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Rabbits for prizes instead of hamsters

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I have a lot of rabbits now. I didn't have that many last month. So I'm toying with the idea of rabbits for cache prizes. It would have to be the first to find prize obviously.

So the question is:

What animal would you rather get as a first to find prize?


Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?


[This message was edited by ventura_kids on July 30, 2003 at 05:14 PM.]


Wait a couple of months, you'll have even more!


Rabbit...the Other white meat!


Maps?!? I don't need no stinking maps! I got coordinates!


There's a fine line between Geocaching and mental illness, I just not sure which side of the line I'm on!


Originally posted by mckee:

No badgers?






Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack

Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back -- Dar Williams


I answered "hamster", of course, due to its popularity here in Western PA. Hamsters have the advantage of being able to fit in all but the smallest of caches... even a decon container will work, provided that someone gets there quickly. As we gain more experience with hamstercaching, we've found that three days is a safe margin of error (especially now that the weather is warm). If the typical FTF log in your area is within that window of opportunity, please give some thought to leaving a cute pet for someone to race out and rescue!


Rabbits, on the other hand, would need one of the larger tupperware containers or an ammo box. Also their pellets are much larger than hamster droppings. You need to be considerate about the logbook and the other trade items in the cache.


Finally, there is the issue of the ears. Ever try shutting a cache container with a live animal stuffed inside? With a hamster you can pretty much just smoosh the lid down on it. But with a rabbit, you need to make sure that the long ears are tucked completely inside of the container before shutting it. If you're not careful, there would not be a tight seal and the cache contents could become waterlogged.


And that would just be wrong.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


I was having the same ear issues. I've been training the rabbit to duck. Just kidding. But we have figured out a way to pet and close quickly before their ears perk up again.


Ventura Kid and Spider Dude


Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?


Dang, and just when I went out and ordered 10 gross of thse red slugs. perfect pets, easy to feed and can be sqeezed into any shape in any container, even those pill bottle micros with a little work. And they just love the damp musty environment of those gladware caches everyone seems to love. I think they should be on the list.



There are a lot of judgemental people in the world, and I think all those people are worthless dirtballs.


posted July 30, 2003 04:51 PM

I vote none of the above. I wouldn't want to find a dead animal in a cache that is waterproof and therefore probably airtight.



We're not talking dead - right???? Live cuddly - ok. Dead - not!


And Not - tarantulas! Still having psycotic espisodes here after walking into the bathroom 2 mornings ago and finding a tarantula on the tub! Still shaking out the towels & lifting the lid to make sure nothings lurking around! icon_mad.gif


"Geocaching expands your horizons - not your butt!"


My girlfriend has a chihuahua that would fit in a ammo can, but she'd rather put me in one than him.



"A noble spirit embiggins the smallest man." - Jebediah Springfield



How about a Platypus? I would really like to find a Platyps


I've put a platypus in a cache. In fact I've placed several in caches. And I didn't even cut air holes in the lid.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry


Originally posted by mckee:

No badgers?

My wolverine can beat up your badger!

(and eat your hamster too!) icon_mad.gif


"Adrift in a world he never made!"



I seriously question the "ethics" of leaving anything Living in a cache for any length of time....maybe some goldfish like at the carnival but I have to ask:

Wouldn't this be the same as leaving FOOD of anykind in a cache which is NOT recomended because of scavengers...no not the geo type!!!

I guess I am missing the point here?


What I am wondering is what makes you think if you placed a cache like this that someone would come looking for it in say the next 48 hours?


I can see the animal rights activists hammering down on geo cachers for animal abuse icon_rolleyes.gif


I'll give you one thing though, it's an intersting idea! icon_biggrin.gif


As the originator of the hamster cache, I can assure you that no food of any kind is placed with the animals. That would be against the rules. We wouldn't want any large predators being attracted to the cache. What I typically do is place the hamster in a cache shortly after it has had a final meal. I make it a point to log the placement immediately, just so people can have as much time as possible to be the next finder. It adds a certain element of excitement, especially in the winter months when you're talking about a much narrower survival window.


In regards to the containers being airtight, as Lep had pointed out - we can't allow the cache contents to get wet. Fortunately, hamsters have a very small lung capacity, and in a 50 cal. ammo can they have enough air for almost two days. I usually try to remove some of the larger McToys if the can is too full, just to leave more room for air. I figure it's a fair trade, because people really seem to like my hamsters. When they get there in time, that is.



Have you had your house checked for Rae Dawn Chong?


Originally posted by Cracker7M:

You DO tie a string around their neck, or hog-tie them so they dont take off when a surprised cacher pops open the container, right?


Nothing worse then being all pooped out from hiking to a terrian 3+ cache, and then having to chase a hamster around the woods before the hike back... icon_eek.gif

Art, I agree, nothing would suck worse than to have to chase down your trade item. Initially I was concerned about this also, but we found that the hamsters are pretty lethargic when you open the cache container, and just so glad to see you that the last thought in their little minds is to escape.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


Apparently some people are missing the point here. At this time we are only placing the hamsters in new caches. It is a written rule in Pittsburgh that when a new cache appears you need to get out there quickly. We are still trying to work out the logistics of placing hamsters in existing caches.


Over the winter I took my niece to Tonsil's first hamster cache. There's nothing more exciting than opening up a cache and finding a real hamster in the cache. Unfortunately with this being Tonsil's first experiment, the little guy was frozen solid since 30 hours had passed. The whole event didn't traumatize my niece too much. We took the piece of rubber cheese and the hamster so we could do a proper burial. Actually it worked out well. We were able to use the rubber piece of cheese as a headstone.


A lot has been learned since Tonsil's first hamster cache. I would bet there has only been a 10% loss of life in these caches. Much better odds than any medical research laboratory!


The only benefit I see to rabbits is that they could make a nice meal if they don't pull through. I still think hamsters are more hearty and have more potential.


Originally posted by rckdrummerr6969:

I seriously question the "ethics" of leaving anything Living in a cache for any length of time

This is a very valid concern. I once opened an ammo box that hadn't been found in several weeks, only to find this unfortunate kitten.


Luckily, I had biked to the cache and so had a tire pump handy.



Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack

Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back -- Dar Williams


Originally posted by Cracker7M:

You DO tie a string around their neck, or hog-tie them so they dont take off when a surprised cacher pops open the container, right?


Nothing worse then being all pooped out from hiking to a terrian 3+ cache, and then having to chase a hamster around the woods before the hike back... icon_eek.gif








I would think a cotton ball soaked in ether should keep them nicely sedated in the cache.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson


Originally posted by davwil:


We don't need no stinkin badgers!


I was hoping for a "UHF" fan to be hidden here somewhere.......


Originally posted by Dinoprophet:

Originally posted by mckee:

No badgers?






And here I have 2! Excellent! Any others? Anybody?


Originally posted by Scook:

Originally posted by mckee:

No badgers?

My wolverine can beat up your badger!

(and eat your hamster too!) icon_mad.gif




I have a lot of rabbits now. I didn't have that many last month. So I'm toying with the idea of rabbits for cache prizes.


Leave bunnies and hamsters! One of each so they have a friend to talk to. And *don't* take them to the animal shelter. We're finally down to just 4 rabbits. (We had 15!) And I've adopted enough hamsters! (I think I'm up to 20 or so)


Never invoke anything bigger than your head.


Originally posted by Dave&Michelle:

How about Ferrits?


Geocaching: Hiking with a purpose.


No ferrets, please. They chew the McToys something awful....


Of course, I think the best would be a snake. They often spend weeks, even months, balled up in a dark place--if the temperature is even and it has a bit of ventilation.




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


I voted for rabbits because there is more meat on them. Of course, there's a rule against leaving food in a cache. icon_wink.gif



texasgeocaching_sm.gifThink parallel branes and five dimensions. Science never sounded so cool....


Originally posted by Dave&Michelle:

How about Ferrits?



Now that would definitely result in a chase through the woods...






Remember what the dormouse said...


You never quite get that funky ferret odor out of tupperware.

Am hopeing to find a kitten in a cache someday, Hubby will trade for practically anything I tell him I want from a cache and I see this as my only way to get a kitten. icon_smile.gif

Can I leave an older cat as trade? He makes a decent lap warmer for in the winter but has a few bad habits I'd like to not put up with. icon_smile.gif



Age does not bring wisdom, but it does give perspective.


Another possibility is Gunea Pigs. They are smaller, use less air and produce smaller pellets. The only drawback is if you pick them up by their tails (for example, to extract them from a micro) there eyes fall out.




Ok, let me get this straight, this is NOT a joke????????? When I first read this thread, I thought it was a sort of inside joke for some cachers in a certain area, now, if I read it right, there are actually people putting LIVE ANIMALS in caches????????? That is disgusting, not to mention cruel, inhuman, immature, nasty, and a whole bunch more words that I won’t use in case there are kids reading it.


Understand that I am not some bleeding heart berkenstock and granola person, but the cruelty (and that’s the only word to describe putting a small animal in airtight container) for the sake of amusement is something I cannot abide! If any of you really think this is justifiable, send me an e-mail, I will be glad to come over to your house and stuff you in your dryer and leave you there for a couple of days, that should be about the same.


And to save you all the trouble, yes I know my finds/hides are 0/0, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have an opinion! I would have hoped that the Admins of this otherwise really good site would have deleted this thread long ago. If I were to take my Scout group out on another caching trip (BTW they log the finds under their own name) and came across a dead animal, I am sure that there would be more than one upset child.


One charming respondant seems to think it’s ok because they only go in new caches, or if they are found in a day or two. Can I lock up your child in a closet for a day or two? As long as it’s a new closet of course/?????


Let’s think a little people, I realize that there can’t be that many people involved, but this sort of thing (aside from being totally illegal) is going to give this activity a VERY bad name if it gets out. How many of you would like to find your dog stuffed into a small, airtight container????


If it is all a joke, well, I’m sorry for the rant. Most of it looks like it’s done in humor, but several of the replies seem very serious.


Originally posted by Dinoprophet:

Originally posted by mckee:

No badgers?






_Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack

Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back_ -- Dar Williams


Didn't Suzanna come from Alabama with a badger on her knee?




Originally posted by Daveyboy:



Ok, let me get this straight, this is NOT a joke????????? When I first read this thread, I thought it was a sort of inside joke for some cachers in a certain area, now, if I read it right, there are actually people putting LIVE ANIMALS in caches????????? That is disgusting, not to mention cruel, inhuman, immature, nasty, and a whole bunch more words that I won’t use in case there are kids reading it.

Actually, we do it mainly for the enjoyment of the kids!
Understand that I am not some bleeding heart berkenstock and granola person, but the cruelty (and that’s the only word to describe putting a small animal in airtight container) for the sake of amusement is something I cannot abide! If any of you really think this is justifiable, send me an e-mail, I will be glad to come over to your house and stuff you in your dryer and leave you there for a couple of days, that should be about the same.
Would you also be willing to do my laundry?
And to save you all the trouble, yes I know my finds/hides are 0/0, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have an opinion! I would have hoped that the Admins of this otherwise really good site would have deleted this thread long ago. If I were to take my Scout group out on another caching trip (BTW they log the finds under their own name) and came across a dead animal, I am sure that there would be more than one upset child.
That is why the technique has been refined, as described above.
One charming respondant seems to think it’s ok because they only go in new caches, or if they are found in a day or two. Can I lock up your child in a closet for a day or two? As long as it’s a new closet of course/?????
Y'know... that's pretty tempting!
Let’s think a little people, I realize that there can’t be that many people involved, but this sort of thing (aside from being totally illegal) is going to give this activity a VERY bad name if it gets out. How many of you would like to find your dog stuffed into a small, airtight container????
Sorry, but not practical for all but the smallest breeds, like the chihuahua. ("Yo quiero ammo can")
If it is all a joke, well, I’m sorry for the rant. Most of it looks like it’s done in humor, but several of the replies seem very serious.
You've been trolled. If you do a forums search on hamster, you'll see that this concept has a long history. No animals were harmed during the making of this forum thread.



Next time, instead of getting married, I think I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house.


Well, I'd usually say FROG is the obvious answer, but you know what?


I like monkeys.


The pet store was selling them for 5¢ each. I thought that was odd since they were normally a couple thousand dollars each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.


I bought 200.


I like monkeys.


I took my 200 monkeys home.


I have a big car.


I let one of them drive. His name was Sigmund.


He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals.


I laughed.


Then they punched my genitals.


I stopped laughing.


I herded them into my apartment.


They didn't adapt very well to their new environment.


They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall.


Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.


Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive: they all died.


No apparent reason.


They all just sort of dropped dead.


Kind odd like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later.


dadgum cheap monkeys.


I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my apartment. On the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase.


It looked like I had 200 throw rugs.


I tried to flush one down the toilet.


It didn't work. It got stuck.


Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.


I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals.


That worked for a while.


That is until they began to decompose.


Then it started to smell real bad.


I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want to call the plumber.


I was embarrassed.


I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them.


Unfortunately, there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time, so I had to change them every 30 seconds.


I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn't all go bad.


I tried burning them.


Little did I know my bed was flammable.


I had to extinguish the fire.


Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed.


The odor wasn't improving.


I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys or use the bathroom.


I severely beat one of my monkeys.


I felt better.


I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't allowed to dispose of charred primates.


I told him that I had a wet one.


He couldn't take that one either.


I didn't bother asking about the frozen ones.


I finally arrived at a solution.


I gave them out as Christmas gifts.


My friends didn't know quite what to say.


They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying.




So I punched them in the genitals.


I like monkeys.


I guess I'll have to put them in a cache.


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

like the chihuahua. ("Yo quiero ammo can")


Dude, you guys crack me up....



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.


Originally posted by Criminal:





Didn't Suzanna come from Alabama with a badger on her knee?



That's probably why we're always telling her "Don't you cry for me." Especially if she's wearing Capri pants.

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