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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.


Did you find the cache? No. Sign the log? No.

Yet you log a find??

Whatever... :bad:


I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.


Yes, I know what you mean. Exactly! A few months ago, I had a dream about a cache in Oregon -- I had happened to read the cache listing page a few days earlier while surfing GC.COM. Anyway, I woke up in the morning and realized that I had enjoyed the dream of the cache very much. Only problem was that I have not been in Oregon in severl years and have no plans to go to Oregon in the near future. So I wrote to the cache owner and thanked them for the fine cache about which I had dreamed. Of course, they gave me permission to log the cache as a find, because, of course, I had dreamed about it. In fact, I ended up claiming six finds on this cache, because I realized later that I had actually dreamed about this cache six times over a period of three days. So, I sooo know what you mean, dude!


In fact, I plan on dreaming tonight about some great caches in Germany, Russia, Hungary, West Virginia, France and Nepal, and I hope that the cache owners will give me permission to log finds on them as well.


I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.


I always thought "found it" it logs meant you found a cache. Silly me.


This one kills me. I guess this person is just aching for recognition. Logged ten days after the CITO event:


<a href="http://""" target="_blank"></a> :anibad: March 28 by CACHER (2302 found)

Since we are from out of town, we did not make the event, but we did pick up some trash on the way back to the truck. Thanks for all the work you have done.







Just when you thought you've seen it all <_< .


I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.


I always thought "found it" it logs meant you found a cache. Silly me.

Since JamieZ has said he didn’t really want discussions about it in this thread, I’ll start a new one here.

I see nothing wrong if you were the one that found out the cache was missing and the owner says to log it anyways. Happened to me once.I logged it and the owner archived it after i did.


You see nothing wrong with saying you found something that you didn't find? :anibad:


DNF is a description of your search, not a blemish on your record. I have a number of DNFs for caches later archived because they were missing.

April 9 by x (1819 found)

Logging a find since it appears to be missing again. Talked to y and considering the type of container, theres no way we missed it. Thanks for the Smiley y.


Well, of course you logged a find because it was missing. What else could you log when you Did Not Find it. <_<

April 8 by xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx (3220 found)

As we got to the cache site and searched around a while I finally decided to pull the palm pilot out and take a look. Hm, MIA. Since there is obviously interest in the cache with all the other ones in the park, we pulled out a baggie, log sheet, and pencil and replaced the cache. We placed it at ground zero and used other cacher's comments for the cache container.


April 8 by xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx (3220 found)

We came during the day so we couldn't see any show. The cache container was not there. With all the rains I'm sure it has gone away. To verify we were there we took pictures of us in the area. TFTC




FOUND IT! May 16, 2004 by User (1182 found)

Going to log this one, went all the way their. The cache and area is gone.................... Do not go here for the cache.....Found it gone....


owner checked it and archived. Let this log stand though. Found it gone..... yep.

Posted (edited)

It wsa a keyholder inside a free paperbox. I found the magnet that held it on. When I saw the owner at an event later that day, I told him I found the magnet and where I found it, He said, yes, that was part of the cache. He then archived it after I logged. I didn't ask for the smiley, only told him that it was gone. He said to log it as a find.

Edited by Wacka

Yes, I know what you mean. Exactly! A few months ago, I had a dream about a cache in Oregon -- I had happened to read the cache listing page a few days earlier while surfing GC.COM. Anyway, I woke up in the morning and realized that I had enjoyed the dream of the cache very much. Only problem was that I have not been in Oregon in severl years and have no plans to go to Oregon in the near future. So I wrote to the cache owner and thanked them for the fine cache about which I had dreamed. Of course, they gave me permission to log the cache as a find, because, of course, I had dreamed about it.


Did you see my virtual travel bug in the cache? It seems to have gone missing. Go ahead and claim it too. ;)


Yes, I know what you mean. Exactly! A few months ago, I had a dream about a cache in Oregon -- I had happened to read the cache listing page a few days earlier while surfing GC.COM. Anyway, I woke up in the morning and realized that I had enjoyed the dream of the cache very much. Only problem was that I have not been in Oregon in severl years and have no plans to go to Oregon in the near future. So I wrote to the cache owner and thanked them for the fine cache about which I had dreamed. Of course, they gave me permission to log the cache as a find, because, of course, I had dreamed about it.


Did you see my virtual travel bug in the cache? It seems to have gone missing. Go ahead and claim it too. :P


Thanks! I also went ahead and claimed thirty-seven other travel bugs which you may place someday and about which you have dreamed or daydreamed. Thanks for the bugs! ;)


It's been a banner weekend in our part of the woods:



"April 14 by aaaaa (270 found)

I debated (but not very long) whether to log this find since I ran out of steam at the first bunker and didn't think I should go all the way but my son-in-law bbbbb sprinted the rest of the way there and found it. As he pointed out, my GPSer was there!!"


with the companion log ...

"April 14 by bbbbb (52 found)

aaaaa and I set out to find this cache. To echo aaaaa make sure you eat a healthy breakfast before you set out for this one. I finished the second half of the hike solo. The view was great and it was a great 3 difficulty hide. I needed the hint for sure.




"April 15 by cccccc (43 found)

Got to the rock however there where lots of muggles there today. Seems there is some kind of Easter Service there tommorow. I will go back and sign the log on Monday after things clear up."



"April 14 by ddddddd (969 found)

Well after doing a strenuous 5 mile additional .... (32 miles total), climbing three fences, dodging traffic and rocks, and weathering the wind and the rain... I'm logging this one as a find! Great location and loved the WW II era watch towers and bunkers here.

Oh yeah and I also replaced it, at least temporarily, for you. New cache is a .... micro log in a delicate baggie in the upper right hinge of the iron door. Please replace carefully to preserve the baggie. New coordinates for it are above. Enjoy!"


This last one has been disabled since January. It wasn't muggled, the entire hiding place (a tree stump) was removed from the area....


(In the interest of full disclosure, we did in fact claim a find on a missing cache that we replaced. In that case owner wasn't going to be able to get to the area for several months; we knew this since we had e-mailed to see if the cache would be back in business during our visit. Since we were going to get there before the owner we offered to bring a replacement cache, and our offer was accepted.)


Just came across this one, with two "special" finds:

:anitongue:April 13 by xxxx (1 found)

Found it. Nice spot.


icon_disabled.gif April 13 by OWNERS (361 found)

It has once again been demolished. We will try to get it up and running again soon. Sorry.


:grin:April 11 by yyyy (173 found)

I'm going to say found because We could tell exactly where it was. This is a beautiful place for a cache. I hope it's replaced very soon.


icon_needsmaint.gif April 10 by zzzz (1 found)

The cache is now completely missing. The only part left was a plastic information placard and the eyebolt.

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icon_needsmaint.gif March 12 by aaaa (13 found)



So...If I find the spot and like it, it counts. Then the next guy can follow suit, even after it's disabled?


Here are a couple good ones...



April 20 by XXXX (14509 found)

Cache definitely stolen. If it should reappear than we know it wasn't a muggle. BUT I visited the cache site with several groups of experienced geocachers on several occasions and we searched diligently and could not find it anywhere near GZ.

Had hoped to replace this when the vegetation grew in but its still sparse. Doubtful anyone else is interested in this site as there are only a handful of active hiders in this part of the county. Might incorporate this spot in a future multi. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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April 20 by XXXXReviewer (0 found)

It looks like your cache has been taken. While I feel that Geocaching.com should hold this location for a reasonable amount of time, we can't do so forever. Please either repair/replace this cache, or archive it so that someone else can place a cache in the area, and geocachers can once again enjoy visiting this location.

If you decide to archive it, please pick up any remaining cache bits before doing so.


If you plan on repairing this cache, please log a note so I don't archive the listing for non-communication.





NOTE: If you have any questions, do not reply to the note email, I won't get it. Email me directly at OReviewer@gmail.com or via the email link in my profile. Please include the GCxxxx number or the URL of the cache in question so I will know which cache it is regarding.

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March 12 by XXXX (704 found)


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March 12 by XXXX (755 found)

After caching the York and Lancaster areas earlier today with my buddy XXXX we met up with XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX to do a little night caching in the area.

Owner did indeed confirm that this one is missing. Since we're from out of the area and don't know when we'll get back she's giving us permission to log it as a "find"


This was my fiftieth cache find of the day, 692nd find overall, found this one at 9:00 PM. TFTC!

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March 12 by XXXX (1390 found)

Logging with owner permission. XXXX & I were binge-caching the area, and after sitting down to pizza with the owners and the XXXX's, were treated to a guided tour of their cache gardens. Thanks for the fine hospitality and guiding us through the dense fog.


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January 17 by XXXX (14509 found)

Can't find my own cache. Will re-think this one as much of the 'covering' is gone.

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January 15 by XXXX (2858 found)

We found it , sort of. We did look in the correct place, but it was gone. Owner verified.

Thanks for the fun, XXXX


[This entry was edited by XXXX on Monday, January 16, 2006 at 7:59:50 AM.]

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January 15 by XXXX (132 found)

After the DelaWhere? event cache, XXXX lead a few of us on a small cache hunt before dinner at a pizza joint in Mt. Joy. This was one of the caches, the trolls were also looking for but could not find. With our super dooper brand new GPS model CCC3000 we still could not find it. the owner gave us ok to log this one. nice pair of jeans! :-P -TCR

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January 15 by XXXX (1392 found)

The cache may be MIA. So the owner said I could log this as a find.



I'd rather log a DNF and try again some other day while reading the logs of others who really *DID* find the cache. Logging a "find" just because you were at the "general location" does_not_count. To me, in order to count a cache as "found"...the person MUST sign the log. If no log entry was made...I would delete their log on site..


Here's one I recently experienced. Logs have been put into ascending chronological order:




DNF - October 24, 2005 by cacher1

Nice little park tucked away in here. I spent about 30 minutes looking for this one, all the while feeling like I was in an Alfred Hitchcock movie, 3 crows kept circling me overhead and cawing at me the entire time. When I moved, they moved, I kept waiting for little bird presents from the sky, but I was lucky.


I searched pretty thoroughly for the cache, checking several areas in case the coordinated were off, but no luck. I did find the lid to an APS film canister on the ground under a tree however, so I am afraid the cache may have been muggled.


I didn't know the answer to the clue, so that didn't help me.




Cache Disabled - October 31, 2005 by owner

I will check this one when I check the others.




Found - November 1, 2005 by cacher2 (4500 found)

Had to run an errand after work so stopped for a little caching on the way back. thanks. Actually it wasn't there so I called a previous finder for a description and I replaced it.




Cache Enabled - November 5, 2005 by owner

I wasn't able to get by this one last night and check on it.


I will try to check on it later today.




DNF - February 23 by cacher3

Ok even though it was replaced way back in Nov cacher4 and I came out here and we looked where all the clues led us and came up with nothing so either we are both blind or it has disappeared once again. Could you please check?




Needs Maintenance - April 3 by fizzymagic

Well, this one is not at the coordinates. It's also not at the location described in the hint, which is quite a ways away. Since the cache was "found" (actually replaced and logged as a "find," even though it wasn't found) by somebody who isn't the owner, there is no guarantee it is anywhere close to the original position even if it is there. This one needs the owner to check on it.




I'll give you three guesses as to whether the owner has checked on it since, and the first two don't count. :rolleyes:

Found - November 1, 2005 by cacher2 (4500 found)

Had to run an errand after work so stopped for a little caching on the way back. thanks. Actually it wasn't there so I called a previous finder for a description and I replaced it.


WTF!?!?! I see two major Fudge-ups in that one...

Posted (edited)

I can't help but notice that many of these examples have large numbers of finds.


Hmmmmmmm. I wonder why.


Here's is another Example of Why..


These are Finds on a known Disabled Cache because it was Missing...


<_< March 4 by Xxxxxxxx (2222 found)

Logging with the owners permission.. Thanks!


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:huh: March 4 by XXXxxxxxxxxxxx (11111 found)

A quick call to Xxxxx confirmed it gone but gave us permission to turn a frown upside down.

Thanks Xxx!


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:( March 4 by Xxxx Xxxx (2222 found)

Logging with permission of owner.


[view this log on a separate page]


My question is WHAT DID YOU FIND??

Edited by Lehigh Mafia

This just logged for a CITO:


:lol: April 22 by xxxxxxx (yy found)

Kinda stretching to say I found it.

My family was planning to just drop in for a quick hello between appointments and we did, except that we honestly couldn't find any parking whatsoever! We saw the large gathering and you all look like very friendly folks, but after a couple of hopeful passes we decided we had just better move along to our next thing. The black Isuzu in the parking lot with the "I'd rather be Geocaching" license plate frame (at 1:14pm) was us! We'll catch the next one! Best Wishes! -xxxxxx


Gives a whole new meaning to drive-by caching. doesn't it?


This just logged for a CITO:


:lol: April 22 by xxxxxxx (yy found)

Kinda stretching to say I found it.

My family was planning to just drop in for a quick hello between appointments and we did, except that we honestly couldn't find any parking whatsoever! We saw the large gathering and you all look like very friendly folks, but after a couple of hopeful passes we decided we had just better move along to our next thing. The black Isuzu in the parking lot with the "I'd rather be Geocaching" license plate frame (at 1:14pm) was us! We'll catch the next one! Best Wishes! -xxxxxx


Gives a whole new meaning to drive-by caching. doesn't it?


Gee, Ron, I drove by all of your caches (within 20 miles of each) when I drove from the Denver airport to Fort Collins and back in September 2005, so I will be claiming finds on each of those caches! Thanks for the drive-by finds! :D:D:D:lol:


This just logged for a CITO:


:lol: April 22 by xxxxxxx (yy found)

Kinda stretching to say I found it.

My family was planning to just drop in for a quick hello between appointments and we did, except that we honestly couldn't find any parking whatsoever! We saw the large gathering and you all look like very friendly folks, but after a couple of hopeful passes we decided we had just better move along to our next thing. The black Isuzu in the parking lot with the "I'd rather be Geocaching" license plate frame (at 1:14pm) was us! We'll catch the next one! Best Wishes! -xxxxxx


Gives a whole new meaning to drive-by caching. doesn't it?


See this is where the cache owner's responsibility comes in. This was our CITO event and we e-mailed the cacher and asked him to change his post to note. We explained the event had an official log, which he hadn't signed. He did as we asked and apologized for claiming it as a find.


PS: We were tempted to post the initial log here, but figured we'd give him a chance to make it right.


This just logged for a CITO:


:laughing: April 22 by xxxxxxx (yy found)

Kinda stretching to say I found it.

My family was planning to just drop in for a quick hello between appointments and we did, except that we honestly couldn't find any parking whatsoever! We saw the large gathering and you all look like very friendly folks, but after a couple of hopeful passes we decided we had just better move along to our next thing. The black Isuzu in the parking lot with the "I'd rather be Geocaching" license plate frame (at 1:14pm) was us! We'll catch the next one! Best Wishes! -xxxxxx


Gives a whole new meaning to drive-by caching. doesn't it?


See this is where the cache owner's responsibility comes in. This was our CITO event and we e-mailed the cacher and asked him to change his post to note. We explained the event had an official log, which he hadn't signed. He did as we asked and apologized for claiming it as a find.


PS: We were tempted to post the initial log here, but figured we'd give him a chance to make it right.

I have a cache about 40' up a tree that had this log:


:unsure: April 22 by xxxxxx (30 found)

We found it, but didnt attrpt to go up there and get it. Good cache.


I sent an email but they haven't responded or changed their log. Looks like I'll need to delete the find. They are the second ones to log this as a find even though they didn't sign the logbook.


A few more from the weekend:


:laughing: April 20 by xxxxx (98 found)

help!!!!! muggles found and destroyed the cache

no lid, no log, no bugs

...and no find. Duh.


:unsure: April 23 by zzzzzzzz (34 found)

At first we weren't sure of it was a good idea to go there today because it started raining heavily as we arrived at the top and continued the next 1.5 hrs. But it was definitely worth waiting: The views are fantastic and we made a nice little walk with our children. We also found the house were the former Cachebox had been hidden: the garden looks neatly now, the gardeners did good work . We're looking forward to find a "real" Cachebox in future since we'll stay for some time around.

..then you can log a "real" find hey?


Numerous DNFs before this one wasn't found again:

:ph34r: April 23 by aaaaaaa (5100+ found)

4:54pm - Wasted about 45 minutes searching for this one. Didn't realize there was a string of DNFs preceeding me. Maybe the cache owner should disable this one until they have a chance to check on it so other cacher's time isn't wasted.

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This is the cache description of a cache that is rated 2/1.


Easy short walking of a few feet from parking area.


Contains small log book and small pencil.


Container is an Altoid can that has been painted black.

This is an easy find but the transportation vehicle has many dark hiding places to look.


To make this an easy one - if you can't find the container or sign the log book, then take a picture of yourself and the object that the container is attached to and post your photo, then log it as a find (emphasis added). Spoiler photos allowed but please do not disclose the exact hiding spot.


Right there on the cache page... if you can't find it, take a pic and claim a find.


I find it amazing how many "high number" finders couldn't find the cache and just posted their picture to claim the find.

;) April 24 by XXXXX (91 found)

Hope this one is back soon, found were I believe it used to be.


The log before this one was by the same person, a Needs Maintenance log no less…

Posted (edited)

It's epidemic:


:) April 24 by XXXXXXX (188 found)

Wandered over this way while out Benchmark hunting today. Was looking around the fence, and some guy pulled up in a truk, asking what I was doing. Started to explain geocaching to him before I realized he was holding a GPS in his hands :)

We looked around for the cache, and WE4NCS called the cache owner to confirm that we were looking in the right place, but that it had been taken away.


At least I go to meet one of the locals, had fun chatting about the caches up here and down in Jacksonville.


:) April 24 by xxxxx (4639 found)

Confirmed that this container is gone.


That's for the same cache BTW. Glad the guy with the experience is setting a good example. <_<

Edited by Criminal
Posted (edited)

If you find it, sign the log. If you cant find it don't assume its missing. If it is IN YOUR hand then you have indeed found it (now sign the log). If your GPS says its there but you DO NOT have it in your hand you HAVE NOT found it, period! Sorry but this is a hands on sport and too many people are reporting things they have not done for the sake of their overinflated little egos. If at first you do not succeed, try, try again!(and again and again)


P.S. a picture is worth a thousand words. If you think a cache is missing, photograph the exact location and let the owner see it (the photo). He should be able to tell if that is the actual cache location or not. Let the owner report the cache missing and replace it. Thats how it works. good luck!


CITO just do it!

Edited by irbnmik

Call me an idiot...


(<-- braces for the barrage of name calling <_< )


But all of the examples above are a good argument for getting rid of the find count ( And I know this will never happen). If a person really wants to keep his/her count, they could do so with GSAK or some other data base type thingy.


Sorry... I know .. this dead hose has been beaten enough. But I couldn't resist.


Carry on.. nothing to see here.


I just don't see the point in posting "fake finds" like this. If I did this, when other cachers asked me what my find count was...I'd have to say something like well, it's officially 125, but there were 2 caches that I didn't really find...etc. Maybe I'm just too strict on myself, but I'm definitely a stickler for the rules. Ask my golfing buddies! When I'm out with them, all of their scores go up 5-6 strokes because they have to actually play by the rules and take penalty strokes when I'm there.

Posted (edited)

And if the owner says to log it, what is the damage, Mr. Cache Cop?

The damage is to your credibility and to the efforts by the cachers who went to the trouble to find their caches without cheating or dishonesty.


Logging a cache as found because the owner said you could is ridiculous. Either you found it or you did not. Here’s the analogy from the thread farther down this page:




You’re shopping in the mall and come out after several hours and find your car is missing. All that remains in the empty parking spot is some broken safety glass. You call the police and mall security responds to the lot to take the report.


You: “Well, my car was parked right here but it’s gone.”

Mall Security (MS): “Right here in this empty spot?”

You: “Yes, all that’s left is this broken glass”

MS: “Oh, so you found your car.”

You: “What?”

MS: “You found your car when you came out of the mall right?”

You: “No, my car is gone, it’s been stolen.”

MS: “Well, you just said there was glass from your car here, so let’s just say you found it.”

You: “No! I didn’t find it! It’s gone!"


Just then, the mall owner shows up.


Mall Owner (MO): “Hi, I’m Jim Simon, owner of Simon Malls, what seems to be the problem?

You: “I was shopping in the mall and when I came out my car was gone.”

MO: “Where did you shop?”

You: “What? I shopped through the whole mall. What does that have to do with anything?”

MO: “Well, you walked about two miles overall then.

You: “Yes, easily that far.”

MO: “I’m going to allow you to say you found your car”

You: “What!?! Are you all insane? How can you say I found my car if it’s GONE!!!”

MS: “But you found where it was, and you found some of the car, right?”

MO: “And I’m going to allow you to say you found it.

You: “What?!!? Look, I need my car, I have to go to work tomorrow, and my spouse needs his truck at work!”

MO: "You have two cars?"

You: “Not anymore!”

MO: “It would be a shame for your numbers to be skewed because of what somebody else did, so I’m telling you that you can still say you have two cars. Thanks for shopping at Simon Malls.”

You: “WHAT!?!? This is pure insanity!!!


Indeed. <_<

Edited by Criminal
Logging a cache as found because the owner said you could is ridiculous. Either you found it or you did not. Here’s the analogy from the thread farther down this page:


Hey! I was driving thru that mall. Can I claim I recovered your car? I don't remember seeing it but I had to have been close by.

:mad: April 6, 2005 by XXXXXX (112 found)

Nice location. Didn't know this was there. Found this one between classes. Seems to have disappeared. :-(

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March 29, 2005 CACHE OWNER (20 found)

Yes, I checked for the cache and it was gone!

I will try to replace by this weekend

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:mad: March 29, 2005 by ZZZZZZZZ (222 found)

I found the spot as well as the velcro where the micro was attached, unfortunately no tin/log. Muggle alert! I'm sure this cache is gone.

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Should have left it active, it was still generating finds...

:huh: I believe that I found parts of this cache. I was able to locate the top of the canister and the pencil on the ground. Cold and rainy day. I remember wandering these roads many years ago. TNLN.


Hmmmm...maybe parts of the cache - I found a coffee can lid once, it could have been part of the cache, maybe it's a find?


Here's someone who's at least honest enough to ask before he cheats:

:laughing: My only DNF of the day. I even came back to it shortly after giving up because I remembered a small area that I forgot to search. No luck! I have a feeling it is gone as there really weren't a lot of places it could be. I found a green Kool-Aid envelope buried in some leaves where I thought the container would most likely be. Maybe Sam will let me log that as a find if the cache ends up missing? Hopefully I just missed it though.
Posted (edited)

We should all log this one as found....


November 12, 2005 by OWNER (3144 found)


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:) November 11, 2005 by XXXXXXXX (4786 found)

Caching with YYYYYYYYYY today.....their log says it all. Thanks for the smiley!

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:D November 11, 2005 by YYYYYYYY (3066 found)

We, along with Cache & Keri, searched everything within 50 feet of ground zero for about 10 minutes, but no joy.

EDIT: Changed to smiley per the owner.

[This entry was edited by YYYYYYYY on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 7:23:14 PM.]

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:blink: November 6, 2005 by ZZZZZZZ (374 found)

We looked all over the place for this one but no luck. We did find a spot for zzzzz to have a little fun with the White Jeep before we let him go! Maybe next time! Ok to change to smiley per the cache owner....

[This entry was edited by ZZZZZZZZ on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 3:45:38 PM.]

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:blink: November 6, 2005 by AAAAAAAA (367 found)

Well, even with some help from "phone-a-friend" and having a good signal I couldn't find this cache . (ok'd per owner to change to found 11/12/05)

[This entry was edited by AAAAAAA on Saturday, November 12, 2005 at 3:46:59 PM.]

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Edited by Criminal
Posted (edited)
:) April 26 by PPPPPPPP (88 found)

You need to replace cache container.

Good urban hide but cache is gone! Only found it because I have see similar ones related to this hint.


The lid and gray duct tape are still there but container is missing.



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Only found WHAT because you've seen similar ones? Nothing?


April 25 by CACHE OWNER (445 found)

Muggled again....

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:D April 17 by QQQQQQQQ (796 found)

The cache owner very kindly visited the site on 4/25 at my request and confirmed that the cache has indeed been muggled. He graciously allowed me to record this as a find, as I would have found the cache and signed the log had it been there. As it was, I found the building next to the cache site fascinating, and hope another way to bring visitors to this area can be found.

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Edited by Criminal
:) April 25 by OOOOOOOO (1034 found)

We searched for this cache on the 13th, and found where it was supposed to be. The shop keeper confirmed that it had been there, and after describing its location, the cache owner said that we could log it as a find. However, since we were returning today we opted to try again so that we could sign the log. Unfortunately it is still missing, or missing again. TNLNSL TFTH

Cajun Lucie & The Wandering Hermit

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Keep trying...

:huh: April 25 by OOOOOOOO (1034 found)

We searched for this cache on the 13th, and found where it was supposed to be. The shop keeper confirmed that it had been there, and after describing its location, the cache owner said that we could log it as a find. However, since we were returning today we opted to try again so that we could sign the log. Unfortunately it is still missing, or missing again. TNLNSL TFTH

Cajun Lucie & The Wandering Hermit

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Keep trying...


SL? heh. Yeah... not. Obviously a cookie-cutter logger.


Crim, you've hit a goldmine of these things... wow. Thanks for posting them all. Very entertaining.



Posted (edited)

Gotta love it...


November 20, by CACHERS (3633 found)


CACHER1, CACHER2 and I were joined by CACHER3 today.

So, this one was really NOT there .. for a quick snatch & grab .. did you like our replacement? Probably not a good location for a cache considering what happened to the power lines in A PLACE. Someone took bolts out of the stands and in a strong wind, they collapsed. It took out the power in most of THE PLACE and the airport. I was in ANOTHER PLACE .. geocaching .. at the time but everyone keeps telling me how bad it was.

Edited by Special Ed


:) April 24 by xxxxx (4639 found)

Confirmed that this container is gone.


That's for the same cache BTW. Glad the guy with the experience is setting a good example. :lol:


To be fair, I have occasionally neglected to change the log to a No Find when I'm in the middle of logging numerous finds and I don't always catch my mistake immediately though I do try to remember to double-check.

Posted (edited)
:wub: April 27 by LLLLLLLLLL (339 found)

DNF on this one. Joined theGilby3 and couldn't find a thing. Daechebo showed up also. I see this one was missing which makes sense.

Edited by Criminal
Posted (edited)
:wub: April 27 by VVVVVVV (627 found)

I hope you guys don't mind, here's what I did:

I was on my way home from Fry's when this one popped up on my GPSr. I pulled into the parking lot and proceeded to try to find the cache. I couldn't find anything, even with the hint. I called one of my friends, and he told me that the cache had been disabled, and that it was missing. I put a new container out according to the hint, signed the new log, and left.

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April 13 by OWNER (221 found)

Will check this out over the weekend.

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WTF!?!?!? Hid it, found it! Woot!

Edited by Criminal
:wub: April 23 by RRRRRRR & AAAAA (57 found)

SPOILER.....On this one, we could see the container, but we could not reach it, It is too far down.... I'm still logging it as a "found"....perhaps a hook device would help?..TFTC!

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I guess I'm just getting grumpier with age. This one made me angry, and usually I just ignore these things:


April 15 by xxxxxx (### found)

I've gotta count this one as a find. My GPS60 put me at the coordinates but either mother nature or mr lawn mower buried this one. Didn't have time to dig it up. tftc


The cache owner then when and checked:


April 17 by XXX (## found)

I just checked on this cache, and it is still there. It was rather deeply buried in leaves and grass clippings. I have uncovered it for future finders.


Nice person -- I would have deleted the log and told the person to go back and find it.


In the future, I'll leave my GPSr on while I driving around in my car. If I drive by a geocache...well, just didn't have time to get out my car, but I bet the cache was there.



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