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Find / Hide Ratio


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What is your ratio of caches found to caches hidden? I typically have kept mine at around 10:1 (right now with 538 finds and 52 hides). However, I notice some geocachers with very high ratios and very low ratios. I wonder if there is a predominant ratio. Darn, it definately is a dull day to be thinking about something like this! Hey, here is another one -- what is your post to find ratio? Mine is about 1:1. Do you folks with 3,000 posts have the same level of activitity doing real geocaching? :anibad: Just kidding - no offense intended.

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I would imagine that while the dnf to find ratio for an individual cacher will likely remain consistent over the years the hide to find ratio would not.


I view hides much differently than finds. I would not expect a 3000 find cacher to place 300 caches nor would it seem out of line for someone with 100 finds to have placed 25 or 30 caches. 10 cache placements is admirable.


I hope I never get to 3000 forum posts. I'm in far too much trouble for being here as it is.


Edit to answer OP question: caches 13.5:1 posts 0.52:1

Edited by Team Sagefox
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Something akin to this came up on floridacaching a while back. I was WAAY too bored and come up with this stat (no longer current): " There are 57 cachers in Fl with over 1000 finds. They average 69.375 hides - er, maybe that's 70."


With the exception of Ice Cream Man, folks don't continue to place 70 NEW caches per 1000 finds.


Hide to find ratio can't be static. At some point it's going to start dropping, or you're going to have a lot of hides needing maintenance or archived.

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2164 : 399 = 5.42 (I have adopted two caches so my numbers should read 2164 : 397 = 5.45)


My 1st 100 hides took about a year.

My 2nd 100 hides took about 7 months.

My 3rd 100 hides took about 4 months.

My 4th 100 hides took about 3.5 months. (OK, so I'm not yet at 400, but I am close.)


When my finding activities were curtailed somewhat I found hiding gave me just as much enjoyment. As of my last hide I have sworn off of placing more park-and-grab micros and will just be on the lookout for great views and interesting places to bring folks.

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When my finding activities were curtailed somewhat I found hiding gave me just as much enjoyment. As of my last hide I have sworn off of placing more park-and-grab micros and will just be on the lookout for great views and interesting places to bring folks.

Wow -- I can definately relate to both of these points. Lately we have been very slow in finding, largely because we have found all of the caches in this area, and as a result have hidden a bunch of new caches. Same feeling too about park and grabs...they are easy to do, but after you spend a day finding them you realize they are not that much fun. I too am back to my original idea about geocaching which was to hide in places that took folks on nice relatively short hikes where they might not otherwise tread.

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uhm... no


Mainly because my stats are atrocious and I have this real problem of wanting my caches to be "perfect" - Whatever that may mean :anibad: That's why I have placed one real cache and recently adopted two.


I'll take five of your old caches for one of my new ones


I can always blame the lameness on you later - if needed :anibad:

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find to hide- about 41:1


Post to find.... If I include Off Topic posts... and the sockpuppet account I used before Off Topic was created.... I give up. I can't figure out how many off topic posts I have under this account. I'd guess about a 1.5 finds to 1 post but I'm probably wrong.




edit- I was wrong- I'm at about 1.2 finds/post. :anibad:

Edited by Jennifer&Dean
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I am not a prolific hider. Never will be. I don't have to time to maintain a lot of caches. And, I want my caches to be special. Most have great views. (Sometimes, I wish more hiders would consider 'special' to be a good thing. But that wasn't what you asked...)

Lessee, add 1 to the number of blue recycling cans in the proximity of the pavillion, multiply by the fourth digit in the number on the marble monument...

Find/hide ratio is 47/1. I can think of maybe two more that I'd like to hide, maybe three...

Being rather opinionated, and having no fear of putting my rear fin in my snout, my post/find ratio is 1.2/1.

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I'd been a geocacher for over three years before I hid my first cache. in the meantime, I adopted a few...


Now I've hidden some more, three I think. So my own find to hide ration is about 120:1, but I've adopted a few other caches, some of which have been since archived.


I pay no attention to the ratio, since I only hide a cache when I find a fantastic place to put one as well as having the ability to maintain it. So far I'm pretty proud of my three caches and have gotten some satisfying logs.



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3:1 find to post ratio. I've found way more than I post. The rest of you need to get out more :blink:

Do a little superior dance for us. That might impress me. ;)



It appears that I have a 10:1 ratio according to my stat bar:



(Thanks for the fix Airmapper!)


But that is quite wrong when you consider all the geocaching websites I list/find caches on, my personal unlisted caches, and the fact that I'm anywhere between 100 & 200 caches behind in logging.... Not to mention that I have a half dozen hides that I STILL haven't bothered to list and the event cache that I submitted today.


I may be as low as 7:1.

Edited by Snoogans
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<a href="http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=eccadb6f-3b69-4a69-9055-e759bbfc3863" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.Groundspeak.com/stats/img.aspx?txt=Your+Kung+Fu+is+NOT+strong!!!&uid=eccadb6f-3b69-4a69-9055-e759bbfc3863&bg=1" border="0" title="Profile for Snoogans" alt="Profile for Snoogans"></a>


OK- I give up. How do I post my stat bar???

Your code's fine, it works. The forums wont allow dynamic images, if you just copy the image and upload it like any other pic, it looks like this:



Edited by Airmapper
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59 found: 57 hidden.


I might add that I make a lot of my own cache containers and put a lot of time into each cache. I always liked hiding in hide-n-seek more than finding. I find that I can put more creativity into hiding and that is one reason I like doing this stuff.


Merry Christmas



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9.5:1 for finds:hides


2.192:1 for finds:posts


Getting down towrds two finds for every post, I'm going to have to shut up soon.

That or move some place with more caches to find.


11 of the 20 closest caches to my zipcode are mine. (that's a 22.8 mile radius from my house)



Edited by Jeonlyep
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