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Everything posted by Ltljon

  1. First off thanks for the interesting info!! After posting that I went on Amazon & there was a link to "Magellan Store" & that's what they had, 2 car units! I thought dadgum I been outta touch for a long time! I could see loving this Garmin 64 but in redneck terms it's like getting off of an Excavator & getting on a Backhoe. Very similar machines but just different enough that I cant make the switch because of what I'm used to. I see a new Explorist XL listed, is it gonna be similar to the old ones? I loved & still use a 330 & as slow as it is its still faster at obtaining a signal than other/older Explorist I have. May try one but if it's a learning lesson I'll forget it in between the rare times I'll use it! Btw, how did you lose Charter status? You're one of the first & few names I've always seen & remembered on these forums. I'm rarely here anymore but it's always kinda cool to see the "Old Timers" still around after all these years! Funny thing is (if I remember correctly) my member number when I signed up was 20K something. Used to be it would show when you hovered over your name I think? You may know but Id be curious to hear how many have come & gone since then.
  2. What are the latest Magellan models? My newest is probably an Explorist 500 but geez it takes forever to get signal. I tried a Garmin 64 & Im sure its a great unit but I cant figure it out when Ive had Mags for almost 25 years. I guess my one track mind just wont switch over to that track & I really wish it could. Any suggestions?
  3. They're actually flat & seem to seal well but able to give if a cord was being pressed in between it. Time will tell.
  4. I think that was me Smitherington. We sat on the bench for a while. I believe you’re the only one I met.
  5. Stumbled on these at Walmart today for waterproofing outdoor power cords. Looks waterproof.
  6. Was there a GW XIX topic/post somewhere on here & I missed it?
  7. Anyone ever read this magazine? My old caching buddy’s granddaughter did a story for it a few weeks ago.
  8. What few I even look for anymore RobertLipe I still do printouts! I used to do some downloads but its been so long I forget how.
  9. What little caching I do anymore is still done with either a 330, Explorist 210 (I think) or a Meridian. Also some with my phone but I usually just use it to remind me of the clues. I guess if I was as gung ho as I was years ago Id go for a modern unit with all the bells & whistles but no more than Id use it I just cant justify it sitting in the drawer. I truly understand why people do tho. Id have loved all these options 20 years ago!!
  10. I get bummed out (of life in general sometimes) then I read something like this & am reminded my problems are miniscule. I'll never enjoy it like I did the first few years but just reading find logs on my old caches keeps me going I guess. Seems hiding a new one is too much trouble as opposed to 20 years ago so I dont even bother anymore. I'll continue to pass thru once in a while & pay my dues as long as I can tho. That way it'll help keep the game going & hopefully enthuse many newbies in years to come.
  11. I'd definitely love to own one too! I guess its just not cost effective to have them made, then hope they all sell. But if they ever do....
  12. Early on I knew this game was worth the $3 a month asking price for the enjoyment received. Although I hardly ever use it (or even visit here) I've never regretted for a minute paying the dues.
  13. Cool, thanks for the info. I found it interesting (and kinda proud) that I'm in an elite group of 400 or so Charter Members. I woulda never guessed the number would have been that small. I remember thinking way back then that as much fun as this game provided I would always (hopefully be able to) donate that small sum to keep it going for as long as I could, whether active or not. So far so good...
  14. Just stumbled on this old post & was curious, I remember Moun10bike was #24 but who is #3?
  15. This sounds like most cell phone companies. If you've been a good continuous customer for 15 years there's no perks for you but walk in off the street & get 3 new iphones, unlimited data & a 50% less monthly bill than I do!!
  16. When you use the app is it doing Pocket Queries like it would on your gps? Are you using your phone instead of your gps? I'm seriously behind the times on technology.
  17. Ltljon

    Fake finds

    I knew I saw that tagline somewhere but couldn't remember who it was. Email me if you would please.
  18. Ltljon

    Fake finds

    Thanks for all the great reply's & info. I guess I'm just an old school redneck. If you didn't sign the log or actually have the TB in your hand, (with the exception of some tattoos ) you' don't get credit for it. Not on my stuff anyways. Each to their own I guess. Again thanks, I don't get on here often enough & need to get back in the habit!
  19. Ltljon

    Fake finds

    I just received (about 4 each) discoveries on 2 old & probably lost Travel Bugs plus one recent one I own. Cacher's name was Thorning & by the profile pics seems to be a legitimate cacher but I don't think they ever saw these bugs. Anyone else having issues with this person?
  20. I posted this on the SE forums but it doesn't look like it gets that many visits. I just adopted some caches belonging to a recently deceased friend. He has one hidden in this area but it is about 3 hours from here. (The rules were a little more lax back then!) :-) I'm looking for someone to drop by & replace the logbook or possibly adopt it yourself if you think you can keep it maintained. If you just want to look after it I will incur all expenses & send you any items it would need. Maybe one day I can get up there myself but it's not gonna happen anytime soon. Thanks for any help.
  21. I just adopted some caches belonging to a recently deceased friend. He has one hidden in this area but it is about 3 hours from here. (The rules were a little more lax back then!) :-) I'm looking for someone to drop by & replace the logbook or possibly adopt it yourself if you think you can keep it maintained. If you just want to look after it I will incur all expenses & send you any items it would need. Maybe one day I can get up there myself but no way it's gonna happen anytime soon.
  22. Found it10/15/2013 After kayaking over, looking for over an hour, finding the paracord, latrine, someones camp area to include frying pan and chair and the easy (NOT) kayak back I'm claiming this as found. Was here with xxxxx who was here previously and had found it and we had no luck. May want to check on this. I posted a note just to see: I'm confused, is it there or not? If it's been found, then it's there. If it's not there, then it can't be found.This is confusing. (I think I said that already)
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