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You write the caption...(March25)

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I know I look stupid doing the FTF dance, but what the hell...




Okay, guys, I'm hiding the cache. Make sure no one is looking!




29 of 42 for the day. Here's a pic of "Nike," one of Team Kick ***, returning the cache to the hiding spot. Took broken McToy and contraband. Left Iraqi "memento."

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Originally posted by ego:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first 6-star cache"


- AKA -


Helmet, $500

Rifle, $1200


First Cache in Iraq, PRICELESS


Don't ask me. I'm not from around here...


Oh my, absolutely outstanding! Good job....LOL.


Uh, slight correction, military prices... Kevlar (helmet) $130.00 on the last report of survey I had to do on a soldier that lost his...lol.


Rifle - army thought the darn things were priceless, they obviously messed things up...lol.


Ammo can - heck, they were literally giving them away. The ammo point wouldn't even take back 50 of them I had one time about 10 years ago after running a combat pistol qualification course...lol.


But the first REAL cache in Iraq, you got it right on the money.... icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.

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Now the government has sent the army to conviscate (sp?) my cache! Just another reason not to pay my taxes! icon_wink.gif (ps. Just a joke for those of you who take things to literally!)








Faster than a dial-up Internet connection, stronger than any band geek, look up at the sky! ....is it a bat..... no .....is it my grandma's mustache..... NO! IT'S RADMAN Version 2.0! See I even have my own neon sign!

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How long am I going to have to carry this thing around before the crowd goes away so I can rehide it....sheesh....




Dang moving caches anyway.....!!!!




The NEW Locationless cache, you just carry it with you and let people log a find if they see you with it!!!





"Trade up, trade even, or don't trade!!!" My philosophy of life.

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Are those the glasses the Army is issuing now? I remember the old "Birth control" glasses my brother-in-law had to wear during Desert Storm.


They kinda make the soldier look like Rick Moranis in Ghost Busters.


"Hey Saddam, you wanna come over later, play some Twister maybe do some break dancing?"




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Oh Great!!! 2000 square miles of empty desert and they had to hide the cache right on the main blvd!!!


Hey fellow cachers this is the proper way to 'two step' around that doggie doo. (Just between the two in the foreground)


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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