+Geo.Error Posted June 13, 2008 Posted June 13, 2008 (edited) Congrats with your mickey diver Edited June 13, 2008 by Geo.Error Quote
+fairyhoney Posted June 13, 2008 Posted June 13, 2008 What a Great Birthday Present! Thanks, M-I-C-K-E-Y !!! Should have used a Cooper since you were over there for a while Anyways, Congratulation, ALLIE and . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Quote
+Frank n Beck Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 Congrats Fluttershy, CinemaBoxers, and dimkasmir on your new additions. Hope to see one in person some time! Beck Quote
+FossilFinders Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 I am a scuba diver and I would like to know where I can purchase this Geocoin? Quote
+rivercity Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 What a great mail day! In my rush to get to a padded envelope, all the other mail was set aside. After admiring a new geocoin from a friend, I leafed through the rest of the mail and spotted an envelope with my return address. Well, this got my attention! Inside was a message mentioning Uncle Walt, and I thought, "No way!" Another little envelope to open and out falls MICKEY DIVER! Wow! I heard that there were some lucky cachers at GW who found a Mickey Diver. I even looked around a bit and found a very nice fimo token but no little mouse ears. I never dreamed that I would find a Mickey Diver in my mailbox! Thank you for this very special coin. Mickey Diver is already displayed with other treasured geocoins, the ones that always bring a smile to my face and a happy memory to mind. Here's Mickey Diver with one of my new keychains! He fits right in at my house! Thank you so much! Quote
+PengoFamily Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Today when I got home I was checking through my coin mail and noticed an envelope from me to me. I ripped it open and saw a note from Uncle Walt and thought...nah couldn't be...then opened up the other envelope that hid a Mickey Diver coin!! Thanks soooo much!! This brightened up my Monday and my week. Thanks sooo much for spreading your joy with this mystery coin!!! Quote
+Ble68 Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 (edited) Congrats! There are so many amazing people getting this coin! Thanks for spreading some joy Mickey Driver! Edited June 16, 2008 by Ble68 Quote
+The-Wolf-Pack Posted June 16, 2008 Posted June 16, 2008 Today when I got home I was checking through my coin mail and noticed an envelope from me to me. I ripped it open and saw a note from Uncle Walt and thought...nah couldn't be...then opened up the other envelope that hid a Mickey Diver coin!! Thanks soooo much!! This brightened up my Monday and my week. Thanks sooo much for spreading your joy with this mystery coin!!! Whoooo Hooooo Congrats Chantal Mickey made his way to Canada such a deserving person to get such a happy feeling coin Keep up the great work Mickey Awesome job Quote
+Anthus Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 We got a Mickey. I was driving home from work when the hubby call me on my cell and said "hey I think you got a geocoin in the mail and it might be a mystery one do you want me to open it up for you?" I told him no because I like to open them and be surprised. My commute home is about a 45 minute drive and this made it seem like twice as long as that. I opened the envelope and out came a smaller envelope with a note on it. Opened it and there was Mickey. I was totally shocked as I never thought I'd be getting one. I've been wanting one since it was first discovered at GW5 last year. Thanks Mickey!! I'll treasure it forever !! ....Anthus P.S. Congrats to PengoFamily on receiving one too. Quote
+PengoFamily Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats Anthus and rivercity on your mickey coins as well!! Quote
+Taubin_ZL2TOY Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats Anthus and all the other Mickey winners Quote
+Frank n Beck Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 (edited) Congrats Rivercity, Pengofamily, and Anthus on your newly acquired coin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just gotta love that Mickey!!!!!!!!!! Beck Edited June 17, 2008 by Frank n Beck Quote
+Tschakko Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats to the recent gifted You truly deserve it May this treasure brighten up your day forever Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Want to add my hearty CONGRATS to all the new mouse-eared coiners, Mickey has made some wonderful choices!! I sure am loving these stories!! Well done Mickey Diver, well done!! Quote
+Geo.Error Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats Rivercity, Pengofamily, and Anthus on your mickey ears mysteriecoin Thanks Mickey Diver for making all these coiners ssssssooooooooooooo happy Quote
+Dolfy Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats Rivercity, Anthus and Pengofamily!!!!! It's such an adorable coin! Quote
+mousekakat Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 Congrats to the great new "Mousekadivers" from Mousekakat!! Naomi Quote
+Dr. Whoever Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 WOW!! I just arrived home at 0330 this morning from my trip to Canada and the "TRIFECTA" and noticed an unusual envelope sitting next to my fish pond (adjacent to my mail box). It is addressed to me and yet the return address is also mine. I opened the envelope and found a MICKEY DIVER!!!!! inside. WOOOOOOOOOO! Now this is how to make a truly great caching trip complete....come home and get a mystery coin and right next to the water. Mickey hopefully avoided getting nipped at the heels by my fish. Thank you Mickey Diver...whoever and wherever you are!! Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 CONGRATS JIM...looks like you had a great time............ Quote
+luckycharmer Posted June 17, 2008 Posted June 17, 2008 I've been off the site for a few days because of all the sandbagging needed in this area and missed all fun finds everyone has been having. CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE. Quote
+joranda Posted June 18, 2008 Posted June 18, 2008 Congrats! Thanks for spreading some joy Mickey Driver! I'd love to find one some day. Quote
+OverTheEdge Posted June 20, 2008 Posted June 20, 2008 Last week I sat down and wrote out a Thank You - for the Mickey Diver Mystery geocoin I received, but in reviewing the forum, I now discover that my message never posted properly... So, I will try again... Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU so much for the mystery coin! I went to my mailbox last week, and discovered that I had sent myself a letter... That's funny, I don't remember going to the post office!! When I opened the envelope, there was a Mickey Diver coin! After doing the "Happy Dance" - I placed Mickey in my special geocoin book along with some of my favorite coins! It had been a crazy week at work, and this really helped to brighten my day! I have been with my company for going on three years... during that time, I they have moved my office 12 times - and as of last week, I am now on my 6th manager, and this time around, I did NOT get the cream of the crop! Receiving the coin made my world a brighter place... and suddenly things didn't seem so bad... Again, thank you SO MUCH for the mystery coin - so sorry for the slow response, I really did think I had posted the Thank You. Quote
+Landsharkz Posted June 20, 2008 Posted June 20, 2008 (edited) I have a confession... I have a Mickey Diver coin and I haven't a clue where it came from . We had a lock n' lock at GW6 that we put trades in that we received and this week while I've been sick I've been going through activating and admiring them all. Looking back - a mystery coin appeared on our table, and during the day folks handed us coins and we handed them coins... we found some signature coins in caches and we left some of our own too...we went to the Geocoin Swap and it was a really busy time. I haven't a clue how it got into our lock n' lock, but here it is in my possession . Chris thinks we found it during our excursion caching our way to Spenceville but he was so busy taking photos he can't be sure. We've been to Disneyland 6 times and DisneyWorld twice (as kids and then with our own kids). Our family room is decorated with some classic Disney posters and we have Disney accessories in our kitchen . I wanted to re-stock but the Disney kitchen store in Adventureland was closed (for good) when we were there last fall ! Sheesh! Thank you so much Mickey Diver for this cool micro - I'm not sure how this lovely gem of a coin got into our collection but we truly appreciate your generosity . Edited June 20, 2008 by Landsharkz Quote
+amagrud Posted June 21, 2008 Posted June 21, 2008 Congratz to all the Micky Diver recipients! I'm still holding onto the hope that some will find their way down to sunny and HOT Mississippi! Quote
+BRoKeN W Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Snippet from what I posted in the Mailbox thread "Well the first and last time I saw or held this coin was months ago when I was sent it to sell for the McClure family. The coin fetched $300 on the E place. It was definitely tough to give it up when I didn't even have it in my own collection. Today that coin landed in my mailbox. It almost got lost in the masses of the junk mail , but after sorting through the mail I see this tiny envelope addressed to me and my husband. I was intrigued as to what was inside to I eagerly opened it to find a MICKEY DIVER mystery coin! WOOOO!!!!!! Thank you soooo much! You definitely brightened my day " Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Oh that Mickey Diver....sure picked another wonderful recipient for this coin!! Well done on both ends my friends!! Quote
+sweetlife Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Snippet from what I posted in the Mailbox thread "Well the first and last time I saw or held this coin was months ago when I was sent it to sell for the McClure family. The coin fetched $300 on the E place. It was definitely tough to give it up when I didn't even have it in my own collection. Today that coin landed in my mailbox. It almost got lost in the masses of the junk mail , but after sorting through the mail I see this tiny envelope addressed to me and my husband. I was intrigued as to what was inside to I eagerly opened it to find a MICKEY DIVER mystery coin! WOOOO!!!!!! Thank you soooo much! You definitely brightened my day " We are so glad to hear you were so blessed in receiving this coin. Glad it made you and yours a brighter day. Nothing is better to see a friend of yours more happy. The smile on their faces are priceless. Congrads our friends. Barry and Valarie Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 CONGRATS to all......think Mickey will ever make it to Hooterville??? lol Quote
+BlueMotmot Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Wow, today I received a Mickey Diver coin! I've coveted this coin since first seeing it last year....this has been a rough week with fires and all, this thoughtful gift definitely lightened my day! This little diver will go diving with me on my next trip!! Thank you mystery mickey giver!! Quote
+0R0B0RUS Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Grumpy and still adjusting to city life after camping for the last ten days, I noticed a small envelope amongst the pile of bills and junk mail. No way! The return address is mine! I tear open the side and out plops a Mickey Diver coin! Alright! Thank you Mickey Diver, your mystery coin is safe with me. Quote
+0R0B0RUS Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Grumpy and still adjusting to city life after camping for the last ten days, I noticed a small envelope amongst the pile of bills and junk mail. No way! The return address is mine! I tear open the side and out plops a Mickey Diver coin! Alright! Thank you Mickey Diver, your mystery coin is safe with me. Quote
+0R0B0RUS Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Grumpy and still adjusting to city life after camping for the last ten days, I noticed a small envelope amongst the pile of bills and junk mail. No way! The return address is mine! I tear open the side and out plops a Mickey Diver coin! Alright! Thank you Mickey Diver, your mystery is safe with me. Quote
+Ble68 Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Congrats everyone! It is pretty cool how 3 people got a mystery driver in the same day Quote
+luckycharmer Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 I love the way this MICKEY DIVER mystery coin just appears. It always seems to bring a smile. CONGRATULATIONS to all the goofy folks out there. Quote
+OverTheEdge Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 Congrats to everyone who received this coin lately! It's hard not to smile when Mickey's involved! Quote
+Droo Posted July 9, 2008 Posted July 9, 2008 (edited) Wooohoooo! A self addressed letter arrived in the mail today and it was sent by ...... ME!! Wowweeeeee! A peek inside told me that Mickey had come to do some diving with me. But first we're off for a ride and get him suited up for our cold waters. Thanks Mickey Diver for the unexpected visit. Edited July 9, 2008 by Droo Quote
+RifleMan81 Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Cool coin. Congrats to all the deserving recipients! Quote
+luckycharmer Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Droo, it looks like Mickey is going to have a grand time at you house. CONGRATULATIONS on receiving the coin. Quote
+Nochipra Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 (edited) OMG! OMG!!! Chip and I left a couple of hrs ago to go get some dinner and do A secret agent mission and when we went out the door, we saw that the mailman had come and left a couple of mailers and a bill. We were hungry so we picked them up and took them with us but waited til we got home to open them. I figured they were the two traders I was expecting? Well, when I got home I realize one was a trader but the other was from someone I wasn't expecting anything from? I rushed and opened that one and GUESS WHAT WAS IN IT!!! A MICKEY DIVER COIN!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! How ironic is it that I had just mentioned in the mailbox thread that I had never seen one in person and then a few hours later actually get one of our own!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!! Thank you mickey diver so much!!! Edited July 10, 2008 by Nochipra Quote
+DaFunkyFrogs Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 CONGRATS to the new mickey divers................ Quote
+Geo.Error Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Congrats to you all with your new mickey Ears, i am happy for you Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Mickey's been busy lately, WELL DONE!! Many special people being recognized here, CONGRATS!! Love the fun posts! Quote
lorca.nl Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 when I came home today there was a little envelope in my mailbox and my adress was on both of the sides. i open the little envelop and there was onther little envelop inside i was so confused. i open it and there it was a little mickey mouse diver. I CAN`T EXPRESS MYSELF WHAT I FELT THAT MOMENT I WAS SO HAPPY. DEAR MICKEY DIVER I`M SO THANK FULL YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL. and CONGRATS for all the new receivers of this BEAUTIFUL MICKEY DIVER GEOCOIN Quote
+luckycharmer Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 when I came home today there was a little envelope in my mailbox and my adress was on both of the sides. i open the little envelop and there was onther little envelop inside i was so confused. i open it and there it was a little mickey mouse diver. I CAN`T EXPRESS MYSELF WHAT I FELT THAT MOMENT I WAS SO HAPPY. DEAR MICKEY DIVER I`M SO THANK FULL YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL. and CONGRATS for all the new receivers of this BEAUTIFUL MICKEY DIVER GEOCOIN What a great picture. CONGRATULATIONS ON RECEIVING THE COIN. Quote
+RifleMan81 Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 OK, so one more coin to add to my seeking list. Quote
RedShoesGirl Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 add me to the list of happy campers who received a mickey diver yesterday! it was such a welcome site, that cute little envelope with the cuter character inside. a while back, when i was first here and saw the mickey coin i thought it meant "no mickey mouse" - you know, the line across it thing, like the no smoking signs. how odd i thought. being a desert girl, the diving thing didn't occur to me! rsg Quote
+Ble68 Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 (edited) add me to the list of happy campers who received a mickey diver yesterday! it was such a welcome site, that cute little envelope with the cuter character inside. a while back, when i was first here and saw the mickey coin i thought it meant "no mickey mouse" - you know, the line across it thing, like the no smoking signs. how odd i thought. being a desert girl, the diving thing didn't occur to me! rsg Looks like your karma bank is paying off . Congrats to you, Lorca. and all the others who recieved this coin. Edited July 10, 2008 by Ble68 Quote
+The-Wolf-Pack Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 Congrats to all the latest Mickey Diver recipients!!!!!!! very well deserved Quote
+Geo.Error Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 when I came home today there was a little envelope in my mailbox and my adress was on both of the sides. i open the little envelop and there was onther little envelop inside i was so confused. i open it and there it was a little mickey mouse diver. I CAN`T EXPRESS MYSELF WHAT I FELT THAT MOMENT I WAS SO HAPPY. DEAR MICKEY DIVER I`M SO THANK FULL YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL. and CONGRATS for all the new receivers of this BEAUTIFUL MICKEY DIVER GEOCOIN What a great picture. CONGRATULATIONS ON RECEIVING THE COIN. Congrats with this big suprise Lorca.nl, i am very happy for you. Thanks Mickey Diver for this big suprise for a lot off coiners, you are very generous. Quote
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