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Wife Problem


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Don't have a wife - yet.... but many of my female friends do give me a hard time about it. I just think they misunderstand it. I've gotta get them out there with me so they'll see it's not so much about the cache itself as it is about getting there. To be fair, many of my male friends also give me a hard time about it. I'm not sure it has to do as much with sex as it does with a sense of adventure. Some people are just boring. :D

My wife enjoys the sport immensely, because it gets me, and the kids, out of the house for extended periods of time. :D

Typical weekend conversation around breakfast time:


Me: I was thinking of doing some 'caching today

Wife: Are you taking the kids?

Me: Sure

Wife: Try to be home by bedtime.


No problems here - the wife got us started on this hobby. I may get a little carried away (just one more hill that's all!..), but we enjoy it as a family.

My local knowledge grows each time I go out. Fantastic! :D


Though lukewarm about it in the beginning, my wife enjoys it as much as I do now. She's even more obsessed when it comes to finding it. I'll give up after 30 minutes. I have to drag her away or she'll spend all afternoon searching.

Posted (edited)

Maybe some how include her in this hobby. Write her a romantic letter and have or find it or something special in a cache. Or perhaps explain to her how to use the GPS and leave her a note with the coordinates of where she is to meet you and have a picnic planned or a nice place to eat. If she isn't open to any of that then remind her it's no different then her obession with shoes! Honestly though, if she's so hung up or jealous about your hobby, then maybe it's time she find one of her own.

Edited by Warbones
Just asked my wife what "she" wanted to do tomorrow. She said SOGing and geocaching!  :D 




Ok. I fold. What's SOG'ing?


Is that an acronym for orienteering?

Just asked my wife what "she" wanted to do tomorrow. She said SOGing and geocaching!  :D 




Ok. I fold. What's SOG'ing?


Is that an acronym for orienteering?

Silly Old Goat?


I have been going back and forth with my wife about this for weeks. I have offered to take her with me and show her what its all about almost every time I go. I always try to get her to go caching with me but she would rather stay at home.


Finally, this past week, we were both in the car driving to some store she wanted to check out when she saw a gorgeous little park on the green belt with a little forest beyond it. She commented on it and I said "If you enjoy that, you would enjoy geocaching."


Guess who promised she would go caching with me next week?



Posted (edited)
Just asked my wife what "she" wanted to do tomorrow. She said SOGing and geocaching!  :P 


Sure don't need no stinkin mistress here!!!  :o

Significant Other Gawking? :D

As in can you believe he's with her? Or what could she possibly see in him? They must be...__________ (fill in you own observations). :D:D


Aww webscouter-you went and popped our balloons. :P

Edited by wimseyguy

I am a woman/wife and I enjoy the "obsession". I am the one that introduced it to my husband and this is what our family occupies our time with on the weekends.

What is wrong with your wife?????????????????

I am a woman/wife and I enjoy the "obsession". I am the one that introduced it to my husband and this is what our family occupies our time with on the weekends.

What is wrong with your wife?????????????????

Me too, actually I am the one with the addiction.

Posted (edited)

Caching is something we discovered together and enjoy together, we are equally into it, so we are lucky. I'd say if caching is something you love to do and your wife isn't into it, that's one thing, but if she is making light of your hobby or making you feel guilty about it, you have bigger issues.

Have you spoken to her honestly about it? You know it's not just about caching, right?

Edited by Sue Gremlin
I often go caching with my ex-wife.

That is just sick and wrong on so many levels unless you carry a little jar of cremains, and *that's* sick and wrong on some other ones.

I often go caching with my ex-wife.

That is just sick and wrong on so many levels unless you carry a little jar of cremains, and *that's* sick and wrong on some other ones.

C'mon, my ex wife and I are really good friends. How is that so wrong?


My wife is always asking me when we are going out next. She and my son love going with me...........my older daughter is too cool to be bothered. :lol:


I'm single, and completely obsessed with Geocaching. I'm surprised how many men I tell about the sport respond with something like:


"I wouldn't look for things unless I got reward money."


"That sounds like a complete waste of time."




Where are all the single, obsessed-with-Geocaching men?

I'm single, and completely obsessed with Geocaching. I'm surprised how many men I tell about the sport respond with something like:


"I wouldn't look for things unless I got reward money."


"That sounds like a complete waste of time."




Where are all the single, obsessed-with-Geocaching men?

I have a buddy in Carrollton, TX - mid twenties - who is a coffee shop manager and geocaching enthusiast.




Oop! Maybe we should open up a singles topic under each regional thread.



I have a buddy in Carrollton, TX  - mid twenties - who is a coffee shop manager and geocaching enthusiast.

Hey, if it's the same Carrollton, my mother used to be drum majorette at the high school. I think she also played glockenspiel.


My other half doesn't so much like caching as he likes having found something that gets me off the couch. Before, my favorite activity was "inert."


Yes, wife thinks I spend too much time geocaching. Even before she got pregnant it was too much for her to go out for hours at a time. She would get bored and sit in the car and read a book.


However, baby is due very soon. Once she's old enough, I will have programmed her:


Sydney: Mooooom. Can we go caching today?

Chrissie: Go ask your father.

Cade: Alllllright. See you later, honey.

Is your wife giving you a hard time about Geocaching????

Mine says "It is not just a hobby, you are obsessed"!!

I don't have a wife...but I am one. Every Mother's Day when Joe asks what I want to do, I say geocaching. But, not everyone is fortunate enough to be married to me. :lol:


Anytime a woman uses the word "obsessed" what she usually means is that you aren't spending enough time with her. My advice (if you seek it...if not, stop reading) is to put down the GPS and spend time doing what she likes.


If you hope to convert her, introduce her to the sport slowly. Find out what she likes to do and take on those types of caches. Whether is it hiking, park hides, or puzzle caches, she is bound to like some aspect of the sport. Make it easy, light and fun. Don't try and do 20 caches in a day with a newbie wife.


It may also help to go to an event cache and get to know other cachers so you can cache with others. Find another couple you like and make it a social occassion.


Hang in there!




I think my wife and I have a truce of sorts. She doesn't ask how much I'm spending on my hobby, and I don't ask how much she's spending on hers.


For the record, she bears no ill will against geocaching. She actually goads me out the door for FTF's!


Threaten your wife. Tell her that if she dies first, you'll make a Travel Bug out of her corpse and she'll disappear into the system.


New Cache: "Take My Wife Please"

Cache Container: Mega

Posted (edited)
Is your wife giving you a hard time about Geocaching????

Mine says "It is not just a hobby, you are obsessed"!!

I don't have a wife...but I am one. Every Mother's Day when Joe asks what I want to do, I say geocaching. But, not everyone is fortunate enough to be married to me. :lol:


Anytime a woman uses the word "obsessed" what she usually means is that you aren't spending enough time with her. My advice (if you seek it...if not, stop reading) is to put down the GPS and spend time doing what she likes.


If you hope to convert her, introduce her to the sport slowly. Find out what she likes to do and take on those types of caches. Whether is it hiking, park hides, or puzzle caches, she is bound to like some aspect of the sport. Make it easy, light and fun. Don't try and do 20 caches in a day with a newbie wife.


It may also help to go to an event cache and get to know other cachers so you can cache with others. Find another couple you like and make it a social occassion.


Hang in there!



Agree with wdfod... I have been working on this problem for some time now. Here is my method to date that seems to be slooooowly working. If she had her own account it would be at around 50 caches.


Stick to a slow introduction sequence. Yes, it has to be that way.

No weekend caching trips for the first year unless they include a nice B&B with a Jacuzzi and 4+ hours at an outlet mall.

Pick the caches to do together carefully. No mud, no bugs, no thorns, no poison ivy. Stay away from areas that look "snaky". Avoid days with high humidity. She must still look OK for a dinner out after caching.

Expect a short attention span. Do not get upset if you have driven into the midst of a 10-cache cluster and after doing the two closest the parking area, she is ready to go.

Yes, event caches are good. Let her see that cachers are regular people... not fitness freaks or computer nerds. Well, at least not all of them :lol: and that she can make friends in the group.

Let her find some first!!!! Ok, you see the pile of sticks with a bit of blue lid peeking out. Pretend to be looking elsewhere until she spots it. If she can tell her friends she found it first she will want to go again.. and again.

Edited by edscott
... No mud, no bugs, no thorns, no poison ivy. Stay away from areas that look "snaky". Avoid days with high humidity. ... Expect a short attention span. Do not get upset if you have driven into the midst of a 10-cache cluster and after doing the two closest the parking area, she is ready to go.

... Let her find some first!!!! Ok, you see the pile of sticks with a bit of blue lid peeking out. Pretend to be looking elsewhere until she spots it. If she can tell her friends she found it first she will want to go again.. and again.

That's exactly what I do with my seven and ten year old daughters.


My wife is too smart. There ain't no getting her out there.


I am a wife whose husband wanted me to get more into outdoor activities with our boys. I never wanted to......until we found geocaching. Now, I'm the one who logs and picks the caches we want to go looking for. We love it- guess I just needed an outdoor activity that was close to what I already loved- reading mysteries and figuring out clues.


See if you can tie geocaching into something she likes. :lol:


I have the same/opposite problem. My husband is not nearly into geocaching as I am. I can get him to come along if I can combine it with some other activity he enjoys. Recently he found a cache on a bicycle trail. We planned on biking anyway so the cache was just a bonus.


One time I told him it was "Date Night" and gave him the GPS and told him to find the coordinates. After finding the cache, we got to enjoy an evening walk on the beach and dinner. Your wife might enjoy something like this.


Most of the time I go alone with my dog. He doesn't complain since he knows the extra exercise is good for me and the dog.

SOG is the recovery of ballons for http://www.skysite.com/


The ballons carry communications repeaters to allow phone service to remote areas. If you live near Texas you can get paid to recover them and send them back to the company.

Thanks WebScouter... I know "SOGing" isnt even a word but it is an easy way of saying that we were going out to recover a SOG (skysite on ground) today. This one was way out in the woods and yes, we did end up "slogging" through a creek to get to it! :lol:


Mousetrap, we hope to see you at Tisa's Birthday Event at Powell Park next month!

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