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Congrats to all the Mickey Diver recipients :)


Here's some Mickey 'Countries' and One Mickey 'Far out Colours' (must be a GW-VI Mickey :) ) who would love to chill with Mickey Diver.




We received this one in the mail today, didnt know what it was, but we knew it was a mystery when we mail ourselves coins. LOL. The return addy was also our home addy. Thank you Mickey Diver, some day Val and I will get to Disneyland or Disneyworld as Val has never been there, I was at Disneyland waaaay back when I was about 12 ( Epcot wasnt even open yet and Universal studios wasnt even thought of)


Thanks for making our day special Mickey Diver




Barry and Valarie of sweetlife


Congrats! truely a special coin. I've seen it for sale on ebay twice and both times it sold for over $300.00!!!

I would love to add one to my collection, but I'll have to wait until I can send myself one from myself! :)

I hope you both feel truely blessed to have recieved such a special gift!


Congrats to all the Mickey Diver recipients :D


Here's some Mickey 'Countries' and One Mickey 'Far out Colours' (must be a GW-VI Mickey :) ) who would love to chill with Mickey Diver.



Ooooh, I'd forgotten about the few Mickey pins we have gotten over the years, if my WDW vacation lanyard wasn't buried somewhere in the deep dark recesses of my office closet, that would have made a perfect pic with the Mickey Diver coin! :)


It has been a very stressful week for me and I finally returned home. The weather was beautiful after a few days of rain and I was able to fix the lawn tractor. I'm very sure that the neighbors were delighted to see me cutting my lawn finally! As usual I wore my Mickey baseball cap while cutting it too. I then decided it was time to hit the post office to pick up my mail that had accumulated for the last week while I was out of town. I told the dogs we were going for a car ride and off we went. I started going through the mail in the post office parking lot--I guess I just couldn't wait to see how many bills I had. Out slid a small envelope from me to me. I was absolutely clueless what it could be. Soooo I just had to open it right there and then. After I freed the small inner envelope I opened it to find a Mickey Diver!! You could have heard my "Whoop" in the next county and I grinned ear to ear!! LOL


Thank you Mickey Diver!!! You made my day!!! Thank you SO much!!! :D


Congratualtions Steph!!! Couldn't be a better or more deserving person!!


Still don't know what nutella is but if singing in the shower and getting some nutella would bring Mickey here I'm game!!!


I had forgotten about that post. Michele did send me some nutella. My first taste I might add yummmmm. I also have to admit to singing in the shower a lot since my last cointest. Do you think that is what brought Mickey here? :):)




WOW...Mickey Diver is swimmin around and poppin up all over!!! COOL and congrats!


Do I need to break out my dive gear and get my mickey ears on?...Ill Do it- You know me! Now just to get some mickey ears! :) ...Be right back!... :) - Kay how can I add mickey ears to that!- Eh, Ill work on it!


:) Congrats to everybody who has received this tiny Mysteriecoin :D




:D Mickey Diver thanks for your genourosity, you make coiners very happy :D


:) 007BigD i've got some ears for you, i hope they fit :D




Congrads to read all about other reciving the special Mickey Diver Coin as well. He sure is spreading smiles across the world. Thanks You Mickey Diver for turning frowns into smiles. I truley appreciate all your gererousity.



Barry and Val



Posted (edited)

It brings me such joy to see Mickey Diver coins still being released :) I have been collecting Disneyana since I was a child and geocacaching since March of 2007. I have not had the joy of seeing them in person (still looking!) but watching these forums and seeing the joy that Mickey Diver is bring to all of us reminds my of how the original Mickey brought us the same joy as a child.


Congrats to the new folks and thank you Mickey Diver for your continued generosity and keeping the dream of Walt alive.




Edited by chillyconqueso

That is one awesome looking coin. I own Disney stock, have a stock certificate and cels on the wall, and have the early Mickey Mouse movies on laser disc (the BIG golden disc), but have not been able to entice one of those coins my way. Mickey Diver, you are more than welcome to come on down to Mississippi to enjoy some of our southern hospitality!


Wow!!! I just came across this thread for the first time now and I gotta say what an awesome coin this is! One of my favorite mystery coin designs out there! Congratulations to all the lucky recipients. I'm kinda jealous of you guys now... :)


I'm impressed that this mystery coin is still being "found"...I'd love to get one, but I suppose we can't have all the coins out there! LOL.

Anyway, I think it's great...so thank you for stickin in there for the long haul! :)


Congrats to all the lucky ones that have received this cool coin!


I now have 3 versions of Mickey songs runing through my head.....that won't stop!!


There is the ever so sweet M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E from the old childhood days...just makes you want to wave a banner doesn't it?!?


Then there is Toni Basil...that really irratating cheerleader thing- Oh Mickey, your so fine,

You're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Mickey! Hey, Mickey!


THen the Go Go's with their version- Oh Mickey, you're a mouse

Walks on two feet and has a house

Hey Mickey (Hey, hey)


Someone please....get these out of my head!!!!



Someone please....get these out of my head!!!!


Is this song any better? LMAO


its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small, small world


There is just one moon and one golden sun

And a smile means friendship to everyone.

Though the mountains divide

And the oceans are wide

It's a small small world


Congrats everyone. This is one cool coin. I still have my lanyard with pins from visiting Disney a few years ago pre-geocaching and coins. Geesh, I was into pins then LMAO


I think this is probably my favorite coin! I sure hope I get to at least see one sometime! I just took my kids to Disney and they each collected and traded pins. It was so much fun - we can't wait to go again!


LadyBee4T says:


s a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small world after all

its a small, small world


OH how I wish you had not done this.....


We talked today at work about songs getting stuck in our heads. Such things are called (officially) ear worms. One of the top ten songs known for getting stuck and becoming an ear worm is this one!

And because we talked about it, I started humming it and now it's stuck in my head! I had just managed to kick it when I found time for the first time in a month to read these forums.....and then I see this!


Doggone it.....

Congrats to the newest finders of this awesome coin. I am very happy to read about it!




I have to make a sad admission. I haven't been following the forums much lately, because I've been working a LOT of overtime to pay for our trip to Cancun in July. I AM SOOOOO BAD!!!!


Well, sometime back, I invited Diver Mickey to come join us on vacation, but had totally forgotten about the invitation.


Guess What? I've worked so much that I guess I finally wore myself out, and got sick. I've been off work for 3 days now, and have really been giving myself a bad time, because I really couldn't afford the time off. I have PTO time, but I was saving it for vacation!


But when I checked the mail today, I suddenly feel so much better, and can already feel the ocean around me as I dive with.....My NEW MYSTERY MICKEY DIVER COIN!!!!!!!! :D


I can't wait to take him with us. He's going to go diving with my son's "Lego Scuba Steve"!! I just have to keep him close, so no big fish try to keep him in the depths with them! lol


I'll have to post pictures when we get back! Thank you so much, Mickey Diver, for gifting us with this awesome coin!! He is just too cool! :D


Congrats The Amegos! I cannot wait to see pics of Micky Diver on your vaca diving. Wish we had the funds for vaca this year. We were planning a visit to Micky's home land but had to put that on hold until next year so that we can pay off some bills.




Wooo Hooo!!!!!!!! I just finished up another semester at college and most likely made the deans list again. I don't know how I pull it off every semester with going to school full time and working full time but I seem to be able to handle it. Well I guess all of my hard work paid off as Mickey Diver showed up today!! What a great coin and I never thought I would ever get one!!! Thank you!!!!! You totally made my day!! and month.. and year.. :)


Congrats to everyone that has received this awesome coin!


Congrats to everyone who has received one of these sweet little coins! Every time I see one, I get reminded of the diving trips I took in Florida and the Galapagos! Such fun! :)

Posted (edited)

Guess what!!!?!!

After waking up at 2am this morning to a dog that wanted breakfast (we tried to ignore him, and finally he went back to sleep at 2:30), only to find the biggest zit EVER on my FOREHEAD (it's a third eye!), to come into work to find BOTH my employees out sick so I had to man the front counter (WHY are people so rude?!?), to find out I don't really get a lunch because people want transcripts printed and I'm the only one who knows how that is working today.....anyway, hubby got the mail and brought it to me along with a sandwich and There was an envelope addressed to be from me!! I was SOOOO excited...that could only mean one thing.....MYSTERY COIN!!


Funny thing is that it wasn't mailed too long ago, but it went to Colorado and then here to Indiana...Mickey still thought I lived in CO. Thank goodness they are still forwarding my mail..(anyone want to buy a house in CO?!? --whole 'nother story!)....


Anyway inside was this mystery coin! So cool and I was so happy! I was surprised at it's size....it's mickey sized and very neat! I'll take a pic tonight and post it, but I wanted to post about how happy it made me today! (and it made me forget my big zit for a while!) lol


Here's a pic of Mickey and the BIG ZIT! I didn't want to post the pic itself because I didn't want to detract from all the lovely pics here in the thread! LOL

But here is a link..thanks again!!!



Edited by Tank Hounds
Posted (edited)

Congrats ATMouse, sweetlife, LadyBee4T, and dflye! I'd enjoy finding one myself. :)


Who wouldn´t love to find such a lovely coin :)




he you have a photo of my breakfast...... ;)

thats nice can`t wait till tomorow morning than i can fall in love again :)

you have my phone to?????


Edited by lorca.nl

Congrats ATMouse, sweetlife, LadyBee4T, and dflye! I'd enjoy finding one myself. :D


Who wouldn´t love to find such a lovely coin :)




he you have a photo of my breakfast...... :)

thats nice can`t wait till tomorow morning than i can fall in love again ;)

you have my phone to?????



No, I got a different one there :D



But I take a look at my computer :)



Congrats ATMouse, sweetlife, LadyBee4T, and dflye! I'd enjoy finding one myself. :D


Who wouldn´t love to find such a lovely coin :)




he you have a photo of my breakfast...... :)

thats nice can`t wait till tomorow morning than i can fall in love again ;)

you have my phone to?????



No, I got a different one there :D



But I take a look at my computer :)



oh boy that is a real cool computer,

you and i look to mickey

you and i phone white mickey

you and i eat mickey

and i sleep white mickey you to???



Congrats ATMouse, sweetlife, LadyBee4T, and dflye! I'd enjoy finding one myself. :D


Who wouldn´t love to find such a lovely coin :)




he you have a photo of my breakfast...... :)

thats nice can`t wait till tomorow morning than i can fall in love again ;)

you have my phone to?????



No, I got a different one there :D



But I take a look at my computer :)



oh boy that is a real cool computer,

you and i look to mickey

you and i phone white mickey

you and i eat mickey

and i sleep white mickey you to???



Of course, is there anyone that does not?



It´s the best to sleep or to watch TV with



Congrats ATMouse, sweetlife, LadyBee4T, and dflye! I'd enjoy finding one myself. :D


Who wouldn´t love to find such a lovely coin :)




he you have a photo of my breakfast...... :)

thats nice can`t wait till tomorow morning than i can fall in love again ;)

you have my phone to?????



No, I got a different one there :D



But I take a look at my computer :)



oh boy that is a real cool computer,

you and i look to mickey

you and i phone white mickey

you and i eat mickey

and i sleep white mickey you to???



Of course, is there anyone that does not?



It´s the best to sleep or to watch TV with



wauwie now i must have that tv and throw my old one out.....


i`m so happy that i`m not the only one that have all the mickey goodie`s , have a nice breakfast tomorrow morning and good night white mickey......have sweet dreams Tschakko



wauwie now i must have that tv and throw my old one out.....


i`m so happy that i`m not the only one that have all the mickey goodie`s , have a nice breakfast tomorrow morning and good night white mickey......have sweet dreams Tschakko


Thx you too :)

It´s been fun comparing goodies ;)


Wooo Hooo!!!!!!!! I just finished up another semester at college and most likely made the deans list again. I don't know how I pull it off every semester with going to school full time and working full time but I seem to be able to handle it. Well I guess all of my hard work paid off as Mickey Diver showed up today!! What a great coin and I never thought I would ever get one!!! Thank you!!!!! You totally made my day!! and month.. and year.. :P


Congrats to everyone that has received this awesome coin!

Congrats Dolfy! I know how much this coin means to you! You deserve it! :D

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