRRRR (27 found)Found the place, not the log book. It is not there anymore. TFTC January 16 by SSSSS (13 found)nice park & statue, and the weather was wonderful. February 12 by TTTTT (95 found)In the area fom [CITY]. I did not look too long for the log book due to the comments from the previous cachers. I will send a photo of me at the sculpture for documentataion that I was there. There's more to come... Jamie
+Jamie Z Posted June 9, 2006 Author Posted June 9, 2006 Still from the same cache. Quotation limit again... March 2 by UUUUU (46 found)Found the place but I could not find any logbook. I think it is not there anymore. March 12 by VVVVV (5 found)Lovely area, enjoyed the stroll. TFTC [DNF] April 8 by WWWWW (58 found)We were in this great, great plaza on a very busy night, so when we failed to find this at first we didn't really press on. Had fun here anyway, so thank you. Then I posted an SBA. Jamie
+RPW Posted June 9, 2006 Posted June 9, 2006 (edited) Then I posted an SBA. Let us know how well that works. Sometimes SBAs seem to just be ignored. Edited June 9, 2006 by RPW
+Stunod Posted June 9, 2006 Posted June 9, 2006 Then I posted an SBA. Jamie Why?? We could still have room for XXXXX, YYYYY and ZZZZZ to log
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