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I have to be honest. I haven't been around here lately. That was to protect me for myself. I have been without work for some time and my finance didn't allowed me to buy a lot of coins. So it was the best for me not to visit this forum.


Today i had to make a exception.


Someone wasn't forgotten me. I did found a small envelope in the mail today. Sent from a place, not to be mentioned, in the USA only three days ago. Inside this small envelope there was an even smaller envelope. Inside this even smaller envelope there was a tiny but very nice coin. A real Mickey Diver Geocoin.


M.D. thank you. Thank you very much. I like your little coin a lot, A LOT. Thank you again.


I won't be visiting the rest of the forum yet. And this beauty is one of the nicest coins in my collection.


tot cache,

team Wij Drie :anitongue:


I have to be honest. I haven't been around here lately. That was to protect me for myself. I have been without work for some time and my finance didn't allowed me to buy a lot of coins. So it was the best for me not to visit this forum.


Today i had to make a exception.


Someone wasn't forgotten me. I did found a small envelope in the mail today. Sent from a place, not to be mentioned, in the USA only three days ago. Inside this small envelope there was an even smaller envelope. Inside this even smaller envelope there was a tiny but very nice coin. A real Mickey Diver Geocoin.


M.D. thank you. Thank you very much. I like your little coin a lot, A LOT. Thank you again.


I won't be visiting the rest of the forum yet. And this beauty is one of the nicest coins in my collection.


tot cache,

team Wij Drie :laughing:


Congratulations my friend! The coin looks beautiful!


I understand you with the job! Of course, I was like that for a long time too! I got a job for 4 months, now, but I have no idea when I will get paid! Well.. things are... Unfortunatelly, after 4 mnths, I will probably face the same problem, but at least I am back! :anibad: I work now! :anitongue:


Of course, only a limited number of geocachers knew that I was without a job! I was feeling really bad about it! Not working for a long time... :anicute:


Since I was and still am new to geocaching, I was all the time in the foroum, learning things etc! I saw many geocoins that really loved, but could't affort! It was a knife in my heart, but...


As you saw, life is playing games to all of us, but is changing all the time too! May this diver coin be your lucky one who will change your job situation! <_<


Oh Mickey - you really are 'so fine'. :anitongue:

What a wonderful package to get in the mail. It made me smile and forget about the pain I'm feeling due to a case of Shingles that started on Sunday.

Thanks so much - your gorgeous coin will stay close to me always. :laughing:



I've been so busy these past couple weeks that I haven't had time to do much reading or posting in the forums(or much caching for that fact)

After another long, hard 14 hr work day I got home and checked the mail...

bill, bill, bill, advertisement, bill, bill, junk, bill...hmmm, whats this? A small envelope to me with a return address to me? could it be?

YES! Our very first mystery coin! :laughing:

I've heard that you always remember your first!


Thank you so very much! I will always cherish this coin and never part with it!

I think it is quite the coincidence that the 'mickey diver' was the first mystery coin I ever saw(pic only) and didn't know what it was, and through research I found out about mystery coins.

I think the kids thought I had finally went off the deep end when I realized what it was, cause the dancing and hooting is something they just don't see too often! Thanks for making my day end pleasurably! :anitongue:

Posted (edited)

What was in my mailbox today? Nothing much.... just a li'l ol' envelope... really small one, mind....addressed to me... from me... WITH A MICKEY DIVER COIN INSIDE!!!!!


I kinda felt the inside packaging and as I excitedly ripped it open I kept saying "OMG, OMG, I got a Mickey Diver!!! I got a Mickey Diver!!!" But I didn't really believe it until it slid out of the envelope into my hand!


Thank you sooooooooooo much, Mickey Diver Coin sender person, whoever you are! This is the coolest li'l coin! I will treasure it forever. I think I will put it into a cardboard flip with a bit of white paper covering the back! LOL!! :D:lol:



Edited by Crowesfeat30

And I also was the lucky recipient of a very cute Mickey Diver Mystery geocoin! And once again, it slipped my attention, although this time not for so long. I thought it was a pathtag and left it on the mail pile 'til my son says, "Hey Mom -- what's this?" He had caught the return address conundrum and brought my attention back to this little joy. Thanks so much! :lol:




And I also was the lucky recipient of a very cute Mickey Diver Mystery geocoin! And once again, it slipped my attention, although this time not for so long. I thought it was a pathtag and left it on the mail pile 'til my son says, "Hey Mom -- what's this?" He had caught the return address conundrum and brought my attention back to this little joy. Thanks so much! :lol:





Congrats to everyone, I would love to get one of these coins in my mailbox. Haven't gotten any of the new mystery coins. :D

But does anyone know how to send a coin to you? I'd love to send you a Yaahl's Feather (not that you don't have plenty of your own, I'm sure...) but I don't know where! :lol:


Perhaps we will run into each other at some point at MWGB (I can hope so anyway :D )



And I also was the lucky recipient of a very cute Mickey Diver Mystery geocoin! And once again, it slipped my attention, although this time not for so long. I thought it was a pathtag and left it on the mail pile 'til my son says, "Hey Mom -- what's this?" He had caught the return address conundrum and brought my attention back to this little joy. Thanks so much! :lol:





Congrats to Flutey and to all the other lucky recipients!

And I also was the lucky recipient of a very cute Mickey Diver Mystery geocoin! And once again, it slipped my attention, although this time not for so long. I thought it was a pathtag and left it on the mail pile 'til my son says, "Hey Mom -- what's this?" He had caught the return address conundrum and brought my attention back to this little joy. Thanks so much! :lol:





Congrats to Flutey and to all the other lucky recipients!


YES, Indeed :D


Congrats to everyone who got one!

What is on the back as there only seems to be a pick of one side?

Are the numbered or trackable?




I went to get the mail a few days ago, looking for some trades coming in and mixed in with some padded envelopes was this tiny little card to me from me. I thought "that's interesting...if it were a padded envelope I'd think it was a mystery geocoin - but no don't even go there LD" and saved myself some torture and put it from my mind. Came into the house and put everything to me upstairs on my desk, waiting to open them until evening when the boys had gone to bed. About 3 hours went by and it was almost time to leave to take our boys to swimming lessons when I looked over at the stack with the little envelope still on top. I was again, thinking mystery coin but then convinced myself it was a thank you for a recent wedding or graduation gift sent. "Don't go there LD" I said to myself again and went downstairs.


An hour later, came back upstairs and thought...ok just open this one envelope and get it over with to prove to yourself that it is NOT a geocoin and get on with your day already! OK, plan in motion. Sliced open the top and see something to make me think perhaps I was wrong...and boy did my heart start pulsing rapidly! Said to myself a dozen times..."NO WAY" while holding it down to my side and closing my eyes. Finally got 'brave' and opened it the rest of the way...and guess what?? I WAS WRONG!!! WHOOHOO!! It WAS a geocoin in fact it was the MICKEY DIVER mystery coin!!! oh boy was I surprised and extremely estatic!!


I don't feel like I did anything special to get this...but boy oh boy am I one happy coiner today!!! Thank you Mickey Diver for sharing your generosity with me!! I dug out our old photos (took me a few days lol) to show you that indeed I am a fan of yours :huh: though I never did see Mickey at Disneyland....at least I got to get my pic with Mickie's sweetie.






I went to get the mail a few days ago, looking for some trades coming in and mixed in with some padded envelopes was this tiny little card to me from me. I thought "that's interesting...if it were a padded envelope I'd think it was a mystery geocoin - but no don't even go there LD" and saved myself some torture and put it from my mind. Came into the house and put everything to me upstairs on my desk, waiting to open them until evening when the boys had gone to bed. About 3 hours went by and it was almost time to leave to take our boys to swimming lessons when I looked over at the stack with the little envelope still on top. I was again, thinking mystery coin but then convinced myself it was a thank you for a recent wedding or graduation gift sent. "Don't go there LD" I said to myself again and went downstairs.


An hour later, came back upstairs and thought...ok just open this one envelope and get it over with to prove to yourself that it is NOT a geocoin and get on with your day already! OK, plan in motion. Sliced open the top and see something to make me think perhaps I was wrong...and boy did my heart start pulsing rapidly! Said to myself a dozen times..."NO WAY" while holding it down to my side and closing my eyes. Finally got 'brave' and opened it the rest of the way...and guess what?? I WAS WRONG!!! WHOOHOO!! It WAS a geocoin in fact it was the MICKEY DIVER mystery coin!!! oh boy was I surprised and extremely estatic!!


I don't feel like I did anything special to get this...but boy oh boy am I one happy coiner today!!! Thank you Mickey Diver for sharing your generosity with me!! I dug out our old photos (took me a few days lol) to show you that indeed I am a fan of yours :unsure: though I never did see Mickey at Disneyland....at least I got to get my pic with Mickie's sweetie.






WOOT !!!WOOT!!!! Congrats Lori :ph34r:


Oh Yes! Mickey diver is very generous!!!!

Hmm...if you ever pass from Rhodes Greece, can you bring some disney$ banknotes too? I heard they are beautiful!! :unsure: Just kiding!! :ph34r:


Congrats to Lori, to Flutey, and to all other recipients on receiving the Mickey Diver coin lately, Just got back home from being gone all weekend, finishing up on all the counties and Delorme pages of Wisconsin.


Barry and Valarie of sweetlife



I don't feel like I did anything special to get this...but boy oh boy am I one happy coiner today!!! Thank you Mickey Diver for sharing your generosity with me!! I dug out our old photos (took me a few days lol) to show you that indeed I am a fan of yours :unsure: though I never did see Mickey at Disneyland....at least I got to get my pic with Mickie's sweetie.






Lori, just being you makes you worthy of this awesome coin!!! CONGRATS!


THANKS MD, you truly make me smile!!




After being on vacation in Iowa for a week, my mailbox was just stuffed with mail. While sorting out the spam from the "real" mail, I came across one that didn't have a return address on it. Not knowing which pile it should go in, I opened it up to take a look at the contents. I wasn't at all prepared for what I found inside! MICKEY DIVER! MICKEY DIVER!! MICKEY DIVER!!! Thank you SO much, I just love this coin!


Well, Mickey, we went diving at Lake Travis, near Austin, last Sunday. At least everybody else got to dive. I had to go back to the boat because I got an ear squeeze when I tried to descend. Mickey Diver and Scuba Steve got to dive with the boat owner, when he borrowed my BCD to go down and take pictures of the kids, but he didn't know that they were in the pocket of my BCD, so he didn't get pictures of them. When we get home, I'll post pics of the kids diving that the boat owner took while they were down.


Okay, not sure where to start here. My family and I just recently started Geocaching. It is so much fun; we are having a blast searching for "treasure" together as a family. It's great.

I've been reading about the Mickey Mystery Coin and people getting their mail on a random day with a "mystery" package containing a coin. My question is: how does the mystery gifter know where to send the coin? I know that I am fairly new to Geocaching, and being from South Dakota, probably out of the way for most of the events I've read about in the forums, but my daughter would go absoulutely bananas if she had one of these awesome "Mickey Divers". How does the mystery gifter get addresses?

Sorry if these questions have already been covered in another posting, but I've just spent the last hour reading about all the cool stories from other members getting the mystery Mickey coin in the mail and it aroused my interest, and longing for a Mickey Diver coin...


mabey some of you know my sweet aunt was very sick.

this morning my mama called me to say that she is past away.

my tears are rolling over my face but i have one beautiful memorie whit her.

i was blest that i was choosen to recieved a GeoCaching Angel and a Mickey Diver in my mailbox.

when i was visit my aunt last sunday i had my two mystery coins whit me and show my aunt the two coins.

my aunt was so sick that she could`t move and speak anymore but she try to take my hand and look at the coins.

when she had the coins in her hand she takes my hand and there was a little smile on her face.

when i was holding her hand whit the two coins in our hands she look at me for a moment and i sit whit her for one hour.


i will always remember the moment when we feel the strength of the two coins between our hands.


Thank you Mickey Diver for give my this most beautiful moment of my life.


i know my aunt is a Angel now,

but i gonna see her again someday somehow.


this story is a copy of my log by the Angel mystery to say thanks to both of the Mystery`s.


Yes, I finally got a Mickey Diver while at the MWGB. No, I didn't find it in a cache. I had to buy it but it was worth the price I paid for it. :blink: It's a great coin.

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