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Mines Arrived!

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Mine arrived in the post this morning. :laughing:

Its goal is to get to "Tokuyama, Japan spreading awareness of Diabetes along the way".

Not a bad trip from St.Helens I'd say..




Hands up if you've got yours....


Would be nice to know what region of the UK you're from and where your bug has been set to go to.


Wonder what proportion of the total the UK was allocated in the end?




Edited by The Mars Bars
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brilliant nice to see 1 has arrived over here.

Did you apply as soon as it was posted on the forums?


Yep, at about the same time that someone was moaning about passwords etc.. :laughing:


20000 bugs is an awful lot and seeing as their missions seem to be spread worldwide I assume the distribution of starting points will also be equally well spread.




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Just in case someone needs the information.


The United For Diabetes TBs are already activated. You only need to grab it from its current location. If you are having trouble logging it, first make sure that the 0s are not Os and the Is are not 1s. If that doesn't work for you, send an email with both the tracking number on the tag, and the TB number on the page (if you have it) to contact@Groundspeak.com and put "U4D TB tracking# problem" as your subject line.

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I applied for one within an hour of it going live on the front page of the site, but nothing has appeared here yet, although the postman did come today.


Presumably, they have gotten caught up in the Christmas post and will emerge in the next few days.


I have the locally destined ones on my watchlist but none of them have been logged into anyones possession yet either.

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I applied for one before it was published on here - we were all discussing it in the geocaching chat room!


I can't wait to get home from work and see if Mr Postman has brought me one!!


No nice delivery from Mr Postman :D


Have you been a "good girl" this last year though? :D

Well.. if THAT's the criterias for getting one, I very much doubt that mine will ever get delivered :laughing:

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I know they have the little blue circle thing attached to the tag, but is anyone attaching anything else to theirs?


I saw a similar question in the Travel Bug forum and the general feeling was that you shouldn't add anything as it isn't your bug. However, I'm going to add a laminated label saying what it is and, more importantly, it's destination.

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I applied for one before it was published on here - we were all discussing it in the geocaching chat room!


I can't wait to get home from work and see if Mr Postman has brought me one!!


No nice delivery from Mr Postman :P


Have you been a "good girl" this last year though? :P

Well.. if THAT's the criterias for getting one, I very much doubt that mine will ever get delivered :P


Well well well. Maybe I wasn't so bad after all :)


Mine arrived this morning and its mission is to get to Samut Pakura, in Thailand. Guess that's reasonable. I shall be adding a laminated tag to it with info and instructions, before I let it go.


I am still confused about the photo competition though. Has anyone actuay worked out what the theme is for the first quarter? :)

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We got ours today! It needs to go to Tours, France. At least this one has a realistic chance, as I work in Paris quite a bit at the moment.


I would have liked that one - it would reach its destination tomorrow, as I live about 45mins from Tours :-)

Anyway mine arrived today and its mission is to go to Patrai, Greece. Will be dropping it off in either a new cache or an existing one locally.



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The postman has just been and we've got one too :). Destination is Yarim in Yemen. I've just looked and there is only one cache in the whole of Yemen (GCMME1), which has been live over a year and has no finders yet.


hear that all you FTF hunters? Better go book your plane tickets! We got a bug having to travel to Kempele, Finland.

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