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Largest Travel Bug You've Seen

Team CeDo

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What is the biggest travel bug you've ever seen other than a vehicle with a sticker on the window?

Recently at an event I ran across a bowling ball with a chain and an ankle bracelet. Very Cool!!


I'm not sure this one can be beaten; it's a four-foot-tall cement mile monument, and it weighs more than 210 pounds! Maybe a very large person wearing one of those trackable t-shirts could outdo the monument, but I've never seen a larger ordinary object made trackable.

Posted (edited)

Go look for the "Red Bug Travel Bug". It's our New Beetle convertible. <tracking number removed by moderator - please do not post the secret tracking number in public places or or online photos. Use the reference number from the TB Page instead. >

Edited by Eartha
Posted (edited)

I have a Red Bug TB with that name, but the actual Bug is of the miniature variety. My car is a TB, but no one has ever logged a discovery on it.

Edited by anakerose
Posted (edited)

Big Bugs we have seen over the years:


Our favorite had to be Black Beauty a 12lb bowling ball.


Others we have had are Tommy the Tire,

our own 80lb 4ft tall Signal the TB (TBZ28J).



Brian and Hydee of Groundspeak actually wanted to hijack him back to the lillypad a couple of years ago at MWGB


Have seen Cindy the Cinderblock, the big flipflop, WGA's big yellow jeep, Max B's Police Car.


There are others just cant remember them all


Barry and Valarie of sweetlife

Edited by sweetlife

We have a large TB, "Event Crashing Coyote"

He is about 5 ft. tall, and his goal is to travel to events and have his picture taken with Geocachers. People seem to be enjoying him. He has even had a T-shirt and Mardi Gras beads added to his attire. ;)




Other large TB's we have seen include "The Beater" - an old acoustic guitar, and "Duh Big Boy", a bowling ball.


At an event a few months ago I saw two different bugs that were walking sticks. Those were the biggest I'd ever seen, but seeing some here makes me realize they were small in comparison!


In the World's Largest TB Hotel (GC1R6A7) in Tennessee, we found some BIG ones. There was a bass drum, a Little Tikes plastic car, a pool fun noodle, and a car bumper. And LOTS more room for other big ones if anybody needs to drop one off.


My one doesn't compare to some of the others i've seen on here, but i once got a TB which, when you log it, you MUST add something to it, ie, a key ring or something, problem then being, that you can only hide it in large caches ;)


My one doesn't compare to some of the others i've seen on here, but i once got a TB which, when you log it, you MUST add something to it, ie, a key ring or something, problem then being, that you can only hide it in large caches ;)


We had this one a few days ago: Colorado keyring TB


My very good friend Eeyore Tulip (see post #7) is still travelling from UK cacher to cacher. I'd love him to get across to the States but so far no one has offered him a ticket.




The ones that come to mind are Tommy the Tire, Cindy the Cinderblock, Snoogans' refrigerator door, the pay phone, the cement post, and the geocoin made out of a manhole cover, to name a few. Mostly you'll see the larger ones go to events, but rarely to a cache and when they do go to a cache, they are left nearby and not in it, which might bring unwanted attention to the cache location.

Posted (edited)

So far we've just found a baseball bat 0.0


Edit: Shoot just realized I googled this for fun and replied without thinking. Sorry for necroing it :( please delete my post I have no clue how to delete it. Again I apologize.

Edited by unicornivi

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